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So I finally finished the Shadow of Revan exp....


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And I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I just saw lol. So can someone tell me...

what? So Revan was a force ghost, AND an undead Sith zombie or something?The light side Revan was a force ghost, and the dark side Revan was alive, but they're BOTH really Revan? WTH did I just see? :confused:



*Drops mic and fixes a strong drink....

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Yup, it's stupid, and completely unnecessary.


I guess they felt that just having Revan be redeemed at the end by the realization of how badly he had screwed up wouldn't be believable, so they went with the more plausible explanation that he had a Light Side Soul and a Dark Side Soul that had a big fight and had to make up and be BFF's again before they could be redeemed.


I eagerly await this being incorporated in game so that my low level characters can use their Light Side half for Light Relics and Dark Side half for Dark relics.

Edited by jovianus
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What I've been wondering is what is that red light on his eye that you see through the mask? At first I thought he'd become part Cyborg, but when he removed his mask - nope. Just a normal eye there. What's the red light and why did they make such a big deal out of zooming in on it during some of the cut scenes like it meant something?
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What I've been wondering is what is that red light on his eye that you see through the mask? At first I thought he'd become part Cyborg, but when he removed his mask - nope. Just a normal eye there. What's the red light and why did they make such a big deal out of zooming in on it during some of the cut scenes like it meant something?


It served no purpose I believe. It was just meant to generate some buzz.

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A few possibilities:


1: Maybe Bioware realized that... people really didn't care much about Revan, and decided to wrap that stuff up as quickly as possible and move on. That would explain the quick jump from "Trying to cripple the Republic and Empire" to "Trying to kill the Emperor" and how little is done with big R proper.


2: Its possible they wanted to give Revan a better exit than the, you know, attempted xenocide in the Foundry. The Ghost version of him at least showed that he's not entirely a mad dog needing to be put down, but was an overly driven individual regardless.


3: ...bad writing.


Hey, it happens to the best of them.

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^^ Difference being both halves remained alive, regardless of the split.


No such thing pertaining Revan though. The LS-halve physically perished while the DS-halve relented.


Ironically enough, by the time SoR comes to a close, the LS-halve of Revan seems to be the most predominant half, while with Piccolo and Kami was the other way around.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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A few possibilities:


1: Maybe Bioware realized that... people really didn't care much about Revan, and decided to wrap that stuff up as quickly as possible and move on. That would explain the quick jump from "Trying to cripple the Republic and Empire" to "Trying to kill the Emperor" and how little is done with big R proper.


2: Its possible they wanted to give Revan a better exit than the, you know, attempted xenocide in the Foundry. The Ghost version of him at least showed that he's not entirely a mad dog needing to be put down, but was an overly driven individual regardless.


3: ...bad writing.


Hey, it happens to the best of them.


Lol.....I'll take 2 with a heaping helping of 3. I mean....I was ready after I saw his force ghost for this epic reveal. It's not him! If he's dead, who could it be? The chick who was over the Revanites on DK.....The emperor himself....Darth Barras in a girdle! :eek: BUT noooooo after months and months of build-up, anticipation, and dark hints.....it's RevZombie.


I guess the most important question is...


It's the same story on pub side to right? I can ignore everything after I get to the "class quest"?

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And I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I just saw lol. So can someone tell me...

what? So Revan was a force ghost, AND an undead Sith zombie or something?The light side Revan was a force ghost, and the dark side Revan was alive, but they're BOTH really Revan? WTH did I just see? :confused:



*Drops mic and fixes a strong drink....



when you confront revan in the foundry as a member of an imperial strike team in a flashpoint, Revan mentions how he feels at that time when he got defeated by the imperial team, specifically in relation to one of his friends before exploding into the force.


It turns out that one half of Revan was at peace with himself and the other half came back, the evil half to seek vengeance on the empire and the emperor for everything that happened to him. This evil Revan became unhinged and used these fanatical followers in the revanites to start a war, apparently the revanites have been building up their whole way of life for a while until revan came to lead them.


The Evil half started a war and brought several high ranking officers outright to his cause, Darok and Arkous. it was his undoing by being so careless. it eventually got the revanites squeezed by some of the empire and republics forces, working off the books from each group to combat the threat.


The unhinged Revan inadvertently caused so much death and destruction in his attempt to slay the emperor, however mad he is, it all played into the emperors hands as each death fueled his revivification through the force. the light side part of Revan explained to the player that half of him is at peace for what happened on the foundry and the other half was not. the light side revan convinced his evil half to give up the centuries old body in preparation to help stop the emperor now that he is whole again, after again being beaten in combat by imperial and republic forces.


Edited by Celise
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It's the same story on pub side to right? I can ignore everything after I get to the "class quest"?


Yes and no.


Its weirdly handled. The quests are all the same, and the same general things happen, but the cinematics are all different, characters say different things, even when copy/pasting would seem reasonable.


I'd do it fully once Republic side, if only to see how... subtly different things can be.


Also, those Yavin dailies are great. :)

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Yes and no.


Its weirdly handled. The quests are all the same, and the same general things happen, but the cinematics are all different, characters say different things, even when copy/pasting would seem reasonable.


I'd do it fully once Republic side, if only to see how... subtly different things can be.


Also, those Yavin dailies are great. :)


Hmmmm, well I guess I'll go thru the pub side eventually lol. No big rush tho.....

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After 3 runs through the story, my interpretation is:


Revan the Man is a Sith, who was preserved in stasis by the Emperor. Under Force Torture, Revan the Man expelled the Jedi part of him that became a Spirit/Force Ghost, that proceeded to function independently. Revan the Ghost took along the better part of Revan the Man faculties, particularly the ones that were responsible for common sense, good judgment and humility. Revan the Man was left with one thing: vengeance on the Emperor. He is a very simple creature.


Now, what happened in the end when Revan’s the Ghost merged with Revan the Man, who knows, but chances are he’ll be back in the next expansion to be our Force Guide.

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As much as I have always loved (or use to love) Revan's character I was really hoping to put the man down once and for all. The ending of this xpacs story was just a "huh?" moment and not very epic at all imo. I would have been happy if they had him just go out similar to how

Malak goes out in KOTOR. In his dying breath realize the error of his ways and... the end.

but instead...

they go with a weird half evil zombie Revan and half good force ghost Revan route... Lol oh well


That being said though I like both of the new planets and am enjoying the new FPs and Ops. :D

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Yeah, the storyline was pretty contrived. Unfortunately I didn't get to experience a proper revelation of it since some cretin spoiled it in General chat on Yavin IV. Even with the story issue though, I thought execution was not bad. My beef with the expansion is on other things like depth and quantity of content.
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Yeah, the storyline was pretty contrived. Unfortunately I didn't get to experience a proper revelation of it since some cretin spoiled it in General chat on Yavin IV. Even with the story issue though, I thought execution was not bad. My beef with the expansion is on other things like depth and quantity of content.


-Never be taken by suprise. Hide your general-chat while doing quests.

*I learned this when some idiots talked about Zash(I was level 12) and then suddenly one of them said "Lol, Khem traps her inside of him!". People like that can't behave, just hide your chat whenever you're doing story-related quests and you should(hopefully) not experience it again.


But yeah, the expansion seems a bit rushed. Not really that impressive, I find ROTHC more interesting to be honest. At least it seemed more finished.

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Funny thing is, despite rolling my eyes at Revan, I truly enjoyed the expansion.


I loved the side characters, I loved Rishi and its BG1’ish, classic feel, and above all…


I loved the care BioWARE took this time around to make it easier on a solo new player by providing competitive gear and abundance of crafting materials for Grade 11 (unlike Grade 9).


It is far, far easier to be a new L60 character than it was to be a new L55.

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Revan had a magical schism that split his spirit in half, when his body died at the Foundry his light half tried to move on and his dark half used what I strongly suspect is Darth Sion's technique to keep his corpse going fueled by hatred. When the two halves reunite as a seamless whole Revan's hate is no longer strong enough to sustain Sion's technique and his body ceases functioning.
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