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Not adjusting the slot machine is the worst thing they can do.


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I've spent absurd amounts of CC's and credits obtaining rare items in this game that once I get, I never use. It's the chase that is fun. People should just let this slot machine issue die and quit worrying about "losing" RL $, especially those who bought and opened Hypercrates! I mean, it's not like you didn't get anything else out of the crates.

If you think this issue is going to die quickly or easily, you are mistaken. It will eventually, but not because of your (or anyone else's) forum hand-wringing.

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I dont think that this incident alone will kill the game. I think quite a bit more would have to happen before the game would be in trouble.


But I do think they are going to feel it. But only because they have been on a consistent losing streak since losing their minds for the last 6 months.


i agree. I just think that this kind of thing will continue to happen and ignoring it hoping it will go away is not a good solution. Biowart keeps making mistakes and refusing to deal with them. doesnt work for individuals and doesnt work for companies.

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If you think this issue is going to die quickly or easily, you are mistaken. It will eventually, but not because of your (or anyone else's) forum hand-wringing.


You may be right sadly. It seems that greed and entitlement are the strongest emotions here and they are not emotions that go down easily.

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You may be right sadly. It seems that greed and entitlement are the strongest emotions here and they are not emotions that go down easily.


the question is, who's greed and entitlement? the few that felt entitled to keep their mission running mat empire going and the greed for gouge level prices? or those that feel entitled to use the slot machine they just paid real money for to gain jawa tokens? and the greed for being able to be self sufficient and keeping their credits in their bank?

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They said at the cantina they have no plans to change the SM again. Stop clinging to a lost hope.


I think Bioware can go ahead and make an official announcement to that effect here before the whole community where all subscribing members can join in the discussion before I acknowledge that claim. Only mentioning it at an event with a tiny group in attendance? That's some chicken **** B.S.

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The drop rate being over nerfed is an issue, but not nearly as big as the fake forum uproar, looking at the OP for a lot of these threads, I've been realizing that the writing styles are very similiar and look like they were likely done by a small group of folks with multiple accounts.


Ah, I see, we're at the "multiple accounts" stage of denial...

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Sure, I see what you are saying, but hear what I am saying....


The only source for mats should be gathering and crew missions IMO. Those sources should be so plentiful there should be no desire or need to get mats from any other source.


If mats are provided anywhere else, and that includes packs, the machine, conquest, etc they should be universal mats that are bound to you and, when used, the things you craft as well.


That is only my opinion, but if I was in charge I would remove ALL mats from sources other than crew missions and gathering, increase returns from both substantially, and then replace all prior mats from other sources with a universal bound mat.


THAT IMO would be the best way to handle it for everyone.


Why are we worried about where the mats come from or whether the resulting items are sellable?

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I will not renew my subscription or buy anymore CC until they fix the freaking slot machine and apologize for the knee-jerk reaction.


'knee-jerk reaction'


To people whining.


And you blame BW and not the people who whined them into submission?

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Why are we worried about where the mats come from or whether the resulting items are sellable?


I never have gotten an answer as to why mission mats=good anywhere else mats=bad

why should 1 method be innately superior? I dont care if the mats drop in the poop of a drunken bantha...it makes no difference. why is bw defending the profits of any 1 small group on the gtn?

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'knee-jerk reaction'


To people whining.


And you blame BW and not the people who whined them into submission?

It is Bioware that made the changes because a few whiners who probably spend millions on the slot machine to get as much jawa junk and certificates before the nerf to make even more money, but in the end it is Bioware that nerfed it into oblivion.

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I never have gotten an answer as to why mission mats=good anywhere else mats=bad

why should 1 method be innately superior? I dont care if the mats drop in the poop of a drunken bantha...it makes no difference. why is bw defending the profits of any 1 small group on the gtn?

Because they were probably the loudest.

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Well, it has been 5 days... and I don't see a lot of let up...

I'll be letting up in 6 more days myself, if not sooner. ;) It looks like another game is going to command my attention. Final Fantasy may not have lore with the depth and breadth of SWTOR, but it does have lore. And it's fun.

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Trivalizing an element of gameplay through a item that is bought in cartel packs would switch the game to p2w. That's why it was bad


sending your companions out while you log off and sleep is not any more of an element of gameplay than the login screen...with the slots you are in game participating..try again

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sending your companions out while you log off and sleep is not any more of an element of gameplay than the login screen...with the slots you are in game participating..try again


Slot machine is easily defined as pay 2 win, it only comes in a pack that is sold for RL money and was becoming critical to have a chance of doing any upper level crafting. That fits the definition of pay 2 win. So by Bioware's earlier statements about the cartel market not being a p2w shop, the nerf was inevitable. Use the brain cells that you have left mate

Edited by lokimogor
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Slot machine is easily defined as pay 2 win, it only comes in a pack that is sold for RL money and was becoming critical to have a chance of doing any upper level crafting. That fits the definition of pay 2 win. So by Bioware's earlier statements about the cartel market not being a p2w shop, the nerf was inevitable. Use the brain cells that you have left mate


You can go into a public stronghold and use someone else's, easily. Every single server has public strongholds with these slots.


Try again, bro.

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Trivalizing an element of gameplay through a item that is bought in cartel packs would switch the game to p2w. That's why it was bad


I don't agree with this at all.


The thing that puzzles me is the resistance to moving the source of mats exclusively to missions and scavenging. That is how it has been since the launch of the game....why would it be bad to have that now?


The point is, as long as they can keep finding new and idiotic ways to increase mats in the economy they will be able to avoid fixing crew missions and scavenging, which has needed a fix FOR YEARS.


And if they did in fact make mats more plentiful from missions and scavenging, and increase the critical rate substantially, remove the failure chance, etc....why would that be the worse option as opposed to having the mats drop from a machine, conquest or a pack?


If you could scavenge a node and get ten pieces of mat instead of 2....if you could send out a crewmember on a mission and get 10 to 20 pieces of material instead of 5, get 7 to 10 blues and 3 to 5 purples from every high end mission AND have the missions take less time across the board, would that not be good for everyone?


This gives mats to the barons and the crafters, with no fuss.


It was bad to have mats drop from other sources because that means they do not have to fix the source that makes sense.


It just doesn't make sense to put drops in the machine, conquests, packs.....loot chests, fall from the sky, come from /dance, slapping companions or any other silly method IMO.

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That fits the definition of pay 2 win.


No it does not.


You keep using that term, but I don't think it means what you think it means.


I don't agree with this at all.


The thing that puzzles me is the resistance to moving the source of mats exclusively to missions and scavenging. That is how it has been since the launch of the game....why would it be bad to have that now?


The point is, as long as they can keep finding new and idiotic ways to increase mats in the economy they will be able to avoid fixing crew missions and scavenging, which has needed a fix FOR YEARS.


And if they did in fact make mats more plentiful from missions and scavenging, and increase the critical rate substantially, remove the failure chance, etc....why would that be the worse option as opposed to having the mats drop from a machine, conquest or a pack?


If you could scavenge a node and get ten pieces of mat instead of 2....if you could send out a crewmember on a mission and get 10 to 20 pieces of material instead of 5, get 7 to 10 blues and 3 to 5 purples from every high end mission AND have the missions take less time across the board, would that not be good for everyone?


This gives mats to the barons and the crafters, with no fuss.


It was bad to have mats drop from other sources because that means they do not have to fix the source that makes sense.


It just doesn't make sense to put drops in the machine, conquests, packs.....loot chests, fall from the sky, come from /dance, slapping companions or any other silly method IMO.


I cannot disagree with that train of thought. I am not much of a crafter, being still engaged with the actual gameplay of the game itself. However, during those times I have fiddled around with it, and REing items, I have found the returns certainly do not warrant the costs involved. Not to mention the fact that anyone not familiar with the companion bonuses could very well find themselves picking out crew skills that aren't optimal for the companions that their character will receive, thereby decreasing their ability to craft higher end items (due to lack of crits) or having to spend time re-leveling a completely different crew skill.


I am one that supports having different types of options for obtaining any potential item in a game, therefore have no problem with things like the slot machine. However, no one means of acquisition should be inherently better than any other. Did the machine need a nerf? Yeah, kinda (but not to the extreme that it was), but along with that, crew skills need a buff - and a big one at that.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Slot machine is easily defined as pay 2 win, it only comes in a pack that is sold for RL money and was becoming critical to have a chance of doing any upper level crafting. That fits the definition of pay 2 win. So by Bioware's earlier statements about the cartel market not being a p2w shop, the nerf was inevitable. Use the brain cells that you have left mate


I am waiting for the great crystal nerf..you know, the ones that gave +41 at level ten......use the brain cells that you have left mate.

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I don't agree with this at all.


The thing that puzzles me is the resistance to moving the source of mats exclusively to missions and scavenging. That is how it has been since the launch of the game....why would it be bad to have that now?


The point is, as long as they can keep finding new and idiotic ways to increase mats in the economy they will be able to avoid fixing crew missions and scavenging, which has needed a fix FOR YEARS.


And if they did in fact make mats more plentiful from missions and scavenging, and increase the critical rate substantially, remove the failure chance, etc....why would that be the worse option as opposed to having the mats drop from a machine, conquest or a pack?


If you could scavenge a node and get ten pieces of mat instead of 2....if you could send out a crewmember on a mission and get 10 to 20 pieces of material instead of 5, get 7 to 10 blues and 3 to 5 purples from every high end mission AND have the missions take less time across the board, would that not be good for everyone?


This gives mats to the barons and the crafters, with no fuss.


It was bad to have mats drop from other sources because that means they do not have to fix the source that makes sense.


It just doesn't make sense to put drops in the machine, conquests, packs.....loot chests, fall from the sky, come from /dance, slapping companions or any other silly method IMO.


why do you resist having multiple ways of getting mats? why is this such a problem for you? what is so special about gathering missions? when will you call for a nerf of tc? it gives mats that missions dont!!!

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I am one that supports having different types of options for obtaining any potential item in a game, therefore have no problem with things like the slot machine. However, no one means of acquisition should be inherently better than any other. Did the machine need a nerf? Yeah, kinda (but not to the extreme that it was), but along with that, crew skills need a buff - and a big one at that.

I agree with this. Having more choice is, in general, a good thing. It's when a particular option becomes so much better than any other that it becomes an issue. It's my opinion that removing choice should always be a last resort. I don't think the original, flawed implementation of the CSM and the subsequent overcorrection of drop rates have us at a point where the only viable solution is taking away Jawa scrap entirely.


A big first step would be improving crew missions. I'd like to see decreased times, adjustments to returns and crit/fail rates and a "shuffle" option for the mission list.

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