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I think Bioware needs to allow free character transfers from Harbringer.


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This damn server is always laggy, and always down. Make it happen.


Shadowlands is no better.....we gots us some serious issues here as well.....it high time they did some server upgrades if they expect to correct any of this. Spend some of that coin they made of of CM sales.

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Free xfers are unlikely given that atm they are working on megaservers or something to that effect.


I can see it now: "The only server we have to play SWTOR is laggy and crashes every other day! We demand that you bring back smaller servers!"


If they go with megaservers they'll have 3, one for PvE, one for PvP and one RP PvP.


Why no RP PvE server? Because that just doesn't make sense...

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I am always for free transfers if I can transfer all the toons and items...


but for the reason that you ewant the transfer I kind of don't understand.


I never disconnect or lag anymore. I never see the server down. some days I play for upwards of 8 hours or more (the days I am off and drink with a buddy) and I never see the server down or disconnect. I play different times depending on work, AM, PM...

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I can see it now: "The only server we have to play SWTOR is laggy and crashes every other day! We demand that you bring back smaller servers!"


If they go with megaservers they'll have 3, one for PvE, one for PvP and one RP PvP.


Why no RP PvE server? Because that just doesn't make sense...


Correct. Megaservers or whatever they come out with will solve some issues while introducing it's own set of problems. I'm sure another set of forced character renames will be inevitable and cause a mass exodus of players. I also think they will never be able to stabilize or jimmy their server platform to a point where megaservers can function stably.

Edited by Projawa
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I think that Bioware needs to pull their heads out of their backsides and get with the program. The equipment is likely broken....one can assume that when a server lasts for....I don't know, THREE DAYS before it crashes yet again?


What do we do when equipment is broken class?




That's right. You replace it. Because if you do not it stands as a testament to your lack of ability to run an MMO properly.


Get it together Bioware.


What did you do with LA?:mad: LA is never this harsh. Imposter:eek:

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I haven't seen or experience a Harbinger crash in more than a few months now, so I"m not sure what the OP is all worked up about but again this is my personal experience with the game and the lag doesn't bother me either.


It was down for a couple hours during prime time this past Sunday. If you look through the Dev tracker thread you can get an idea of the comparative frequency. I had been playing on Harb since merging from Mask of Nihilus by way of Droga's Pleasure Barge and I was doing OK with lag until the strongholds early access/launch. The frequent lag spikes up to the red X for latency that I was experiencing seem to be gone too ( I suspect this was regional though).


Since moving to an east server there were things that were not on my complaint list like stronghold door responsiveness and speeder deployment responding more quickly to the point that it was more noticeable than I would have expected for the ~75ms improvement in latency.

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