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I need help , badly


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I am a lvl 60 , Marksmen Spec Sniper. I enjoy PVP, I might rage a bit now and then, but who doesn't? All though my leveling process i have PVPed, and i learned great ways to (apparently) LIE to myself to justify what seems like a broken system. Here is the jist of what i would say to myself, (other then , well i played like crap)


10-35 - eh im lower level and out skilled , so we lost

35-59 - eh im lower skilled and they might have pvp gear, so yea i can see why i lost

60 - ok they might have ranked PVP gear , so maybe thats it ..


Now that im 60, with mostly good PVP gear, and a decent knowlage of my skill rotation, and all that good stuff, ... I need help ..


1st.. how do you beat Operative Healers?

2nd how do you beat Force Storm Spam

3rd how do you beat sorc in general .


Ill break it down so you can understand my plight and what seemed to happen EVERY encounter in PVP


1 .No matter how many snipes, critical hit ambushes, and disruption ect that i do , Operative just Heal tanks though my DPS and laughs at me as they hop around like they are on drugs and back stab me till die.


2. Force Storm Spam, apparently has enough range / size that i cant (as a sniper) shoot the sorc casting it, unless im INSIDE it... which kills me


3. Bubble.. pure and simple, why is there a class that can adsorb even a 12,000+ shot, as well as then heal there HP 1/2 way while you cant do ****.. i don't get it .. basically i feel like a mosquito and the ONLY classes that are PVP capable are sorc and agent.



So in a effort to attempt a last ditch effort... i turn to the community and say .. "Teach me Obi Wan"

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I didn't see it mentioned in your post, so I'll ask: are you using augments and stims? Those will help. Regarding augments, power (advanced overkill augment 36) or main stat (cunning = advanced skill augment 36) both work. Check your class forums to try and decide if power or main stat augs are preferred. For stims, the advanced anodyne skill stims are pretty cheap and last 8 hours.


Regarding operative heals...yes, they can be really hard to kill 1v1. It usually takes more than one dps class focusing them to take them down. Even so, they can be as slippery as a fish - flashbang, roll, stealth. So, it's not just you.


Force storm spam is pretty ridiculous. It's probably going to get nerfed in the somewhat near future.


I am pretty clueless regarding snipers (only have a 24 gunslinger), so I can't offer any help there.

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Are you talking about 1v1? In a 1v1 you will probably not beat a sorc or an operative healer since they can just hide behind a LoS object and heal up again. Little by little they will get you down to nothing, but it will take a long time. So, if you 2 are the last 2 standing in an arena try to get him to a completely open field (if that is possible), if you are node guarding you should hide yourself and give your friends time to come and help.


Don't be too focused on getting the kill. As a sniper, you sit back and you attack those in range with your powerful bursts. If the enemy runs, you switch to the next one, don't chase. In other words, the sorc has to come to you, not the other way around. Be wary of LoS objects that the enemy can use. You can stand next to a LoS object, but try to be in a position where the enemy can't. Positioning is important. If you can get the high ground, then you have a very big advantage against almost all melee. Do not position yourself with your back against a corner like so many bad snipers do, or you are just begging a stealther to attack.


That is pretty much the basic stuff. The more advanced stuff like defensive playing as a sniper will just have to come with experience, as it is the harder part of this class. At the very least practice resetting your ballistic dampers.

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I didn't see it mentioned in your post, so I'll ask: are you using augments and stims? Those will help. Regarding augments, power (advanced overkill augment 36) or main stat (cunning = advanced skill augment 36) both work. Check your class forums to try and decide if power or main stat augs are preferred. For stims, the advanced anodyne skill stims are pretty cheap and last 8 hours.


Regarding operative heals...yes, they can be really hard to kill 1v1. It usually takes more than one dps class focusing them to take them down. Even so, they can be as slippery as a fish - flashbang, roll, stealth. So, it's not just you.


Force storm spam is pretty ridiculous. It's probably going to get nerfed in the somewhat near future.


I am pretty clueless regarding snipers (only have a 24 gunslinger), so I can't offer any help there.



I have the augment on my rifle, working on the rest, ill get to work on that right away , and clueless or not brother, every little bit helps, its kinda sad that Sorc/Opertive seem to be the only viable PVP choices, at the moment, but ill just plugging away and hope, Thanks for the info and anyone else input is more then welcome, thanks

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The problem with beating both op healers and sorcs are related. You have line of sight issues with them. Any decent op healer will line of sight you all day so good luck getting him past half health. He can cleanse your root and evasion negates pretty much all of your damage and he can get it on a pretty fast cooldown. I'd say marksmanship is one of the worst classes to 1v1 an op healer. Now you can do okay if someone else is distracting it, but if they are focused on surviving you, then you won't really be able to kill the good ones. You don't have enough mobility or the right damage type to really take them down unless the are distracted.


As for sorcs you will again have line of sight problems. They are more mobile than you are, have more instant casts than you, and can LOS you and heal themselves. It will be a tough fight. The only thing you have over the sorc is burst, but that won't help you much if they are good at Los. Equally skilled the sorc will win pretty much every time unless they have nowhere to LOS you, and even then it will be a hard won fight.


To combat force storm spam, the best way is to stay away from your teammates. Force storm isn't the best single target damage so if the are casting it on only you you will probably be fine. But many will see a cluster of people and cast it on them. So stay somewhat away from your teammates. It will also make it easier to run out of it as you will most likely be on the edge of it anyway.

Edited by Saikochoro
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How can a sniper not hit a sorc...


If he's doing Force Storm and hitting you, you can clearly do Suppressive Fire and hit him back and YOU are the one with up to 60% aoe reduction.


Suppressive Fire has the same massive area and does massive damage. The only thing its missing is a slow and near autocrit with a cooldown.

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I apologize for asking the basic questions, but are you trying to play alone? Or are you using another DPS on your team to mooch focus from? Are you shooting marked targets, and if nobody marks targets, are you marking them?


Are you picking the right targets, such as are you aware that you may reflect the damage onto yourself or heal certain characters by hitting them? I played Dirty Fighting and a Juggernaut's self-heal was a Big Surprise for me when I was starting out.


Are you intimately familiar with the Sniper's DCDs and know when to use them better than your payload rotation?


Is your gear set for PvP, such as lower Accuracy, but high bursting potential stats?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I have the augment on my rifle, working on the rest, ill get to work on that right away , and clueless or not brother, every little bit helps, its kinda sad that Sorc/Opertive seem to be the only viable PVP choices, at the moment, but ill just plugging away and hope, Thanks for the info and anyone else input is more then welcome, thanks

Since augments are now bolstered, you won't see a huge difference going from no augment to a purple 36 aug, but every little bit helps. They are pretty expensive. Bolster gives you fortitude augs I believe, which are endurance / power. So if you go with a power augment, you will lose some endurance and gain some power.


The current FoTM pvp dps classes are assassin, sorc, powertech, and juggernaut. Mercs and marauders are kind of bad. Assassins and sorcs are really popular right now.

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Lightning sorcs have a 35m range, same as snipers, which is why you will both be in range of each other... why BW decided to give Sorc yet another advantage that was previously class specific to snipers/slingers is beyond me.


Sorcs are broken as hell right now and are the ultimate ranged dps class in this game. You can get one low, he'll barrier, heal 2 full (either by himself or his teammates will heal him). He'll force speed away, regroup, come back and finish you off. It happens in 8v8 over and over and over again. It's only got a 3 min cooldown, which is enough for them to use several times in a standard wz.


Op healers are amazingly good. Good escape, mobility, dcd's, and great healing ... You can't 1v1 them. Healers in the current meta take multiple dps to kill.

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Lightning sorcs have a 35m range, same as snipers, which is why you will both be in range of each other... why BW decided to give Sorc yet another advantage that was previously class specific to snipers/slingers is beyond me.


A better question is why are mercs still 30m range, or why do 35m ranged interrupts have a 18 sec cd, while merc's 30m interrupt has a 24 second cd.

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A better question is why are mercs still 30m range, or why do 35m ranged interrupts have a 18 sec cd, while merc's 30m interrupt has a 24 second cd.


Or why does Sorc have spammable heals and merc's have cooldowns.


Or why does Sorc have force barrier and mercs have ... nothing.


Or why does Sorc have spammable, crazy, cost no resources AOE and merc's have .. hail of bolts? death from above?


Oh yeah, that's right...because the game is balanced.

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I havent dueled a sorc for a while but I would suggest you hug obstacles to reduce the enemies that can see you and adjust as necessary. You should be getting out of cover every 20 seconds if you have Ballistic Dampers (3 stack absorb move when entering cover).


Use that time to readjust as necessary and hide as much as possible to reduce incoming damage.


If lightning roll before big incoming attacks interupt stun and LOS if you hide enough you can get more instant snipes off and entrench helps you out. Adjust to polarity shift as well hide as much as possible.

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1st.. how do you beat Operative Healers?

2nd how do you beat Force Storm Spam

3rd how do you beat sorc in general .


No **** answer:


1st Press your binds faster and track your GCDs.

2nd Press your binds faster and track your GCDs.

3rd Press your binds faster and track your GCDs.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I apologize for asking the basic questions, but are you trying to play alone? Or are you using another DPS on your team to mooch focus from? Are you shooting marked targets, and if nobody marks targets, are you marking them?


Are you picking the right targets, such as are you aware that you may reflect the damage onto yourself or heal certain characters by hitting them? I played Dirty Fighting and a Juggernaut's self-heal was a Big Surprise for me when I was starting out.


Are you intimately familiar with the Sniper's DCDs and know when to use them better than your payload rotation?


Is your gear set for PvP, such as lower Accuracy, but high bursting potential stats?


I tend to try and aid my team mates as much as i can , tending toward leaning to be objective rather then trying to "lone wolf" down someone 1v1, i figure if my ambush can get em low, then maybe they can get the kill and move on , and i move to help the next guy.


My other with Sorc isn't "connecting" the hit.. its doing dmg, even my Ambush with 100% crit (my gear is set for Crit) bubble says no.. and yes i have 60% AOE dmg buffer while in entrench, crouch what have you , but still means they have 100% dmg buffer and they can move,


Aginst most other Class types i do just find, Juggers get me now and then mercs, power tech, ect, but i got proly a 50/50 shot easy , its the sorc and operative that i might as well be throwing lego's at.


DCDs... yea... .. um ... no idea what that means so cant tell ya if i do it or not, but again i do tend to do pretty good against most others,

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1st.. how do you beat Operative Healers?

2nd how do you beat Force Storm Spam

3rd how do you beat sorc in general .


From my experience.


You shouldn't kill operative healers as marks alone. It's best to CC chain them and kill their teammates.


Force trinket with flash grenade and burst their teammate. It's best to burst with relic procs up, so try and time everything. Build procs when you aren't going to get a kill.


You can off CC chain them every 45 with flash. Every 30 with stun depending on talents. Roll into cover is the best gap closer to stun or cyber grenade them, so you don't have to waste covered escape.


When they are white barred, interrupt either kolto infusion or kolto injection. The interrupt will only do something if you wait until the cast is almost over. If they don't have any stacks for whatever reason then save interrupt for kolto injection. Keep trauma up on your kill target when they aren't CCed and you are going for a kill.


My opinion. It's best to hug sorcs in 1v1s. Try and time your evasion with their burst. It's easier to win against madness, because if you roll their deathfield they can be screwed.


Most will pop polarity shift right away. Roll on them and entrench. If you catch their deathfield then great. Don't waste evasion until they get 4 stacks. Stun and baby burst (no cooldowns). Hopefully they break. If they break. Just flash them if they have polarity shift up and relic procs running which they probably will. Let the flash sit. They won't be able to really waste barrier. When the flash is about to end, dot for increased damage with autocrit ambush, series etc. That gives you a good head start. The rest is a dps race. Try and interrupt lightning first tick. You can also use your knockback off global as an interrupt. And just time your rolls for deathfield. Evasion first crushing darkness/deathfield. You will only get one evasion in the fight. If the fight goes 45 seconds/second flash grenade you should win, but really it's just a dps race.


Depending where you are fighting and where your cooldowns are, you can line of sight during barrier and post-barrier shield. Lining for a couple seconds could give you flash grenade, evasion or another cooldown at the end of the duel. The problem with lining is that depending on area, if the sorc gets distance on you, you probably auto-lose, because they can heal and you can't.


Interrupts are bugged against lightning so they are harder, but its basically the same thing. Duel favors sorcs by a lot, but if you play it aggressive you have a chance. Like most duels RNG trumps good play. Spreading defensives out also helps. Don't roll when you have evasion up. Don't stack evasion and diversion. Ballistic shield in between rolls depending on where they are on their escapes/etc.

Edited by madtycoon
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