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Changes Coming to Community Streams


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Does anyone still watch these?


I took it the only reason to watch was to hope to hear some up coming news. Which was kind of silly cause there never was any.


Says something about the state of the game when people would rather watch someone else play than play themself.


That aside will we start seeing end game content run, It would be nice to see how the HM walkers in the temple of sacrifice is meant to be done, and see the end game from the people that help build the game. Cause at the moment the end game feels very lacking so it would be nice to see it played to the full and not just laughing about how bad someone does at pvp or seeming to have no idea what they are doing in PVE.


Given there is unlikely to be any new content till Summer I would also like to know how the dev team plan to keep these running, will we be seeing Yavin 4 8 times or so?

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... we have some mumbled words in a twitch/live stream... but no official post. Each and EVERY Q&A should be reposted by Bioware... not having players do your work by transcribing it for you.


I'd like you to be more active here. If you want to twitch stream your game time... fantastic. But, that is not addressing the community concerns (regardless of which side of the argument you land on... )


I understand the forums can be toxic... I've added to the toxicity at times... but in the end... they become more toxic basically because it appears that issues are ignored...

I absofreakinglutely agree!!!! GREAT reply!!!

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I absofreakinglutely agree!!!! GREAT reply!!!


I can agree with that. I don't think they need to change much (since I am not under the delusion that they need to be on the forums 24/7) but posting OFFICIAL notes and updates after streams would be nice.


Hearing things through 3rd parties or after the cantina tour can often lead to incorrect conclusions or bad assumptions. (Not that it won't happen anyway *slot machine*)

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Hearing things through 3rd parties or after the cantina tour can often lead to incorrect conclusions or bad assumptions. (Not that it won't happen anyway *slot machine*)


No, the slot machine was not the community's fault. Eric made a post stating that they would take a look at the Jawa Junk drop rate and adjust it if needed, but they were otherwise happy with it.


Patch notes were posted saying the Jawa Junk drop rate had been adjusted.


What actually happened was the slot machine was nerfed into uselessness.


That is not the community's fault, that is misleading at the least, you could make the argument for downright untruthful, information which lead to an increase in sales for them.


And I am one of the people usually accused of defending Bioware too much (to put some of the insults I have received lightly).

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I can agree with that. I don't think they need to change much (since I am not under the delusion that they need to be on the forums 24/7) but posting OFFICIAL notes and updates after streams would be nice.


Hearing things through 3rd parties or after the cantina tour can often lead to incorrect conclusions or bad assumptions. (Not that it won't happen anyway *slot machine*)



I think it would be great for the players to have the Q&As transcribed and available here on the site, and it would also give BW a chance to clarify or correct any off-the-cuff answers that were incorrect or potentially misleading - and would give them a go-to place to follow up on any "I'd have to look into that before I could answer" replies.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I think this might be a good start is renewing a relationship with the player base. Perusing the forums in the past few weeks reminds me of the Dragon Age forums around the time DA2 was released. That game was such a departure from Origins that there rose a huge backlash from the players with their negative feelings about the direction that franchise took. David Gaider, Mike Laidlaw, and Mark Darrah, as well as other members of that dev team were all actively involved in those forums and with their players. Weekly Streams were only the beginning as they were often posting in response to one player or another at all times of the day. They also friended players whom they interacted with and not just offered token responses of "we hear you and are listening." They actually listened to the concerns of their consumers/fans/players because you could tell they took a lot of pride in what they produced. The result of that relationship is Dragon Age: Inquisition which in reality has rejuvenated that franchise. One familiar with the time I am referring to is well aware that this latest game in that franchise uses a lot of elements that players stated they wanted, and the dev team implemented a lot of those because they listened. That interaction between the developers and the players fostered a mutual respect at a time when that franchise was at its lowest point.


Now we cycle to the forums here and the current state of swtor. Whether the issue is the Raveger exploit, the slot machines, or the simple perception that the development teams cares little to nothing about the concerns of the player base, a divide is growing between the dev team and the players. All of the usage of the exploit, the outcries of the slot machines, even the plethora of posts that either refer to the devs as absent or liars all indicate a building frustration in the player base that must be addressed for the survival of this game. Lets be honest for a moment...if Star Wars was not attached to this game the passions of the players most likely would not be so severe and it would just have dwindled and ended in a quiet death.


My biggest advice for the dev team and this community leadership is simply this...listen to these people pleading for your interaction. Take a cue from the Dragon Age team and build a bridge across the widening divide and show us the pride in your work that we hope is there. The perception is that you have no pride in this game...this product...this franchise. I do not believe this to be the case but the reality is the perception exists in a large portion of the player base and it is growing. The frustration level has boiled over already. What you have asked here about the streams is the first step, but more must be taken for the future of this game and its community. Nurture it....foster it...show us that you are listening and care about this community and take pride in the work you do.


Meet us half way and you will get us back. Until you are wiling to do that...you will lose us...and I, for one, would hate to see that happen. I have been a fan of this almost 40 year old franchise since the age of 6 when the first movie came out in 1977. This game is a chance to see more of the lore from a time that I personally feel is more interesting than the timeline of the movies. I am posting because I want to see more...experience more...and I think everyone posting here feels the same or they would have left already. Listen to us and this journey will continue for years to come.


Thanks for your time.

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No, the slot machine was not the community's fault. Eric made a post stating that they would take a look at the Jawa Junk drop rate and adjust it if needed, but they were otherwise happy with it.


Patch notes were posted saying the Jawa Junk drop rate had been adjusted.


What actually happened was the slot machine was nerfed into uselessness.


That is not the community's fault, that is misleading at the least, you could make the argument for downright untruthful, information which lead to an increase in sales for them.


And I am one of the people usually accused of defending Bioware too much (to put some of the insults I have received lightly).


I don't think he was saying that it is the communities fault. The problem is,from a forums perspective, there has been no word here... on what they think about the new rates (Eric did comment during a Q&A At Pax on it... there is Cellphone video, and someone transcribed the comment.)...(Dont want to read; basic summary... They mad a big mistake with the drop rates, and needed to change them... the numbers as they are now are what they are comfortable with). However, nothing has been said or clarified HERE.


Thats the issue I have, and the issue Arkerus was responding to. The communication from this Community Team is horrid. There is no other way to describe it. There are hot button issues going on that get no reply... no official word. Instead he wants to know what we think of revising the Live Streams...


Lack of communication leaves us to fall upon eachother like a pack of wolves. Conjecture, Anecdotal Evidence, Crafters v Resource Gatherers, PVE v PVP, Casual v Hardcore.


Couple simple posts (while it may not make everyone happy (impossible in this environment) would serve to start ending pages and pages of posts about the same subject.


Slot Gate: "We have reviewed the metrics since the 1/21 patch, and the slot machine is now performing as originally intended. We will continue to monitor the numbers, but no change is planned at this time". Thats it... some people will be angry... may even unsub and leave the game... but its DONE.


(Not directed at you Icy) The number of posts by the community manager is frankly unacceptable... No he need not respond to every thread, every issue... but when something blows up like RavengerGate and SlotGate.. you need to be in there talking.... I shouldn't have to get some clue as to what you are doing while you mumble distractedly playing the game.

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Lets take the slots for example; other than your initial post... you haven't said a word... I am not rehashing the argument (nor looking to start this thread down that path. People on both sides would like you to come out and say... something. Anything. We get our news from cellphone video of a Q&A... rather than you coming forward with a post.


Same can be said about the Ravengers Exploit (again, I am not looking to rehash the issue/argument here). Again, we have some mumbled words in a twitch/live stream... but no official post. Each and EVERY Q&A should be reposted by Bioware... not having players do your work by transcribing it for you.


I'd like you to be more active here. If you want to twitch stream your game time... fantastic. But, that is not addressing the community concerns (regardless of which side of the argument you land on... )


I understand the forums can be toxic... I've added to the toxicity at times... but in the end... they become more toxic basically because it appears that issues are ignored...



I don't think the streams should be in lieu of your active participation -- gold posts -- on the forums. There are plenty of unanswered, and unacknowledged, questions and concerns on the forum. Answering them would be a good start, imo. I'd guess that if the current lack of gold posts on specific issues and concerns continues, streams would primarily have the same questions and concerns posted. If they can be answered on a stream, why not answer them on the forums. If they won't be answered on streams, then I don't see how anything is improved.


I don't think behaving towards forum posters as though we are unwanted Halloween trick-or-treaters (don't answer [the door], and they'll eventually go away) is a good practice.


Eric, if because of time constraints the choice is between you and the team having more active participation on the forums, or streaming, I choose you all being more active on the forums.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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I don't get to catch every stream, but I appreciate what you guys are doing by connecting with the community. I'll have to start catching more of the streams cause they're fun to watch.

I think the dedicated Q&A is a great idea, just not sure how you're gonna choose which questions to answer. Here is my main question: How feasible would it be to tune every Operation and 50+ Flashpoint to 60? I'm not saying do away with the level 50/55 spots they're currently in, just give endgame a boost. I'm sure you guys saw how many of us were actively running the 55 Ops when 3.0 came out, but now there's not much incentive to run them due to the changes made with the comms. You guys did a great job with the 50+ Ops and FP's and extending them to 60 while newer content is being developed would be great!


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I don't think he was saying that it is the communities fault. The problem is,from a forums perspective, there has been no word here... on what they think about the new rates (Eric did comment during a Q&A At Pax on it... there is Cellphone video, and someone transcribed the comment.)...(Dont want to read; basic summary... They mad a big mistake with the drop rates, and needed to change them... the numbers as they are now are what they are comfortable with). However, nothing has been said or clarified HERE.


Thats the issue I have, and the issue Arkerus was responding to. The communication from this Community Team is horrid. There is no other way to describe it. There are hot button issues going on that get no reply... no official word. Instead he wants to know what we think of revising the Live Streams...


Lack of communication leaves us to fall upon eachother like a pack of wolves. Conjecture, Anecdotal Evidence, Crafters v Resource Gatherers, PVE v PVP, Casual v Hardcore.


Couple simple posts (while it may not make everyone happy (impossible in this environment) would serve to start ending pages and pages of posts about the same subject.


Slot Gate: "We have reviewed the metrics since the 1/21 patch, and the slot machine is now performing as originally intended. We will continue to monitor the numbers, but no change is planned at this time". Thats it... some people will be angry... may even unsub and leave the game... but its DONE.


(Not directed at you Icy) The number of posts by the community manager is frankly unacceptable... No he need not respond to every thread, every issue... but when something blows up like RavengerGate and SlotGate.. you need to be in there talking.... I shouldn't have to get some clue as to what you are doing while you mumble distractedly playing the game.


There is nothing in here that I disagree with, and nothing in here that is really a response to what I wrote. Either way, I agree with you.


Communication has been horrible, and instead of talking to us about important issues, they make a post about live streams. To quote myself earlier in this thread:


IMO drop the stream altogether and actually post on the forums throughout the week when we ask you questions or raise important issues.


Also I would love to see someone from Bioware try tanking something. See how much fun it is to be chain stunned over and over by trash mobs.


Take all the time you would have put into doing the stream and preparing for the stream and use it to post on the forums.

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No, the slot machine was not the community's fault. Eric made a post stating that they would take a look at the Jawa Junk drop rate and adjust it if needed, but they were otherwise happy with it.


Patch notes were posted saying the Jawa Junk drop rate had been adjusted.


What actually happened was the slot machine was nerfed into uselessness.


That is not the community's fault, that is misleading at the least, you could make the argument for downright untruthful, information which lead to an increase in sales for them.


And I am one of the people usually accused of defending Bioware too much (to put some of the insults I have received lightly).


Did you NOT read my post? Did you miss that part where I said:


"Not that it won't happen anyway *slot machine*"


That was my whole point with that statement. Even Bioware can communicate in a manner that doesn't match reality. MY larger point was that I would rather Bioware try to release notes on the forums instead of leaking it to 3rd parties. They still CAN leak things to 3rd parties but post here as well.


Read. Read. Read.

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I check the dev tracker several times per day, hoping to see a dev post on an issue that is actually important to me.


Instead we get this garbage about streams of all things as the only post besides server/maintenance status in the last 6 days. And you know what that post 6 days ago was?


"Hey folks,


We completed the investigation into the 16-Player Story Mode loot drops, and it does appear that they are not correct. We are aiming to get this fixed in 3.1.




Other than this ridiculous thread, the last post of any substance we've seen from Bioware was 8 days ago.

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What I would like to see you do in your streams is something different each time. No more doing Forged Alliances every single week for 3 months. Get some variety in there every week. I stopped watching the streams after 2 straight months of Forged Alliances I just could not take it anymore. You could do dailies, run heroics, warzones, flashpoints, achievement hunting, datacrons. A dev run guide to certain difficult to get to datacrons would be kind of neat. Running groups to get the fleet datacrons would be an entertaining stream to watch. Lots of stuff you could do, just for the love of god no more forged alliances for months on end.
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If you want a "good representation of your content" then do the buggy HM ops. I'd really like to see you go through what actual players are going through.


If a Dev team can complete a 16m HM Temple I'll subscribe for life.

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If you want a "good representation of your content" then do the buggy HM ops. I'd really like to see you go through what actual players are going through.


If a Dev team can complete a 16m HM Temple I'll subscribe for life.


I would love to see that happen just to see the forum warriors struggle to take back those words.

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I'm not interested in streaming. I think I might have watched one or two over the course of things, and that's it.


I don't need to see you devs play the game badly and joke about it to compensate. I would much prefer if you people posted on the forums at least on a weekly basis. I would at least see those and be able to keep up to date with what's going on in your heads.


Honestly I wouldn't care if you quit streaming all together, it's lost on me personally.

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