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Can we please just make this a happy place again?


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Just let me add, that ive been here a long time back before these forums changed into what it is today (back when the forums were that funky blue color) and even though theres been much hatred about many subjects.....ive seen stints where these forums had very few toxic posts. Let me also add that ive been here since early access so ive seen this forum's helpfulness and toxicity shift like a California earthquake.


The folks saying "well thats all i see here" is because that is all those folks look for. I know theres unhappy people but does that really delegate reasons to come to a board and fill it to the brim with hate and despair? I admit to even posting a heated message here and there but some folks just aim to to see the worse in everything.


I demand more kittens.

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Sadly, I don't think this place (general discussion), has ever been a happy place.


The misery slows down once in a while, but whenever something new or interesting happens, it fires up again. It's a wonder we ever get anything new or different, considering all the whinging that follows.


I'd like to see it be a happy place, but I don't see it happening. You could give the game everything people could want, and someone will still find a reason to squawk. I'm going back to the fan fic forum. At least it's still nice there.

Edited by Lunafox
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There is no stopping now ravagergate, slotgate, Nerfgate and QQgate are all we will ever have now in the forums. The Devs made to many people mad and now the forums are a mess. But i kinda like it that way since i like watching the world burn. Edited by Neoforcer
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There is no stopping now ravagergate, slotgate, Nerfgate and QQgate are all we will ever have now in the forums. The Devs made to many people mad and now the forums are a mess. But i kinda like it that way since i like watching the world burn.


This can be a happy place again when Bioware owns up to their mistake and makes it right.

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For the past month, this whole forum has just been a huge cesspool of finger pointing, name calling, and blame gaming. Im not sure where it even stemmed from anymore. Isnt everybody exhausted by now? No matter what side your on with any given toxic subject thats been spammed amongst these boards, isnt both parties just mentally drained by now?


Will it ever stop?


I want everybody right now to post the cutest pic of fluffy kittens and/or puppies so we may purge the plethora of evil posts from the boards and all smile again.


Kittens away


The forums have always been a cesspool of finger naming and point calling. The only difference is the topic of the day. Name pointing and finger calling has always been a thing, here in the forums. It's just that this time the topic is slot machines. I'm looking forward to the next topic, "The Nerfing of Costume / Clothes Designer."

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For the past month, this whole forum has just been a huge cesspool of finger pointing, name calling, and blame gaming. Im not sure where it even stemmed from anymore. Isnt everybody exhausted by now? No matter what side your on with any given toxic subject thats been spammed amongst these boards, isnt both parties just mentally drained by now?


Will it ever stop?


I want everybody right now to post the cutest pic of fluffy kittens and/or puppies so we may purge the plethora of evil posts from the boards and all smile again.


Kittens away


Forums are more fun when they're not all-happy-merry-go-round.

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