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create a new 'Purchase Alert' to protect GTN buyers


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Please stop confusing "mistakes" with "accidents." "Accident" implies that the action is unintentional, which it is not, buyers have to go through several deliberate steps to locate and purchase an item. What you are describing is a "mistake" -- the player fails to pay attention to the process.


GTN mistakes are pure user error. I should not have to suffer through your inane GTN mechanic because some people can't GTN.

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Here we go again. At this point the "discussion" has devolved into the OP's sticking his/her fingers in his/her ears while repeating his/her personal opinion ad nauseam. No addressing of counterpoints or any evidence that such a solution is good or even necessary.


At least we can all feel confident that this ill-conceived suggestion will never see the light of day.

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Here we go again. At this point the "discussion" has devolved into the OP's sticking his/her fingers in his/her ears while repeating his/her personal opinion ad nauseam. No addressing of counterpoints or any evidence that such a solution is good or even necessary.


At least we can all feel confident that this ill-conceived suggestion will never see the light of day.


Agreed, the op is not interested in discussing ways to make this valid, not interested in discussing alternatives, completely ignores any suggestions for modifications to his idea, and acts like the fact people turn off the confirmation entirely or just click it off is a problem in the game and not just user error.


All this is going to be is people trying to discuss this while the op dismisses or ignores anything that does not go along how he wants it, insults people who do not agree, and accuses people who do not side with him of trolling, in one earlier post the op even stated what kind of changes people should suggest while ignoring other suggestions and points of view.


My advice to everyone is to let this thread die, if it is seen by the support team they will see how it has no support in six pages. No point responding to the op as he will just say again how it has to happen because of people having accidents, while ignoring that it is because they do not use safety features.


Having the safety features forced on everyone is not the answer, people using them as they are is, if they do not is not the games fault is theirs. As i stated in a previous post i made this mistake myself once, and once only. I did not moan and cry out, i accepted i had messed up, learned from my mistake and can now safely use the gtn without even needing the confirmation. Learn from your mistakes i did.

Edited by Rusah
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This is just as simple as the problem and my suggested solution to the problem.


If you're not interested in coming up with any ideas of how to improve the game so these GTN accidents don't happen any more, then just stop posting. If you want to continue to pontificate and squabble and insult the Original Poster and even insult the victims of GTN accidents and contribute zilch to the discussion, then you're breaking the forum rules and should excuse yourself from the discussion before you're forced to be excused against your will.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________________



It's reasonable and perfectly acceptable to expect EVERYONE to have to click through a delayed Purchase Confirmation for very expensive GTN purchases. BECAUSE that's the mechanism that will stop the (major) GTN accidents from happening in the future. If you care anything for the well-being of the player community, then this solution is perfectly acceptable to you.


If you want to continue to pretend a guaranteed Purchase Confirmation dialog for purchases at 250K+ credits is a MAJOR inconvenience for you or others, then post (real) statistics of how many purchases for 250K+ credits someone you factually know of is making on a regular basis. I mean honestly, the typical player will be making no more than 2 purchases for 250K+ credits a day on average from the GTN, and most days the average player doesn't make ANY purchases for 250K+. Credits don't just grow on trees unless you're breaking the game rules and purchasing credits for cash money.


The benefit of this suggested solution is that the ACCIDENTAL purchases for 250K+ credits will get completely filtered out by this new style of Purchase Confirmation dialog, and all will be happy in SWToR GTN-land again.



In my suggestion, I reduced the Purchase Confirmation delay from 5 seconds to 3 seconds (if the Preference for 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' is set to OFF). This 3 second delay is the absolute minimum amount of time required for the buyer to recognize the Purchase Confirmation's brightly-colored text of the price and avoid clicking the 'OK' button like they usually do for purchases. Either this reduction to a 3-second delay mildly appeases you or you're just here trolling.


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In my personal opinion and playstyle your idea (in any of the forms of this thread) would not only not improve my gameplay, but it would also make the experience worse, as it would force me to wait for x seconds, and click a mandatory message, which I cannot turn off in the settings.


You continuously proclaim, that you would improove the gameplay, when the majority of players who answered to you are stating, that there is no improvement needed at this particular action.


Not every idea to alter the gameplay is automatically an improvement, and you believing that it would be, doesn't make it a universal truth.


As for your own demand for solid data, I in return challenge you to provide data about how many purchases over 250k+ are "accidently" confirmed and later regretted.... in this case, purchases by players who turned of the already built in confirmation dialogue are not valid.

Edited by JPryde
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It's reasonable and perfectly acceptable to expect EVERYONE to have to click through a delayed Purchase Confirmation for very expensive GTN purchases. BECAUSE that's the mechanism that will stop the (major) GTN accidents from happening in the future.

How will it do that, exactly, in the way that the current pop-up dialogue box does not?


What is the difference, besides a timer, that will prevent the same people who simply ignore/click-through the current box without reading it from doing the exact same thing with another box?


This 3 second delay is the absolute minimum amount of time required for the buyer to recognize the Purchase Confirmation's brightly-colored text of the price and avoid clicking the 'OK' button like they usually do for purchases.


I believe this was asked before, but what about color blind people? Are they not also deserving of the same protections as everyone else. Also again, what is there to prevent people from simply ignoring the box, regardless of the colors (which they will soon become routine to seeing) and clicking without reading as they do the current pop-up box?

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This is just as simple as the problem and my suggested solution to the problem.


Here are questions that ought to be answered as part of a serious discussion for this topic:


  • What system are you using for acquiring transactional data from the GTN?
  • Does this system run passively or actively? Put another way, does it require you to be online or does it run whenever the server is online?
  • Do you run it for the server you are on or all servers? Are their "accident"-rate difference between servers?
  • How does your algorithm differentiate between a correct purchase and an "accident"?
  • What is the average credit loss that determines if it is a significant or negligible "accident"?
  • What is the average rate of "accidents" per GTN transaction? (i.e. 1 "Accident" for ever 10000 non-"Accident" purchases)
  • What is the acceptable rate of "accidents" per GTN transactions? (Realistically 0% is impossible, so for example is 1:100000 acceptable or 1:1000000?)
  • Is there any correlation between local time for the player and the rate of "accident"? Do more errors occur when the player is on in the morning, day, evening, late night?
  • Is there any way to determine whether the user was under the influence of legally obtainable substances if they were flagged for an accident? (i.e. alcohol consumption) Does your system process these particular incidents any different than a standard "accident"?
  • How was 3 seconds objectively selected as the minimum time to review the purchase?
  • How were the colors determined for the alerts? Selected arbitrarily? Based on an independent journal regarding sight? Based on testing various color pallets with a test group?
  • What is the projected decrease in the rate of "accidents" per GTN transaction with your solution implemented? How was this projected rate (presumably an improvement) determined?
  • What is the estimated development cost and time to implement the changes you suggest? How did you reach this estimate?
  • How was inconvenience determined to be acceptable? What were the parameters used to test the level of acceptable inconvenience?


And please refrain from answering with your opinion. I need objective data to come to an intellectual conclusion.

Edited by azudelphi
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This is just as simple as the problem and my suggested solution to the problem.


If you're not interested in coming up with any ideas of how to improve the game so these GTN accidents don't happen any more, then just stop posting. If you want to continue to pontificate and squabble and insult the Original Poster and even insult the victims of GTN accidents and contribute zilch to the discussion, then you're breaking the forum rules and should excuse yourself from the discussion before you're forced to be excused against your will.




It's reasonable and perfectly acceptable to expect EVERYONE to have to click through a delayed Purchase Confirmation for very expensive GTN purchases. BECAUSE that's the mechanism that will stop the (major) GTN accidents from happening in the future. If you care anything for the well-being of the player community, then this solution is perfectly acceptable to


Ok you want ideas then i will post the one i have posted again find it below, maybe this time you will actually read it instead of ignoring it. But first a four point response on what you have said in the quoted part.



1. I have come up with an idea to improve it, a modification to your idea, you have ignored it, not even commented on it at all. So claiming not contributing is false on my account, i have contributed you just ignored it.


2. As for saying we are insulting victims, no we are not and i find that offensive, they choose to click off the confirmation without reading it, they choose to turn the confirmation off. If they choose to use it that would not happen to them. It is the consequences of their own choices that cause this. Just as the time i made it i choose to click it of without reading, was i a victim of the system no, only a victim of my own inattention, and i was sure not to do it again.


3. As for insulting people, your one to talk, you have insulted others in here (the lightbulb and waldo comment, accusing everyone that does not agree with you of being trolls, saying everyone that does not support how you went it are selfish, which also constitutes squabbling).


4. So trying to say if you do not consider it reasonable you don't care about the community, another backhanded attempt to say everyone who does not agree is selfish. I do care that is why i suggested a modification that provides safety for those you support and does not inconvenience the rest. My idea takes the well being of the people that make these mistakes and those that do not want it it into account, so i would say i am looking out for the best interests of a larger part of the community than you are. Since i am looking at the well being of two groups not just one.


Now for my idea

Make the confirmation delay an option to turn on and off, this will satify both sides of the equation

1. Those that make these accidents: They turn it on, that way they have the delay which by your own reasoning will mean they read it, and it will stop most mistakes.

2. Those that do not make these accidents: Can turn it off and not have to deal with an unwanted confirmation because of people who click it off.

3. Make it turned on by default and people have to choose to turn it off, that way they are disabling the failsafe themselves, of their own choice, and the action led from that will ber though the choice they made.


This satisfies both sides, those that click off the confirmation have their safeguard which supports what the op wants. Those that do not want it can turn it off. This gives you your safeguard annon, without inconveniencing the rest of the player base.


If people turn the time delayed and regular confirmation off then they would not be victims, as the safeguard would be firmly in place and they would be choosing not to take advantage of it, with both the current and your time delay one in place the transactions would be as safe as they could be. The only thing that could mess it up would be people not using it, which would be their own choice, and the consequences of their choice.


So i offer you a challenge, do you want to discuss ways to modify your idea to achieve your goals while satisfying those that are against it, or do you want to stick to your inflexible mine is the only way and refuse to consider other options, your call. I'll check back later, if you want a serious discussion i will help you mold the idea into something that works for both sides, your choice.

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I'll check back later, if you want a serious discussion i will help you mold the idea into something that works for both sides, your choice.

Unfortunately, Rusah, I'm not sure if that will even be possible. The sticking points for folks seem to be the mandatory nature of the checkbox and the enforced delay before accepting. The OP is likely to remain inflexible on these points.


I would have no problem with them adding color coding to the current (optional, no delay) purchase confirmation box. The issue here would be whether the color tiers are user-adjustable or predetermined; if predetermined, what are the criteria used to decide each tier? Also, would the benefit to players be enough to justify the investment of development time?

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It's reasonable and perfectly acceptable to expect EVERYONE to have to click through a delayed Purchase Confirmation for very expensive GTN purchases.


No, no its not. You are dictating that no one should be allowed to use the GTN unless they follow your arbitrary rules. This isnt second grade, and you arent allowed to say "Your not allowed in the tree fort unless you say the password!."


Im sorry if some people are too stupid/lazy/innatentive to actually use their brains, eyes and the pre-existing features already built into the game, but we shouldnt all have to wear hard hats just because some people cant be bothered to tie their shoes and might trip and bump their heads....

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1. I have come up with an idea to improve it, a modification to your idea, you have ignored it, not even commented on it at all. So claiming not contributing is false on my account, i have contributed you just ignored it.




Your idea was to keep the ON/OFF switch for the Purchase Confirmation dialog. Which makes it compelling to repeat myself so the logistics of the required solution will become more clear to you:


Most (if not all) GTN accidents are due to one of two failures in the purchase process:


  • the Purchase Confirmation was switched off entirely in Preferences
  • the Purchase Confirmation window was dismissed without the buyer genuinely verifying the purchase price



SO... the only real solution to stop GTN accidents from happening is to make it highly unlikely for either of these two purchase-process-failures to occur.



The Purchase Confirmation was switched off entirely in Preferences

To balance overall buyer convenience with the necessary level of buyer protection, the Preference for 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' will not be removed entirely. However, to achieve good buyer protection, switching off 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' in Preferences will not suppress the confirmation popup if the item has a high purchase price.


The Purchase Confirmation window was dismissed without the buyer genuinely verifying the purchase price

For items with a high purchase price, the 'OK' button in the Purchase Confirmation window will only activate after 5 seconds, or after 3 seconds if the Preference for 'Purchase Confirmation Dialog' is switched off. . Also, the price in the Purchase Confirmation window will be changed to a brighter color according to the magnitude of the price, so the buyer will find it difficult to "zone out" and not recognize when they're about to buy a particularly expensive item.



THAT'S the solution. . THAT will stop all these (major) GTN accidents. . It's not very complicated. . There's no way to stop the (major) GTN accidents without slightly inconveniencing buyers each time they purchase an expensive item.




Removing half of the solution just defeats the solution.


The truth is that you (and obviously all the other trolls) are only concerned with one thing. You don't want your GTN experience to be allowed to change in any way. It is you who is uncompromising, and since the impact on your GTN experience would in fact be very minimal, it amounts to you being both selfish and extremely unthoughtful towards others (the players who will end up being the next victims of GTN accidents).


Perhaps your problem lies somewhere in your confusion of the nature of these GTN accidents. It's not a small group of people who are stupid and careless and who keep making the same mistake over and over. It's more like a lightning strike, that there's always a next victim of these lightning strikes, but once someone ends up a victim of a GTN accident and loses millions of credits, they learn their lesson and likely never make the same mistake again because they've formed better GTN habits. But there's always more players who haven't yet realized how easily it is to have a GTN accident and lose a ton of credits. What you're suggesting is that lightning rods to protect the players from future lightning strikes should be outlawed. Which makes you extremely unthoughful and careless towards the player community.


And the only reason you want to outlaw lightning rods is that you don't want to be inconvenienced in the slight way that my solution would involve. Even though my solution would prevent the vast majority of future GTN accidents. You actually want to pretend that a 3-second delayed Purchase Confirmation dialog for your purchases 250K+ would be some kind of a problem for you. Even though it would prevent an entire future of GTN accident victims from becoming victims in the first place.


Maybe instead you should choose to be civil towards the player community and see the value in supporting changes to the game that would ensure that future GTN buyers are protected (in a very substantial way) from the possibility of making an honest mistake and becoming the victim of a catastrophic GTN accident.


What exactly would you personally SAY to the SWToR players who lost millions of credits in a single GTN accident?

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What exactly would you personally SAY to the SWToR players who lost millions of credits in a single GTN accident?


Quite simply, "How did this happen? How do you intend to prevent it in the future?"


But please answer my list of questions.


Edit: Added the questions so you don't even have to go looking for them.


Here are questions that ought to be answered as part of a serious discussion for this topic:


  • What system are you using for acquiring transactional data from the GTN?
  • Does this system run passively or actively? Put another way, does it require you to be online or does it run whenever the server is online?
  • Do you run it for the server you are on or all servers? Are their "accident"-rate difference between servers?
  • How does your algorithm differentiate between a correct purchase and an "accident"?
  • What is the average credit loss that determines if it is a significant or negligible "accident"?
  • What is the average rate of "accidents" per GTN transaction? (i.e. 1 "Accident" for ever 10000 non-"Accident" purchases)
  • What is the acceptable rate of "accidents" per GTN transactions? (Realistically 0% is impossible, so for example is 1:100000 acceptable or 1:1000000?)
  • Is there any correlation between local time for the player and the rate of "accident"? Do more errors occur when the player is on in the morning, day, evening, late night?
  • Is there any way to determine whether the user was under the influence of legally obtainable substances if they were flagged for an accident? (i.e. alcohol consumption) Does your system process these particular incidents any different than a standard "accident"?
  • How was 3 seconds objectively selected as the minimum time to review the purchase?
  • How were the colors determined for the alerts? Selected arbitrarily? Based on an independent journal regarding sight? Based on testing various color pallets with a test group?
  • What is the projected decrease in the rate of "accidents" per GTN transaction with your solution implemented? How was this projected rate (presumably an improvement) determined?
  • What is the estimated development cost and time to implement the changes you suggest? How did you reach this estimate?
  • How was inconvenience determined to be acceptable? What were the parameters used to test the level of acceptable inconvenience?


And please refrain from answering with your opinion. I need objective data to come to an intellectual conclusion.




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What exactly would you personally SAY to the SWToR players who lost millions of credits in a single GTN accident?

Any of the following lines:

1. Wow... you are rich enough in credits, that you do not check twice before spending millions?

2. Ohh, that sucks... You should have payed more attention to the actual price.

3. Live and learn... after all it is only a game.

4. Whew, sucks to be you. I always double check the price and sort from cheap to expensive before I buy anything. Don't you?

Edited by JPryde
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Also, would the benefit to players be enough to justify the investment of development time?


Of course not.


I mean, not if the development time exceeded an hour, anyway.


We have confirmation dialog. We have the ability to sort by price and unit price. We have all the tools that we need to make using the GTN safe and easy.


That the OP continues to ignore everyone and repeat himself tells me that they are one or both of the following:


1) A careless buyer who feels so emotionally scarred by something of their own doing




2) A troll



In either case, there is nothing more to be accomplished here. The OP doesn't want a discussion and we have multiple pages of the OP repeating unsupportable claims and several other people explaining why the OP's idea is bad.

Edited by Mithros
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That the OP continues to ignore everyone and repeat himself tells me that ...


In either case, there is nothing more to be accomplished here. The OP doesn't want a discussion and we have multiple pages of the OP repeating unsupportable claims and several other people explaining why the OP's idea is bad.


The most I'm willing to do in this situation is to dissuade you from being an arrogant troll along with the others. The main reason no one is chiming in to support this thread is that people who would support this thread are the civil type, who find it difficult to thrive in a hostile and abusive environment. So they just count themselves as better off not contributing to avoid any of the hostility being directed at themselves which would make their day(s) a little less positive.


It's obvious the various trolls that are bombarding this thread with nonsense have mistaken this for the General Discussion forum.


This is the Suggestion Box. Since I personally originated this Suggestion thread (to communicate the need for better GTN buyer protection), I can confidently say that if you're here only to inflate the thread with voluminous nonsense that amounts to nothing more sophisticated or contributory than "I don't want to have to click any Purchase Confirmations", then you're not welcome in this thread to do anything other than state "I don't want to have to click any Purchase Confirmations" once and only once, and then stop posting altogether. Because honestly, the clownish bashing going on in this thread is a blatant violation of the Forum Rules. And no, you will not be allowed to demand the discussion to follow your own personal whim, nor demand that someone be forced to respond to your own aimless pontification.


If anyone wants to be arrogant enough to troll a fake discussion and then accuse ME of being a troll when I criticize your abusive and unworthy attitude, then how about you take a little time to reflect on yourself and imagine how uncivil the people see you to be, who choose to be members of only civil sociological and community environments.


It's interesting that so many people would choose to be hateful within a discussion of how to PREVENT players from being burdened with adversity within the game environment. It's as if none of you even have a clue of the basic premise of this Suggestion. Nor do you intend to remain compliant to the Forum Rules.

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Your idea was to keep the ON/OFF switch for the Purchase Confirmation dialog. Which makes it compelling to repeat myself so the logistics of the required solution will become more clear to you:


Still waiting for the answers to my questions, but since the ability to turn of the box seems to be your point of contention, there is an even simpler method than what you have suggested:


1) Use the current dialogue warning box already in game, except remove the ability to turn it off.

2) Update it with a text box that requires the buyer to input the cost of the items they bought as it shows in the warning box before the transaction can be completed.


Simple. The buyer is forced to review the price by inputting the cost in the box and cannot complete the transaction without doing so.

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The most I'm willing to do in this situation is to dissuade you from being an arrogant troll along with the others. The main reason no one is chiming in to support this thread is that people who would support this thread are the civil type, who find it difficult to thrive in a hostile and abusive environment. So they just count themselves as better off not contributing to avoid any of the hostility being directed at themselves which would make their day(s) a little less positive.


It's obvious the various trolls that are bombarding this thread with nonsense have mistaken this for the General Discussion forum.


This is the Suggestion Box. Since I personally originated this Suggestion thread (to communicate the need for better GTN buyer protection), I can confidently say that if you're here only to inflate the thread with voluminous nonsense that amounts to nothing more sophisticated or contributory than "I don't want to have to click any Purchase Confirmations", then you're not welcome in this thread to do anything other than state "I don't want to have to click any Purchase Confirmations" once and only once, and then stop posting altogether. Because honestly, the clownish bashing going on in this thread is a blatant violation of the Forum Rules. And no, you will not be allowed to demand the discussion to follow your own personal whim, nor demand that someone be forced to respond to your own aimless pontification.


If anyone wants to be arrogant enough to troll a fake discussion and then accuse ME of being a troll when I criticize your abusive and unworthy attitude, then how about you take a little time to reflect on yourself and imagine how uncivil the people see you to be, who choose to be members of only civil sociological and community environments.


It's interesting that so many people would choose to be hateful within a discussion of how to PREVENT players from being burdened with adversity within the game environment. It's as if none of you even have a clue of the basic premise of this Suggestion. Nor do you intend to remain compliant to the Forum Rules.


Get down from the soapbox. Stop grandstanding. Answer my rather objective questions.

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The main reason no one is chiming in to support this thread is that people who would support this thread are the civil type, who find it difficult to thrive in a hostile and abusive environment. So they just count themselves as better off not contributing to avoid any of the hostility being directed at themselves which would make their day(s) a little less positive.

Pure conjecture. I postulate that the main reason no one is chiming in to support this thread is because no one agrees with your suggestion. Since neither of us can ever know for certain, we'll have to agree to disagree. And there is hostility in this thread, certainly; I suggest you take another look at where it's coming from.

the various trolls that are bombarding this thread with nonsense

your abusive and unworthy attitude

imagine how uncivil the people see you to be

It's interesting that so many people would choose to be hateful

All this from a single post.

This is the Suggestion Box. Since I personally originated this Suggestion thread (to communicate the need for better GTN buyer protection), I can confidently say that if you're here only to inflate the thread with voluminous nonsense that amounts to nothing more sophisticated or contributory than "I don't want to have to click any Purchase Confirmations", then you're not welcome in this thread to do anything other than state "I don't want to have to click any Purchase Confirmations" once and only once, and then stop posting altogether. Because honestly, the clownish bashing going on in this thread is a blatant violation of the Forum Rules.

You seem to be laboring under the mistaken impression that, as the OP, you own this thread. You do not. BioWare/EA own these forums, and it is their rules, not yours, that posters are obligated to follow. Other players can post, or not, in this thread as they choose, as long as the Rules of Conduct are followed. If you suspect someone of trolling or any other infraction, you're well within your rights to report that post to the moderators; in fact, I encourage you to do so. As you yourself stated:

you will not be allowed to demand the discussion to follow your own personal whim

If your intent was to make the dev team aware of a potential issue affecting players, rather than open up an actual discussion among the players about your suggestion, it might have been better to PM it directly to someone at BW. That would have eliminated the possibility of people "trolling" your thread by disagreeing with you. As it stands, players will post as they see fit.

If anyone wants to be arrogant enough to troll a fake discussion

Ah. That explains things, thank you.

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1) Use the current dialogue warning box already in game, except remove the ability to turn it off.

2) Update it with a text box that requires the buyer to input the cost of the items they bought as it shows in the warning box before the transaction can be completed.


Simple. The buyer is forced to review the price by inputting the cost in the box and cannot complete the transaction without doing so.


Kudos for being the first person to post an alternative solution to the thread. I don't doubt that your idea would be just as effective at preventing GTN accidents. In fact it's the same method they used in SWG when you clicked to delete one of your characters (you had to type in the exact name of your character before it would be deleted).


However, from an ease-of-use and elegance standpoint, it wouldn't be a very enjoyable UI. Re-entering the price for oddly-priced items would become a bit of a chore that would become frustrating if a player keeps making typos in that box.


What I like most about the usability of my suggestion is that the bright color for expensive prices, combined with the 3-5 second delay provides not only an alert of when a price IS particularly expensive, it also gives nearly immediate reassurance that a particular purchase ISN'T expensive, because there WON'T be any bright color in the Purchase Confirmation. This gives feedback for all purchases, which is a nice facilitation of the purchase process.


The bright color of the expensive price combined with a possible (Jawa?) graphical icon that upgrades to a more extravagant icon at larger price tiers, is called User Interface Redundancy, and it's a good technique for ensuring a UI is clear to as many people as possible. If you quickly go read:

3. Redundancy and intuitive use

it might be good background information to help understand the method of the design of my suggestion. The idea is to provide instant visual indicators of the price range of the item, along with establishing a guarantee (in the form of a delayed 'OK' button) that the user will genuinely verify the price level of the item.

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...I postulate that the main reason no one is chiming in to support this thread is because no one agrees with your suggestion.



This thread doesn't NEED other people to chime in with support in order for it to be viable. Because here's what is undisputed fact:


  • it happens regularly that players have GTN accidents and lose large sums of money buying unwanted items
  • the purpose of the Purchase Confirmation feature is to prevent players from buying items by mistake


Now, if you can't put this two and two together and realize that everything I've posted in this suggestion thread (MY suggestion thread) is accurate and high quality, then I can't really help you with your shortcoming. Because I've endlessly and graciously explained the details of why this suggestion is the best solution for ending GTN accidents, and why all the parts of my suggestion are essential to its success. All of which should have already been understood easily from reading my original post, so if you want to continue pontificating like this and sending this thread into useless circles, you're going to end up looking awfully silly.


All you have to be is considerate of the rights of other players, and you'd realize it's a good idea to implement this suggestion so that future (major) GTN accidents are prevented.

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Okay, serious question: Do you think I am merely trolling you?


If you think my questions are trolling, then you couldn't be more incorrect. The very questions I asked, are the ones that will be considered by a development team before a single line of code is added to the game to change GTN functionality.

Edited by azudelphi
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This thread doesn't NEED other people to chime in with support in order for it to be viable.

You're correct. It needs BioWare to support it for it to be viable. As azudelphi said, the dev team will be looking at cost/benefit ratios, ease of implementation and other concerns. You're perfectly free to keep spouting the same tired opinions paraded as fact and ignore any of the questions or issues pointed out by other posters (because it is true that no one can demand that you answer anything). All that ultimately matters is that the devs are unlikely to take the suggestion seriously without the information requested or indeed any evidence of a real and widespread issue. So are you going to stick to your guns just to try and spite the "trolls," or do you actually want to fix things?

more words

I'm not going to quote the rest of your post at length, for fear of aimlessly pontificating. It did make my night, though. Thank you!

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You're correct. It needs BioWare to support it for it to be viable. As azudelphi said, the dev team will be looking at cost/benefit ratios, ease of implementation and other concerns. You're perfectly free to keep spouting the same tired opinions paraded as fact and ignore any of the questions or issues pointed out by other posters (because it is true that no one can demand that you answer anything). All that ultimately matters is that the devs are unlikely to take the suggestion seriously without the information requested or indeed any evidence of a real and widespread issue. So are you going to stick to your guns just to try and spite the "trolls," or do you actually want to fix things?


I'm not going to quote the rest of your post at length, for fear of aimlessly pontificating. It did make my night, though. Thank you!


In addition to the purely development considerations that are made, Bioware is going to be very interested in the community's opinion on a suggestion. It could be the greatest suggestion of all time in terms of functionality, but if the community disapproves, then Bioware can not and will not act on it.


So, quite frankly, OP is incorrect... the opinions of support and dissent are critical to whether or not this idea can be implemented.

Edited by azudelphi
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