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2000 chips: Results


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Yea it was over-nerfed, but after all this is the slot machine... and not the farming machine


BioWare promoted the Slot Machine as a source of Level 11 mats. Go read their posts, it's there. They sold it as a mat farming machine, which is why at least a few people bought it. Then today it isn't. Bait-and-switch.

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Wow. This is so bad. You'd expect at least 10 certs out of it.... :[


I wouldn't but what the TC went through is infuriating.


500 coins and I won one cert and zero jawa scraps (not that it matters, I didn't care about those)

Edited by beasthunt
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no more cartel sales to me or my wife. thats for sure.


I'm in the same boat. I waited for word on the slot machines. I played fair. Eric said they were working as intended and to spend away. So I dropped cash for a crate to get one. And less than a week later it's rendered completely worthless.


Screw that, I will not drop another dime on CC again.

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I'm in the same boat. I waited for word on the slot machines. I played fair. Eric said they were working as intended and to spend away. So I dropped cash for a crate to get one. And less than a week later it's rendered completely worthless.


Screw that, I will not drop another dime on CC again.




If you want to send a stronger message... delete your payment info from your sub... If enough people do that today and tomorrow, it should show up on their metrics...

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If you want to send a stronger message... delete your payment info from your sub... If enough people do that today and tomorrow, it should show up on their metrics...


I'll be doing that when I get home tonight.


I know they said the drop rates would be adjusted before I bought mine, but a reasonable person does not expect "adjusted" to mean "all but eliminated."

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I enjoyed this game and spent a couple thousand US dollars on CC and sub fees in the past 12 months.

The dishonest bait and switch tactic used by this franchise regarding the slot machine has influenced me to look for another mmo to invest time and money in. They should have at the very least fixed treasure hunting missions in conjunction. The deception and dishonesty with this franchise has shown me its time to move on. Its not just about the slot machine, add gameplay issues and lack of communication to the community since 3.0 early access, knowing about exploits and leaving them in game for extended periods of time while threatening to ban people who use them yet do nothing of the sorts to those that did. Fix a slot machine instead of fixing a multitude of other important game issues.


Downloading 3 other mmo's atm to try.

I'm leaving and not spending another dollar on SWTOR or bioware or ea.

No you can't has my stuff.... It can "poof" for all I care now.

You can watch the GTN have less items from packs next shipment. You're welcome.

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I pulled all of my payment methods off my account tonight.


So many ways to handle this.

  1. Cut back the drop rate a little to keep it in line with crew missions
  2. Limit the number of coins you could play per day
  3. Increase the cost of mats from the Jawa vendors


And they do THIS? They completely nuke it? Increase the cost per pull by 50%, increase the fail rate entirely to 45% and make all but rep items pretty much ultra-rare?


I'd like to think this was a mistake, but I don't believe that, because that, coupled with the complete fails of 3.0 and poorly handled management of the game since then (holidays, lack of responses, lack of bug fixes) would indicate a level of incompetence so extreme it doesn't even bear thinking about.


I spent the last few days playing 100K worth of chips a day. Nothing excessive. I used what I got for mats to craft gear for my alts, something I normally don't bother because the cost of purple mats is always so high.


Yes, I know, I could run crew missions and get the mats myself!


I want to level my alts, you know, when I have time to do so, not a month down the road of sending comps out on missions over and over and over and over and over and over and over... because the return rate sucks.


"Do it on your alts, too!"


Yeah, I want to do an alt dance of logging in, sending out comps, assigning them all the same crew skills, so I can send them out, logging out and into another toon, repeat over and over. Sure.


And people say sitting in front of the slot machine isn't playing the game??


But that's all irrelevant and I just know people will come in here to tell me "You're doing it wrong! lrn2play noob!"


Anyway, so I spent the last few days actually crafting gear for my alts because I could do so reasonably. I still actually spent money on mats on the GTN for greens (although 2K CPU when sorting by lowest price per unit for greens? ***??)


I loved it. I was finally bothering to craft items again, to go to the trainers for new schems. It was great.


Now it's gone because it wasn't just nerfed, it was eradicated from high orbit. E.L.E., baby.


Because dealing with the mats being a little too accessible, well, that was just too much to deal with reasonably, even with the suggestions above or those of others. No, let's kill it entirely.


And you know what will happen, right? They'll "fix" it in time for the next cartel pack release with a new slot in it. About a week before then, this one will get "fixed." And people will extoll the virtues of it again. And sales will go up when the new one comes out. Then watch out.


So, I can't in good faith give them more money. No way, no how. Screw me once and all that.


I hope I'm wrong. I hope we finally see a yellow name say "Yeah guys, we botched it. Hang on while we get that fixed." and have them do it in a reasonable time. But I'm not gonna hold my breath, either. These are the same people who said:

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly.

Jawa Junk. No other drops mentioned, no Certs mentioned. And they gave us what we have today. Changed accordingly? Apparently meant "removed what I mentioned and anything else worthwhile almost entirely".


So I removed all methods of payment. Let them hear that concern. I encourage others to do the same.

Edited by ThunderVamp
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I enjoyed this game and spent a couple thousand US dollars on CC and sub fees in the past 12 months.

The dishonest bait and switch tactic used by this franchise regarding the slot machine has influenced me to look for another mmo to invest time and money in.


^ This...


Last night, for the first time in 3 years, I played a different MMO. I gave The Secret World a try... I've owed it for awhile, bought it when it was on sale for like $10 or something...


I have not played another MMO since SWTOR launched, not for one minute...


Last night, that changed...

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^ This...


Last night, for the first time in 3 years, I played a different MMO. I gave The Secret World a try... I've owed it for awhile, bought it when it was on sale for like $10 or something...


I have not played another MMO since SWTOR launched, not for one minute...


Last night, that changed...


Because of slots!!! LMAO! You are priceless keep it up!

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Because of slots!!! LMAO! You are priceless keep it up!


Whether the drop rates from it are "right" or "wrong", it is rather silly to make it the point of contention for subbing or not.


At least someone silly enough to un-sub is taking their silliness elsewhere...

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Yea it was over-nerfed, but after all this is the slot machine (the house always wins rule, you know... :rolleyes:) and not the farming machine :p. So it was broken before and broken by now.


Literally - nothing has changed! :D


something has changed..Eric has no credibility and a lot of people are pissed off. they have been losing subs over this and they have shown the playerbase exactly what they thing of them.

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Will somebody please call the waaahbumlance for all these slot machine crybabies please! I used to like coming to these forums to see SWTOR news...but the last week or so has been ridiculous. If the slot machine has made you that upset, then move on. Play another game. Eric, Tait, the community team and devs are aware of it all. It's not the first time and won't be the last time something like this will happen. Suck it up or move on. Please.
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Will somebody please call the waaahbumlance for all these slot machine crybabies please! I used to like coming to these forums to see SWTOR news...but the last week or so has been ridiculous. If the slot machine has made you that upset, then move on. Play another game. Eric, Tait, the community team and devs are aware of it all. It's not the first time and won't be the last time something like this will happen. Suck it up or move on. Please.


the crafter gold farmers were busy crying up a storm last week. where were you then?

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