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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, if you want to salvage this debacle, some advice inside....


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1) You should release a long producer or developer letter, from the person or persons that designed the Slot machine, apologizing to the community for the initial state and the change, why the errors occured and a clear message on what will happen in the future with new machines.


2) Quickly get a new 12XP event going again. Set it up to work with ALL of the game, all the way to level cap. That, IMO, will make most folks happy and perhaps even give you guys a pass. Even if you only set it up as it was before, up to 55 that would be fine. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN ASAP IMO.


3) You want to save the ability to sell more machines in the future? Unnerf certificate rates. That was a VERY foolish move on your part. That is what the slot machine SHOULD have been for in the first place. That move alone would probably satisfy the majority of folks and make the machines desirable again.


4) Perhaps consider my suggestion for universal mats that are bound to legacy for personal use, similar to LotROs system. Shameless plug there, sorry.


For the future, IMO you should consider increasing the return rate, crit rate and reducing the time for crew missions, and increase return rate for scavenging substantially. That is where the mats belonged in the first place IMO.


IMO, if you get another 12XP event going this might cause most folks to give you a pass. I can't imagine it would take much to put it in place, considering the mechanic is already in the game. Just turn it on. Let folks level alts again.


You need to do something and you need to do it FAST. No silence, no waiting for months, no foolish "working as intended" comments, just get it done.


Thanks for reading.

Edited by LordArtemis
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At this point, the best thing they could do is flat out come out and say no new machines will be released, that it was a mistake and as such the drop rates will remain.


While I loved having it and I did buy a hyper crate pretty much just to get one, I could see that it was a dumb move in their part. Credits for CM only items, there was bound to be community uproar from that alone, add the economy aspect pf Jawa Junk and we have perfect storm brewing.


Nip it in the bud, call it a mistake and move on.


But something needs to be given as compensation I agree, a 12x exp boost would be nice another idea would be to return the initial drop rates for the duration of a day, if only to make up for the incomplete patch notes.


Had people known the truth they would have made full use of it before it got nerfed to the ground, this way we get a final "farewell" and we get to get the max out of this wonderful, horrible mistake from their part.

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1) You should release a long producer or developer letter, from the person that designed the Slot machine, apologizing to the community for the initial state and the change and a clear message on what will happen in the future with new machines.


2) Quickly get a new 12XP event going again. Set it up to work with ALL of the game, all the way to level cap. That, IMO, will make most folks happy and perhaps even give you guys a pass. Even if you only set it up as it was before, up to 55 that would be fine. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN ASAP IMO.


3) You want to save the ability to sell more machines in the future? Unnerf certificate rates. That was a VERY foolish move on your part. That is what the slot machine SHOULD have been for in the first place. That move alone would probably satisfy the majority of folks and make the machines desirable again.


4) Consider my suggestion for universal mats that are bound to legacy for personal use, similar to LotROs system. Shameless plug there, sorry.


IMO, if you get another 12XP event going this might cause most folks to give you a pass. I can't imagine it would take much to put it in place, considering the mechanic is already in the game. Just turn it on. Let folks level alts again.


You need to do something and you need to do it FAST. No silence, no waiting for months, no foolish "working as intended" comments, just get it done.


Thanks for reading.


All I see is "want want want" :rolleyes:

Edited by Mowermanx
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3) You want to save the ability to sell more machines in the future? Unnerf certificate rates. That was a VERY foolish move on your part. That is what the slot machine SHOULD have been for in the first place. That move alone would probably satisfy the majority of folks and make the machines desirable again.


Or an assortment of cosmetic items, or items from the packs, or... -something-

But whatever they do, the main thing is the return rate and rewards need to be upped to something that makes it fun enough to spend time playing.

They only need to take the briefest of looks at real-world operation of slot machines to know how that works, you know, decades of data and experience and research done by people who have a somewhat more accurate knowledge about it than the dev setting droprates with his d&d dice. ;)

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I dont think they should provide anything other than unnerfing the cert rates. This machine was clearly intended as a rep device. Having the certs drop as prizes makes sense. It should NEVER have provided mats....that was a bonehead move.


They can simply fix this problem by unnerfing the cert rates and then sell them that way in the future, as they were likely intended to be.


I just done think they need to throw us candy....I think they need to remove their collective heads from their rears, post a clear and concise letter of intent and apology, and get the 12XP event going asap to get people to forget about this.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I once again find myself agreeing with Artemis, mostly.


A letter from an actual Dev, not Musco, Woods or Watson would probably settle some folks down a little.


12x would be a distraction, an obvious one, but a distraction none the less.


Bumping the drop rates of the certificates would satisfy many, but i think that some bump to the drop rates of the scraps is needed.


There are so many crafting mats in the game right now I really don't want them to add any more anytime soon. Not unless they are gonna give me 2 more bay's in my legacy storage bank.


You need to do something and you need to do it FAST. No silence, no waiting for months, no foolish "working as intended" comments, just get it done.


Thanks for reading.


This^^^ cannot be overstated.

Don't wait till Monday, put out some official communication on the website this weekend.

Edited by RiVaN_
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I dont think they should provide anything other than unnerfing the cert rates. This machine was clearly intended as a rep device. Having the certs drop as prizes makes sense. It should NEVER have provided mats....that was a bonehead move.


They can simply fix this problem by unnerfing the cert rates and then sell them that way in the future, as they were likely intended to be.


I just done think they need to throw us candy....I think they need to remove their collective heads from their rears, post a clear and concise letter of intent and apology, and get the 12XP event going asap to get people to forget about this.


They need to do something to at least try to salvage the situation, throwing the community a bone would go a long way in that regard.

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1) You should release a long producer or developer letter, from the person that designed the Slot machine, apologizing to the community for the initial state and the change and a clear message on what will happen in the future with new machines.


2) Quickly get a new 12XP event going again. Set it up to work with ALL of the game, all the way to level cap. That, IMO, will make most folks happy and perhaps even give you guys a pass. Even if you only set it up as it was before, up to 55 that would be fine. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN ASAP IMO.


3) You want to save the ability to sell more machines in the future? Unnerf certificate rates. That was a VERY foolish move on your part. That is what the slot machine SHOULD have been for in the first place. That move alone would probably satisfy the majority of folks and make the machines desirable again.


4) Consider my suggestion for universal mats that are bound to legacy for personal use, similar to LotROs system. Shameless plug there, sorry.


IMO, if you get another 12XP event going this might cause most folks to give you a pass. I can't imagine it would take much to put it in place, considering the mechanic is already in the game. Just turn it on. Let folks level alts again.


You need to do something and you need to do it FAST. No silence, no waiting for months, no foolish "working as intended" comments, just get it done.


Thanks for reading.


Or just buff certificate rates in packs. They're abysmally low. Especially for how many bloody certs you have to have PLUS the rep to get items.

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I once again find myself agreeing with Artemis, mostly.


A letter from an actual Dev, not Musco, Woods or Watson would probably settle some folks down a little.


12x would be a distraction, an obvious one, but a distraction none the less.


Bumping the drop rates of the certificates would satisfy many, but i think that some bump to the drop rates of the scraps is needed.


There are so many crafting mats in the game right now I really don't want them to add any more anytime soon. Not unless they are gonna give me 2 more bay's in my legacy storage bank.




This^^^ cannot be overstated.

Don't wait till Monday, put out some official communication on the website this weekend.


Yea, the universal mat plug was definitely shameless, sorry. I really like the idea, but it is probably terrible......


I think that raising the mat drop rate is not wise at this time. If for any other reason, because the market is likely a bit over-saturated at the moment. But also the controversy it would likely stir. I think there would be far less with a return to 2 percent for certs however. And then that would make the machine what it should have been in the first place IMO.


The 12XP event, though it had it's detractors, did seem to make quite a few folks happy. I think it would go a LONG way toward building back some good will, and probably the easiest thing to do since it just ended less than 2 months ago.

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they are bound to legacy, yes. the problem is - you get either certs OR rep. I wish they were on a separate loot table.


I don' think certificates should even be in the loot table at all, you should get one per pack opened, given how many are needed per rep item (between 2 and 10) getting one per packs would not be asking too much.


Heck I'm sure single packs would sell allot more if people got a guaranteed certificate from them.

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Maybe they should be on a separate loot table as suggested, so you can get both, AND perhaps they should unbound so you could sell them on the GTN.


Just some thoughts...this would provide a source for certs that folks could have that do not care to purchase packs...then the issue with lack of cert source due to the nerf is solved, and folks that purchase the packs have something else to sell if they wish.

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I don' think certificates should even be in the loot table at all, you should get one per pack opened, given how many are needed per rep item (between 2 and 10) getting one per packs would not be asking too much.


Heck I'm sure single packs would sell allot more if people got a guaranteed certificate from them.


Since the packs are single purchases, would it be best to offer two or three guaranteed certs in each pack?

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they are bound to legacy, yes. the problem is - you get either certs OR rep. I wish they were on a separate loot table.


So, which would be best....still random but on a separate loot table or just automatically get a few certs per pack?


I think the latter is the best option.

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So, which would be best....still random but on a separate loot table or just automatically get a few certs per pack?


I think the latter is the best option.


I don't agree at all. I think the packs and certs or rep should stay exactly as it is currently, and if you want more certs you buy more packs, plain and simple (I've never struggled for certs yet).


As for the machine, if it was intended as a way to earn rep, then it needs to cost MORE (not less) so it falls in line with the cost of buying packs off the gtn. Yes I'm suggesting reducing the rate in which reputation is earned currently. However they definitely need to increase the rate that certificates are earned from the machine to something more consistent, even if you get 1 per 100 coins it would be a fair rate (not the low drop rate as is).


Also increase the cost of the coins. Remove the jawa stuff completely, and remove the mount. If this machine was intended purely as a way of earning old reputation.


As for the other stuff, not really interested now. BioWare need to communicate clearly or risk longer term damage.

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Nip it in the bud, call it a mistake and move on.

Yes. If they are going to leave the slot machines as they are, this is the best thing they could do. Like with the encrypted data cube debacle. They admitted they hosed up and promised never to do it again. Sure, it would be nice to have an easy "rep machine" in the future for the other CM rep factions, but at this point the slot machines are just too controversial.


As you say, admit they messed up, figure out some way to make amends, promise no more slot machines and move on.

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Sorry, but I'm not so cheap as to accept an increased experience event as a way to buy me off and change my current perception of the game, its management, and its quality level.


The slot machine is not the problem, neither as released nor as nerfed, rather it is with the continued poor to nonexistent communication, poor quality of changes and additions, and the lack of clear control over the game that is the problem.


Unless they demonstrate more effective management starting with improving communication, making significant progress against current bugs and performance issues, improving the quality level of future releases, and demonstrating they can effectively manage and control the game, I'm no longer willing to give them a pass with a 'oh well, it's Star Wars so here, have some more of my money'.

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1) You should release....


WTH are you talking about?, what "debacle" are you talking about?

BW don't need to do anything!!, They released a new mini game in SWtor called Slot machines and they decide when and what to do about them, instead of letting you scramble through the Packs they gave you certificates for FREE, especially if you bought the Slot machine from GTN like me, They didn't force you to use those Slot machines and people didn't even have an idea about them to start with...


Stop freaking whining and be a little bit grateful!!

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Actions speak louder than words. All I want is the machine to be "not worthless". I don't care what the prizes are, as long as it is "not worthless". And given how quickly you max out rep I do not consider rep trophies to be sufficient (and certainly not the walker with the ridiculous odds). More cartel certs would work, but it's not the only item that would work.


Long winded letter? Would be nice, but IMO of relatively little value and not going to bother me if they don't do it.


12x XP? Also nice, but it's not related to the issue and certainly if it came down to a choice I'd much rather they fix the slots.


Universal mats or whatever. This is a very interesting idea, but at this point I think it's the last thing BW should be considering. A MUCH larger (and potentially risky) change. It violates the KISS principle about as hard as you can. IMO they should be embracing the KISS principal right about now.

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