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Win-Trading In Season 4 and Beyond


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In my opinion all the biggest problems with ranked PvP stem form the low population. Elo rating isn't designed to work with such a small population. It's tough to have ranked with out the real numbers to support it.


This statement is 100% accurate Bioware created the ELO system with the idea - hope - intent that hundreds would be playing it instead of the current population that is roughly less than 50 people on avg.


Cross server pvp has only been requested in the forums 12 million times - and while Eric Musco has said that Cross Server PvP will " NEVER " happen in this game, rest assured that Bioware has a plan that will superseded cross server pvp and actually be better !


- Woah..... you all want to know when this amazing event is going to take place? Eric Musco said " S O O N " LOL

I hope his version of soon is not filled with fail and happens before the coming of CHRIST.

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The only way to improve ranked is to improve the queues for ranked. Win trading will thus cease to be an issue. Balance can come later after you fix this issue. Either get rid of ranked or make every game carry a mmr rating of some sort so you can probably algorithmictize players. Probably asking too much at this point.
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Hey folks,


Season 4 for PvP is about to start and we wanted everyone to understand the Rules of Engagement and how we plan to keep it fair and fun for everyone who participates in Ranked Warzones:


In The Past

  • Throughout the Season we would track data around games being played by each character.
  • At the end of the Season we compare data to look for possible win-traders.
  • Anyone whom we are 100% sure has win-traded received action against their account. The action we took was to completely reset their rating to zero. This would mean they would receive no end of season rewards and would have no credit for taking part in that season.

What We Learned

  • By doing a single large data review, it created a situation where someone could have partially win-traded may have been overlooked.
  • Since all of the actions took place at the end of the season, most players didn’t realize any action had been taken.
  • This perception was further enhanced by our continued silence on the topic.

Starting with Season 4

  • An analysis will occur weekly and continue throughout the season. A warning will be sent to any player who has taken part in win-trading or any other area of misconduct. The warning lets the player know they may be doing something that could lead them to losing their rating, any seasonal rewards, or more severe actions.
  • If a player receives a warning and continues to engage in the same activity we will take further action. Actions include any or all of the following: rating resets on that character, rating resets for all characters on their account, and game time suspensions.
  • On a regular basis, we’ll communicate via the forums and let you know the type of actions that took place. Obviously, we will not be directly sharing who received a warning or action.

Hopefully these changes will provide a bit more visibility into the actions we take against those players who are playing Ranked PvP unfairly. Win-trading takes away from the spirit of the game and is completely unacceptable. We know that win-trading in Ranked PvP is something all of you take very seriously, and so do we, so we’re making adjustments in how we handle and communicate around it going forward.




I win-traded before it was cool.


-4801 rating merc


Oh and by the way, everyone on my server who win-traded, all got the tier 1 rewards except me. Why did you make an exception for only me? Mad because I rekt you in rating? Come on Eric! Don't be like that!

Edited by JohnnyFG
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Hey folks,


Season 4 for PvP is about to start and we wanted everyone to understand the Rules of Engagement and how we plan to keep it fair and fun for everyone who participates in Ranked Warzones:


In The Past

  • Throughout the Season we would track data around games being played by each character.
  • At the end of the Season we compare data to look for possible win-traders.
  • Anyone whom we are 100% sure has win-traded received action against their account. The action we took was to completely reset their rating to zero. This would mean they would receive no end of season rewards and would have no credit for taking part in that season.

What We Learned

  • By doing a single large data review, it created a situation where someone could have partially win-traded may have been overlooked.
  • Since all of the actions took place at the end of the season, most players didn’t realize any action had been taken.
  • This perception was further enhanced by our continued silence on the topic.

Starting with Season 4

  • An analysis will occur weekly and continue throughout the season. A warning will be sent to any player who has taken part in win-trading or any other area of misconduct. The warning lets the player know they may be doing something that could lead them to losing their rating, any seasonal rewards, or more severe actions.
  • If a player receives a warning and continues to engage in the same activity we will take further action. Actions include any or all of the following: rating resets on that character, rating resets for all characters on their account, and game time suspensions.
  • On a regular basis, we’ll communicate via the forums and let you know the type of actions that took place. Obviously, we will not be directly sharing who received a warning or action.

Hopefully these changes will provide a bit more visibility into the actions we take against those players who are playing Ranked PvP unfairly. Win-trading takes away from the spirit of the game and is completely unacceptable. We know that win-trading in Ranked PvP is something all of you take very seriously, and so do we, so we’re making adjustments in how we handle and communicate around it going forward.




I am glad this has been fixed but there is still a rather large problem coming in season 4 which is class balance? You know sins/shadows running around lolling at how much they can dps, resist, immune to movement, heal, teleport & then stealth whilst leaving all their damage ticking away. Is this going to change?


Also you have solo ranked still being tarnished by skank healing. If a dps sorc/sage can do a 100k healing in a single round then they aren't really dps are they? Obviously i know to get consistent good matches you go for grouped but that doesn't change what is happening to solo ranked.

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You are JUST doing something about win trading when it's been a problem since Season 1? Word dawg, good luck taking back all those S-1, 2 and 3 All Stars who claim they're the best world just by trading wins with your unpopulated Arena system..


There's just so many things you developers under-looked in creating a new ranked system and the fact you're making an attempt to address it years after the fact is laughable to say the least.


Get on top of cross server queues and adding 2v2/3v3 arenas to eliminate this issue instead of wasting time back tracking the people who committed atrocities you're partial to blame for them committing.


Thanks lovelies.

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You are JUST doing something about win trading when it's been a problem since Season 1? Word dawg, good luck taking back all those S-1, 2 and 3 All Stars who claim they're the best world just by trading wins with your unpopulated Arena system..


There's just so many things you developers under-looked in creating a new ranked system and the fact you're making an attempt to address it years after the fact is laughable to say the least.


Get on top of cross server queues and adding 2v2/3v3 arenas to eliminate this issue instead of wasting time back tracking the people who committed atrocities you're partial to blame for them committing.


Thanks lovelies.


Posts like this that make it pretty understandable that they dont respond to much in the pvp section.........

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I just had a revolutionary idea and don't know if someone ever told Bioware this, so I am going ahead and say it here:


Read the god damn tickets that players submit to you! I know this is a truely revolutionary idea, almost a sagrilege, but if a certain player name comes up over and over again in connection with win-trading then it might actually be a good idea to take a closer look at this player!

Edited by Galothor
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