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People not contributing/dying in matches on purpose


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So recently on the Shadowlands server we have run into a group of 2 or 3 people who have been entering matches and just dying on purpose, without dealing any damage or contributing in any way. We have been trying to kick these people whenever possible but as the kick option gets reset after each respawn, it is difficult. Especially when only one or two people are group Q'ing at a time. Recently, somebody in-game (a non-sub) reached out in the GSF chat asking for help to report a player. He has taken a screenshot of one of these players telling why they are doing this. We have tried communicating with them before, but have been forced to report them when we don't get a response. No response has been given regarding the reports. As I said, have tried communicating with these members before, but this is the first time anybody has gotten a response out of them.

Any insight from the GSF community regarding this would be nice.

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A while back, when conquest was new, there was an epidemic of this on The Ebon Hawk. Many reports were filed, and after two/three weeks the epidemic died down. As far as I know, BW never publically stated action was taken, and for a few weeks warzones had a similar problem before that, too, ended.


I am genuinely unsure if the problems were solved by CSR action or if they ended when people realised PvP is not a great way to gain conquest.


Assuming the message in that screenshot isn't lying, which I think it probably is, you'd have no recourse since pettiness is no more against the rules than kicking people for being bad.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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IMO joining GSF to do anything other than play is Chicken-**** BS and they are most likely just trollhards that couldn't play the game even if they tried (so they focus on ruining everyone else's time) I say get as many people to report them as possible in the hopes that CSR's actually do something.


Just make the community aware of it and the negative reaction to them and the guild they represent will just get worse and worse will no one will want to play / group with them for anything (and they hopefully just quit, or stop being jerks)


On a side note the people you pointed out managed to just do nothing, not really actively SD to sway the match. 3 deaths isn't that bad (and the other guy I assume had 4) its still lame but not quite intentional suicide to end the match. More like not trying.


I have seen a couple games with people who died 20-30 times in a deathmatch (all by suicide) this behavior is even worse IMO, hard to win while padding the enemies score every 20 seconds or so. Not contributing is still lame though and should be reported.


BTW has anyone tried to pry into the situation a bit more? Why was his daughter kicked, who did it, were they rude? A simple apology might work to fix the problem. I know what hes talking about, people in GSF can be ruthless in chat and I don't condone that behavior either......

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I have seen a couple games with people who died 20-30 times in a deathmatch (all by suicide) this behavior is even worse IMO, hard to win while padding the enemies score every 20 seconds or so. Not contributing is still lame though and should be reported.


I did see this a few months back on the Progenitor. Since then it's been clean of such trols but the issue remains. There is no way to counter these people since Bioware won't ban them (or at least didn't ban the one me and some other people reported to CS).

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The problem is the conquest rewarding system. Rarely they need anything else than just finishing a match. With some requirements for reards (like 150 points for participating, 150 points for 'damaging enemy ships/structures for at least 8000 points etc.), and the 'no points if you selfdestructed more times than you scored kills' policy)the problem would be far less dire. Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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IMO joining GSF to do anything other than play is Chicken-**** BS and they are most likely just trollhards that couldn't play the game even if they tried (so they focus on ruining everyone else's time) I say get as many people to report them as possible in the hopes that CSR's actually do something.


Just make the community aware of it and the negative reaction to them and the guild they represent will just get worse and worse will no one will want to play / group with them for anything (and they hopefully just quit, or stop being jerks)


On a side note the people you pointed out managed to just do nothing, not really actively SD to sway the match. 3 deaths isn't that bad (and the other guy I assume had 4) its still lame but not quite intentional suicide to end the match. More like not trying.


I have seen a couple games with people who died 20-30 times in a deathmatch (all by suicide) this behavior is even worse IMO, hard to win while padding the enemies score every 20 seconds or so. Not contributing is still lame though and should be reported.


BTW has anyone tried to pry into the situation a bit more? Why was his daughter kicked, who did it, were they rude? A simple apology might work to fix the problem. I know what hes talking about, people in GSF can be ruthless in chat and I don't condone that behavior either......


Oh don't mistake that photo. There are 2-3 players who get in a TDM and just die on purpose, accruing more than half of our team's deaths. Usually we kick them if we can but it is hard when the timer resets on spawn regardless of contribution

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So someone with far too much time on their hands figures they will stick it to the "mean pilots" who weren't nice to the 9 year old by... joining matches and not participating... How constructive.


I mean, I've seen some of the GSF pilots on either faction get pissy with their team, and have seen some pretty vile stuff here and there directed at fellow teammates or friends, but this is just strange to me. I don't get the logic. Rather than report those players for abusive behavior or bullying (which I believe violate the EULA and COC), this person would rather just hop on and show you all up by forcing you to carry them if you want to win? Something about that reply just seems... dumb to me. I mean, ok, MAYBE if I could guarantee that the people I'm screwing over are the ones who said mean things to my 9 year old, but beyond that, there's a guilt by association thing going on here that carries over to the whole community in effect, and as such the whole community needs to be punished? Or as many people as possible?


I would honestly almost report the person in the screenshot for willfully going against the COC and intentionally sabotaging matches. It's not that I agree with what happened to the 9 year old (assuming it did happen, which is plausible, but I certainly wasn't there, and am most definitely not the "you giuys" referred to in the screenshot), but this is entirely the wrong way to deal with this sort of thing.


If a few people say mean/nasty things directed at you in chat or as a whisper, take a screenshot, attach it to the filing of a report (effectively opening a case against that/those people), put them on your ignore list, and carry on about your day... It really is that easy.

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Also, on TEH there have been some trolls whose real team was the opposite faction but they log on your team and intentionally suicide to make sure their team wins. Sometimes the "suicide-guy" makes a difference with our team loosing by 5 or 6 kills & "suicide-guy" contributing 8 or 9 of those. I've whispered them to accuse them of it and I get "You mad bro?" Then they're off & delete toon.
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so ...


Serious question.


Who here knows you can vote people out of a GSF game?



Once someone gets the crossed circle on their name on map screen you can click it and it will count as a vote to boot the person. If the majority of the team does this, the are kicked from the match.


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so ...


Serious question.


Who here knows you can vote people out of a GSF game?



Once someone gets the crossed circle on their name on map screen you can click it and it will count as a vote to boot the person. If the majority of the team does this, the are kicked from the match.


Can't kick someone who's selfdestructing over and over because respawning counts as action.

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so ...


Serious question.


Who here knows you can vote people out of a GSF game?



Once someone gets the crossed circle on their name on map screen you can click it and it will count as a vote to boot the person. If the majority of the team does this, the are kicked from the match.


I didn't know this until recently. And sometimes I cannot vote because my chat window is too large and overlaps part of the player list.


Another potential difficulty (this is not a problem for me personally) is if you don't get shot down, you won't see the player list. I think there is a way to bring that up while you're still flying.


As was already pointed out, you can only vote to kick someone who is tagged "not contributing". The player/bot who self-destructs once a minute or so is considered "contributing" :confused:


(I also got tagged as "not contributing" once for racing to and circling a satellite at the start of a domination to delay its capture by the 4 or 5 enemy ships that arrived at the same time, but that's another story.)


Having said all this, we need to prevent or discourage these players/bots from queuing in the first place. Two minutes into the match, your team is already at a considerable disadvantage.

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(I also got tagged as "not contributing" once for racing to and circling a satellite at the start of a domination to delay its capture by the 4 or 5 enemy ships that arrived at the same time, but that's another story.)


You had to be away from sat (enough for enemies to capture it if they were close). Staying (even idling) close to sat counts as a contribution.

However, in TDM you have to damage the enemy. Even launching a missile at the enemy (assuming he will use lock breaker) won't break the 'non contribution' counter.

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You had to be away from sat (enough for enemies to capture it if they were close). Staying (even idling) close to sat counts as a contribution.


As far as I know you only "contribute" when earning objective points or do damage. If you try to delay the capture of a satellite (i.e. satellite is white) by just flying evasive and not damaging anyone you get afk flagged.

Edited by Danalon
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I saw two of the various toons from this guild in a wargame yesterday. Mesas domination - I set up right outside the spawn and watched them. They would spawn, fly straight until they collided with the first canyon wall and die. Firing on them got no reaction whatsoever. No attempts to evade, boost, or maneuver at all. They ended the match with zero shots fired, zero damage dealt, and deaths only from me when I was on their spawn, with the rest from smacking into the environment.
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Example 1:

We had a problem with this at the start of conquest. We reported them. We told them in chat when we reported them. I took a video and told them in chat that I had a video when reporting them. The problem went away in about one week, though not immediately after we told them we were reporting them.


Example 2:

We had an imperial-sided horrible troll sitting on top of the cap ship, picking on individuals in chat (same one or two targets every time), using very racist remarks. We reported him for 4 weeks. I am pretty sure his account was banned but it went on for 4 weeks. Then he switched factions and did the same thing with lots of crashes added in (TDM just started) on the republic side for about 4 weeks. He eventually came back to imperial side with a sound-similar name but I have never seen the original name since the first 4 weeks. He does not queue gsf with the new name though he does troll in other areas of swtor. Some of the remarks were so racist that I cannot imagine that they could be seen as anything other than an objective TOS violation.


My theory is that the turn around time on a warning is about one week and the turn around on account action (after all warnings) is 4 weeks. Not sure this helps much, but you should not give up on reporting them for at least 4 weeks.

Edited by Ardaneb
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