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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

for the love of all that is holy.. enough with the 8 vs 4 match starts


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the match-making is horrendous in this game. we know it, BW knows it, everyone in MMO land knows it. but at least let the matches start with an even number of people. how on earth does it make sense to start a match with 8 on one team - and 4 on the other?
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What, you want to stop people declining pops or leaving the match?


Because that's how the unbalanced matches happen. The game isn't deciding "oh lets have a 8v4", people have sabotaged the matchmaker by deciding to not play.


This is a bioware fault, not players. Don't open the gate till you get full team. Is it so hard? :rak_02:

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This...there is no reason to even start the match until it's full.


Problem with that is it might take a while to get the backfill. And people on your team or the enemy team might start leaving which will increase the backfill, which will increase the time you spend in spawn.


I understand the frustration, we all do, we all went through it many times, heck I had a 1v4 arena once (30 seconds my ***, I waited 1:30 in stealth before they found me and the match didn't finish), but try to remember it is just a game. Go out there and have fun. If you lose, you lose. If you win, it makes it sweeter that you won with less people.

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