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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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The coin cost increase doesn't feel right, you want people to use it to gradually sink credits into it


Which is kind of the point of both a credit sink and a slot machine.


There's this town in Nevada that knows a thing or two about slot machines, I would love to see someone complain to the managers there that they're losing more money on the machines than they're winning. ;)

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They can sell at that price pretty easily. You don't want a mount? Great, but it doesn't change the fact that it is a pretty damn hard to get collectors item. They came out in 1.1 for a short time and after they took it out, they can't be obtained anywhere, therefore they fit what I was talking about perfectly.


How many people who were playing during 1.1, who have that mount, are still playing?


What percentage of those people actually care?


If the number is over 100, I'd be shocked... time cures all things...

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If that happened, I wouldn't care. My character would look as silly as I could make him look.


As to whether or not the real money exclusive things time thing, they have clearly reskinned things from other things in the past with ease. Look at the items you can get with Recovered Relics in flashpoints. Reskinned battlemaster armor. Am I upset? No, because it is still different than the original item. Things should be exclusive until the game ends for some things. Again, I am perfectly fine with them charging for old packs again and having those things back in the mix of thing, my main issue is people are obtaining things that were previously bought by players that spent their money on. People have been buying stuff of the GTN without getting a single pack, and I'm fine with that since there is only so many of that item based on the amount of packs opened or sold.


I do fully expect certain items, like the Crate-O-Matic, my Champion or Battlemaster set, and other things you can't get anymore to stay that way until the end of the game.

Thing is, the exclusivity of the CM items has always been a moving target. The very same items that the rep and CM certs let you buy were, after all, made less exclusive by their inclusion on the Rep Vendor - while before they were only available as an RNG drop from the Cartel Pack Shipment.


There's nothing wrong with taking the position that, in your opinion, this latest move takes things one step to far, but I think it's important to acknowledge that it is simply one step further on a continuum:


  • Initial Release (Time 0) Items are only available as RNG drops in a Cartel Pack, those packs are only readily available for a limited time before being embargoed.
  • Next Shipment (Time +4ish months) some of those items are now also available through a reputation vendor, rep can only be acquired from Contraband Packs, which are also only readily available for a limited time before being embargoed.
  • Special Packs (Time +17ish months) Grand Acquisition/Mount/Pet/etc. Packs provide a new way both to get items directly, and a new way to get reputation to acquire items from the vendor.
  • Slot Machines (Time +26ish months) Contraband Slot Machine provides a new way to get reputation and certs to acquire items from the vendor.


One thing I've been harping on since this announcement, is that I hope they limit the new Slot Machines to 1 per shipment, so that they can be released only a full year after the associated shipment was embargoed (Jan 14 2013 the last Contraband Pack was embargoed, Slot Machine's pack was released on Jan 13, 2014).


It's a personal opinion, but I believe that full year time-frame strikes a very nice balance between exclusivity and availability that will keep the packs and their reputation grind desirable during their initial run.

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Prices are going to rise again which will reward the people that bought low, to sell high, this is a slap in the face to all casual gamers. The rich get richer and these changes remove any chance for people to craft their own gear without paying the insane GTN prices for materials.


Are you seriously saying that casuals don't understand the concept of "buy low, sell high"? How does the GTN price of a mat affect your ability to send one of your companions after it? You do realize that you can gather your own mats, don't you?

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* snip for length *


I can see your point, and I have noticed the same things happening. What I don't like is how much Bioware is treating customers like garbage, more than before, and that they release things at random without any thought put into things. Of course, I could go on and on about how completely borked things are with the new expansion, and how they will happily and quickly fix inconsequential silly things like a slot machine instead of spending time fixing bug ridden content. If they had announced this ahead of time and got feedback BEFORE putting it live, and this was the way the community voted, I don't think I would be as grumpy, but the fact that they just decided to make all of this stuff so easy to obtain is terrible.


Even disregarding the fact that you can get this stuff without having to pay the premium for it, getting CM Certs and rep tokens is pretty stupid. Why? What is the point? Who thought it was a good idea? Surely there was something more beneficial to put in the loot table than CM Certs and Rep tokens. Why not a random rep token for anything? Why not give out a basic comm instead of a CM Cert? Why is there not a daily or weekly limit of uses so you can't exploit the crap out of the thing? I am really confused as to why this was even approved in the first place.

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Prices are going to rise again which will reward the people that bought low, to sell high, this is a slap in the face to all casual gamers. The rich get richer and these changes remove any chance for people to craft their own gear without paying the insane GTN prices for materials.


If you can't afford end game stuff, run dailies to get enough credits to buy what you want, or send your companions out on missions. It's pretty simple. Casual gamers will more than likely not get top end gear that is expensive because they are casuals, its as simple as that. The rich get richer because they are wise with their money, and people such as yourself don't seem to realize you could be crafting your own gear and making as much money as they are.

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Your post has a whining tone to it. It sounds like you're pouting because they have a pretty good work schedule.


Your post, as they always do, has an "Apologist" tone to it. Since you didn't get banned for the ravager exploit all is forgiven now huh? Oh, and stop judging and antagonizing people.

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So, now that it's being nerfed, is it possible to get a refund on my hyper crate purchase? You know, the thing I spent real money on for the sole reason of trying to get a slot machine, because I figured the investment would save me time (and credits) over the long haul in terms of gather mats for my crafters?
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I was perfectly fine with them coming back as a cartel pack PURCHASED WITH REAL MONEY instead of getting it through stupid in game things other than buying it on the GTN. They can bring back all the packs if they'd like, but the slot machine is utterly unacceptable.


the slot machine was purchased with real money. and who cares what you want? can you tell the difference between a speeder that dropped and one purchased with certificates(that dropped from an entirely different pack)? you should see that therapist soon

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You obviously don't understand the entire point of what I wrote, nor do you understand why these are bad things.


There is no such thing as P2W with cartel packs, it is all cosmetic crap. My point is they are simply devaluing customers. Learn what P2W really means before mentioning it again please.


the +41 crystals called and want to smack you in the head for forgetting them

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If that happened, I wouldn't care. My character would look as silly as I could make him look.


As to whether or not the real money exclusive things time thing, they have clearly reskinned things from other things in the past with ease. Look at the items you can get with Recovered Relics in flashpoints. Reskinned battlemaster armor. Am I upset? No, because it is still different than the original item. Things should be exclusive until the game ends for some things. Again, I am perfectly fine with them charging for old packs again and having those things back in the mix of thing, my main issue is people are obtaining things that were previously bought by players that spent their money on. People have been buying stuff of the GTN without getting a single pack, and I'm fine with that since there is only so many of that item based on the amount of packs opened or sold.


I do fully expect certain items, like the Crate-O-Matic, my Champion or Battlemaster set, and other things you can't get anymore to stay that way until the end of the game.



you can still get the crateomatic


the borealis wasnt removed to make it "exclusive" it was removed because people were using the big speeders to grief.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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You can only speak of P2W when you have to spend real money to gain an advantage in a competitive environment.

The crystals that can be acquired in-game through game mechanics (crafting in this case) are identical in stats, hence no advantage.


try equipping one at level 10...we will wait for you

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the +41 crystals called and want to smack you in the head for forgetting them


You are a silly person that doesn't understand the points I have made, nor understand what you are talking about. +41 crystals aren't P2W, as much as you would love to believe. I don't believe you have anything else to say that is going to be constructive as you seem to have little knowledge to properly comment, and the rest of your gibbering is devoted to vain attempts at being rude and making baseless arguments.

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If you can't afford end game stuff, run dailies to get enough credits to buy what you want, or send your companions out on missions. It's pretty simple. Casual gamers will more than likely not get top end gear that is expensive because they are casuals, its as simple as that. The rich get richer because they are wise with their money, and people such as yourself don't seem to realize you could be crafting your own gear and making as much money as they are.


1. Players should run dailies because they want to, because they are fun, not because it is a grind.


2. 186 gear is not "top end gear", it is starter gear for lvl 60 content.


3. There is a lot of "old school" thinking on these forums about what MMOs should be. A lot of you are not going to be happy here because clearly this is not an old school MMO.

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try equipping one at level 10...we will wait for you


Where's the competitive environment? There's no operations at that level, and doesn't the bolster system give you a set amount of stats no matter what you're equipping at level 10 for PVP?

(An artificer can craft +41 level 10 gems now, btw. Though practically they'd be financially out of reach for a level 10 character :p)

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try equipping one at level 10...we will wait for you


Cute, but you ignored the rest of what was said...


They aren't required to win, which is what P2W is... They don't make much difference either way, except a nice QoL addition to leveling toons...

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So, now that it's being nerfed, is it possible to get a refund on my hyper crate purchase? You know, the thing I spent real money on for the sole reason of trying to get a slot machine, because I figured the investment would save me time (and credits) over the long haul in terms of gather mats for my crafters?


If you actually pick up the phone and call customer service, they might very well do just that... you'd have to ask...

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I'm realizing just how many people are casuals on here, or F2P people that have no understanding of the game...


I have been playing since prerelease and I understand it perfectly. it has to do more with being a sociopath and less being a casual. as for the 300 mill douche canoe being easy to sell, there arent that many of them left, they do not sell "easy"

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Which is kind of the point of both a credit sink and a slot machine.


There's this town in Nevada that knows a thing or two about slot machines, I would love to see someone complain to the managers there that they're losing more money on the machines than they're winning. ;)


the point is it is supposed to be gradual..if they walked in and had to put $500 just to start, they never would start. if you start them on the nickel machines, the next thing they know they are putting silver dollars in

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So I decided to check up on the forum to see what the changes will be in the patch. All this talk about slot machines. SLOT MACHINES not being profitable? Has anyone heard of gambling? The saying about " The house always wins" ? Of course in gambling sometimes you get a pay day but statistically you are losing. Have I missed something?
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You are a silly person that doesn't understand the points I have made, nor understand what you are talking about. +41 crystals aren't P2W, as much as you would love to believe. I don't believe you have anything else to say that is going to be constructive as you seem to have little knowledge to properly comment, and the rest of your gibbering is devoted to vain attempts at being rude and making baseless arguments.


show me a non cm +41 that a level 10 can equip and enter a wz with. It gives a definite advantage that can not be gotten ANYWHERE else. that is by definition pay to win. you want exclusive, we got it...NOTHING in those packs was in any way exclusive. nothing if 100000 people bought the hypercrates, they all had an equal chance to get them. all it took was the cash. you can still get those packs when they unembargo them. getting farther from exclusive all the time...the closest you can get to it would be the pvp rancor and other season rewards. plenty of kill traders ended up with those. exclusive in this game is pointless.

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Cute, but you ignored the rest of what was said...


They aren't required to win, which is what P2W is... They don't make much difference either way, except a nice QoL addition to leveling toons...


a level 10 in a wz will find them a nice advantage...and there is absolutely nothing in this game that is required to win.

bu then pay to win is buying with $ things that boost you and give you an advantage....not a 1 shot kill

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