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10 Good
  1. IT HASN'T BEEN FIXED. I just spent an hour trying to get through the fight and got killed over and over again. Then of course there was also the 2 times I just simply fell through the world. Well done Bioware, this is by far the buggiest release yet. At this point I'm done with it. I'm going to play some other game until they get this crap fixed.
  2. OMG, some of you guys really crack me up. You cant "PUNISH" subscribers without the risk that they unsubscribe. Simple econimics dictate that that the punishment will be token at best. Who really cares anyway? Let's face it, someone at bioware dropped the ball and didn't put a stop to. I feel sorry for the poor guy at Bioware who's probably lost or is at risk of losing his job over this. Surely someones livelihood is more important than some GAME?
  3. And your one of the reasons it doesn't get fixed. Are you a Gold Spammer by any chance?
  4. SORT OUT THE F**KING GOLD SPAMMERS I'll probably get a ban for that and the Gold Spammers will live on...........................
  5. Maybe the reason we get charged for every sale on the GTN is because BIOWARE are the gold spammers and thats how they fund it. Cant think of a reason the dont sort it out otherwise.
  6. Has anyone else noticed that there seems to have been a sharp increase in the number of gold sellers spamming fleet chat? I get bomdarded every time I log in, and the new tactic of whispering you is even more annoying. Surely Bioware can spare someone to monitor fleet chat and deal with this annoyance? Don't really want to live in a nanny state but come on...... Possibly someone else has a solution or comment to offer?
  7. If the old content was scaled up it wouldn't be irrelevent and I miss the old stuff. Cant tell me the Soa fight wasn't fun back in the day
  8. If the content worked it wouldn't be so bad but the plague of bugs seems...........biblical
  9. Is anyone else unsatisfied with the amount of new content available SoR? It seems we all paid top dollar for less playable operations and flashpoints than we had at lvl 55. Two new OP's which have been bugged from the start and the SAME 2 FP's that we get to play over and over and over again. Even just doing the Tactical weekly means at least repeating 1 twice. Add to that the rehash of the previous Tactical flashpoints as lvl 60 HM FP's and a pattern begins to emerge of an expansion pack that was poorly designed and executed and now seems a rip off. I haven't even touched on the fact that BIOWARE let a KNOWN EXPLOIT go live in the hope that no-one would discover it or use it.......Now, useing the exploit may have been a breach of the terms of service but I contend that if the developers had done the job they were supposed to do, the job that subscribers pay them to do, it would never have happened. So to recap, RUBBISH new content and poor performance by the DEV TEAM. gg bioware, gg Posted by a soon to be ex-subscriber
  10. Wow, some of you guy's just dont live in the real world do you? Nothing substantial will come of this because as with all things, money drives this game. Bioware wont piss off a major part of it's player base. I would expect 3 day bans AT MOST and I feel that is even unlikley. Some action may be taken against the people who originally brought it over from the PTS and let it get out. But I suspect it will be the same as with the Nephra bug......Sweet FA
  11. There are consequences for every action. Had I used the exploit I would accept the consequences of my actions. That is the adult thing to do. Bioware must then accept the consequences of their actions also. One of them would be the immediate cancelation of my subscription, after all, it's just a GAME and there are many others.
  12. Server is down for the SECOND time today. W.T.F. BIOWARE
  13. First Bioware kills the APAC servers and forces us to move, then cant even supply a reliable service. At least the Dalbora server WORKED. Seriously reconsidering my subcription........................WAKE UP BIOWARE
  14. some compensation does seem to be in order. really bioware, it's becoming a sub-standard service for a top-dollor price.
  15. I begin to wonder if my sub fee's would be beter saved or spent elsewhere. This is happening FAR too often.
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