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Best Class Story?


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Most overrated story, hands down: agent. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


Personally, I liked the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter. JK/SW are the most epic, SI feels the most accomplished while BH has the best companions.

Edited by Xeraz
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Yes: agent ... By far


Why? There are plots. There are decisions. There are emotions. Almost no placeholder quests. No strange ghost collecting or healing of sick Jedi masters or meaningless hunting of no names.


Second best are the knight and warrior stories. Knight, because it's about the fight against the antagonist, warrior is very sith like about the rule of 2 and progressing through the ranks.


Didn't finish smuggler story yet, but don't feel involved. I am too short in the trooper story to judge it.


Inquisitor is average. It feels artificial lengthy, thus boring. Had to play it 2 times.

Counselor I am not finished yet, but it's underwhelming yet. Flying to planets, seeking the sick masters, heal them, fly on. Like a galactic home visiting doctor.

Edited by ishbindeinvater
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Most overrated story, hands down: agent. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


Personally, I liked the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter. JK/SW are the most epic, SI feels the most accomplished while BH has the best companions.


Agent has probably the most interesting companions.

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Story: Agent > Knight/Warrior > Bounty Hunter > Smugger/Trooper > Inquisitor > Consular


All of my character were full Light. Agent, Warrior, and Bounty Hunter were all extremely good Light. Knight has the best overall epic-ness to it's story-line to me, but the Agent takes the overall best prize by miles.


Companions: Bounty Hunter/Agent > Warrior/Knight > Trooper > Smuggler > Inquisitor/Consular


Mako and Blitz (Bounty Hunter) are my two favorite Companions, followed closely by Temple (Agent), Kira (Knight), Vette (Warrior), and Nadia (Consular). My dark horses are Jaesa (Light version; Warrior), Elara (Trooper) and Ashara (Inquisitor). All three are sexy and fun, but have can have off-putting personalities.


Worst Companions: Skadge (Bounty Hunter) and Tharan (Consular). Skadge is just a major D-bag and Tharan is the poster-boy for the Ultimate Creeper.

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1. Consular: I can’t say how much I adore Consular’s story! It’s picking up steam gradually, and you can feel the character growth. Rishi conclusion is just so in character and beautiful! Zenith is my Beloved Companion, no other ever came close. Gameplay is my favorite. So smooth, noob-friendly and posh.


2. Smuggler: It’s a great character and a great story with the best side-romances in the game. Act 2 felt s let-down, but I liked the wrap-up of the Act 3. If I could get attached to any of the Smuggler’s companions (i.e. if Guss was a Nautolan) I might like the Class more than Consular. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay is okay on the Slinger, but Scoundrel is hard to muster.


3. Trooper: It just comes together so well. Everything is solid and good. Story is cohesive, and the team is the best overall. Nothing save for Jaxo story line stands out as GREAT, but everything is good. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay wise, my VGT is a joy.


4. Warrior: Similar to the Trooper, but the crew is not as much to my liking, and Jaesa drags it down a whole lot. Also one of the stories that are better as a male in terms of the availability of content, so a minus in my books. I used to have Warrior > Trooper, but after Rishi with the Warrior, Trooper moves up! Rishi on the Warrior was boring and pointless waste of developer’s time.


5. Inquisitor: Yeah… not the best. The companions also have too much discrepancy. Loved the story-importance of Ashara, Khem and Talos, but Xalek and Andronikus felt completely redundant with absolutely nothing to offer. Andronkus soundset is annoying too. Props to Bio for having Talos as plot-important on Rishi and I liked the quest.


Did not play: Knight and BH, but I have a feeling that Knight>BH, though not sure yet. Knight has a HUGE strike against it for being the most male oriented-story in the game. BH is simply not my thing.


8. There is absolutely nothing that can make me like IA. For me it’s a needlessly convoluted, disjointed, over-hyped story. I am aware that 99% of the players go gaga over it.

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Smuggler, hands down. Smuggler has a great nemesis through act 1. Great humor, best comments and is generally the most fun. Act 2 changes the setting, but it still makes sense. Act 3 was a throw for me and made a fine story come into a great story.
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Have to agree with majority. Agent story was the last that I played. I heard it's good, but I didn't beleive (knight, warriors, lightning, ultimate power blah blah...). After I finished it I had to agree - best storyline goes to agent.

Btw some are very nice too:

Warriors (bloodbath)

Knights (epicness)

Inq (deception, power race)

BH (just cool)

Trooper story is TERRIBLY BORING imo (unless you play with dark side).

Edited by DerSchneider
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I've not played Agent yet, but given the overall praise for it, I'm hoping I'll like it (particularly as I have a fondness for spy fiction). Also, it's voiced by FemHawke, so bonus points already. Here's what I've played so far (their level in brackets), and what I reckon:


1. Consular (60): It's fairly dull for Act 1 (shielding masters), but does pick up when you have to forge the alliance in Act 3. Other than that, I don't really remember too much about it, but I did play it at launch, so it's been a while! Some interestingly eclectic companions, especially when compared to other classes, and the class quest on Rishi with the holocron felt like it was definitely 'Consular'.


2. Warrior (45): Act 1 was good, and so far it's not let me down as a good story overall. Even playing LS, it feels very Sithy, and what you'd expect for a Lord of the Sith (power plays and the acquisition of power). Plus, playing LS tends to give some funny dialogue. Not got her to 60 yet as ploughing through the planets is getting really dull (but it's nice to see them from the 'opposite' point of view to my Pub characters). Plus, I think I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed Vette, having her along as my 'conscience' for most of the early story. Jaesa can get irritating, but is better than Quinn, who is a bit too snivelling...


3. Trooper (60): Fairly bland story, but bonus points for being voiced by FemShep! Companions are fairly amusing at times and M1 in particular is a good caricature of idealised soldiering, and it helps that they mostly take the same gear as the trooper, so giving them 'hand me downs' makes gearing them a lot easier.


4. Knight (31): Feels somewhat more 'epic' than the Consular, but I'd kind of expect it (the knight is all about action and taking down the enemies of the Republic, the consular is all about the mysteries of the Force). A lot more Samurai-esque than I expected, particularly if you take LS options with the Sith on Tatooine. Some dialogue choices I've had so far seem very bland though. Kira's a good companion for combat, though her action dialogue can get naff in a hurry ("Feel my Force!").


5. Inquisitor (35): Similar to the Consular, insofar as it's more about mysteries of the Force than out and out action. The Inq is more about the acquisition of personal power, but in a different way to the Warrior. Trying to get the companion on Taris at the moment, which is the only interesting thing about the planet. Playing her as a sarcastic LS Assassin, and it makes dialogue much better.


6. Bounty Hunter (12): Just started her, and so far what I'd expect, given the first 'twist' on Hutta. Definitely intriguing, even if the villain is somewhat overwrought. Fun to play though, mainly because the Hunter can be very sarcastic. Plus, I can use the "it's all about the money" dialogue choices without feeling like it's against the 'spirit' of the class. Mako's a good companion, but it's a bit annoying to start with a healer when my A/C choice was Bodyguard merc...


Not played the smuggler either, but less interested in it, given what I've been told about it.


In many ways, I think BW missed a trick in not having a 3rd faction (sort of), with the smuggler and the Bounty Hunter. Neither of them are obviously intrinsic to the Empire or the Republic, and it would've been nice to have them capable of working for either.



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I hated the Consular story, until about midway through chapter 2. Then I couldn't stop playing.


I just got to Nar Shadaa with the Agent, and I am really enjoying this story so far.


My GF and I have Inquisitors that we only play together, and I am really just dying to know how this story pans out - it's killing me since we are about half way through Chapter 1.


I started a JK and a SW, only about level 10 in each and these stories seem to be looking very promising as well.


My level 9 Smuggler? Meh (just got to fleet, so it's not fair for me to judge at this point I guess)


I have a 17 BH and it starts off really strong. Haven't played him in a while, now that I think of it.

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I'll preface this by saying, I play mostly Imp toons. I can't comment on pub toons, as they are lowbies I have spent little time on. Pub side of Shadowlands usually seems even more dead now then it was before my break, which I wouldn't have thought possible. I have heard good things about the Knight quests, so I'll bite the bullet and play it through one of these days I guess.

Agent story is by far the best of the bunch. The twists, turns, and intrigues of it just had a great "007 meets the empire" thing. The Sith Warrior quest line was fairly good (DS Jaesa >>> LS Jaesa, btw). Picking on Darthfat***** was just a bonus. :) The Bountyhunter quest line started off fairly slow, imo, but picked up well later. The Rishi quest was a nice addition, that flowed from the beginning nicely. And I place the Inquisitor last, because it just seemed so bland, and predictable.

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1) Agent: I'm going to agree with everyone else, the Agent story is just... *looks for an adjective and fails miserably* So many of your choices have consequences later down the line, and while other classes drag in Act I, the Agent started out solid and got better the further you played. I think my favorite is Act II, just for the mind-****ery that goes on, the pressure, the theme of control loss and self-identity, and pretty much everything.


2) Warrior: Another story that distinguishes between LS, DS, and neutral. I thought the plot was also solid throughout, though not as seat-gripping as the Agent's. Plus the Warrior can be such a fun character to play, especially LS--there is nothing better than stunning and trolling hypocritical Jedi with your LS-ness.


3) Knight: Classic "save the galaxy" story, but classics are classic for a reason. It harkened back to the original trilogy, had some of the most awesome moments (converting Sith to the LS, killing Sel-Makor, the DS method of dealing with the Emperor), and just had that good Star Wars feel that made it very enjoyable to play.


4) Inquisitor: The plot is pretty weak, honestly, but the Inquisitor is such a character I couldn't not include them in the top 4. Seriously, Inquisitors get the best dialogue in the game, especially DS. Act I was meh because I was just waiting for Zash to betray me, Act II was a glorified ghost hunt, but I did enjoy Act III because it was a bit like Mask of the Betrayer--very personal, you're racing against the clock to save yourself. And the ending cinematics are my favorite in the game.


5) Bounty Hunter: The Hunter has the best companions in the game (excluding Skadge) and kills the most Force-users of the non-Force Sensitives--that has to count for something. And I swear I have never hated a villain as much as I hate the villain of Act III because he is so self-righteous and smug. While I did enjoy a lot of the class-specific dialogue, the plot is unfortunately not that interesting until Act III, like the Inquisitor.


6) Smuggler: And this is where the classes start to fall off. I don't think I enjoyed any of the plot outside vaguely appreciating the chances to build my criminal empire, the companions are, with the exception of Risha and Guss, boring and unamusing, and it's just not that great. The redeeming feature is that the Smuggler, like the Inquisitor, is a blast to role-play in conversations because they're so snarky and flirty.


7) Consular: There is an improvement between Act I and Acts II and III. But it's still not great, too many plot-holes and inconsistencies. The Consular is the most snooze-worthy character in the game to listen to and to play--if you're LS you're dull and boring, if you're DS you sound like you're trying to be scary, but failing. It's not in last because Serenity Shadows are incredibly fun, and because the twist at the end of Act III was actually pretty good for this story.


8) Trooper: Aaaaaaagh. Like the Consular, it gets better later on, but not good. General Rakton is a compelling villain, but he's not enough to save this class from a dull plot, meh-to-bad voice-acting, boring gameplay (Commando's are the worst class to play, let me tell you), uninteresting companions, and overall unenjoyable-ness.

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  • 3 months later...

1) Inquisitor

If you enjoy playing a monomaniacal Villain trying to consume a power-source bigger than their head, this is the story for you. I recognize that it objectively isn't as good as some of the others but it was EXACTLY what I wanted out of my sith.


2) Jedi Knight

Not all that original, but it doesn't need to be. Great epic showdowns and at least one twist.


3) Sith Warrior

I had so much fun exposing the hypocrisy of the jedi. This story works great either dark or light side, although dark Jaessa is better.


4) Imperial Agent

While this story is less perfectly suited to my personal tastes than those above, it really is a great stpry for the many reasons already listed by others.


Then there is a massive gulf between the top half of the list and the bottom.


5) Smuggler

Not all the way through it yet, but decent so far (Act I), but nothing particularly exciting.


6) Counselor

The "plot" wasn't even vaguely coherent, and not particularly interesting at any point, I like a few of the companions, but the story is not good.


7) Bounty Hunter

Acts 1 & II left me not caring about anything plot wise, and while act III is decent it doesn't come close to making up for it.


8) Trooper

Absolute Rubbish

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I haven't played any of the stories very far, so my opinion isn't worth a lot. But from what I have played so far ...


Inquisitor: I decided, early on, that I wanted my Inquisitor to be despicably evil, piling up the Dark points as fast as possible. The story, in that regard, has not disappointed me in the least. It's doing a great job of making me feel like the amoral, greedy, opportunistic, treacherous Neutral Evil wizard I've always wanted to play. In particular, the opportunities I repeatedly get to mouth off to my superiors & to assert my corrupt thirst for unbridled power make me giggle. & you have to admit, cinematics in which you lightning-shock the crap out of some poor mook, merely because he or she displeased you, are great good fun to watch :)


Smuggler: Conversely, the Smuggler story is letting me be Han Solo -- living on the edge of the law, not necessarily always "law abiding" but always well-intentioned, loyal to his friends & the Republic, but willing to break the rules in order to make a credit. The hunt for my ship left me quite satisfied when I got it back, & I'm enjoying the treasure hunt, except that for some reason I really disliked Taris.


Trooper: The further I get into this story, the more I like it. As a military veteran, the concept of hunting my former squad-mates is kind of compelling, & I'm enjoying playing my Commando as a guy who follows orders & respects his chain of command, but understands that sometimes orders need to be bent a little to accommodate the realities of field work.


Consular: So far, I'm liking this story a lot for the same reason as I enjoyed the Trooper story. It's not the story itself I'm disliking ... it's the Consular Shadow class, which feels weak & slow. I can't help feeling that if I were playing a Consular Sage, I'd be enjoying the story more.


Agent/Bounty Hunter: They're both OK, but so far not much better than that, especially the Agent. I'll hold further judgment until I get further into them.


I haven't played either the Sith Warrior or Jedi Knight story lines past their opening worlds, but while the classes themselves were enjoyable, neither of them was what I really wanted to play, & their stories were not compelling me to go much further. Both of them felt a great deal like "Hulk SMASH" though I'm gathering they both get better later on. I like TK-07 a lot, he's a funny companion, but for me Vette is nothing more than a shock-collar target :(

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Hands down has the best storyline hands down, it takes you on a whirlwind of emotions.


It is like the story was created first and they did got enough funds to create equally good stories for the rest of the classes.

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