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Mr. Eric Musco, What is the deal?


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Oh I would bet a ton of money that when the update to the machine hit his desk, his head also hit his desk. We have so many conspiracy theorists here on this forum, because so many of us believe that the world is out to get us apparently, that we tend to lose focus on the fact that Eric et al are real people, and they don't intend to do us harm, or do themselves harm, or make their working life any more difficult than it is. Eric passed along information that he thought was accurate. It's a shame that the information turned out to be a bit more detailed than what he was made aware of.


And your assertion that they haven't been able to adequately find a middle ground on very many things is so amazingly on point. So on point. Mind boggling absolutely.


I think from their point of view we're all a bunch of insane people. We find all the spilled milk we can no matter what. I'm guilty of it, we all are. We always try to ruin something great like the slot machine. In terms of the slot machine man there have been so many good ideas thrown around even though the arguing has really taken it's step to the higher levels. Those ideas were:


1) Take out the jawa items altogether, and add emotes, credit booms, decorations, and those data node cartel mission items. (This was personally my favorite suggestion. I would really like this, and am quite jealous I didn't think of it at all as I was crying about my new favorite toy losing it's shine)

2) Increase drop rates for the jawa items back to a reasonable level while simultaneously lowering the cost and time crafting missions take. (seems reasonable since through the fire and brimstone we all agreed that jawa item drop rates were too high)

3) Simply make the thing a weekly capped item. You get 300-400 spins a week total, max.


I thought all those things were really great ideas that would make the thing fun, useful, and worthwhile. But, instead we have what we have now because those great ideas get snuffed out by our insane yelling at each other which is all bioware sees. Rock and hard place for us as a community. It's self inflicted to a degree.


Well thought and said. I am amazed to find people being rational about this after page after page of hateful ranting.

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Just want to say "Well put." I personally feel like if they are going to change an item so many people paid for, they should allow those people to reconsider the purchase (i.e. offer a refund), but all of your options are good stabs at a compromise that probably fits 90% of the player base.


No doubt that the really tragic thing that happened as a consequence to the original imbalance the slot machine ended up causing was that a lot of people expected something that ended up getting totally shot to high heaven, paid in money / increased time and effort spent grinding for capital to get the thing, and now have to deal with the feeling that they've wasted a large section of their in game emotional well-being due to this. It does stink. No person wants to feel like they've wasted their time, or resources. I'm not sure a refund of the actual purchase would be feasible i.e return your hypercrate or packs purchased (some have cried for that which is TOTALLY outlandish). But, maybe some sort of conversion system where you can exchange the machine / coins purchased that are sitting unused in the back of someone's inventory for something else. No idea what that something else would be, but that's what popped into my head. In real life products do get recalled, and yes I know this is absolutely not real life, but I could see some sort of recall / exchange being more feasible.

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No doubt that the really tragic thing that happened as a consequence to the original imbalance the slot machine ended up causing was that a lot of people expected something that ended up getting totally shot to high heaven, paid in money / increased time and effort spent grinding for capital to get the thing, and now have to deal with the feeling that they've wasted a large section of their in game emotional well-being due to this. It does stink. No person wants to feel like they've wasted their time, or resources. I'm not sure a refund of the actual purchase would be feasible i.e return your hypercrate or packs purchased (some have cried for that which is TOTALLY outlandish). But, maybe some sort of conversion system where you can exchange the machine / coins purchased that are sitting unused in the back of someone's inventory for something else. No idea what that something else would be, but that's what popped into my head. In real life products do get recalled, and yes I know this is absolutely not real life, but I could see some sort of recall / exchange being more feasible.


They once had problem with an item in those packs. They did send an extra item of that kind to everyone, who owned it. So a few cartel coins to anyone that owns a machine should be no real problem.

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You should have seen me yesterday, I wasn't exactly as rational. I've had some time to calm down and actually think.


Which is exactly what most people should have done. Take a step back from the computer, get some coffee/tea/whatever and calm down before spewing anger and hate. However, that is just my take on it.

Edited by Ksilvante
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Eric has a problem, in my opinion. His professional credibility is on the line now... He is either a simple mouthpiece and doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is lying through his teeth...


I'm willing to assume the former, if he comes clean and pushes his boss to do the same... Or resigns and goes public...


Otherwise, it would have to be the latter and that would be sad because it means nothing he says is ever worth listening to again. All the good will he has ever built up will be gone forever.


Wow, you're calling for his resignation? It's not like he's the president and you found out he was a murderer, this is a perceived misspeak about a GAME!

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They once had problem with an item in those packs. They did send an extra item of that kind to everyone, who owned it. So a few cartel coins to anyone that owns a machine should be no real problem.

I think it would be a shame to kill off the concept of these slot machines. They have the potential to be a valuable and fun addition to the game.


Would be better if Bio can find a balanced way to implement them imo :)

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You should have seen me yesterday, I wasn't exactly as rational. I've had some time to calm down and actually think.


Well personly if a VIDEO GAME ever made me have to step away to calm down especially something as small as the slots Id look into if one I need help or if two should I be playing these VIDEO GAMES that are making me feel this way. I don't ever see a situation in my life where I would ever have to ask those questions.

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Wow, you're calling for his resignation? It's not like he's the president and you found out he was a murderer, this is a perceived misspeak about a GAME!


Thank you! Second day and people are still not getting that point. This is not life, just entertainment. I've paid for movies that turned out to be utter stinkers yet strangely, I didn't go screaming to the manager of the theater for a refund. Hmmmm....

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Well personly if a VIDEO GAME ever made me have to step away to calm down especially something as small as the slots Id look into if one I need help or if two should I be playing these VIDEO GAMES that are making me feel this way. I don't ever see a situation in my life where I would ever have to ask those questions.


Oh hey you. You're back! I missed your trolling. I see you, like me, are having a busy yet productive day at the office!

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Oh hey you. You're back! I missed your trolling. I see you, like me, are having a busy yet productive day at the office!


Yeppers a busy bee over here...moving my office to a new building though soon hopefully I get service in here since we have tight cyber security here...


For some reason I think a few of you are hoping I don't get service :)

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Yeppers a busy bee over here...moving my office to a new building though soon hopefully I get service in here since we have tight cyber security here...


For some reason I think a few of you are hoping I don't get service :)


Haha, I don't care to be honest. We all have our favorite internet community that when poked totally react irrationally, and provide us lots of laughs. I'm not judging you. I have my favorite audience to troll and they are the local sports fans of my town who I think know virtually nothing, but love to think they do. Maybe I'm just picking on easy prey. I couldn't tell ya. But, I can tell ya that sometimes I just get on there and whack away.

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Eric has a problem, in my opinion. His professional credibility is on the line now... He is either a simple mouthpiece and doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is lying through his teeth...


I'm willing to assume the former, if he comes clean and pushes his boss to do the same... Or resigns and goes public...


Otherwise, it would have to be the latter and that would be sad because it means nothing he says is ever worth listening to again. All the good will he has ever built up will be gone forever.


Are we still talking about a silly little pixel decoration in a video game?

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The deal has been altered...

If Eric hadn't posted what he did, I would never have bought one, because I was (correctly, apparently) assuming it would get nerfed badly.

Although to be fair, even in my most pessimistic predictions, I did not imagine the nerf would be nearly that bad.


But after he posted this ? Well, it seemed like a good idea buy one. Great opportunity, officially approved, minor tweaks to jawa junk incoming at worst, still good for farming green mats and certificates, right ?


But now suddenly, it's worthless, I reached legend status with the rep (wasn't worth the 4.7M credits), it won't ever drop a certificate again or any amount of jawa tokens, let alone a vehicle. Because I'm going to cut my losses and stop using it now.


This exactly. I spent 3.9mill on the thing because while I figured it would receive a slight nerf, I thought I would still at least be able to eventually make a profit.

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This exactly. I spent 3.9mill on the thing because while I figured it would receive a slight nerf, I thought I would still at least be able to eventually make a profit.


To be fair, you know what they say about assumptions?


Edit: It is rather interesting though, people were gambling on it being a effectively a credit-printing machine. Now that it doesn't print credits, they are unhappy they bought it. I guess I am curious, is the entire community upset over the change, or mainly the people who shelled out CC and credits to get something that clearly was not going to remain as it was?

Edited by azudelphi
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To be fair, you know what they say about assumptions?


Eric said the Jawa Junk (purple mats) might receive an adjustment.

Patch notes stated the Jawa Junk (purple mats) received a large adjustment.

What actually happened was all mats are now virtually nonexistent.


According to Eric, the official source for news, I would have still been able to make a profit, just a slightly lower profit.

According to the patch notes, the official change log for the game, I still would have been able to make a profit, just a reduced profit.

Now on live it is a flat out waste of credits. Its a less than 1% chance to win anything I actually want.


Its not an assumption when you are relying on official sources to give you the information you require to make decisions.

Edited by Icebergy
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Eric has a problem, in my opinion. His professional credibility is on the line now... He is either a simple mouthpiece and doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is lying through his teeth...


Exactly this. I don't want to be in his position.


First his detailed post about the exploit.


Then his post about the machine WAI.


Then his post about the nerf which leaves out most of the important parts.


And all that within just a few days. I would understand if he already went to a doctor to get a sick note (don't know how this works in the USA though). ;)

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There is a huge disconnect between: This is not performing to our expectations, let's adjust it! And Let's nuke it from orbit with a thermonuclear weapon after said it was working as intended.


I am sure it was working as intended. I never said I thought BW were actually very smart in their decision making. Too many dumb mistakes have already been made by them not to be surprised they would do something dumb again.


Introducing these slot machines the way they did was either a marketing ploy for increased sales on the CM or it was yet another dumb idea that wasn't that well thought through....for whatever reason. That's how I see it.


And when I saw this coming into the game and the sort of returns it gave, I instantly knew this was a bad idea and they were going to have to do something about it....badly.


Am I so intelligent to foresee this then? I would find that a very sad idea...I prefer to think that anyone with half a brain could see this. But that's how it goes isn't it? Emotion wins over Reason. When people get those greedy eyes, rational thought is out the window.


For me it's pure greed that just made people not being able to realise right from the get-go that this wasn't going to last. Again it was too good to be true. And not just a little. It needed an astronomical nerf because it was an astronomically big mistake.

Edited by Tsillah
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To be fair, you know what they say about assumptions?


Edit: It is rather interesting though, people were gambling on it being a effectively a credit-printing machine. Now that it doesn't print credits, they are unhappy they bought it. I guess I am curious, is the entire community upset over the change, or mainly the people who shelled out CC and credits to get something that clearly was not going to remain as it was?



There are a few factions of people out there. There were those out there who hated the slot machine because it affected their profit margins for selling purple lvl 11 mats, or the barrels mods etc products wouldn't sell for "as much" as before. Those people were selfish in my opinion, and I don't accept their assertions, scare tactics, or whatever as they cried about the economy being broken. Then, there were others who had a logical point in that the slot machine created an imbalance in the crew mission aspect of the game saying that the time and money spent on gathering was so unequal to the slot machine that it effectively bypassed that part of the game. They had a valid point. We all agreed that the jawa materials specifically the jawa junk drop rate was far too high.


Then the update....


Now you have the reverse where there are people pissed because their perceived shot at video game riches was sabotaged. This attitude is one I don't accept, and think it's selfish, and basically write off their opinions and nothing more than background noise, just as I did with the other people from before the nerf. Then there were others who spent their real money to obtain the opportunity to get this item after they received information that proved to be faulty. They're pissed because the misinformation got them to feel comfortable buying packs at probably too high a rate. I can get that. Miscommunication sucks, and it always causes problems. You've got others in the camp where I'm in that loved the slot machine cause it allowed me more access to materials, which meant more ability to craft cool stuff for my characters, thus allowing us to enjoy the game a little more than before.


I think that kind of sums it up.

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What is the deal? 5 days ago you wrote this. That was Friday evening so not quite 5 days. Then the weekend. Then Monday you had your developers change this. What the heck changed in your mind over the weekend that caused you to "FIX" the slot machines?


You all did this in one day after telling us that everything was fine. Telling the community something like you did means we take it as truth. It wasn't a rumor someone posted. It wasn't something from a different website being told by someone who read it. It was from you. This is an example of why your company has such poor customer relations and support.


Mr. Musco is completely unable to be truthful in regards to performing the duties for which he was hired, and our subs are paying him to do. How many times since 3.0 has he come to us and said everything was working as intended, knowing full well it was not. I didn't know for sure they were going to change anything for the slots until he said they were working as intended. I hate considering to unsub as I've had fun playing this game for a few years, but this kind of dishonesty and disregard for the players disgusts me.

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What is the deal? 5 days ago you wrote this. That was Friday evening so not quite 5 days. Then the weekend. Then Monday you had your developers change this. What the heck changed in your mind over the weekend that caused you to "FIX" the slot machines?


You all did this in one day after telling us that everything was fine. Telling the community something like you did means we take it as truth. It wasn't a rumor someone posted. It wasn't something from a different website being told by someone who read it. It was from you. This is an example of why your company has such poor customer relations and support.

did you have a hard time reading the "We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly" part?


because when i read that, i thought "yeah im not investing in this thing"

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Exactly this. I don't want to be in his position.


First his detailed post about the exploit.


Then his post about the machine WAI.


Then his post about the nerf which leaves out most of the important parts.


And all that within just a few days. I would understand if he already went to a doctor to get a sick note (don't know how this works in the USA though). ;)


Don't forget that Commandos had to pay an extra 200k more than Mercenaries, to get trained up at level 55; was of course "working as intended."

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As I said in other posts, im not angry they nerfed the Jawa Junk, it needed to be nerfed as it was. I'm unhappy they drastically nerfed -everything- via scorched earth policy and didn't state that they did all that was done.


They changed everything and went "Hey look, crappy 90% run speed reskin mount!" They could have been upfront with the changes, but they weren't.


This is the nail/straw point for me.


Strike 1. - Imperial Agent companion Vector crossdressing for THREE YEARS. (He wears the female version of clothes, if it has a bra, he dons said bra)


Strike 2. - Imperial intros for SoR broken.


Strike 3. - They put out the Jaraels tunic with that awful awful bug that makes it look like male characters wearing it are sporting morning wood under the loincloth flap, and female characters wearing are hiding a strap on under it. They are told it exists, ignore the problem, then release the Revanite set, where the tunic and its loincloth have the exact same bug! Female characters buttcheeks also clip through the Jarael tunic.


Strike 4. - They pretty much went "Lol whatevs!" to the Ravager exploiters.


At this point, all I can imagine when picturing Biowares "Quality Control" team is the kids from That 70s Show sitting around the table in the basement high as kites...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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