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Freaking goldspammers!!!


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Ok what the hell is going on are you guys on leave or something, because the last few days every time I go to the fleet I get hammered with 4 to 7 gold spammers in general chat and about 3 to 5 whispers from gold spammers, my freaking ignore list is overloaded, are you guys doing anything or you just going to let this keep getting worse,,,


I mean I cant read anything hardly in chat because of these idiots spamming the hell out of the chat channel :rolleyes:


Please for the love of god do something to fix this...:mad:

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Ok what the hell is going on are you guys on leave or something, because the last few days every time I go to the fleet I get hammered with 4 to 7 gold spammers in general chat and about 3 to 5 whispers from gold spammers, my freaking ignore list is overloaded, are you guys doing anything or you just going to let this keep getting worse,,,


I mean I cant read anything hardly in chat because of these idiots spamming the hell out of the chat channel :rolleyes:


Please for the love of god do something to fix this...:mad:


this game doesnt have goldspammers

never seen any1:rolleyes:

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I would turn off fleet gen chat, but actual players use it for ops, and buying and selling stuff. So the advice to turn off fleet chat hinders the player rather than the spammers.

Maybe someone is selling that armor set you wanted but couldn't find, and they are selling it for dirt cheap? but that's too bad...you turned off chat and now someone else got it.

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And now their spamming the mail box, too!


They have always spammed mail in this MMO. I got the first mail spam from RMTs way back in spring of 2012. Just that sometimes they are more active then other times.


One particular RMT site however, has developed persistence in mail spam. I have characters that get a fresh spam from them every week, at ~ the same day and time. This includes characters that I only log in to about once a month.


They are clearly harvesting character names from inside the game and creating persistent spam mail lists with them.


I really don't care as I simply delete the emails and ignore any attempts at whispers. /yells and /gen_chat... I could care less as I simply disregard them.


The only thing I would like is the ability to /hidden so that they cannot see characters on-line unless they are face to face with you. That would severely nerf the perpetuation of mail spam over time.

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I would turn off fleet gen chat, but actual players use it for ops, and buying and selling stuff. So the advice to turn off fleet chat hinders the player rather than the spammers.

Maybe someone is selling that armor set you wanted but couldn't find, and they are selling it for dirt cheap? but that's too bad...you turned off chat and now someone else got it.


Your choice.


If you insist on parking in Fleet.. and using chat channels for all your grouping and buying needs... that is your choice. But it comes with side effects... which are largely avoided by only using general chat when you actually are looking for a group and use the GTN for buying/selling instead of spamming general chat with sales hawking.

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Your choice.


If you insist on parking in Fleet.. and using chat channels for all your grouping and buying needs... that is your choice. But it comes with side effects... which are largely avoided by only using general chat when you actually are looking for a group and use the GTN for buying/selling instead of spamming general chat with sales hawking.


Thank you kindly. My guild and I discovered that Fleet just isn't worth the lag, the idiots, the spammers to hang out there so strangely enough, we use our....guild stronghold for ops and etc. I want to buy something I either talk to guild mates or look on the GTN....odd I know but hey, whatever floats your boat..

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It's no worse than constant WTS/WTT a huge number of items in General by people who refuse to use the Trade channel. These guys are frequently ripping you off so you'd better check the GTN if that's how you want to buy stuff. Then there's the constant "Doily Girls is a new LGBT guild recruiting. We have guild ship, bank, +10% XP. Pst for invite." Then there are the constant. 'Where is the mod station of fleet?" guys who can't comprehend their maps. All these are done every few seconds just like the gold spammers.


I have seen a maximum of three spammers at once. I just ignore the three to clean it up a bit. When ignore gets full I just erase and start over as most of the spammers on my list are no longer there and have new accounts.


It's very manageable if you'll just do it. If it bothers you so much, turn it off. Easy fix.

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I do use gtn to sell most things and use guild or groupfinder. But when I have a high priced item (over a mil) I post in chat. Like if the lowest in gtn is 2 mil I will post it in gtn for 1.9 and post in fleet for 1.5mil. or sometimes I will post in genchat but not put it in gtn because I want full price for an item and would rather not pay the gtn "fee" And as for grouping, I use chat to find pug groups on days when my guild doesn't run. Helps boost my comm income.

I totally hate the spam and the.."special"... people in chat. but a few clicks of ignore and chat looks more normal.

But to totally isolate from gen chat, sounds like a bad move.

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knows everyone who exploited

cant ban gold spammers


Maybe the reason we get charged for every sale on the GTN is because BIOWARE are the gold spammers and thats how they fund it.

Cant think of a reason the dont sort it out otherwise.:mad:

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Star Wars Galaxies had a warden program where it gave ban privileges to a group of players who patrolled the game and chat banned gold spammers (and only gold spammers). If you felt that the ban was made in error you could appeal. If a warden was out of control, they were removed and replaced. It worked wonders for gold spamming...it just came into the game too late (like 7 years in).
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I report the gold spammers but CS does nothing.


Considering it would take a few moments to check a players chat history and ban/mute reported players it makes me think that either the CS team are all AFK or incompetent at doing their job. A paid service for an "always on" worldwide service in theory should have CS reps available around the clock and yet they are no where to be seen.


Apart from paying for servers and server bandwidth .... what exactly is my subscription paying for?

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I am with you Toecutter....

if they infract you for pointing out that their own CS is lazy/incompetent at fixing spam/harassment/immersion breaking issues then they have their priorities wrong.


I have only recently subbed, and to be honest the whole ravager/slot machine shenanigans have been little more than amusement to me whilst browsing the forum. That being said however, the goldseller spam both in general chat, whispers and ingame mails says to me that this is not a supported game and the devs are only interested in taking money and do not have time or resources to clean up or maintain a reasonable standard in their product.


I am not making a silly "RAWR FIX IT OR I LEAVE" post, merely pointing out that things like this are a major consideration point when contemplating my long term investment in this game.



Maybe EA could contact funcom and ask for some tips on how to look after their customers because the CS help from The Secret World MMO puts this game to shame.

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So last night a wild unicorn appeared!


I actually received a message in my chat window that read:


You are no longer ignoring [Gold Spammer 1].

You are no longer ignoring [Gold Spammer 2].


Which meant that Bioware actually did manage to ban a couple spammers, and I was actually online to see the wrath. :D


Now if only they'd give us one click report+ignore+purge spammer's existing messages from our chat window like EVE Online has...

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Yah. I'll actually agree here. Every night or day when I login I see a BUNCH of gold spammers just going nuts in chat especially on Fleet. It's getting a little absurd in my eyes and I feel as though something must be done about it. I understand that's what they do but there need to be things in place in order to stop this. All you see is if you don't ignore is


friends! mmogold.com sale sale! 6000x credits plus bonus!! (^_^) Times that by 10 lines down every 10 seconds sometimes. And sometimes even back to back.


It's getting a little ridiculous and I think BioWare should try to squash some of these guys a little bit.

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