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SWTOR teamspeak


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Would be nice if this was a feature in all pvp games,..would remove advantage of one team of premades using it v's a random team without it.


Any real reason why this couldn't be done from BW's end? It could even be made available only to subs - again, to increase the subscriber numbers in game - coders have to eat as well : D



Agree? Disagree?





Edited by Thermisticles
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That might be nice, although I don't know how many in a random group would use it. In eve online, they had a built-in TS called eve voice. The quality wasn't great, and it was lacking features, but it got the job done. Most people didn't use it though, and just distributed the info for somebody's TS or mumble.


Instead, they could just set up a TS / mumble server with a bunch of groups. It might be a little tricky to figure out how to get everybody in the same warzone into the correct group.

Edited by teclado
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I've tried public chat in games like planetside 2 and hated it. Bad mics, bad music, bad people... Bad basically, and personally I wouldn't want the bads and screwballs whining in TOR chat whining in my ears instead.


Other than maybe some tryhards the premades you're bothered by are just playing like it's ranked 8s and discussing weed, booze, work, and stupid things on youtube; not plotting tactics that they can intuitively do in their sleep against PUGs anyway.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Other than maybe some tryhards the premades you're bothered by are just playing like it's ranked 8s and discussing weed, booze, work, and stupid things on youtube; not plotting tactics that they can intuitively do in their sleep against PUGs anyway.


I seriously doubt that. Response times are too quick (eg, you ambush a player by herself - next thing you know, the guardian that was covering mid in civil war, is the to guard, taunt etc.)


Besides, when i've used TS in a premade, its only to discus movements etc. The other trash talk is done out of the actual wazone.

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That might be nice, although I don't know how many in a random group would use it. In eve online, they had a built-in TS called eve voice. The quality wasn't great, and it was lacking features, but it got the job done. Most people didn't use it though, and just distributed the info for somebody's TS or mumble.


Instead, they could just set up a TS / mumble server with a bunch of groups. It might be a little tricky to figure out how to get everybody in the same warzone into the correct group.


It seems that more people did actually use voice communication though -because they knew others were too?

To my way of thinking, that seems like a step in the right direction.

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The real issue, and I have experienced this, is that anything BW comes up with will not be any better than the third-party options available now,...and chances are it will be worse (poor audio, massive chat lag, difficult to setup)


So if you really want to voice chat with PvP teammates then have a third party option setup and ready to go when you zone in and give your teammates the information necessary to connect. You can always change the password every time so strangers don't have access without your knowledge.

Edited by psandak
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If you need voice for swtor you are:


1. Lazy and/or inept at typing.

2. Moronic and clueless, you need others to explain what you should do ASAP!

3. Lonely and bored, game immersion isn't enough you NEED social interaction with SOMEONE!!!

4. Have a deep Barry White-like voice and think you will pull the ladies in the voice chat channels.

5. Are actually a REAL lady on swtor and love the free gifts men lavish upon you after hearing your feminine voice.

6. Can't read! Either you are blind, or you just never bothered learning how to read.


Feel free to add any if you think I might have missed some, I am sure there are other reasons people NEED voice. :p

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If you need voice for swtor you are:


1. Lazy and/or inept at typing.

2. Moronic and clueless, you need others to explain what you should do ASAP!

3. Lonely and bored, game immersion isn't enough you NEED social interaction with SOMEONE!!!

4. Have a deep Barry White-like voice and think you will pull the ladies in the voice chat channels.

5. Are actually a REAL lady on swtor and love the free gifts men lavish upon you after hearing your feminine voice.

6. Can't read! Either you are blind, or you just never bothered learning how to read.


Feel free to add any if you think I might have missed some, I am sure there are other reasons people NEED voice. :p


I don't think it's really an issue of needing it more than it being something nice not only for pug PvP but pug PvE as well. As another poster put it: "In a perfect world, great idea." But others have already put the downsides to this and I'm in agreement.


The few other games I've played that implemented voice chat ingame worked out nicely enough overall. It was good for pug dungeons and WPvP groups doing RvR.


However in this game's PvP where everything is instanced, I think it would seem too much like playing Call of Duty online... no thank you.

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Honestly I just never really liked voice. I understand it's advantages. typically I rather not sacrifice my game immersion and how I focus in pvp though, with voice. I pug a lot, and I find it inconvenient having to set up voice for pug warzones. I can see using it for ranked, but I always solo ranked too.


For me the drawbacks are not worth it. I don't like hearing players who incessantly chat, I don't like players who play music in the background while on voice, I don't like players who get over-excited and yell or scream in voice, I don't like players who sound like 13-14 yr olds with voices cracking in and out of puberty, and, well I just don't like players in general.


I prefer hearing ingame combat sounds over voices. I DO see why some people like voice. It just isn't my cup. Some people really enjoy voice though, and even make such a big deal out of it that they seem unable to PVP without it.

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In the perfect world=Great idea

In the real world people would just troll it, playing crap music, insulting people and opens up a new way for peedos to groom little kidies


ewww, never thought of that, although,that could happen using 3rd party software as well.

Edited by Thermisticles
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The real issue, and I have experienced this, is that anything BW comes up with will not be any better than the third-party options available now,...and chances are it will be worse (poor audio, massive chat lag, difficult to setup)


So if you really want to voice chat with PvP teammates then have a third party option setup and ready to go when you zone in and give your teammates the information necessary to connect. You can always change the password every time so strangers don't have access without your knowledge.


Yeah, I do this to an extent already. I was really thinking of it from point of view of non premades -they simply can't/wont co ordinary/react fast enough to a a premade with Voice Chat. Makes for a very one sided affair, and diminished the game enjoyment.

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Honestly I just never really liked voice. I understand it's advantages. typically I rather not sacrifice my game immersion and how I focus in pvp though, with voice. I pug a lot, and I find it inconvenient having to set up voice for pug warzones. I can see using it for ranked, but I always solo ranked too.


For me the drawbacks are not worth it. I don't like hearing players who incessantly chat, I don't like players who play music in the background while on voice, I don't like players who get over-excited and yell or scream in voice, I don't like players who sound like 13-14 yr olds with voices cracking in and out of puberty, and, well I just don't like players in general.


I prefer hearing ingame combat sounds over voices. I DO see why some people like voice. It just isn't my cup. Some people really enjoy voice though, and even make such a big deal out of it that they seem unable to PVP without it.


What if they made it with a 'mute' ability on a per player basis,..so that screaming 9 y.o. could be muted whilst you hear the rest of the adults playing?

Edited by Thermisticles
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The real issue, and I have experienced this, is that anything BW comes up with will not be any better than the third-party options available now,...and chances are it will be worse (poor audio, massive chat lag, difficult to setup)


So if you really want to voice chat with PvP teammates then have a third party option setup and ready to go when you zone in and give your teammates the information necessary to connect. You can always change the password every time so strangers don't have access without your knowledge.


Hard to deny the reasoning here, BW may need to outsource the development, and stick to their areas of expertise.

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Running voice takes skill and practice. Going from 'no voice' to 'voice' means little. You need to have practice actually using it, knowing what's worth calling and what's not, and so does the rest of your team.


This is a fair point.


I swear half the people that que have no idea what to call or how to.


Let alone learning how to read the Ops channel...

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