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Powertechs lose unload, sorcs untouched - force storm still going strong!


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Do you know why Vanguards/Powertechs do a lot of damage currently? Exactly. Especially tanks do more damage than they intended because of Full Auto/Unload.


Animation looks stupid? Have you seen Vanguard using Full Auto? Or Gangsta-Powertechs?


Your post is all over the place, man. I have no idea what you're actually responding to.


If tanks do more damage than intended because of one extra tick on Unload/Full Auto, BioWare's development team should probably reconsider how they go about balancing their game, because damn, that's a small margin of error.


And I don't think the Shoulder Cannon animation looks stupid, I think the Vanguard model is hideous and clashes with every single piece of armor in the game. The animation looks pretty sweet, even if launching rockets as a Vanguard makes no sense thematically (we're all about grenades/shots).


Edit: Also, it's technically a rocket launcher, not a cannon. So it should be called Shoulder Rocket Launcher.

Edited by Qaoz
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So, the ability got buffed to a point where it's now worth using.


Yes, I can see why it would have to be removed right away.


Vanguards/Powertechs aren't ranged.


I've been kicked from group because I mainly stay between 4-10 m as PT.

Edited by Halinalle
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Vanguards/Powertechs aren't ranged.


Care to tell me how four ticks of Full Auto/Unload makes the class ranged when three ticks doesn't? Also, what does that make Lethality Operatives/Ruffian Scoundrels and Hatred Assassins/Serenity Shadows?


I've been kicked from group because I mainly stay between 4-10 m as PT.


Not entirely sure what this is a response to.

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Care to tell me how four ticks of Full Auto/Unload makes the class ranged when three ticks doesn't? Also, what does that make Lethality Operatives/Ruffian Scoundrels and Hatred Assassins/Serenity Shadows?


So you don't know about Vanguard rotation KDY edition?

Spam Explosive Round, Mortar Volley. Only use Pulse cannon when closest enemy is 20+ m from you. Low ammo? Spam Hammer Shot.



Force Breach: 10m

Serenity Strike: 4m

Spinning Strike: 4m

Vanquish: 30m but you need proc from melee attack to use it


Or are you saying Force in Balance, Sever Force and casting Vanquish at 30m is enough?

Edited by Halinalle
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Or are you saying Force in Balance, Sever Force and casting Vanquish at 30m is enough?


I'm saying: why do Serenity Shadows/Hatred Assassins get 30-meter abilities if they're meant to be played at 4-10 meters?


They removed Orbital Strike/XS Freighter Flyby from Operatives/Scoundrels because they didn't like the idea of a melee class using 30-meter abilities in rotation. This is the same reason now given for the removal of Unload/Full Auto from Powertechs/Vanguards.


Death Field/Force In Balance and Creeping Terror/Sever Force are used in rotation and have a range of 30 meters. They're left untouched. This is called an inconsistency, and it's the sort of thing you want to avoid when you make a blanket excuse like "we want melee classes to be in melee range, derp".


They want to avoid Unload/Full Auto being used in rotation? Okay, reduce the damage and give Mercenaries/Commandos a passive that increases the damage. Problem solved, and us "baddies" still get to use it once in a while.


I found myself in a situation today where I had to stay more than 15 meters from the boss to avoid taking some serious damage. Instead of spamming Explosive Round or Hammer Shot, I used Full Auto. It allowed me to take my hand off the keyboard long enough to crack open another beer. That alone gives it a purpose in this world, and whoever disagrees is a hater of beer, and their argument on the matter is rendered null and void.

Edited by Qaoz
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I found myself in a situation today where I had to stay more than 15 meters from the boss to avoid taking some serious damage. Instead of spamming Explosive Round or Hammer Shot, I used Full Auto. It allowed me to take my hand off the keyboard long enough to crack open another beer. That alone gives it a purpose in this world, and whoever disagrees is a hater of beer, and their argument on the matter is rendered null and void.


Needs Unload/FA channel time to have time to crack a beer. Now I've heard every excuse for not cutting an ability. Can't fault you there, but that's a new one for me to hear

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Needs Unload/FA channel time to have time to crack a beer. Now I've heard every excuse for not cutting an ability. Can't fault you there, but that's a new one for me to hear


Well, I thought about going with something else, but really, how would I ever find a more valid argument than that?

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Don't think force storm is all that broken TBH. It's pretty easy to avoid.


The problem is: It isn't, since the sorc can spam it. You ran out of my forcestorm? here, take another one at your new location. And so on. And most often it's not just 1 or 2 sorcs, but 6-8(at least on my server).

As mentioned, problem ist the combination of insane damage, area and no cooldown. So one of those 3 most be nerfed.

My solution would be to give the skill a lockout that sets it on cooldown when you cancel the cast(guess 10-15 secs to make it meaningful), so you actually can run out of it.

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I'm saying: why do Serenity Shadows/Hatred Assassins get 30-meter abilities if they're meant to be played at 4-10 meters?


They removed Orbital Strike/XS Freighter Flyby from Operatives/Scoundrels because they didn't like the idea of a melee class using 30-meter abilities in rotation. This is the same reason now given for the removal of Unload/Full Auto from Powertechs/Vanguards.


Death Field/Force In Balance and Creeping Terror/Sever Force are used in rotation and have a range of 30 meters. They're left untouched. This is called an inconsistency, and it's the sort of thing you want to avoid when you make a blanket excuse like "we want melee classes to be in melee range, derp".


They want to avoid Unload/Full Auto being used in rotation? Okay, reduce the damage and give Mercenaries/Commandos a passive that increases the damage. Problem solved, and us "baddies" still get to use it once in a while.


I found myself in a situation today where I had to stay more than 15 meters from the boss to avoid taking some serious damage. Instead of spamming Explosive Round or Hammer Shot, I used Full Auto. It allowed me to take my hand off the keyboard long enough to crack open another beer. That alone gives it a purpose in this world, and whoever disagrees is a hater of beer, and their argument on the matter is rendered null and void.


AP/Tactics has three rotational powers at 30M (Vanguard terms used for simplicity): Stick Grenade, High Impact Bolt and Assault Plastique.


Pyro/Plasma uses Incendiary Round and High Impact Bolt


Then there is the fact that Vanguard/PTs still have multiple other attacks usable at 30M even if they aren't in the standard rotation including: Hammer Shot, Explosive Round, Mortar Volley.

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The problem is: It isn't, since the sorc can spam it. You ran out of my forcestorm? here, take another one at your new location. And so on. And most often it's not just 1 or 2 sorcs, but 6-8(at least on my server).

As mentioned, problem ist the combination of insane damage, area and no cooldown. So one of those 3 most be nerfed.

My solution would be to give the skill a lockout that sets it on cooldown when you cancel the cast(guess 10-15 secs to make it meaningful), so you actually can run out of it.


Would every other class be getting a cool down on their spammable aoe too? It doesn't need a cool down or a lockout for breaking (which is called and interrupt if you fighting them btw.) All it needs I'd a slight damage reduction. Bringing it more in line with the rest of the spammable aoe spells.

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are the devs just completely ignorant??


Nahh... pretty much 100% stupidity, now for me that is clear, i doubted a few weeks ago thinking they might be planning to close this game i was wrong. They just like committing mistake after mistake after mistake.

Edited by psikofunkster
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not because of unload. and if you're using unload as a main part of your rotation in any of the 3 specs, you're a bad powertech. costs too much heat, doesn't do enough damage or create enough threat to justify the heat cost. it's unneeded for the Powertech class, that's why they're removing it. and if you think it's good, you should probably not be raiding as a powertech.


Had a few people like this in some pugs calling me bad when I used it as a tank. It was hilarious when I explained how unload does about x2 as much damage as 2 flame bursts, at LESS heat cost, and oh it also builds heat screens as a tank which is very nice.


It's not the end of the world losing it, but it was definitely a very good ability for tanks to use, and I suppose you can make the argument for other specs but I don't play those. Sometimes you should REALLY think before you speak and call people bad :D

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Had a few people like this in some pugs calling me bad when I used it as a tank. It was hilarious when I explained how unload does about x2 as much damage as 2 flame bursts, at LESS heat cost, and oh it also builds heat screens as a tank which is very nice.


It's not the end of the world losing it, but it was definitely a very good ability for tanks to use, and I suppose you can make the argument for other specs but I don't play those. Sometimes you should REALLY think before you speak and call people bad :D


<- Used Full Auto in raid teams first NiM Tyrans kill


Of course, I was stuck at 25 meters... and since then its damage has gone up and its pushback removed...


In all seriousness Unload/Full Auto does have its uses in all 3 specs. Just it can't be used on cooldown, and is actually quite far down the priority list.

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For Powertech's, Unload is a very interesting key ability to do ranged damge, not only melee damage. Why is Buioware is telling us how to play?

Anyway, the weird thing is that my Assassin still can use Electrocute, Shock, Force Lightning. Although only at 10 meters range, in pvp those three (the first) stun and (all) do decent damage. So yes, choose Assassin or Sorcerer. All other classes are only for weirdos. Operative/Scoundrel has awesome Orbital Strike/Fly By? NERF and remove! Powertech getting close, cut away ability! Its a Sorc/Assassin only game damn it!



You are right. Seeing this way, the next change for a powertechs will be the change of his blaster pistol for a techblade... :p

I want keep my "unload" skill. I like his dps range utility and I like the rapid fire animation with my powertech's CZERKA CZX-4 Blaster Pistol.

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are the devs just completely ignorant??


I mean anyone who is even partially active - knows force storm's damage is nowehere near where it needs to be - considering it has NO cooldown, and lightning sorcs never have force problems and can SPAM almost 90% uptime of most fights. (granted good sorcs go through a partial rotation with TB, CL, ETC - ) any halfway decent sorc can put up easily high dps over every other class by working force storm into the rotation.


I cannot believe that BW thinks this dmg is INLINE with other specs.


Yes powertech is enjoying a heydey atm - but unload?? really that is what they choose to remove?


I may have been playing it wrong - but my PT tank is my LOWEST damaging tank. My sin and jugg both put up better dps (on bosses). Sin is easily 1900-2100 dps on bosses, (excluding AOE fluffing) - jugg is around 1600-1900. and my PT had to fight to get to 1700.


I guess i didnt unload enough, but i tried to use it when i could. Granted i dont ever really have heat probs unless im launching a bunch of missiles. but what am i missing here?? it seems they alluded PT TANKS were doing too much dmg with unload?


I never felt like i was OP as a PT tank. Sure Arsenal PT as a dps were killing it right now - but i rarely used unload in either spec.... SO what gives??


Why tinker with PT's -- when sorcs are clearly the class that needs modified.


Merc's in PVP need some love - but this does nothing for them....


What are other PT Tanks seeing?? and what is your rotation like? My tank rotation is leap for 2 free sweeps. i rocket punch, 1 sweep, rail shot, expl. dart, unload, 2 sweep, sweep again to proc heat blast. heat blast - firestorm.


aiming to use firestorm on cooldown, railshot, rocketpunch, unload, heat blast. just dont see the high dps that BW is referring too


Just because Force storm/quake is strong doesn't make it OP or out of balance. You're comparing two different classes....

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