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Scoundrel/Operative Healing Guide


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Hey Everyone, Creating this post by popular demand from my peers. I was asked to create a scoundrel healing guide so I am going to post it below.


If you have any questions feel free to contact me, Dath-Cody, in game on Begeren Colony (yes i know its a RP server but we still down content).


Please offer your feedback to make this guide better and that way it can be updated for all the aspiring scoundrel healers. I do apologize for not having the operative equivalents but I beleive in all of your powers of deduction.




Scoundrel Healing Guide

By: Dath-Cody Forri

<Don’t Worry Bout it>



Scoundrel healing has undergone a complete change from 2.0 to 3.0 in SWTOR. It used to be considered a “main” healing role, with a very high amount of burst healing but also able to supply an abundance of group healing. Now, in 2.0, scoundrels are an “off” healing role (much like they were in 1.0) and focus on the use of their area heals and mobility with slow release medpac which results in the class being better suited to support the group rather than main tank healing.


In short Scoundrel healing offers the group a very large amount of area healing and heals over time. For those of you who are able to see where damage occurs before it happens this healing class is for you. The reason I am creating this guide is because scoundrel healing is an easy class to get started with, but very hard to master, this guide will hopefully help you out with that.


Note that this is a Very in depth guide to help new players to the most experienced


Changes From 2.0


During 2.0 there were two ways to effectively scoundrel heal, spam burst healing or full group heal over time healing. Changing to 3.0 the developers improved the group aspect but removed completely the burst healing way of doing things. Scoundrel healing was over powered in 2.0 so it got a drastic nerf going into the new patch. You can find the patch notes on swtor.com but some of the changes that have drastically changed the way to maximize your healing and the result are as follows:


Underworld Medicine: Does a lot less healing (no more 18k bursts)

Emergency Medpac: Less healing and now costs energy, but refreshes SR medpac (now is used to refresh medpacs as an action regeneration technique)

Kolto Waves: Very good AOE casted heal (great for healing 3+ people and maintaining energy level)


Comparing Scoundrel to the other classes:


There are generally 4 ways to compare healing classes in swtor. Single target burst healing, single target constant healing, area healing, and Healing mobility. Compared to commando and sage healing, scoundrel is falling behind at the moment. Scoundrel has by far the most group healing with great mobility and healing over time. However, the new changes to commando and sage have greatly improved their healing output. This resulted in commando healing offering huge burst and constant heal output with great group healing capability, and sage healing offering very large constant single target and single target burst healing. I rated the classes in my opinion as follows:


Single Target Burst: Commando -> Sage -> Scoundrel

Single Target Constant: Commando -> Sage -> Scoundrel

Area Healing: Scoundrel -> Commando -> Sage

Healing Mobility: Commando -> Scoundrel -> Sage



The masteries are subject to change depending on the fight but the general one I use is as follows

Skillful: Smuggled Get-up / Scar Tissue / Sneaky

Masterful: Med Screen / Keep cool

Heroic: Hotwired Defenses / Surprise Comeback


Gearing Priority: (The most asked question)


Power: Most important stat, most of your gear will be dedicated to this

Critical rating: Crit rating should be between 350-400 rating (27-28%). I have tried bringing this up and down multiple times, with the amount of numbers have to play around now days this is a balanced crit/power build which has upped my heals between 600-800hps from a power build or crit build. Through experimenting with the diminishing returns on crit rating this is right in the sweet spot. However this can change if your healing style is 80% focused on underworld medicine. I do not recommend this but it would be better to run around 650 crit rating for that style.

Surge: almost all enhancements resulting in around 79%

Alacrity: 4-5 enhancements is optimal (this will give you between 5-6% I this has changed greatly from 2.0 and I found that around this much alac is where it matches your crit and surge nicely. You could probably afford to go up to 7. But no higher.


How your gear should look:



This is dependent on what gear you can acquire. It is better to keep the 2 piece 186 until you can get the 6 piece 198)

7 198 set bonus


Make sure All Mods are non-lettered mods, this means that when you hover over the mod it should say “advanced artful mod 38” not “advanced artful mod 38A or 38B”

2 keen (crit)

7 artful (power)


4 quick savant (pwr+alac)

2 adept (pwr+srg)

1 battle (crit+srg)

Implants: 2 revanite enforcer’s mk-v package (pwr+srg)

Earpiece: 1 revanite field medic’s device (pwr+srg)


Full Advanced Skill Augment 26

The Extra Cunning far outweighs that of the Overkill (power) Augments because of the added critical bonus.


Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault.

I have tried the Ephermal mending relics but even though bioware tried to make these relics more useful they are still around 350 hps on average lower than focused retribution and serendipitous assault

Set bonus:

It is more optimal to use 2 piece 186 set bonus for the 15% area heal increase on kolto cloud and a 4 piece 198 set bonus until you have full 198 set bonus gear.

(I will experiment with which is better when I have a full 6 piece 198, the extra cunning may make more of a difference with the new kolto waves)


Pugnacity/Cool head:


The use of this ability will change drastically based on if you are a beginning scoundrel to an experienced one.

Pugnacity: Pugnacity is now a cooldown and can be used as such for the 20% defense increase. However I find this ability is better used for the alacrity bonus it gives. I usually use this when I know if I continue to refresh medpacs or need to cast 3 action taking abilities in a row I will pop it.


Defensive cool downs:

Defensive Screen – This should be used on cool down

Dodge – Use when targeted by adds or when you steal boss agro


Abilities used:

Slow-Release Medpac

Underworld Medicine

Kolto Pack

Diagnostic Scan

Emergency Medpac

Kolto Cloud


Kolto Waves

Stack the Deck



Now down to the meat and potatoes of scoundrel healing. As with all healing every pull is different and you will need to adapt to each situation to pull the most effective healing. This guide will give you a few base optimal rotations and some scenario based tips. I apologize for the paragraphs of text to come. Not sure how to make this easier to read.


For starters the way I mainly heal is to use a combination of hots to always keep the group topped off, then I use under world medicine and emergency medpac to cover and unexpected burst that happens, then go back to “HOTing” the group.


Start every fight with 2 stacks of slow release medpac on every member, (this will be called an 8SR medpac rotation for the duration of this guide) doing this will give your group a buffer against the usual initial damage on most bosses and cover any screw ups that happen initially. Why not start the fight with as much heals going out as possible?

Priorities and things to consider:


Kolto Waves: It is optimal to use if you are stationary and need to heal 4 or more people or anticipate and group damage being dealt. The best thing about this heal is that if you are above 60% action it will cost no action to use by the end of the cast. I use this heal usually after every kolto pack if 4 or more people need heals.


Kolto Pack: Kolto pack should be used on cool down as much as possible unless you are keeping up an 8SR medpac rotation. Use on cool down on the main tank or any member taking constant damage. (For experienced scoundrels this is the easiest way to pump out an extra 500hps just by keeping this used on cool down)


Kolto Cloud: This is the most over powered heal in a scoundrel’s arsenal. This heal should always be used as an immediate reaction to a tank swap or an AOE attack or even on a single main tank if you have no time to cast (I do this a lot, it works but is probably my worst habit) Important to note that if below 40% action you shouldn’t pop this heal unless you have cool head available. This heal will usually grant at least 2 upper hand every time it is used. So using it followed by two emergency medpacs is a good option for cleanup healing. (More experienced scoundrels can make the best use of this heal by watching who in the group to place it on. Placing it on a tank and only 2 people getting it as opposed to 3 or 4 can mean another 15k heals missed. I frequently use it on our groups melee dps as they are near the tanks and take the most damage)


Slow Release Medpac: This is the scoundrels bread a butter. If you know someone in the group is going to take damage throw two stacks of this on them. If you want to be the best scoundrel then start with this.

It helps if you place 8 medpacs on the group and keep them there, if you do this you will have room for 3-4 moves inbetween refreshing the first medpac.


Pulling the most numbers while keeping your group topped off means you will need learn what to put in those 3-4 moves and on who. for instance:

8SR medpac refreshes, then kolto pac on main tank, diagnostic scan, finish with kolto cloud. Then 8 medpac refreshes.

8SR medpac refreshes, underworld medicine, emergency medpac, kolto pac, 8 medpac refreshes

8SR medpac refreshes, kolto waves (for 1.5s), kolto pac, kolto cloud, pugnacity, 8 medpac refreshes


If for any of those you find you have extra time because of alacrity throw in a diagnostic scan until you need to refresh. This makes up your base rotation for 80% of fights. If you do not feel you need that much group heals, make sure that 100% of the time each tank has 2 stacks of this.


Emergency Medpac: Because of the changes to scoundrel this now costs action. However bio ware still made it a viable action generation technique because now it refreshes your SR medpacs if you have 2 stacks on them. This is also your minor heal to bring someone from 90% back to full.


There are 3 ways to use this heal. The first being to use less energy to refresh your SR medpacs. This should be done as many times as you can while keeping at least 1 upper hand at your disposal. The second being at the end of your underworld medicine for a little extra burst on your large heal. The third reason would be to bring a member of the group a small amount up instantly, for instance below 30% to above 30%, or from 90% back to full.


Emergency medpac is still an action regen ability, it is best to use this ability while refreshing your slow release medpacs on players that are below 95% as you refresh them. It can be used this way during an 8 medpac rotation or in tandem with your kolto cloud to be spammed 4 or 5 times. (Make sure to always have at least 1 upper hand for emergencies)


Underworld Medicine: Underworld medicine is your largest single target heal but now is un-optimal to use (in most fights) unless you have the 2 piece set bonus auto crit proc (in which case use it before the proc runs out). I use this heal to burst heal a tank back to full or a member back to full. But only if that person is below 70%. If they are above 70, it would be more viable to place one of your kolto cloud on them (will bring them to full) or kolto wave them to full.


Diagnostic Scan: Diagnostic scan is still your action regeneration ability, using it 4 or 5 times in a row will bring you to a full action situation. It accounts for about 1-2% of my total healing per fight. It is best to use this heal between medpac rotations or right after using a heal will bring your action below 60.


Important note: As a healer you will find there are times where no one is taking damage or needs heals. However with this cast you should NEVER not be channeling a heal or using some ability. You can always be prepping someone in the group in case they take damage. A good healer reacts to damage, an amazing healer has the damage healed before it happens.

Optimal 100% area healing rotation:


You might not ever use this rotation unless you are stacked in the burn phase of a boss like master blaster or the dread council however you will be able to pull between 10-14 thousand hps.


Full 8 med pacs on group, once you have full 8 start off with kolto cloud, do 4 medpacs, then channel a full kolto waves until you have .1 second left on your person #5’s medpac. Then place the remaining 4. Then kolto cloud person #1 Repeat.

Situational Healing Styles:


There are infinite ways a group can be taking damage but from my experience I change my healing style to 1 of 3 different methods based on the fight and the people who will be taking damage. I will review each of these in order from most AOE to most single target. But remember, every fight is different so these are more of optimal guidelines to show you the best rotations.


Most AOE: 8 medpac rotation:

This style of healing is what I normally test out every fight with. Keeping 8 medpacs on an entire group is the hardest thing about scoundrel to master and requires your other healer to be more main tank heal oriented (perfect for healing with a sage). However doing this will pump the most hps out of scoundrel as possible.


Method – 8 medpacs on whole group with 3 or 4 abilities in between refreshing those 8 medpacs. Or you can intertwine those in between abilities to the middle of your refresh cycle to 4 medpacs, 1 ability, 4 medpacs 2 abilities, refresh. (Refer to 8 medpac rotations under slow release medpacs above)


Main tank & Group HOT:


This style is what I use when the group takes “mistake damage” or undergoes an inevitable AOE frequently and is also my default style of healing. (Kephess the Undying or Stormcaller/Firebrand fights).


Method – 2SR medpacs on tanks (2 more on melee if applicable), kolto pack used on cool down, kolto wave full cast after every kolto pack, kolto cloud used on tanks, burst heals where needed until refresh needed. -Also very benefitial for healing with a commando healer- do 2SR medpacs on tanks, followed by kolto pack and immediate kolto cloud on tanks, then either do a kolto waves on them (if during a tank swap or aoe) OR do 2 regen abilities after this (diagnostic scan or emergency medpac) then heal where needed. (this is the best way to heal tanks that are going to tank swap or take burst or even prep a group for AOE)


Single Target:

This style is what you would use if you need to tunnel the tanks during a fight. However it also works for lazy healing or healing fights with hard tanking mechanics (Dread master raptus, Dread master calphayus, Warlord Kephess). Through experimenting this shoots out the most hps.


Method – 2SR medpacs on tanks, kolto pack immediately into kolto cloud, 2 diagnostic scans (or emergency medpacs), then underworld medicine until you need to refresh SR medpacs.


Who am I:

This guide is written by Dath-Cody Forri from Begeren Colony and the most loyal member of the sadistic cult of <Don’t Worry Bout It>. I have no clue why I’m putting this in here except to prove that this guide will work and help any healer looking to play the best role in the game better. So here are my credentials

Pre 3.0

- Top 7 Torparse leaderboards for EVERY HM/NM fight (besides Operator-9) including top 3 for every DF/DP fight.

- Solo heal both Dread fortress and Dread Palace Hard Mode

- Solo heal 7 dps (don’t ask) through TFB HM/NM

- Solo heal NM DF 4/5

- Played scoundrel healing since beta-testing.

Post 3.0

- Progressing on Master/Blaster and Revan in HM.

Edited by Hanebut
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Why are you recommending the heavy crit/surge instead of alacrity?


For commandos, there are a couple of talents that mesh well with higher surge, but for scoundrels it just increases the RNG of the class. Alacrity, on the other hand, consistently speeds cast times (and energy regen) for movement heavy fights, and increases the speed of our HoT ticks for higher mobile hps.


Correct me if anyone remembers better, but Ordeken's models showed that a low crit/surge build had consistently higher HPS than the heavy crit builds.

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Why are you recommending the heavy crit/surge instead of alacrity?


For commandos, there are a couple of talents that mesh well with higher surge, but for scoundrels it just increases the RNG of the class. Alacrity, on the other hand, consistently speeds cast times (and energy regen) for movement heavy fights, and increases the speed of our HoT ticks for higher mobile hps.


Correct me if anyone remembers better, but Ordeken's models showed that a low crit/surge build had consistently higher HPS than the heavy crit builds.


He said why Scondrels/Ops would use Crit/Surge vs Alacrity. Maybe you skimmed over that part too fast.


anyways here's what he said in short:


Its better.


Longer explanation?


We don't need the energy generated from alacrity. Our primary beneficial spells are instant. GCD gains would take WAY too much alacrity to make the GCD drop enough to matter (10% is about 850 alacrity meaning 0.15 seconds). Heals with cast times benefit minimally from alacrity for us. Lastly Cool downs on or heals is plenty short enough to not worry about how Alacrity affects them.

Crit / Surge results in the instant cast spells having a better outcome, the several HoT's we apply provide better outcome.

End result? Crit / Surge combo > Alacrity for Scoundrels / Operatives

Edited by AvatarNL
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Why are you recommending the heavy crit/surge instead of alacrity?


For commandos, there are a couple of talents that mesh well with higher surge, but for scoundrels it just increases the RNG of the class. Alacrity, on the other hand, consistently speeds cast times (and energy regen) for movement heavy fights, and increases the speed of our HoT ticks for higher mobile hps.


Correct me if anyone remembers better, but Ordeken's models showed that a low crit/surge build had consistently higher HPS than the heavy crit builds.

HPS and EHPS are two different monsters yo.

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Both surge and crit rating suffer diminishing returns after 350/250 respectively. Gearing that high is a waste of stats.


Test folk! Without alacrity our hots are ticking slower, so HPS goes down. The new aoe goes down. The long single target heal goes down. All this diminishes HPS. A 3-4% more crit will not compensate this nor will +x% surge. Test it in real fights. See the effect of having alacrity on energy regen. You won't need to use the scan, ever.


I respect the efforts put in this or any guide. I also respect the fact that the OP lists such achievements although I don't believe them due to single maths of incoming damage and possible outcoming heals here and there. Maybe one of the DDs was helping? :)


For only that reason I will not comment more on the guide.


I would wait for Ordeken's guide on the class if I am to learn something.

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He said why Scondrels/Ops would use Crit/Surge vs Alacrity. Maybe you skimmed over that part too fast.


anyways here's what he said in short:


Its better.


Longer explanation?


We don't need the energy generated from alacrity. Our primary beneficial spells are instant. GCD gains would take WAY too much alacrity to make the GCD drop enough to matter (10% is about 850 alacrity meaning 0.15 seconds). Heals with cast times benefit minimally from alacrity for us. Lastly Cool downs on or heals is plenty short enough to not worry about how Alacrity affects them.

Crit / Surge results in the instant cast spells having a better outcome, the several HoT's we apply provide better outcome.

End result? Crit / Surge combo > Alacrity for Scoundrels / Operatives


1. Exactly the instant casts exhaust energy faster, not the long one during which you regenerate energy! Painfully obvious.

2. You may want to see what alacrity does. Your analysis does not take into consideration the effects which makes alacrity the healers bread and butter stat.


Other than that, test. Monitor your EHPS in real HM fights. Swap some gear, change your play style, see the effect of high crit and surge in your parse (i.e. the effect of 250/350 compared to 500/600). Come back, post.


Hint: I haven't found a truly big difference even between zero crit and 200 crit with 350 surge. Let's say that on average I produce 6500 HPS during 8HM fights (c.a. 75% effective). I run with 200 crit atm testing whether I must trade 50 power for 50 crit.


Doing this out of boredom because it will change nothing in practice, 20 HPS more or less is a joke ;)

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Excellent guide OP, I have just finished levelling my Scoundrel to 60. I was disheartened by the changes that 3.0 brought as I loved Scoundrel pre 3.0, even more so than Sage/ Commando, however you have made me want to try out my healer.


Thank you

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Scoundrel healing has undergone a complete change from 2.0 to 3.0 in SWTOR. It used to be considered a “main” healing role, with a very high amount of burst healing but also able to supply an abundance of group healing. Now, in 3.0, scoundrels are an “off” healing role (much like they were in 1.0) and focus on the use of their area heals and mobility with slow release medpac which results in the class being better suited to support the group rather than main tank healing.


I feel offense to us being regarded as an off class healer in tank healing.


Yes bad healers will be bad healers when playing the new healing tree, but the rest of us, will never notice anything sigficant except for a few twists and turns.


Does that mean were not able to "solo" heal through raids anymore, I certainly hope so.

It doesnt mean that were not regarded as main healers in a 8m raid thou.


I agree that our aoe healing is better suited for grps and our strong force, but were in no way "off" when it comes to tank healing.

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I feel offense to us being regarded as an off class healer in tank healing.


Yes bad healers will be bad healers when playing the new healing tree, but the rest of us, will never notice anything sigficant except for a few twists and turns.


Does that mean were not able to "solo" heal through raids anymore, I certainly hope so.

It doesnt mean that were not regarded as main healers in a 8m raid thou.


I agree that our aoe healing is better suited for grps and our strong force, but were in no way "off" when it comes to tank healing.


I should clarify, off-healer means that the class is better suited for cleaning up raid wide damage than main tank healing. It is the worst class right now for single target HPS, which means when you get down to your group composition the other healer will be the main healer, doesnt mean you cant have two scoundrels but it is just a role in the group composition. I have always used the definition the same way tanks do.


Main Healer- More esponsible for most of the single target tank damage (IE. main tank swaps and boss burst damage)


Off Healer- More responsible for clean-up damage or raid wide damage / mistake damage.


It is not scrutinizing the class. I love scoundrel. Just a role to fill.

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Both surge and crit rating suffer diminishing returns after 350/250 respectively. Gearing that high is a waste of stats.


Test folk! Without alacrity our hots are ticking slower, so HPS goes down. The new aoe goes down. The long single target heal goes down. All this diminishes HPS. A 3-4% more crit will not compensate this nor will +x% surge. Test it in real fights. See the effect of having alacrity on energy regen. You won't need to use the scan, ever.


I respect the efforts put in this or any guide. I also respect the fact that the OP lists such achievements although I don't believe them due to single maths of incoming damage and possible outcoming heals here and there. Maybe one of the DDs was helping? :)


For only that reason I will not comment more on the guide.


I would wait for Ordeken's guide on the class if I am to learn something.


I wouldnt post a guide all over the forums if i wasnt confident in my numbers analysis. I spend every raid i do screwing around with numbers and gear in order to pull the most effective and non-effective hps for my heal style. I have screwed around with alacrity going from 0 enhancements to 6. I will post a spread sheet showing the numbers analysis for just hps (non effective) on an 8 person group comparing all the stats you can have in.


I know what alacrity does. However i have found out that my style of healing (what the guide is written off of) works the best with my gear set up. As for the achievements posted at the bottom you can ask very many people on Begeren Colony i also have some you tube videos up as well, anything is possible with a competent enough group


I will look farther into alacrity after i acquire 3 or 4 more alacrity 198 enhancements. All feed back is appreciated. And if so interested mail me in game and we can get in mumble / team-speak / ventrillo to improve the guide.

Edited by Hanebut
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He said why Scondrels/Ops would use Crit/Surge vs Alacrity. Maybe you skimmed over that part too fast.


anyways here's what he said in short:


Its better.


Longer explanation?


We don't need the energy generated from alacrity. Our primary beneficial spells are instant. GCD gains would take WAY too much alacrity to make the GCD drop enough to matter (10% is about 850 alacrity meaning 0.15 seconds). Heals with cast times benefit minimally from alacrity for us. Lastly Cool downs on or heals is plenty short enough to not worry about how Alacrity affects them.

Crit / Surge results in the instant cast spells having a better outcome, the several HoT's we apply provide better outcome.

End result? Crit / Surge combo > Alacrity for Scoundrels / Operatives


Kym is not wrong that Alacrity produces more consistent results for all healers, including scoundrels/operatives. Whether or not you're using instant-cast abilities is completely irrelevant. 1% of alacrity is, very directly, 1% more healing done. It is always 1% more healing done barring lag and player error. Surge is variable in that it raises the standard deviation on your healing output and makes individual heals (most noticeably, big heals) more RNG-dependent.


Also remember that the rate of return on surge drops into the toilet as you start exceeding the 300-400 mark. Alacrity simply provides better HPS returns, point-for-point, than surge does once you start getting to those relative levels (i.e. when surge is around 400 and alacrity is around 100). Better HPS return means higher ceiling on your potential healing output, and since alacrity is providing that HPS in a controlled fashion, a skilled healer will be able to convert 100% of that HPS into eHPS.


This is completely ignoring the most significant factor of alacrity though, which is that it improves the responsiveness of your heals. Being able to do more things faster as a healer means that you can target swap at tighter intervals, shorten your response times to damage, and contract your burst window when needed. This is an ancillary benefit to alacrity that DPS do not get. Thus, alacrity is a fantastic stat on paper when you measure increasing HPS. It's a nearly god-like stat in practice when you combine that with the added control.


Putting it plainly, if you're running a low-alacrity build as a healer, you're doing it wrong. The only exception is if you have an absolutely wretched internet connection and your lag is variable and extreme, since that will wash out any benefits from the time shortening. I highly recommend no less than a 50/50 alacrity-to-surge ratio. Running even more alacrity than this ratio (i.e. a 75/25 ratio) would not be harmful. Crit is to taste, certainly, though I wouldn't go much above 400 (even as a scoundrel), and certainly not above 500.




Countering the OP's points more directly… The implication is that alacrity is all about regenerating energy. This makes absolutely zero sense, since alacrity reduces your cast times and GCD duration by exactly the same amount as it increases your regeneration. Thus, the two are in balance. Alacrity is simply a "do everything the same, but faster" stat.


Additionally, the argument has been raised that it's not really practical to get enough alacrity to make a difference on instant cast timings. This argument is based on the fallacy of perception. Sure, you're not fitting in an "extra" GCD in any short time window, but alacrity isn't about fitting in extra GCDs, it's just about doing everything faster. Think about it. This argument is analogous to claiming that power is useless because it would require an impractical amount to double the value of Underworld Medicine. It's not about doubling up; it's about small incremental gains and optimizing those gains.


Alacrity is one of the best stats in the game right now, and the only reason it isn't used more heavily by DPS is because they are constrained to spend a minimum of 6 item slots on accuracy, leaving them so little stat room that surge (with its excellent low-pool rate of returns) plays the dominate role. Healers have no such constraints, and they get additional benefits out of alacrity (i.e. responsiveness and control). There is absolutely no reason to under-stat on alacrity.

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Most AOE: 8 medpac rotation:

This style of healing is what I normally test out every fight with. Keeping 8 medpacs on an entire group is the hardest thing about scoundrel to master and requires your other healer to be more main tank heal oriented (perfect for healing with a sage). However doing this will pump the most hps out of scoundrel as possible.


This, this, and this. I find that many scoundrels pre-3.0 had this rotation down for the entire fight. With the new damage phases, burn phases, and healing profiles, realistically keeping this rotation going for an entire encounter is foolish. It was foolish then and now it is even more foolish.


Your healing situations seem spot on! Thanks!


TL;DR: Scoundrels were nerfed because we can't SRMP/KC/KP our way through NiM battles anymore. We now need someone with a brain behind that screen. =)

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Kym is not wrong that Alacrity produces more consistent results for all healers, including scoundrels/operatives. Whether or not you're using instant-cast abilities is completely irrelevant. 1% of alacrity is, very directly, 1% more healing done. It is always 1% more healing done barring lag and player error. Surge is variable in that it raises the standard deviation on your healing output and makes individual heals (most noticeably, big heals) more RNG-dependent.


Also remember that the rate of return on surge drops into the toilet as you start exceeding the 300-400 mark. Alacrity simply provides better HPS returns, point-for-point, than surge does once you start getting to those relative levels (i.e. when surge is around 400 and alacrity is around 100). Better HPS return means higher ceiling on your potential healing output, and since alacrity is providing that HPS in a controlled fashion, a skilled healer will be able to convert 100% of that HPS into eHPS.


This is completely ignoring the most significant factor of alacrity though, which is that it improves the responsiveness of your heals. Being able to do more things faster as a healer means that you can target swap at tighter intervals, shorten your response times to damage, and contract your burst window when needed. This is an ancillary benefit to alacrity that DPS do not get. Thus, alacrity is a fantastic stat on paper when you measure increasing HPS. It's a nearly god-like stat in practice when you combine that with the added control.


Putting it plainly, if you're running a low-alacrity build as a healer, you're doing it wrong. The only exception is if you have an absolutely wretched internet connection and your lag is variable and extreme, since that will wash out any benefits from the time shortening. I highly recommend no less than a 50/50 alacrity-to-surge ratio. Running even more alacrity than this ratio (i.e. a 75/25 ratio) would not be harmful. Crit is to taste, certainly, though I wouldn't go much above 400 (even as a scoundrel), and certainly not above 500.




Countering the OP's points more directly… The implication is that alacrity is all about regenerating energy. This makes absolutely zero sense, since alacrity reduces your cast times and GCD duration by exactly the same amount as it increases your regeneration. Thus, the two are in balance. Alacrity is simply a "do everything the same, but faster" stat.


Additionally, the argument has been raised that it's not really practical to get enough alacrity to make a difference on instant cast timings. This argument is based on the fallacy of perception. Sure, you're not fitting in an "extra" GCD in any short time window, but alacrity isn't about fitting in extra GCDs, it's just about doing everything faster. Think about it. This argument is analogous to claiming that power is useless because it would require an impractical amount to double the value of Underworld Medicine. It's not about doubling up; it's about small incremental gains and optimizing those gains.


Alacrity is one of the best stats in the game right now, and the only reason it isn't used more heavily by DPS is because they are constrained to spend a minimum of 6 item slots on accuracy, leaving them so little stat room that surge (with its excellent low-pool rate of returns) plays the dominate role. Healers have no such constraints, and they get additional benefits out of alacrity (i.e. responsiveness and control). There is absolutely no reason to under-stat on alacrity.


Wow, what a fantastic and awesome read.


I feel much more confident in my own choices having gone the heavy alacrity route with a 80% alacrity / 20% surge ratio. Sitting at a flat 10.00% alacrity increase, I can simply feel how the whole class awakes.

Especially for scoundrels/operatives with alot of micromanaging diffrent hots and channels, its nice to have that "feel" that the class plays more smoothly.


I also think im ready to push into the 450ish with crit, atleast to see how it pans out, can always revert it if i dont like it.


Thanks for the input.

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First off, I have to say that I respect anyone who has the cajones to put one of these guides together. I think the achievements of the OP give a lot of weight to his methodology. And thanks as usual to KBN for stepping in with the mathy goodness.


I only bring these things up so we can have a discussion on the best usage of the class. I play Operative, so sorry if the verbiage is not spot on. And this was definitely an easier route in 2.x, but I think 3.x requires a more selective and savvy Op.


Is spamming Probes still the most effective use of this class? With the new updates, Surgical Probe no refreshes the timer on any applied probes, and at a cheaper cost. Wouldn't this prove counterproductive by spamming the probes round-and-round? Would it be better to be more selective as to who you are putting them on, and have more time to use the other heals? I would say definitely tanks, and then 2 others based on mechanics of fight. This would give you 8 Probes ticking with a 30% chance to grant TA, so there should be no shortage of TA's coming in.


Also, I thought the Probe ticks 30% is irrelevant to what your crit ratio is. Being that this is not necessarily our bread and butter anymore, but we still rely on it, be more reason to go with a lower crit? I've always been someone who favors a higher crit when it allows, but I think I'm going to go more alacrity instead for a bit.


Kolto Infusion took a big step up here in terms of worthiness in the toolbox. The 45s buff provided makes it a must to keep up on tanks. I usually cast this and Recuperative Nanotech, which receives another 45s buff, and rotate on the tanks and mêlée DPS or those who are usually mechanically unsound. Would you say this to be to be the best use, or maybe use differently?


Kolto Injection I now only use with the proc from the set bonus.. Is everyone else thinking the same?


With a lot of the fights being stack-prohibitive, what would be the minimum you would use the new Kolto Waves? I do at least 3, but try to hit it with 5 or save it.


Thanks to all for your input, nth before and after this post.

Edited by Vaeranus
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Also, I thought the Probe ticks 30% is irrelevant to what your crit ratio is. Being that this is not necessarily our bread and butter anymore, but we still rely on it, be more reason to go with a lower crit? I've always been someone who favors a higher crit when it allows, but I think I'm going to go more alacrity instead for a bit.


Luckily you dont have to make that choice, since alacrity and crit doesnt share stat pool.

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I would say definitely tanks, and then 2 others based on mechanics of fight. This would give you 8 Probes ticking with a 30% chance to grant TA, so there should be no shortage of TA's coming in.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. Also, whenever possible, I use EMP to refresh instead of SRMP, so that I get the +Healing buff from spending an UH/TA (plus it is cheaper and has a heal component).


Also, I thought the Probe ticks 30% is irrelevant to what your crit ratio is. Being that this is not necessarily our bread and butter anymore, but we still rely on it, be more reason to go with a lower crit? I've always been someone who favors a higher crit when it allows, but I think I'm going to go more alacrity instead for a bit.

This is my thought as well. I've really backed off on crit for my scoundrels/ops. Not on my commandos though, since they have the surge talents in the healing tree.


Kolto Infusion took a big step up here in terms of worthiness in the toolbox. The 45s buff provided makes it a must to keep up on tanks. I usually cast this and Recuperative Nanotech, which receives another 45s buff, and rotate on the tanks and mêlée DPS or those who are usually mechanically unsound. Would you say this to be to be the best use, or maybe use differently?

I try to keep both buffs on the tanks and on anyone that I know will take a lot of damage (melee on HM Torque, barrel carrier for Bulo, etc...) This is pretty manageable, and since you aren't using them on CD, you have them available for quick saves of accidental or unexpected damage. I always KP, then KC for the extra +healing buff on the AoE heal.


Kolto Injection I now only use with the proc from the set bonus.. Is everyone else thinking the same?

I really need to work on this. Thanks for the reminder.

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Kym is not wrong that Alacrity produces more consistent results for all healers, including scoundrels/operatives. Whether or not you're using instant-cast abilities is completely irrelevant. 1% of alacrity is, very directly, 1% more healing done. It is always 1% more healing done barring lag and player error. Surge is variable in that it raises the standard deviation on your healing output and makes individual heals (most noticeably, big heals) more RNG-dependent.


Also remember that the rate of return on surge drops into the toilet as you start exceeding the 300-400 mark. Alacrity simply provides better HPS returns, point-for-point, than surge does once you start getting to those relative levels (i.e. when surge is around 400 and alacrity is around 100). Better HPS return means higher ceiling on your potential healing output, and since alacrity is providing that HPS in a controlled fashion, a skilled healer will be able to convert 100% of that HPS into eHPS.


This is completely ignoring the most significant factor of alacrity though, which is that it improves the responsiveness of your heals. Being able to do more things faster as a healer means that you can target swap at tighter intervals, shorten your response times to damage, and contract your burst window when needed. This is an ancillary benefit to alacrity that DPS do not get. Thus, alacrity is a fantastic stat on paper when you measure increasing HPS. It's a nearly god-like stat in practice when you combine that with the added control.


Putting it plainly, if you're running a low-alacrity build as a healer, you're doing it wrong. The only exception is if you have an absolutely wretched internet connection and your lag is variable and extreme, since that will wash out any benefits from the time shortening. I highly recommend no less than a 50/50 alacrity-to-surge ratio. Running even more alacrity than this ratio (i.e. a 75/25 ratio) would not be harmful. Crit is to taste, certainly, though I wouldn't go much above 400 (even as a scoundrel), and certainly not above 500.




Countering the OP's points more directly… The implication is that alacrity is all about regenerating energy. This makes absolutely zero sense, since alacrity reduces your cast times and GCD duration by exactly the same amount as it increases your regeneration. Thus, the two are in balance. Alacrity is simply a "do everything the same, but faster" stat.


Additionally, the argument has been raised that it's not really practical to get enough alacrity to make a difference on instant cast timings. This argument is based on the fallacy of perception. Sure, you're not fitting in an "extra" GCD in any short time window, but alacrity isn't about fitting in extra GCDs, it's just about doing everything faster. Think about it. This argument is analogous to claiming that power is useless because it would require an impractical amount to double the value of Underworld Medicine. It's not about doubling up; it's about small incremental gains and optimizing those gains.


Alacrity is one of the best stats in the game right now, and the only reason it isn't used more heavily by DPS is because they are constrained to spend a minimum of 6 item slots on accuracy, leaving them so little stat room that surge (with its excellent low-pool rate of returns) plays the dominate role. Healers have no such constraints, and they get additional benefits out of alacrity (i.e. responsiveness and control). There is absolutely no reason to under-stat on alacrity.


I nabbed this for my Merc debate. Looks like people don't believe me when I say the exact same thing :/

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First off, I have to say that I respect anyone who has the cajones to put one of these guides together. I think the achievements of the OP give a lot of weight to his methodology. And thanks as usual to KBN for stepping in with the mathy goodness.


I only bring these things up so we can have a discussion on the best usage of the class. I play Operative, so sorry if the verbiage is not spot on. And this was definitely an easier route in 2.x, but I think 3.x requires a more selective and savvy Op.


Is spamming Probes still the most effective use of this class? With the new updates, Surgical Probe no refreshes the timer on any applied probes, and at a cheaper cost. Wouldn't this prove counterproductive by spamming the probes round-and-round? Would it be better to be more selective as to who you are putting them on, and have more time to use the other heals? I would say definitely tanks, and then 2 others based on mechanics of fight. This would give you 8 Probes ticking with a 30% chance to grant TA, so there should be no shortage of TA's coming in.


Also, I thought the Probe ticks 30% is irrelevant to what your crit ratio is. Being that this is not necessarily our bread and butter anymore, but we still rely on it, be more reason to go with a lower crit? I've always been someone who favors a higher crit when it allows, but I think I'm going to go more alacrity instead for a bit.


Kolto Infusion took a big step up here in terms of worthiness in the toolbox. The 45s buff provided makes it a must to keep up on tanks. I usually cast this and Recuperative Nanotech, which receives another 45s buff, and rotate on the tanks and mêlée DPS or those who are usually mechanically unsound. Would you say this to be to be the best use, or maybe use differently?


Kolto Injection I now only use with the proc from the set bonus.. Is everyone else thinking the same?


With a lot of the fights being stack-prohibitive, what would be the minimum you would use the new Kolto Waves? I do at least 3, but try to hit it with 5 or save it.


Thanks to all for your input, nth before and after this post.


I can't see a fight where keeping probes on all is needed. Refreshing the probes on all people is almost taking all APMs so we become unable to use other heals. This will put enormous pressure on the other healer.


If we look at our actions per minute aka APM (especially with high crit) and then compute how many times we will need to refresh the 16 probes on 8 people we will see that APM will be severely exhausted. Given that half of the probes will be refreshed with clicking the same skill it means we use a skill which in a way doesn't heal on use.


If your raid is not full of rDPS who are also idiots using the two AOE heals give much, much better healing output that spamming probes on everyone.


A reasonable healer will strive for effective healing. Doing 8kHPS with 50% EHPS is worse that 6KHPS with 85% EHPS. Overhealing means only that a healer doesn't know who and when to heal. If overhealing a fight is natural --> DPS :rolleyes:

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Is spamming Probes still the most effective use of this class? With the new updates, Surgical Probe no refreshes the timer on any applied probes, and at a cheaper cost. Wouldn't this prove counterproductive by spamming the probes round-and-round? Would it be better to be more selective as to who you are putting them on, and have more time to use the other heals? I would say definitely tanks, and then 2 others based on mechanics of fight. This would give you 8 Probes ticking with a 30% chance to grant TA, so there should be no shortage of TA's coming in.


Also, I thought the Probe ticks 30% is irrelevant to what your crit ratio is. Being that this is not necessarily our bread and butter anymore, but we still rely on it, be more reason to go with a lower crit? I've always been someone who favors a higher crit when it allows, but I think I'm going to go more alacrity instead for a bit.


Kolto Infusion took a big step up here in terms of worthiness in the toolbox. The 45s buff provided makes it a must to keep up on tanks. I usually cast this and Recuperative Nanotech, which receives another 45s buff, and rotate on the tanks and mêlée DPS or those who are usually mechanically unsound. Would you say this to be to be the best use, or maybe use differently?


Kolto Injection I now only use with the proc from the set bonus.. Is everyone else thinking the same?


With a lot of the fights being stack-prohibitive, what would be the minimum you would use the new Kolto Waves? I do at least 3, but try to hit it with 5 or save it.


Thanks to all for your input, nth before and after this post.


Yes, the guide was intended to come off as you refresh the medpacs with your emergency medpac if the person is below 100 and you have more than 1 upper hand. As for keeping 8 slow release medpacs on the whole group or just 2 that is a call you need to make as a healer. for most fights in SM and a few fights in HM i really only keep 2. However my default style for new fights is to keep 8. take for instance HM Master/Blaster, it would be horrendous for you to keep 8 medpacs up on the whole group when they only take small burst damage the whole fight. But HM Bulo or HM Malaphar it is extremely benefitial to keep most of the group ready to take damage (especially of your group just loves to stand in circles).


I am doing the calculations on the % alacrity and % surge drop off rates in 198 gear today and will repost the most optimal balanced build later today.


If you have any questions feel free to ask

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Nice guide, appreciate the effort.

I'm going different way though – stacking alacrity since 1.x. It just feels more natural. In 3.0 it's even more reasonable.


This is my thought as well. I've really backed off on crit for my scoundrels/ops. Not on my commandos though, since they have the surge talents in the healing tree.

We have +20% passive surge for ST heals.


Kolto Injection I now only use with the proc from the set bonus.. Is everyone else thinking the same?

Actually using it no matter the proc. It's our strongest ST heal and UH generator after all.


A question... In some fights tank can be left standing alone (Walkers during dps swap, Underlurker during add phase). Do you guys use Kolto Cloud on tank in these situations, or is it really a bad habit?

Edited by space_mechanic
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A question... In some fights tank can be left standing alone (Walkers during dps swap, Underlurker during add phase). Do you guys use Kolto Cloud on tank in these situations, or is it really a bad habit?


I KC the tanks at least once every 45 seconds for the incoming healing buff, if it is a fight where they will take heavy damage. So walkers, yes, but I save KC for crowds in Underlurker.

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I would like to begin by saying thank you to the OP. This is a very interesting guide. I have also been a smuggler healer since beta testing. I want it to be clear that as I begin my critique that I have respect for you, your opinions, and your style of healing.



The style of healing you recommend will get the most HPS. I know this is true because I previously used that exact style. However after reviewing may of my data logs I found that I was getting heals of 4k per second but only about 1.7 to 2.5 were EHPS. I with just about any co-healer was able to out heal the damage out put of the boss. (So I have to say I am not at all surprised that bioware decided to nerf us). My personal opinion is that this extra heals per second is actually just a waste. It looks nice on paper to say that I can do a ridiculous amount of heals per second, but really how effective is that. Does that help the group the most? Does that get the most out of the character?

I am not saying don't maintain your stacks of slow-release medpack. I am saying that we can add a little damage on certain phases to make things go by a little faster. I think that doing that extra damage to help the most out of your character.


Surge vs Alacrity


Personally, I must say I do not have enough solid mathematical proof to back up my opinions on which is actually better. I typically rely on the guy from dulfy for the exact mathematical breakdown, but as of today he has not put out his guide on the smuggler. I think because of this debate right here. I think for the style you are using which seems to be just crank as much Heals per second as possible the stat make up you suggest should do quite well. I plan to use a build with about 500 surge and 250 crit. The remainder will be power and alacrity. I plan to do it this way for now simply because of the diminishing returns of surge and crit beyond that point. I believe that a good deal of alacrity allows a healer to have more options not only when changing healing targets faster, but also do some of that damage I was talking about earlier. :D




I think stacking everyone with a slow release medpack from the start is not a bad plan. It is just kinda overkill again. Tank should always be stacked with 2 slow release medpacks at all times and a kolto pack as needed. I think kolto waves is a little underestimated by this guide. It can do massive heals whenever needed for the whole group and cost basically no energy if you are above 60 energy. I know you have to stand still for it, but not for very long if you have good alacrity. ;)



Honestly, I liked your guide and as I said before mad respect :cool:, but I think I am going to do things my way.


This is Alaweshis from the Jung Ma sever. If you ever need a healer or help let me know.

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A nice guide.

I loved my operative pre 3.0 but and do like him now but i do feel that pve dailies and such has made me much weaker with lack of damage abilities.


Though im making do with it i would recommend a guide for us with pve damage and healing rotation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, I'm the one who made the guide.


I updated the guide. I made the guide per request right after the update came out so things have changed since my old healing theory.


Things that have changed:


1. I am using around 5.5% alacrity, around 450-500 rating. I'm seeing more ehps with this build but minus some hps. Any higher and I fear the lack of surge will dwindle.


2. Crit I'm running around 27% which is 350-400 rating. This combined with my surge keeps me comfortable on a balanced build.


3. Since most of the fights are now dps checks I threw in a small bit about dpsing being better than healing.


Keep in mind that every fight is different! It won't be possible to make a guide for each one. Do what u feel is right In a fight. The great thing about healer is that you don't have to or need to follow the rotation all the time.

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