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Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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I'm also a fan of the idea of putting rare win items onto the Slot Machines.


But, make them 'rare' drop and, most importantly....Don't tell us what they are ahead of time. Surprise us with them.


Make it rare dye kits, rare mounts, rare weapon shells, a motley collection of stuff that we don't are in there until we win them.


Want to build excitement? Let the players know that unknown prizes are waiting for them and let them go get em.

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I'm also a fan of the idea of putting rare win items onto the Slot Machines.


But, make them 'rare' drop and, most importantly....Don't tell us what they are ahead of time. Surprise us with them.


Make it rare dye kits, rare mounts, rare weapon shells, a motley collection of stuff that we don't are in there until we win them.


Want to build excitement? Let the players know that unknown prizes are waiting for them and let them go get em.


Oooh, that is a good idea....rotate the high end extremely rare drop item and keep it a secret. Hehe.

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I don't think the forum feedback had any effect, other than bringing it to their attention. I think it is more likely that Bioware did like they said, looked at it overall and decided that long term it was a bad idea.

I agree with you 100%


Some people liked the change, some people didn't. Everyone voiced their opinion. I doubt either voice made any significant impact on the developers decision.

Edited by Khevar
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First you have to get the Crew Skill to 500. Then you have to buy crew skill perks. Then you have to grind up reputation on your companions. And if you want to be as effectiv as possible you also need to have the right companions, so you need to level up alts.


And when you have all that done, you are at the best starting point to send out your companions. And over time you will get stuff you want/need or make profit.


Slot machine on the other hand:


Buy the machine, buy XXX tokens, press right mouse buttion over and over again and after a few hours you have more mats gained than the person with crew missions would make in 1 week.


Yes this is more effort.


I could argue point for point that spending real life money that takes effort to earn in order to buy packs hoping you get a slot machine is comparable effort. Or spending time in game earning the credits to purchase one from the GTN and then earning credits to purchase coins is comparable effort, etc etc.


However, instead I will say that your "on the other hand" sounds a lot better to me. Less effort, less credits spent, more return. Yeah, who would want that?

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the only reason why someone would post an assessment like that is because they had something bigger to gain by seeing it go away. not to mention some of these dudes spent over 2million a pop. I don't think ive had 2 million on a toon ever.


Hmmm...I think a few of my chars may not have had 2M on them (at least there's no achievement for it). I'll go send my third string alts some cash just to clear up this embarrassment.

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Who here wants to be they increased the drop rate of Cartel Rep tokens by too much and did not increase the cost of coins enough, so people will be on the forums crying when slot machine users are making straight up money off the machines?


Instead of using it to straight up make money themselves? Of course there will be. There will be QQ about it even if it is not true. Welcome to the SWTOR forums.

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So first you confirm it works as intended and now this. Nice bait and switch bioware may it come back and bite you where it hurts the most.

This is a misrepresentation of what happened.


1. People asked if it was working as intended.

2. Eric said yes, but they were looking into the drop rates to see if they affected the economy.

3. Eric then said they are adjusting the drop rates.

Edited by Khevar
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IMO the dramatic hyperbole from some of those that opposed the machine junk drop rates was over the top and complete nonsense. That is the same thing that is happening with some folks opposed to the proposed change.


JUST MY OPINION, wanted to make that clear to our more "opinion challenged" folks in the forum, but I think that this machine has caused some folks to completely lose any sense of self respect.


The impact was not as bad as folks indicated....it is more likely LONG term impact would have been contrary to Bioware's intentions. I also think, even with this change the machine still holds substantial appeal, even against crew missions (because crew missions....well....suck to be frank). I think the machine would have to punch you in the gut for it to have less appeal than crew missions. ;)


At any rate, I think the adjustment would be better if tuned a bit. But as it is now it is not that bad.

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Oooh, that is a good idea....rotate the high end extremely rare drop item and keep it a secret. Hehe.


as someone who doesn't grind credits unless its for a purpose and absolutely HATES surprises? I dislike that idea. a lot.


not the rotating rewards part. keeping it a secret.


no. announce it.

announce what it is, when its changing and how long its available.


say NO to surprises.


have we learned NOTHING from original raqghoul and chevin events?


that said. I still think that nerfing machine without fixing missions skills, while claiming its to make mission skills more desirable is just lolworthy. they still suck.


well.. their droprate on purple mats anyways.

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I think they should make a ingame poll to get a more accurate sample of where the community is at.


As opposed to the even simpler method of looking at what the GTN was like 7 days ago and what it is like now? I think that shows them *exactly* what the community thinks.

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All the arguing is a moot point. What's done is done, and I imagine that all the Slot Machine owners are going to be spamming the hell out of their Slot machines for the rest of the day.


As for me, I spent a few million buying up the cheap Adaptives and Midlithe Crystals before the patch notes became widely known.


1) yes, I am :)

2) 2-Day Listings on the most volatile items on the market means the sellers probably aren't paying much attention. Their bad.

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socialism would make a law that on your raid group you need 2x feminazi, 2x gay, 2xblack people and the other 6 can be minority group opressor caucasians. And for sure the minority has priority on the loot system.


ftfy :)

Edited by eartharioch
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•It created a situation where it could be more profitable to completely ignore crew skills by use of the Slot Machine




so why not increase the drop rate through your crew skills???!!!

did you guys ever think of that!!!

and the statement of lowering the prices below what you thought was right for the economy.

So your responsible for the crazy OVER priced stuff on the GTN get a clue there's were the nerf bat needs to go

worrying about a FAKE economy totally silly.

It never ceases to amaze me how you guys put SO much effort into stopping this trivial garbage but yet credit farmers time all the chest , they spam constantly in chat.. and you DO NOTHING.... They never stop

Edited by CaineSoto
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sigh... so instead of fixing the drop rates on missions... lets nerf the slot machine.


dear bioware. missions skills STILL SUCK. at least when it comes to getting purple mats.


As somebody who made plenty of credits by running missions, I can say that it isn't the missions that suck.

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Or maybe they realized those *whiny little girls" A) weren't actually whining, B) had a very good point, and C) that they had miscalculated the effect the slot machine would have.


Or you could, you know, just keep dismissing the opinions of everyone who disagrees with you with pointless insults :rolleyes:


and you are one of those whining little punks who would rather rape on the gtn than do there dailys..for cash.. THE GTN is way over priced that's were the nerf needs to go 25,000,000 for a rancor....r please...

Edited by CaineSoto
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As somebody who made plenty of credits by running missions, I can say that it isn't the missions that suck.


yes they do. the drop rate is way too low. you have to run them on multiple characters, very diligently to get anywhere. in order to be able to actualy get enough materials to , you know, craft with, to use on your own character, NOT to sell - it has to become practically all consuming.






when you end up vendoring stacks upon stacks of blues becasue no one wants them, becasue you end up with stacks and stacks and stacks, just to get a few purples...


this is NOT good design. its awful design.


just like you all are claiming that missions should be preferred to clicking slot machine - CRAFTING with mats should be PREFERRED to just outright selling them.


SOME of us, would like to actualy, I don't know spend some time in game on things other then hopping from alt to alt to run missions.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Or maybe they realized those *whiny little girls" A) weren't actually whining, B) had a very good point, and C) that they had miscalculated the effect the slot machine would have.


Or you could, you know, just keep dismissing the opinions of everyone who disagrees with you with pointless insults :rolleyes:


Of course the mega millionaires and billionaires who control the in game economies with their legions of sweat shop companions were going to cry on the forums about regular players being able to get enough high end mats to finally be able to bring quality products to market at a reasonable price.


More supply and lower prices is always better for an economy. And for an in game economy, lower prices also reduced the need for credit sinks as accumulation of wealth becomes harder with more competition and smaller margins.


Additionally, more raw materials in the market makes it easier to bring items, like home decorations, many of which are acquired through crafting, can be available on the market, encouraging more rooms to be opened and more houses to be purchased, increasing that credit sink. Cheaper dyes and color crystals would also encourage more players to try and experiment more with customizing their appearances.


BioWare's statement is loud and clear, crafting is for the mega-rich, everyone else can get stuffed.

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Of course the mega millionaires and billionaires who control the in game economies with their legions of sweat shop companions were going to cry on the forums about regular players being able to get enough high end mats to finally be able to bring quality products to market at a reasonable price.


More supply and lower prices is always better for an economy. And for an in game economy, lower prices also reduced the need for credit sinks as accumulation of wealth becomes harder with more competition and smaller margins.


Additionally, more raw materials in the market makes it easier to bring items, like home decorations, many of which are acquired through crafting, can be available on the market, encouraging more rooms to be opened and more houses to be purchased, increasing that credit sink. Cheaper dyes and color crystals would also encourage more players to try and experiment more with customizing their appearances.


BioWare's statement is loud and clear, crafting is for the mega-rich, everyone else can get stuffed.


WELL SAID.... THE GTN and those who control it ARE THE PROBLEM!!! not the slot machine

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All rarity in MMOs is contrived.


Bioware just jacked the contrivance level back up on certain mats.


Oh well.


Preach on, preacher! I can barely imagine the horrors facing people daring to break the hold of our Mat Baron Overlords! Players may actually have to visit a crew skill trainer (at the outrageous cost of 0 credits) and select a crew skill. They will then have the arduous task of spending several days sending out companions on a variety of profitable missions before they can purchase the first level of Advanced Training and then running a few more missions before purchasing the next level of Advanced Training and running the most profitable missions. Only then, when they have only made thousands more than they spent, will they be able to gouge the other players unable to perform the Herculean tasks they have performed.


Preach on, brother!

Edited by eartharioch
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Preach on, preacher! I can barely imagine the horrors facing people daring to break the hold of our Mat Baron Overlords! Players may actually have to visit a crew skill trainer (at the outrageous cost of 0 credits) and select a crew skill. They will then have the arduous task of spending several days sending out companions on a variety of profitable missions before the can purchase the first level of Advanced Training and then running a few more missions before purchasing the next level of Advanced Training and running the most profitable missions. Only then, when they have only made thousands more than they spent, will they be able to gouge the other players unable to perform the Herculean tasks they have performed.


Preach on, brother!

I have never made mroe than I've spent doing crew missions. Never.


I have, however, gone broke doing them before...

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WELL SAID.... THE GTN and those who control it ARE THE PROBLEM!!! not the slot machine


Of all the things I've seen about this, this one right here is the most ridiculous.


No one controls the GTN. There are, however, players who put time and effort into earning as many credits as possible through crafting and the GTN.


Whiners like you who constantly blame crafters for "high costs" are the same whiners who want everything with no cost and no effort.


Any single player in this game can do what you seem to believe only "a few" do. If you aren't willing to put forth the effort, or if you aren't willing to pay the price, then don't buy. It's that simple. No one is here to give you things.


Complaining about a Rancor mount, by the way, isn't a crafter issue. It's a Cartel Market rarity issue. People who want the rare things will pay the multi-millions people sell them for or they can spend their own cash for Cartel Coins and hope they get lucky.


Blaming a crafter for the cost of a Cartel Market item is like blaming your doctor because your car doesn't work.

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yes they do. the drop rate is way too low. you have to run them on multiple characters, very diligently to get anywhere. in order to be able to actualy get enough materials to , you know, craft with, to use on your own character, NOT to sell - it has to become practically all consuming.






when you end up vendoring stacks upon stacks of blues becasue no one wants them, becasue you end up with stacks and stacks and stacks, just to get a few purples...


this is NOT good design. its awful design.


just like you all are claiming that missions should be preferred to clicking slot machine - CRAFTING with mats should be PREFERRED to just outright selling them.


SOME of us, would like to actualy, I don't know spend some time in game on things other then hopping from alt to alt to run missions.


Like I said...


But, in case you didn't get it...


I run missions and craft stuff. I wasn't selling any of my purple mats because I was using them to craft items I could sell for more than I could make selling the mats directly. Even at 45K / Midlithe, I was *buying* them to supplement what I could get from my companions because I could sell the finished products for a net profit. Even before the Slot Machine, crafters could make money if they bought mats at the GTN price.

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