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Shout-Out to Maras who PVP


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Besides, I don't know if anyone is disputing that marauders are ok when they are being backed by healbots. It's just not fair that they require so much support.


Yeah, sure. Because other classes can survive being focussed by 3+ without heal and prot, right? Marauders only need to learn that they are not more special than anybody else. That's all.

Edited by Cretinus
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Yes, marauders are fine because they can top damage in a farming contest. :rolleyes:


Besides, I don't know if anyone is disputing that marauders are ok when they are being backed by healbots. It's just not fair that they require so much support.


Maras are fine but no where are they at all in good standing. One of the big issues my friend talks about is how the developers ****ed up their stance where they use to get free 3% accuracy and gave them alacrity in it's place which is like "WHAT?". Now he has to replace a lot of stats with adding enough accuracy on his gear to be able to hit someone.


Really no point in playing a marauder right now when you could play a pt and get more burst.

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Maras are fine but no where are they at all in good standing. One of the big issues my friend talks about is how the developers ****ed up their stance where they use to get free 3% accuracy and gave them alacrity in it's place which is like "WHAT?". Now he has to replace a lot of stats with adding enough accuracy on his gear to be able to hit someone.


Really no point in playing a marauder right now when you could play a pt and get more burst.

Accuracy again?


They took away accuracy because you don't really need it in PvP. Just about every attack in PvP is a special att a k and already has 100% Accuracy. It is significantly more likely he is missing because he is debuffed or someone is rolling a Defense Rating CD.


And Alacrity lowers your CD/GCD. The whole premise of the class is "haste". It fits the lore meng, and more useful than Accuracy will ever be...

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Yes, I welcome your pity.


Lowbies: http://i.imgur.com/4a6ct8G.jpg


60's: http://i.imgur.com/pM3fr5v.jpg


If this was a PUG or a group without dedicated healer, that is very impressive.


If you are running around farming like a lot of premades, nothing special. Those are the mfers who talk about being "talented" while being healed and supported with their friends on headsets..nothing wrong with that, but no indication of skill.

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I've always been that it might end so well everything it is no longer. Maras had anyway and no one wanted to ask but you can't beat at the very end, also for Juggs.


Cretius I am not sure why, but I don't really understand what you are trying to say here. Please enlighten my comprehension so I can respond appropriately.

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I have seen some exceptional maras. I personally am not one of them. I can do very well, but that is mainly just because I PVP a lot. You have to be more careful about picking your fights now as a mara. Honestly I have changed my tactics to mimic more of a stealth class than a juggernaut and that has helped a lot in reg warzones. Pick a target that you can burst down fast. LOS until they are in range run out and start attacking them. Once they knock you back or start kiting you leap back to them. Proceed to burst. Once they are dead I run away and heal up and then get ready for the next fight. If I am doing fine on health and have my cooldowns still available I will go straight to the next fight. But I am doing more of a hit and run style with my mara now.


I think maras could use some help even though some people do amazing on them. Those same individuals would most likely also be amazing on other classes as well. It speaks more to their skill and less to the effectiveness of their class. Maras do not need any more damage. They don't need unstoppable. They don't need an additional defensive cooldown. They need their existing cooldowns to be tweaked, better utilities, and better defense against roots and snares.

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Cretius I am not sure why, but I don't really understand what you are trying to say here. Please enlighten my comprehension so I can respond appropriately.


Only a few commas are missing, imho; you shouzld learen Latin, because if you can't comprehend Cretinusm, then you'll utterly fail with the Latin Language.


I've always been that it might end so well everything it is no longer. Maras had anyway and no one wanted to ask but you can't beat at the very end, also for Juggs.


I've always been that it might end so


He says that he has always had the impression that Marauders might get to the point at which they are exactly now.


well everything it is no longer


Marauders aren't no longer in the good place they had been before you were born.


Maras had anyway [been in a good place] and no one wanted to ask [how they did it] but you can't beat [Marauders] at the very end, also for Juggs [which are impossible to beat even noewadays].


That's how I interpret him.

It still is an interpretation, not a translation, mind you !

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If this was a PUG or a group without dedicated healer, that is very impressive.


If you are running around farming like a lot of premades, nothing special. Those are the mfers who talk about being "talented" while being healed and supported with their friends on headsets..nothing wrong with that, but no indication of skill.


Those are both random pugs, which I solo queued for. The lowbie match had no healers. The level 60 match had two operative healers, but keep in mind that my entire team (including a vanguard and guardian dps) had access to those same healers yet did not manage to match my kills or my 0 deaths. That is not to say that I am the best mara there is, but rather that the class can perform very well in capable hands.

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Yeah, sure. Because other classes can survive being focussed by 3+ without heal and prot, right? Marauders only need to learn that they are not more special than anybody else. That's all.


Its not that maras dont have survivability 1v3 lol. Who does? The issue is that it is the most susceptible class to roots and kiting. Its survivability struggles to deal with roots and kiting 1v1.

Yes facetanking a mara you will lose, but who facetanks anymore lol. The dcds for mara look great on paper but the fact that you have to kill yourself to gain some immunity from damage but not stuns is rediculous. To put this into perspective for other classes. This would be like losing half your health at the end of barrier on a sorc. Or losing half your health on saber reflect or kolto overload. Nothing that should be beneficial to a class should come with detrimental effects.


At the end of the day the mara is in the thick of everything as a melee with insufficient defensive capabilities. For any mara that stays true to their class, they deserve alot of respect i couldnt stick with mine thats for sure.

Edited by headshot_hendo
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U realy think 1,5kk dmg is a good for sentinel?????? just facepalm. Man, juggers do alot more dmg. Do u need screens or u have a mind? sin's, sorc's do alot more dmg than sentinel.

Every thread in forum non-competent faces, who think that 1.5kk dmg enough for be superstar, talking about balance.

Edited by Mega_Fallos
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Maras have some of the best root/snare defense in the game. We is all this coming from?



Anyway.. yeah maybe a tweak to UDR and cloak of pain, but that's it. As another poster said, and I have explained multiple times.


Play more like a Sin, and stop trying to instagib people...


Act more like Delta Force instead of Infantry...



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Accuracy again?


They took away accuracy because you don't really need it in PvP. Just about every attack in PvP is a special att a k and already has 100% Accuracy. It is significantly more likely he is missing because he is debuffed or someone is rolling a Defense Rating CD.


And Alacrity lowers your CD/GCD. The whole premise of the class is "haste". It fits the lore meng, and more useful than Accuracy will ever be...


Yes, the spec that primarily does white damage (every attack but DB) doesn't need accuracy.


Need more alacrity and haste so sorcs can parry more vicious throws. The quality of player on these forums makes me sad. No wonder bioware has a hard time balancing classes.

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Here's a couple fun screenshots to add to the thread. Nothing too impressive, I don't take a lot of solo/4v4 screens, guess I should start.


Both regs, one reg arena vs 2 healers. Good situations for damage. Some maras told me they have been able to pull 3k, not too sure if that's true since I haven't seen screens, or the conditions where they did so. Still, a lot of classes can pull close to 3k, or 3k+ in legitimate ranked games.


Here you go





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Yes, the spec that primarily does white damage (every attack but DB) doesn't need accuracy.


Need more alacrity and haste so sorcs can parry more vicious throws. The quality of player on these forums makes me sad. No wonder bioware has a hard time balancing classes.


So you telling me a 91%+ CHANCE TO HIT is that much different from 93-94% CHANCE TO HIT or did the magical sorc drum up some Defense Rating CD?


Probability adds/=fixed percent adds.


And yeah, no wonder BW has issues ..:rolleyes:

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Only a few commas are missing, imho; you shouzld learen Latin, because if you can't comprehend Cretinusm, then you'll utterly fail with the Latin Language.






He says that he has always had the impression that Marauders might get to the point at which they are exactly now.




Marauders aren't no longer in the good place they had been before you were born.




That's how I interpret him.

It still is an interpretation, not a translation, mind you !


Thank you for that clarification. I am not yet fluent in Cretinusm.

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Maras have some of the best root/snare defense in the game. We is all this coming from?



Anyway.. yeah maybe a tweak to UDR and cloak of pain, but that's it. As another poster said, and I have explained multiple times.


Play more like a Sin, and stop trying to instagib people...


Act more like Delta Force instead of Infantry...




This is not meant to be an argument post. I don't play my Mara as much as other classes so I may be mistaken. What other root/snare defense do maras have besides predation + unbound? Predation is nice for purging roots and slows and giving a speed boost, but the utility doesn't give root immunity for duration. If it did then I'd say they have very good defenses against kiting. In my experience operatives, sins, pts, Merc, and sorcs have better root/snare defenses. Please educate me if I am missing anything on maras.


That being said I agree that playing like a stealth character will give you better results. It has for me.

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So you telling me a 91%+ CHANCE TO HIT is that much different from 93-94% CHANCE TO HIT or did the magical sorc drum up some Defense Rating CD?


Probability adds/=fixed percent adds.


And yeah, no wonder BW has issues ..:rolleyes:


Yes it is, because you already gain 30% from using berserk so no marauder would even currently gear for alacrity.


It was much easier to push melee accuracy to 99 or 100% using 2-3 initiative enhancements, which is what most marauders did. Now because we are locked into taking alacrity, the base 3% not being very beneficial at all, carnage marauders are in a tight spot gear wise.


Do they try to dump surge potential into even more accuracy? Or do they run with 2-3 accuracy enhancements to keep surge at an adequate level?


Right now, when gearing for a split between accuracy and surge, you are not going to go over 96%; whereas, before you could push it right up to 100%.


14% chance to parry all attacks, or 10% chance to parry all attacks? Obviously less for classes other than inquisitors. I would say that is a pretty bad tradeoff, especially when the abysmal off hand accuracy is taken into consideration.


But yeah, 3% alacrity in stance helps so much when it makes no difference in fitting ravage and DB into your burst window. Guess spamming massacre 3% faster and having 3% more of those attacks being parried/dodged is a good change to you.


Maras have some of the best root/snare defense in the game. We is all this coming from?



Anyway.. yeah maybe a tweak to UDR and cloak of pain, but that's it. As another poster said, and I have explained multiple times.


Play more like a Sin, and stop trying to instagib people...


Act more like Delta Force instead of Infantry...




This is categorically false, and plain disinformation as well.


Marauders have root break on predation if they take a heroic utility. Each spec is heavily dependent on berserk for damage. Marauders are the only class which needs to sacrifice damage for mobility, and you are not immune to roots for the duration, it only removes them. This is also a heroic utility where most classes have immunity/removal built into abilities (hydraulics), or it is in the masterful tier (emersion, & sin force speed buff).


Force camo also breaks roots if a heroic utility is used. Force camo has a 45 second cooldown, and this is another heroic utility point for a root break where other classes have many more options, and heavy handed changes to give them blanket cc immunity (deflection/unstoppable).


Marauders are the only melee class with consistent problems staying on target because they need to sacrifice damage and 2 heroic utility points to do so. With the removal of a deadly throw root, and additional cc immunity for other classes to ridiculous extents, marauders have become the easiest class to kite in the game.


But yes,"some of the best root/snare defense in the game".

Edited by Nekrall
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You get **** on in lowbie PVP, but I still see a ton of you, trying to run away from Force Storm every 5 seconds.


The maras that do manage to get top 3 DPS always get my MVP vote. I am a lev 26 Rage Jugg so my def/cc are pretty bad at this point as well.


It's nice to get some recognition via mvp votes. I was getting the top damage on my team in a few matches (one on Novare Coast with my Carnage Mara where i got 450k dmg). Often when i was playing last few weeks I rarely saw any Mara's at all, and I'm relatively new to the class. Just thought I'd try the class out since I've never had one before and wanted a challenge. I've manged to get pretty effective at using it. I just got to mid bracket, and its pretty difficult but having Force Camo helps a little in approaching Snipers. I just love jumping and messing with Sorc/Sages. It's great fun to burst them down and interupt their casts all the time.

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Yes it is, because you already gain 30% from using berserk so no marauder would even currently gear for alacrity.


It was much easier to push melee accuracy to 99 or 100% using 2-3 initiative enhancements, which is what most marauders did. Now because we are locked into taking alacrity, the base 3% not being very beneficial at all, carnage marauders are in a tight spot gear wise.


Do they try to dump surge potential into even more accuracy? Or do they run with 2-3 accuracy enhancements to keep surge at an adequate level?


Right now, when gearing for a split between accuracy and surge, you are not going to go over 96%; whereas, before you could push it right up to 100%.


Who said I wear alacrity on my gear?


14% chance to parry all attacks, or 10% chance to parry all attacks? Obviously less for classes other than inquisitors. I would say that is a pretty bad tradeoff, especially when the abysmal off hand accuracy is taken into consideration.


But yeah, 3% alacrity in stance helps so much when it makes no difference in fitting ravage and DB into your burst window. Guess spamming massacre 3% faster and having 3% more of those attacks being parried/dodged is a good change to you.




This is categorically false, and plain disinformation as well.


Marauders have root break on predation if they take a heroic utility. Each spec is heavily dependent on berserk for damage. Marauders are the only class which needs to sacrifice damage for mobility, and you are not immune to roots for the duration, it only removes them. This is also a heroic utility where most classes have immunity/removal built into abilities (hydraulics), or it is in the masterful tier (emersion, & sin force speed buff).


Force camo also breaks roots if a heroic utility is used. Force camo has a 45 second cooldown, and this is another heroic utility point for a root break where other classes have many more options, and heavy handed changes to give them blanket cc immunity (deflection/unstoppable).


Marauders are the only melee class with consistent problems staying on target because they need to sacrifice damage and 2 heroic utility points to do so. With the removal of a deadly throw root, and additional cc immunity for other classes to ridiculous extents, marauders have become the easiest class to kite in the game.


But yes,"some of the best root/snare defense in the game".

LOL sounds like you never played a Mara before. Nobody was pushing accuracy to 100% and if you were that explains why you fail....



Wake me up when you find a class that has a dedicated rootbreak(with anti-Snare), two anti-snare counters, two roots and two snares(that counters getting snared).:rolleyes:

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