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Slot Machine Nerf wipes out long-standing account


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Noted: for later... when you come to the forums to complain about something they do, or how they do it. ;)

He was complaining about lag, the Yavin 4 storyline, the 12x XP event, and some other things only a little while ago.


Apparently he doesn't think it's OK for SWTOR to have as much lag as BioWare has put in to it.

[sarcasm] It's their game Strange, they can put lag in to it whenever and however they want. So take your lag-spike induced wipes like a man and stop complaining about it. Seriously, complaining about a few hundred milliseconds of lag? What could be more ridiculous than that? [/sarcasm]

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I know you well enough to know even you don't believe what you are writing. Why are you being deliberately selective in how you recap Eric's comments?????


1) Please, go back and read Erics exact statements Tuesday about what they were changing on Wednesday and why.

2) Now go read the patch notes, which echo Eric's Tuesday statements.

3) Now look at the actual loot table changes made with the patch.


1 and 2 are in alignment... but grossly misaligned with 3. Many players are asking for confirmation/clarification comments in the form of gold posts ... and ... are greeted with complete silence.


Don't take my word for it... go and actually carefully read what Eric stated and the patch notes reflect vs. what they actually did in the patch.


Clearly you don't know me at all.


I was referring to the OP where he quotes Eric in which Eric stated : With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more.


This is the message of Eric the OP is referring to. So no, I am not going to follow your orders and read the patch notes because the OP was referring to that gold message that he even kindly quoted for us. From what I can see in the OP he based it on those comments and not the patch notes but perhaps you can show me where in the OP he refers to the patch notes.


As the OP said HIMSELF: " I ONLY bought the packs because of the slot machine that was, as stated by Eric "The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.".


Again not because of the patch notes.


So please, why don't YOU read the OP again and then try not to accuse me of things that you invent yourself. There is no indication whatsoever in the OP that it has anything to do with the patch notes you refer to. So that's all on you. Don't blame me for not taking the patch notes into account, I was reacting to the OP in this thread who himself did NOT refer to the patch notes.

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So please, why don't YOU read the OP again and then try not to accuse me of things that you invent yourself. There is no indication whatsoever in the OP that it has anything to do with the patch notes you refer to. So that's all on you. Don't blame me for not taking the patch notes into account, I was reacting to the OP in this thread who himself did NOT refer to the patch notes.


I read it. And the discussion threads (which you have been active in) have indeed covered Erics Tuesday comments in other discussion in the forum.. so stop pretending to be a messaging purest. That's atypical for you, and frankly surprises me.


The difference between you and I is that I can see the full context, and you either can not or will not.


But if you want to fixate on only one message.. Eric was quite specific about Jawa Junk. And I think most players would agree that JJ needed to be toned down.. though not made effectively extinct on the slots.

Edited by Andryah
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I find scrolling to the very bottom ... tedious.


I pulled credit card data from them a long time ago. I go with game cards on MMOs if at all possible. If I ever need CCs.. I'll buy them on sale at Amazon.


One day, I will simply stop applying game time codes and fade quietly into the distance. No fanfare, no thread posts about it... just "poof" :)

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I read it. And the discussion threads (which you have been active in) have indeed covered Erics Tuesday comments in other discussion in the forum.. so stop pretending to be a messaging purest. That's atypical for you, and frankly surprises me.


The difference between you and I is that I can see the full context, and you either can not or will not.


But if you want to fixate on only one message.. Eric was quite specific about Jawa Junk. And I think most players would agree that JJ needed to be toned down.. though not made effectively extinct on the slots.


Bull. This thread is not about the full context, others are. In this thread the OP fixated on one message so that's what I replied to. In other threads I am happy to discuss the full context and I have.


My every response also doesn't have to include everything on the subject. So stop being idiotic here.


The point was this. Eric (incomplete or not) indicated there were going to be changes. Yes or no?


If he did (which we can clearly read) then it's also clear that it's not the wisest to start buying packs without knowing what the changes are. Yes or no?


That was all I was saying there, that based on his comments I found his approach unwise, notwithstanding BW's mistakes. I also stated that.


Again you made something out of it that wasn't there. Apparently 20 other threads about every other aspect weren't enough so you had to impose it here as well. Leave it alone you twit. It was completely unnecessary and false what you did here and you simply don't want to admit you may have overreacted and imposed your thoughts on what I said. That can always happen but at some point you just have to be able to admit that that's what happened.


And for my thoughts on the full scope of BW's screw up in this I have been clear enough in a couple of other threads and feel free to talk about the bigger picture with me there.

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Bull. This thread is not about the full context, others are. In this thread the OP fixated on one message so that's what I replied to. In other threads I am happy to discuss the full context and I have.


My every response also doesn't have to include everything on the subject. So stop being idiotic here.


The point was this. Eric (incomplete or not) indicated there were going to be changes. Yes or no?


If he did (which we can clearly read) then it's also clear that it's not the wisest to start buying packs without knowing what the changes are. Yes or no?


That was all I was saying there, that based on his comments I found his approach unwise, notwithstanding BW's mistakes. I also stated that.


Again you made something out of it that wasn't there. Apparently 20 other threads about every other aspect weren't enough so you had to impose it here as well. Leave it alone you twit. It was completely unnecessary and false what you did here and you simply don't want to admit you may have overreacted and imposed your thoughts on what I said. That can always happen but at some point you just have to be able to admit that that's what happened.


And for my thoughts on the full scope of BW's screw up in this I have been clear enough in a couple of other threads and feel free to talk about the bigger picture with me there.


You have an agenda, and are doing your best to prosecute it in the thread(s) and are targeting people for ridicule and attack.


I have no problem adding you to my ignore list. Bye.

Edited by Andryah
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Works for me, you only want to impose things onto my writings that I never wrote but that you invent because it suits you better.


You do not want to understand me, you only want to disprove because you think I said something wrong simply because it doesn't suit your agenda. Ignore me as you wish, it will probably make both our lives easier.

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There was so much talk on the forums that the slot machines were an exploit that I did not buy any crates until I saw THIS post from Eric. I then spend 2,500 CC and got 2 slot machines. I ONLY bought the packs because of the slot machine that was, as stated by Eric "The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.".


Bait and Switch much Guys...???


So, although I was in beta, although my amazing wife bought me the collector's edition, although I have been a subscriber since the very beginning, although I have 16 level 60 characters and 3 more at 57 or so, I am so unbelievably disappointed by this complete and in-your-face "thanks for giving us your cash, now go play in the mud" about-face.


Throw some more fuel on the fire, I go to my account page and am shocked, but I suppose ultimately not surprised that there is no "Unsubscribe" button. The best I could do was to delete my Credit Card information. Not satisfied that the company that just screwed me for 2,500 CC's would try to charge the card again, I phoned customer service and after a few security checks, they manually unsubscribed me.


This is probably my last post as my sub ends in 15 days and I am so disgusted with EA/ Bioware at the moment that I have absolutely ZERO desire to continue to pay them to screw me, their once faithful customer.


So VERY not cool SWTOR.


I'm sorry to see good ppl go, and the idiots stay. It's not the way it's supposed to work. :(


Eric and the team didn't have the Strength to tell all these idiots in these Forums, "No, It is Not an Exploit, so Live with it". I swear some ppl at EAWare need to tell the Ppl crying Exploiters are just as bad as the worst Trolls in any gaming site.


And I hate saying the Word Troll, because it's a Mythical creature.


Damm those Exploit Losers and the stupid EAWare team the couldn't stand up to the a bunch of idiots.



And Yes, i'm like this in Real Life, I don't need hide behind a Computer. I'm sharing My Judgement as others are.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I'm sorry to see good ppl go, and the idiots stay. It's not the way it's supposed to work. :(


Eric and the team didn't have the Strength to tell all these idiots in these Forums, "No, It is Not an Exploit, so Live with it". I swear some ppl at EAWare need to tell the Ppl crying Exploiters are just as bad as the worst Trolls in any gaming site.


And I hate saying the Word Troll, because it's a Mythical creature.


Damm those Exploit Losers and the stupid EAWare team the couldn't stand up to the a bunch of idiots.



And Yes, i'm like this in Real Life, I don't need hide behind a Computer. I'm sharing My Judgement as others are.


What I wonder though is that why did they listen to people who were upset about it but supposedly won't listen to the people crying about it now?


If they can't stand up to a bunch of idiots, then why would they be able to stand up to the current bunch of idiots?

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He was complaining about lag, the Yavin 4 storyline, the 12x XP event, and some other things only a little while ago.


Apparently he doesn't think it's OK for SWTOR to have as much lag as BioWare has put in to it.

[sarcasm] It's their game Strange, they can put lag in to it whenever and however they want. So take your lag-spike induced wipes like a man and stop complaining about it. Seriously, complaining about a few hundred milliseconds of lag? What could be more ridiculous than that? [/sarcasm]


Apples and Oranges Buri. Going by the title I assumed this thread pertained to the slot machine and in this case I am defending BW and the move to curtail it as it was detrimental to the game from my perspective. Now I don't know why you felt the need to delve into my post history or what possible relevence it has regarding the slot machines but alright. Perhaps you feel things should be black and white only? Either you love BW or hate BW? No variable positions permitted.


I don't proclaim myself to be a staunch defender of BW on all accounts. Yes. I have taken issue with a number of things of late though I have also stated that my dissatisfaction with some those things has been mitigated and my opinions changed with the recent fixes. But you know what? Dispite my disagreement with 12xXP, training costs, and some cosmetic issues and choices, I'm still here. Subscribed, playing, and have accepted it.


No arrogant declaration of my intention to leave. No drawing of a virtual line in the sand.

Edited by StrangeDais
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Apples and Oranges Buri. Going by the title I assumed this thread pertained to the slot machine and in this case I am defending BW and the move to curtail it as it was detrimental to the game from my perspective. Now I don't know why you felt the need to delve into my post history or what possible relevence it has regarding the slot machines but alright. Perhaps you feel things should be black and white only? Either you love BW or hate BW? No variable positions permitted.


I don't proclaim myself to be a staunch defender of BW on all accounts. Yes. I have taken issue with a number of things of late though I have also stated that my dissatisfaction with some those things has been mitigated and my opinions changed with the recent fixes. But you know what? Dispite my disagreement with 12xXP, training costs, and some cosmetic issues and choices, I'm still here. Subscribed, playing, and have accepted it.


No arrogant declaration of my intention to leave. No drawing of a virtual line in the sand.


Apparently there is always a camp A and a camp B on every issue. If you are in neither, camp A will accuse you of belonging to camp B and the people in camp B will accuse you of belonging to camp A.


This results in people bringing in every thing you ever said, bringing in posts and articles that are not actually relevant and you constantly defending yourself against being categorised and having words put in your mouth that you actually never said.


And why? Because a lot of people can not think beyond camp A and B and if you are not with them you must be with the others. There is no room for nuance. If you have issue with how they bring their points across, you automatically must disagree with them. If you ask a question it must always be because you disagree or disapprove.


And then they accuse me of trolling or worse because I get upset with them for trying to label me something I am not simply because they can only understand two labels.


It can be very tiring.

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ok this is funny (not OP post)


People write good bye posts all the time and the very same people who are all understanding and caring in this one are asking "can I have your stuff" and other dismissal ignorant posts bashing the player who wrote the good bye post.


BUT all because you agree with this posters reasons, suddenly that's OK and he gets a pass


Personally I never bash people people for posting THEIR REASONS because its THEIR REASONS.

Regardless if I agree or not with the reasons.


But WOW you all such hypocrites.


LOL, to funny!


My god you people are so fake and plastic and obvious in your agendas *shakes head*


PS: Dont agree with your reasons OP but as I said your reasons so wish you well. Sometimes stepping away for a break enough. Sometimes leaving a game for good is whats required. Everyone has to pick their own path on that one.

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I'm sorry to see good ppl go, and the idiots stay. It's not the way it's supposed to work. :(


Eric and the team didn't have the Strength to tell all these idiots in these Forums, "No, It is Not an Exploit, so Live with it". I swear some ppl at EAWare need to tell the Ppl crying Exploiters are just as bad as the worst Trolls in any gaming site.


And I hate saying the Word Troll, because it's a Mythical creature.


Damm those Exploit Losers and the stupid EAWare team the couldn't stand up to the a bunch of idiots.



And Yes, i'm like this in Real Life, I don't need hide behind a Computer. I'm sharing My Judgement as others are.


Trolls are real. How else do you explain all the dead unicorns?

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I don't proclaim myself to be a staunch defender of BW on all accounts.

But you are perfectly OK with BioWare using bait and switch to pump up Cartel Coin sales, it seems.

Or did you not realize that for a lot of people, that's the real issue here?


You may not agree that BW did that, you may think the ToS will protect them if they did. That doesn't matter.

What matters is whether SWTOR players have a colorable claim (look it up) that they were defrauded of cold hard cash. It's not my place to say if they do or not, but I believe EA's legal team needs to worry about it.


The first owner of every one of these slot machine they added to the game bought it with cash they converted into Cartel Coins. That the virtual machine was bartered for other virtual object doesn't change that. That not everyone who bought a raffle ticket won a Machine doesn't matter. Someone paid cash for that slot machine.

So the issue is, were they induced to part with that cash though fraud? Some people think they were. Is the case a colorable one? You would have to take it to a judge and find out, but no one here can say it isn't.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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They clearly stated that they were monitoring droprates, and would adjust them. If you spent lots of RL money on a ingame credit printing press thinking you could pay to win you just got what you deserved.


Come on people, did you seriously think that they would nerf crafting, a rather big part of the game to that extent? The junk droprates were too good to be true, and thank god they changed it to what it is now.

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They clearly stated that they were monitoring droprates, and would adjust them. If you spent lots of RL money on a ingame credit printing press thinking you could pay to win you just got what you deserved.


Come on people, did you seriously think that they would nerf crafting, a rather big part of the game to that extent? The junk droprates were too good to be true, and thank god they changed it to what it is now.


What it is now? That you never get **** and the whole slot machine is just a waste of time? I have 6 certificates in my inventory... I got those 6 before the nerf.. The next month I am sure I will still have those same 6 certificates in my inventory , because I will probably never get another one no matter how much money I waste dropping in that slot machine.

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They clearly stated that they were monitoring droprates, and would adjust them. If you spent lots of RL money on a ingame credit printing press thinking you could pay to win you just got what you deserved.




They wrote that they are monitoring the droprate of JAWA JUNK. No word about any of the other droprates! As I said on another thread: I go with what I read and not with "what could also happen despite not being mentioned".


You might think: If they look into Jawa Junk, they will surely also look into everything else.


I think: If they tell me that they look into Jawa Junk, I assume that they look into Jawa Junk. Would they also look into other stuff, they would tell that they would also look into other stuff.


None of the other stuff was mentioned. Neither in Eric's first post nor in the patch notes ("The Contraband Slot Machine’s Jawa Junk drop rate has been reduced and Faction-specific Walker mounts have been added to the potential rewards.") and only partially in Eric's second post.


Again, if the patch notes mention that Jawa Junk has been adjusted, you may read "Jawa Junk and everything else has been adjusted." I read: "Jawa Junk has been adjusted." Then I find out that 3/4 of the important information is missing.


Ontopic: I'm sad that BW is losing customers due to their bad communication. I really think this shouldn't happen. One customer lost because of this is one customer too much. And heck, even my defense-wall pro BW got a massive crack. Because of a slot machine. (Or well, not because of the machine itself, but because of everything surrounding it.)

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