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Changes Coming to Community Streams


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He requested feedback. He received feedback.


The feedback seems to be that some folks want him to talk about important things, and streaming is not one of those important things at this time.


^ This, right here...


Lack of communication has just made it all worse...

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^ This, right here...


Lack of communication has just made it all worse...


I do think, though it is likely he didn't like this feedback one bit, he got the message. The community teams seems to be loosening their lips about some important topics lately. Hopefully it becomes a trend.

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How, exactly, is the thread being hijacked? Many of the posts are directly responding to what Mr. Musco has requested:


The "feedback" that we are providing (which is "welcome") is that there is little interest at this time in the streams, and we would prefer that the Community Team devote more time to posting on the forums, directly addressing the issues and concerns that the players are discussing.


That's not the question he asked. Create a new thread and complain about streams if you so desire but that isn't the question he asked.

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That's not the question he asked. Create a new thread and complain about streams if you so desire but that isn't the question he asked.


We are the paying customer... it doesn't matter what question he asked, we provided him the answer we wanted to provide...


Paying. Customer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see you team up with guilds in the evening and run a 16 man op and maybe run some HM FP's with us as well.

I know your first instinct will be to team up with the bigger guilds or the folks getting world firsts etc, but I think it may give you a better feel for the abilities of your community if you run with some of the medium sized and smaller guilds once in a while too.

I realize that doing a full op means it could be a late stream or a long one as well so perhaps just the first couple bosses say, get Under Lurker down or Tourque.

**Explore the guilds ship/stronghold as a community showcase kind of thing. Perhaps have part of a stream where you visit a random, publicly listed stronghold.

** Invite players to visit your strongholds on your home servers, assuming you all have toons on the live servers that you play in your free time.

** Turning the stream over to a community member or a guild for a short time? When you involve the community like that it gives them a sense of ownership, like part of the game actually belongs to them, then folks are more likely to "help take care of the place a bit," so to speak.

** Participating in the PTS. Perhaps if we were able to group up with members of the dev team and community team on the PTS and provide a bit of instant feedback, as long as it is done in an organized and respectful manner, this could benefit the future of the game. This kind of interpersonal interaction has numerous rewards on both the development and community sides.



In short seeing the Dev's and community team play through an Op, or part of an Op with a guild would go a long way in building some good will between the community and the SWTOR team as a whole. It's nothing but good PR. An easy way to find good guilds to run with is simply visiting the Recruitment threads in the individual server forums, then poll the guilds that you are interested in to get a feel for how well recieved your "tagging along" would be.

Just my 2 cents.

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That's not the question he asked. Create a new thread and complain about streams if you so desire but that isn't the question he asked.

Maybe you missed this part?

Hey folks!


Any and all feedback welcome.



Feedback - good or bad - is feedback.

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I think that the fact that the streams by the developing team are one of the big sources of visibility for the game outside of itself speaks enough about the health and quality of the product.



Yeah, It's going down the crapper.

None of the gameing news sources talk about SWTOR at all.


Not a one talked about SoR or anything to do with the drama of the last few months. Playership is decreasing and I bet Cartel MArket sales are in the toilet too. Funny, with Star Wars Episode 7 coming out this year one would think this would be the "Year of SWTOR" and they would be pushing to capitalize on all the hype around the movie.

Epic Fail.

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  • 9 months later...
Hey folks!


Let's talk a little bit about our weekly live streams. First, scheduling. We are not going to be streaming this Friday, 1/30 so you might be wondering when are we streaming next? More on that in a second.


We as a team have been taking a hard look at our weekly streams and we have all agreed on one thing, we could do a lot better. Although we have a great time doing them, we don't feel like the format is as good as it should be for all of you tuning in. We have a seen a lot of feedback over the past weeks about how and what we stream and there have been a lot of great points made.


Here are some of the things we plan on doing differently, when we start back up again:

  • Playing Classes we are truly familiar with - We spend a lot of time playing classes on the stream for fun. All that does is show us playing something at a fairly mediocre skill level and doesn't make for good viewership. Not saying we're pros, but we can do better.
  • A heavier concentration on PvE - I love Warzones, they are my favorite content in fact. However, when we play, it ends up causing a global taunt effect. Someone tuning in is just watching us run out of the spawn area and die repeatedly. Not really a good representation of our content.
  • Guild/Streamer support - We are working out the details, but we definitely want to figure out methods to include these folks specifically more on our streams.
  • Server/Faction variance - We do this a little bit already, but we can look at being more flexible in bouncing around to different servers and factions. Give everyone an equal chance to join in on the fun!
  • Scheduling - We are gonna take a look at both the day and times that we are streaming. There are likely better time frames, lengths, days, etc for our streams to occur.
  • A real Q&A - Right now we passively answer questions as we play. It creates a mixed stream where we are kinda playing and kinda doing a Q&A. We want to separate these. Let's spend some time concentrating on playing with you guys and then lets stop playing altogether and just answer questions for a bit.

Here we look to all of you as well. What would you like to see us do differently with our streams? Any and all feedback welcome.




So -eric, I was thinking that with the new controversy about the recent nerfs to companions, and the trouble that it is causing people that want to solo the Star Fortress h2+ content, that this provides you with an excellent opportunity to do a live stream where you show people how it is still possible to solo this content, and you can answer questions on how you do it, and why the current settings for companions are where you think that they should be.


You could even use the new format that you planned to use when you wrote this post back in January, and we could provide you with feedback on it as well.


Do this right, and you might even be able to regain some of the good will that you have lost over the past several months that has resulted from your limited interaction with the community throughout the year.

Edited by Exly
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So -eric, I was thinking that with the new controversy about the recent nerfs to companions, and the trouble that it is causing people that want to solo the Star Fortress h2+ content, that this provides you with an excellent opportunity to do a live stream where you show people how it is still possible to solo this content, and you can answer questions on how you do it, and why the current settings for companions are where you think that they should be.


You could even use the new format that you planned to use when you wrote this post back in January, and we could provide you with feedback on it as well.


Do this right, and you might even be able to regain some of the good will that you have lost over the past several months that has resulted from your limited interaction with the community throughout the year.


They would have to edit it for time - not sure I want to watch several hours of a character waiting on skill cooldowns before each pull


But I would love a weekly Q&A session with someone like Jeff Hickman, as well as the QA lead.

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