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So it's been 3 years(??) now....


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I would be in favor of chat bubbles, it'd be great. However, realistically - we're dealing with a game that simply cannot accommodate it. The servers can't handle it. They can't handle open world PVP, heck, they can hardly handle Strongholds without having to impose ridiculous limitations.
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About time you people implemented them????

Well its been 3 years and they haven't done anything,, Soooo, what does that tell you ?????? its really simple if you think about it ,,, Really it is,,, Maybe think about that before making a thread about something that isn't going to happen, its like asking BW to add in the game some shaved, ewok, strippers with tendencies to eat brains, it makes no since & therefore wont be added,,, Geez :rolleyes:
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Well its been 3 years and they haven't done anything,, Soooo, what does that tell you ?????? its really simple if you think about it ,,, Really it is,,, Maybe think about that before making a thread about something that isn't going to happen, its like asking BW to add in the game some shaved, ewok, strippers with tendencies to eat brains, it makes no since & therefore wont be added,,, Geez :rolleyes:


Take you own advice and think before replying. ;)

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That's certainly a plausible explanation, but until one of their engine devs comments on it it's still speculation. That and how many people who parrot "engine engine" could even give that good of an explanation on why they couldn't get it to work? Most assume that any issue that comes up is caused by the engine.


I found this post here:

Some technical background on chat bubbles


The thread this post is part of shows that the devs were very busy implementing all kinds of features that people now take for granted but didn't exist at launch, e.g. UI customization, i.e. separate area for buffs/debuffs, scaling of icons, etc.


As in many cases the question here is probably not "Is it possible?" but "How much time will it cost to implement that? Could we add several other UI features instead?"

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WOAH! Shaved. Ewok. Brain-eating. STRIPPERS!!!!! That is BRILLIANT! I'd spend cartel coins on one or two of those for my stronghold!


I heard Star Wars Galaxies had them :rod_angel_g: and speech bubbles too!

Edited by Yojiro
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Oh im sure you could but i imagine the flamefests from angry basement trolls when they hear the voice of that slave gear wearing twi'lekk they initially appriached hoping to ERP up sound like a 300 lb trucker whos smoked 3 packs a day forv 20 years will be absolutely fricking -hilarious- :p


As many rants as i have seen in gen chat from sad sad men/boys who find out their new "female" friend is really played by a guy is evidence enough for me ;)


I'll just leave this here:


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I found this post here:

Some technical background on chat bubbles


The thread this post is part of shows that the devs were very busy implementing all kinds of features that people now take for granted but didn't exist at launch, e.g. UI customization, i.e. separate area for buffs/debuffs, scaling of icons, etc.


As in many cases the question here is probably not "Is it possible?" but "How much time will it cost to implement that? Could we add several other UI features instead?"


Good find. And I agree, a lot of things that people have issue with aren't a matter of "if" but "is it worth it".

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It's reasonable to assume that there would be a toggle in preferences IMO.

Maybe they could get it to work if they restricted it to members of a group/Opsgroup as a compromise.


its biowart, why could you reasonably assume that? maybe a cartel market purchase but not for free.


and a week later they will nerf it so the speech bubbles are only in latin.

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As always, people going on about how the "engine can't handle it" when they have no idea what they're talking about. The chat bubbles causing performance issues says nothing of whether or not the engine could handle it, only that the way it was implemented caused performance issues.


Unless you're privy to information the rest of us aren't?


always good to have a dev like you that will help us out and set things straight.

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The borked Hero engine is just so phenomenally awful that the game would drop to 0.0001fps with speech bubbles implemented (excuse the hyperbole)

But they implemented a moving camera for cutscenes! Bubbles could be possible to implement too.

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You're welcome. And I'm flattered that you would mistake me for a dev, but alas I am just a humble guy who is happy to point out when someone is making unfounded claims.


then you did pull that bit of information from somewhere you should have left it. a dev at the dallas cantina event confirmed that it was the engine.

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