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Hey guys lets try and grow the ranked pvp community.


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Im still here even though the game isnt that great and lags a ton. My favorite server is the only one that goes down. I put the time in to level and learn my toons to be successful. If something better comes BW can see its last penny from me.


At this stage complaining is useless. Its how this game is and will be remembered as when its gone. Terrible customer service since launch, horrific lengths of time to fix simple bugs. ( i fell through elevators for 2 months leveling my first toon, floors bugged out and killed you.) Yet Im still here because nothing else interests me.


There is no salvaging this game. There hasnt been hope for improvement since BW laid off a ton of people. Reroll or accept unviability until its your classes turn for FOTM. Do whats fun. Dont get worked up. You never know Sin or PT or even Sorc may be your absolute favorite class after leveling. You might have the most fun. At the end of the day thats what is important. I play PT because the ability animations are the coolest in the game to me. And my shadow has the best outfit to match a stealth class and i enjoy it. I spent a ton of time and credits to make my stronghold awesome and others think SH is the dumbest update since GSF.


Or spend 30 million dollars to institute real change.


Well, I can finally agree with you on some things here. that's true though, it's not worth it when it becomes stressful and frustrating. Hence why I stopped playing. These forums are more fun anyway.

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Agreed I play for myself no matter which class is FOTM. Roll a new toon and have fun.


I keep hearing alot of "it shouldnt be that way." Well it is and hasnt changed for 3 years. Why get worked up over something you cant control. Take control roll some alts and be successful. You may also play the class you like but dont expect things to change.

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..................Some people that want to participate in ranked don't have the time to reroll and gear up a new FOTM class. Others simply do not have the inclination to do so. They want to be able to participate with their favored class and not have that class be considered a detriment, real or imaginary, to whatever team that they are on simply because that class is considered under powered.


What people like you fail to grasp is that what is the current FOTM class has been a dead duck during previous seasons.


Look at healing sage/sorcs now? For months on end only the most masochistic of players carried on using them, now you see a lot of them.


Most classes get their day in the sun, it does not last too long, BW will nerf something, accidentally buff another class in the meantime, and you have a whole new batch of FOTM Vs Cannon Fodder matches.

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These videos show how bad swtor arena is lol

Not the player's fault. Just the game is awful in group play. PvE has more depth.


ranked will never thrive on swtor because theres almost no need for class synergy and theres little to no punishment from mistakes


There's no clutch either. Or anything going on really. Even when you make a nice play it doesn't do anything. This marauder had some nice off interrupts. Literally did nothing. lol


It's 90-95% attacking. Even more simple as a healer. And the communication required is non existent except for switching targets.

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Look at healing sage/sorcs now? For months on end only the most masochistic of players carried on using them, now you see a lot of them.


I would have called the DPS sorcs/sages more masochistic than the healers since the healers were usually accepted as being decent in ranked. Not as good as the operative/scoundrel but better than merc/mando heals.


Still doesn't really change my argument that for the PvP community to grow, especially in ranked, then it is going to need more variety in the number of classes that are accepted there and not just what happens to be the FOTM.

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I've never been a fan of having to PvP in order to PvP. Though Swtor in general is not so bad in that aspect, as other games and one in particular that shall not be mentioned.


I am not to happy with the solo non ranked tier 2 situation which was more funner in the past. Yes, I said funner.

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To be honest, i don't even see the point to go ranked anymore.


The best team seems to be 4 hatred assassins or 3 hatred 1 healer. No strat. No mind game. No tank required. Just farming pretty much like solo Q.


But maybe the casual atmosphere will encourage people to go ranked. so good luck.


Not too mention there are no rewards. The ranked gear can be gotten in regular WZs and the season end awards are usually lack luster and announced to late to matter.


Imagine if all PvE endgame, raids and flash points, all paid the same rewards/drops. Who would run NiM? No one.


Why torture yourself with progression when there are no rewards to be gotten.

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I've never been a fan of having to PvP in order to PvP. Though Swtor in general is not so bad in that aspect, as other games and one in particular that shall not be mentioned.


I am not to happy with the solo non ranked tier 2 situation which was more funner in the past. Yes, I said funner.


You mean mids? Ranked is only 60 lvl.... And, if you pvp, aren't you in order... pvping? My goodness I am confused.

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Not too mention there are no rewards. The ranked gear can be gotten in regular WZs and the season end awards are usually lack luster and announced to late to matter.


Imagine if all PvE endgame, raids and flash points, all paid the same rewards/drops. Who would run NiM? No one.


Why torture yourself with progression when there are no rewards to be gotten.


Just a shining example of how PVP is neglected while PVE is given some attention. I said it before, and will say it again. By neglecting PVP and the PVP community, this game will fall apart faster. I don't know why, but BW obviously has decided to focus their energies in other facets of this game.


Perhaps it's believed PVP is the least important from a money standpoint, I really don't know. But, this course they have taken is going to lead to bad things. Shame. Lots of great things, lots of promise, but by letting PVP sag and die, you lose a very passionate group of players.

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I play a number of toons, but the one I am currently trying to get geared up is a Gunnery Commando. This toon rapes in PVE, but it is a disaster in PVP. Everybody knows the survivability issues with the class so I don't need to go into those details, but this general inability to force a change is focus is disasterous in 4 v 4. The only reason you are not targetted first, is if you have two Merc / Mandos on the team and the other player drew the short straw. Or the other team is hell bound to focus target somebody else.


For example, I was in a 4 man PVP event this weekend. Oppsoing team had two PTs, In match one, they pulled me in as soon as I was in range and stunned me, in the second or two it took me to break the stun and pop my damage reduction bubble, I was restunned and dead. Didn't even get a shot off. Round two was just as bad. Pulled, stunned, restuned, dead. I literally did zero damage in either round.


It is matches like that which is why I don't do ranked pvp unless I'm in a guild pre-made.


What were my other team members doing? Well everybody was DPS. No healer and no tanks. So I was left on my own to survive the initial burst and heal up. So even if you pop your pvp medpac, and hit your two heals on cooldown, odds are you only got back 40 - 45% of your health. Not that it matters, because if even just three players focus on you in the initial assault, your dead anyway unless you have team mates who can somehow mitigate the damage you are taking.


And that leads me to talk about PoT5 Repub faction in general. I have played too many matches where the Repubs can't even muster a full team. And they simply get slaughtered. I hardly ever queue in the mornings any more - regardless of day of the week. Because whether you are 4 v 4 or 8 v 8, the Repubs always seem to be a man short in every match. And as much as I hate to say it, the Repubs are quick to quit or give up. One man short turns into two. Then you really have no chance. The match not even half way over and you check the map and half your team is huddled somewhere "safe" just waiting it out.


So why do I bring this up? I bring this up because to the OP, this is the very people you want to bring into the rank "fold". Players who got their teeth kicked in in mids and then got them kicked in again due to population issues once they hit 60. And then when they realize they get nothing for losing a Ranked match, they will simply sit them out anyway.


Ranked PVP is a niche of a niche segment of this game. You either are a die hard PVP player or you got no business even trying to go there.

Edited by ForceWelder
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To be honest, i don't even see the point to go ranked anymore.


The best team seems to be 4 hatred assassins or 3 hatred 1 healer. No strat. No mind game. No tank required. Just farming pretty much like solo Q.


Which is why I don't play ranked. Too foreseeable. Oh, wait, on my server there are seemingly no solo ranked pops anyway ...

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Ranked PVP is a niche of a niche segment of this game. You either are a die hard PVP player or you got no business even trying to go there.


Which I'm saying, too.


The Ranked people are responsible for their own situation. If they whine about no Ranked pops, then it is their - and only their - responsibility.


I have played too many matches where the Repubs can't even muster a full team. And they simply get slaughtered.


And as much as I hate to say it, the Repubs are quick to quit or give up.


No wonder, why.


Ranked should be made for Empire exclusively. Problem solved. This would be a very clear win-win situation.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Growing the community start with its members.

Put aside any class imbalance or other concerns, and every time someone new steps foot in ranked they get ridiculed for their gear, their play, their breath, or all of the above.

You wanna grow the community, try being... are you ready... nice? Or at least less of a jerk than many of you are typically?

just a thought...


insert flames here

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Or does ranked season start b4 the Mara buff?

Ranked S4 starts with 3.1. The mara buff happens with 3.1.1 (the next patch after 3.1). I'm not convinced that it's enough to make maras viable in ranked, but at least it's something. We shall see.


I have a few buddies that are mildly interested in starting a ranked 4's team, but it is sad that the class options are more limited right now. Two of us have shadows, one is a VG (dps), and three of us have a healer. So, we could put a team together. I'm not sure that we will, though.


I'm guessing they won't address it soon. There's no evidence that they even acknowledge that assassins are too strong in PvP at the moment, and no indication of how they would fix them (there are patch notes on the PTS about marauders and BH, for example).


The damage is dealt and ranked sucks at the moment. If we have to endure a few months of this, many people will lose interest.


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Ranked S4 starts with 3.1. The mara buff happens with 3.1.1 (the next patch after 3.1). I'm not convinced that it's enough to make maras viable in ranked, but at least it's something. We shall see.


I have a few buddies that are mildly interested in starting a ranked 4's team, but it is sad that the class options are more limited right now. Two of us have shadows, one is a VG (dps), and three of us have a healer. So, we could put a team together. I'm not sure that we will, though.





The season hasn't even begun, and people already lost interest. GG Bioware.

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Hey guys lets try and get people exited about queuing Team ranked 4s. Im am going to link videos of ranked 4s matches and I request other people to use this link to do the same. Maybe if we can get more people watching these vids and looking at strats people wont be so hesitant to joins the team ranked que. I know there is no cross server ques, but there is no lack of people pvping on my server. Lets get them making teaming. BTW in these vids im playing a carnage mara not exactly the most op class ever. Que up people :)


* https://www.youtube.com/user/0catlikethief0/videos

* http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10/










while a laudable idea, it's going to take a concerted effort by the pvp community as a whole to encourage ranked. And let's face it, it starts before ranked. And the problem is pvp ******es doing what they do best and spawn camp, spam things like "rekt" in /say, and generally make it unfun for people wanting to pvp. It turns people off and gets people to stop queueing, which is the opposite of what you want to happen.


Thus you want to encourage, instead of just beating a team into the group, taunting them, spamming stupid ****, how about teaching them. Helping people out that want to learn. Hell even after the match, you can /say "contact this toon if you want to learn the ins and outs of pvp and how to get better' or something like that.


That's how you help out the pvp community, taking players under your wings and helping people improve and enjoy this aspect of the game. You don't get their by being douches and a-holes.

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You don't get their by being douches and a-holes.


I was going to say this. There's no space to be an *** when the alternative (regs) is so readily available.


CSB: I played a lot of 8v8 and Season 1 of arena, did pretty well in that. Hadn't played since, but one night during S3 figured I'd give it a shot. Started well, 4-0, then the next two games got paired with a couple dudes from the same guild and we lose both matches.


I received such a remarkable amount of flame/hate/abuse from these two that I turned the game off and didn't fire it up again for a few days. I haven't pvp'd on that character since. The kicker is that people like this can turn off a new player every day or even every hour if they really get in a groove.


I curious so I looked them up. Both had between 1250-1300 ratings with 100+ wins each, meaning that they're generally not very good.


You're not going to get people to play with you if the environment is so full of hate that it's not enjoyable. I don't mind losing as long as it's interesting, but I'm not going to sit around while someone tells me to uninstall the game because I'm terrible, etc.


It might be only a small portion of the player base in ranked that behaves like this, but if only 1% of the players can drive off everyone they come into contact with your community will shrink over time.


That's the problem you need to address. The folks who play ranked and want ranked to grow need to vigilantly osctracize anyone with a poor attitude.


Throw out a gg even if you lost, let 'em know you're the good guys.

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I curious so I looked them up. Both had between 1250-1300 ratings with 100+ wins each, meaning that they're generally not very good.



honestly curious how in jebus's name someone gets 100+ wins and cant break 1500, and has the nerves to go off on you lol


there are certain guilds on my server, that tend to ruin any chance of me ever attempting to que ranked 4v4 due to the amount of "trash" talk esp in preseason.. I'll try to que sniper but everyone and there mom is queing 3 lame classes so..






also <3 catlike

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honestly curious how in jebus's name someone gets 100+ wins and cant break 1500, and has the nerves to go off on you lol


there are certain guilds on my server, that tend to ruin any chance of me ever attempting to que ranked 4v4 due to the amount of "trash" talk esp in preseason.. I'll try to que sniper but everyone and there mom is queing 3 lame classes so..





I don't see how trash talk bothers others. All it does is make me focus harder on the guy I want to kill. Every match, regs, ranked, whatever it is I hope that guy is there so we can destroy him. It serves as motivation and adds salt to a bland set up of 4v4 when you have some motor mouth on the other team.


The problem in ranked now, will not come from trash talk, it's going to come from people getting demolished by the same 3-4 class setup due to huge imbalances in pvp atm. That will frustrate others more than anything.


The trash talk from those OP'd classes might be even more irritating then because you just might not be able to shut their mouths through pvp if you don't stand a chance in beating them.

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I don't see how trash talk bothers others. All it does is make me focus harder on the guy I want to kill. Every match, regs, ranked, whatever it is I hope that guy is there so we can destroy him. It serves as motivation and adds salt to a bland set up of 4v4 when you have some motor mouth on the other team.


The problem in ranked now, will not come from trash talk, it's going to come from people getting demolished by the same 3-4 class setup due to huge imbalances in pvp atm. That will frustrate others more than anything.


The trash talk from those OP'd classes might be even more irritating then because you just might not be able to shut their mouths through pvp if you don't stand a chance in beating them.


No, the problem really is both. We have a less than pleasant ranked community for the most part, lets be real.

Yes, we have a terrible imbalance issue, ranked right now is a 2 class story with tanks and heals, noone else need apply.... but you add to that those 2who cant resist acting the fool and it doesn't foster anyone else wanting to take part.

I said before, the community need only look in the mirror.

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I don't see how trash talk bothers others. All it does is make me focus harder on the guy I want to kill. Every match, regs, ranked, whatever it is I hope that guy is there so we can destroy him. It serves as motivation and adds salt to a bland set up of 4v4 when you have some motor mouth on the other team.


This might be true for you.


But is it also true for others ?

And : How can you tell ?

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No, the problem really is both. We have a less than pleasant ranked community for the most part, lets be real.

Yes, we have a terrible imbalance issue, ranked right now is a 2 class story with tanks and heals, noone else need apply.... but you add to that those 2who cant resist acting the fool and it doesn't foster anyone else wanting to take part.

I said before, the community need only look in the mirror.


Yeah, I understand the frustration of dealing with trash talkers. But we know this has existed since online competition began, actually since man began competing against man.


You can't stop it, you can't control what others do. You only can control what you do. If you can manage the process of trash talking others do it's not a big deal.


I am not condoning trash talk, I personally just realize people will do this for whatever reasons. Honestly, I have had as many conversations about a certain match where it was a good convo, and not trask talk. Trash talk occurs, but if you just ignore them usually that ends it.


Class comp as you bring up is what irritates me more than trash talk. Imbalance of the classes renders the ranked warzones a place where only the OP'd classes can showcase "skill".


Imbalance also narrows the field in what you will fight, and that leads to boring "same old same old" fights.


I just wish a magic wand could be waved and things would become balanced and more fun, not just in ranked but pvp in general.

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