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Thank you BW we who love slots outnumber the others.


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Bioware. Thank you for this slot machine. I am loving it. Not only do I get to set up my stronghold like a casino, but I can also play 100 coins before logging to make a few things to sell before leaving game.


I would like Bioware to remember that the people posting here complaining about the market and sky falling as well as the doom and gloom. These people are a very very very small, extremely small portion of the community. I would venture to guess these people make up less than 0.25% of the players overall.


I know, they would like you to believe they are the big majority, the large portion of the crafter community. The truth is, they are not, even by a long shot. These are the minority of people who have hoarded, price gouged, etc. And they are upset that their easy money are leaving them.


Remember, we have hundreds of thousands of players. And it is safe to assume, if they are not complaining here, then they at minimum indifferent with the addition of the slots. I would go so far as to say there are thousands of people overjoyed with this addition. They are just not vocal on the forums. So I am here to remind you of those who do not even come to the forums, that love this addition. Many from my own guild.


People complaining here are maybe 10-20 people total. Please do not remove or change anything based on these voices. Rather take the silent majority as our nod of approval and excitement with this.


The complainers here are not even close to being a majority.


Prices have pretty much stabilized. From artifice point of view, 186 purple relics are about 60-100k on shadowlands. About normal. Hilts, about the same.


Biochem prices are similar, 186 purple implants are 70-100k


I could go on and on, but these prices are fair. And this is coming from someone who has 500 in every single crafting skill, but rarely used them to make money. Why? Because the farmers had this market cornered. Now, they do not and cannot regain that control. This is a good thing! The average player now has control. And this is what the market hoarders dislike. If the slots were only available to them....they would not care at all.


What a lot of people fail to understand is 186 gear is your basic 156 gear before Shadow of Revan. It should not be 200k per item. There is still 192 and 198 gear. And likely another tier to come down the road.


So, in closing, Bioware, please understand, the people that are the vocal majority here complaining, represent an extreme minority in the game overall. Those who are happy with this addition how it is, dont feel the need to come here or dont come here at all. And remember them when you read any complainer. For every one single person complaining, there is likely 300 more who dont post here who are completely happy with this machine how it is right now.

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Bioware. Thank you for this slot machine. I am loving it. Not only do I get to set up my stronghold like a casino, but I can also play 100 coins before logging to make a few things to sell before leaving game.


I would like Bioware to remember that the people posting here complaining about the market and sky falling as well as the doom and gloom. These people are a very very very small, extremely small portion of the community. I would venture to guess these people make up less than 0.25% of the players overall.


I know, they would like you to believe they are the big majority, the large portion of the crafter community. The truth is, they are not, even by a long shot. These are the minority of people who have hoarded, price gouged, etc. And they are upset that their easy money are leaving them.


Remember, we have hundreds of thousands of players. And it is safe to assume, if they are not complaining here, then they at minimum indifferent with the addition of the slots. I would go so far as to say there are thousands of people overjoyed with this addition. They are just not vocal on the forums. So I am here to remind you of those who do not even come to the forums, that love this addition. Many from my own guild.


People complaining here are maybe 10-20 people total. Please do not remove or change anything based on these voices. Rather take the silent majority as our nod of approval and excitement with this.


The complainers here are not even close to being a majority.


Prices have pretty much stabilized. From artifice point of view, 186 purple relics are about 60-100k on shadowlands. About normal. Hilts, about the same.


Biochem prices are similar, 186 purple implants are 70-100k


I could go on and on, but these prices are fair. And this is coming from someone who has 500 in every single crafting skill, but rarely used them to make money. Why? Because the farmers had this market cornered. Now, they do not and cannot regain that control. This is a good thing! The average player now has control. And this is what the market hoarders dislike. If the slots were only available to them....they would not care at all.


What a lot of people fail to understand is 186 gear is your basic 156 gear before Shadow of Revan. It should not be 200k per item. There is still 192 and 198 gear. And likely another tier to come down the road.


So, in closing, Bioware, please understand, the people that are the vocal majority here complaining, represent an extreme minority in the game overall. Those who are happy with this addition how it is, dont feel the need to come here or dont come here at all. And remember them when you read any complainer. For every one single person complaining, there is likely 300 more who dont post here who are completely happy with this machine how it is right now.


tl:dr blah blah blah my opinion is better than yours

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i personally love the slot machine, i can finely get the mounts i have been after for ages without having to spend 20 million - i can however understand why some folks may not be too keen on it and feel cheated by it.


whoooo meditation chair!

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tl:dr blah blah blah my opinion is better than yours


If you did not read it, I have a few questions.


1. Why post if you didnt read and cannot contribute to the topic?

2. If you did not read it, how do you know I think my opinion is better than yours?

3. It is the length of about half a page of a hardcover book. Should anyone take you seriously if you do not have the attention span to read half a page of a book?


Honestly, I dont know why people like this even reply to any topic. Post count maybe? Egotistical? I honestly dont know.

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If you did not read it, I have a few questions.


1. Why post if you didnt read and cannot contribute to the topic?

2. If you did not read it, how do you know I think my opinion is better than yours?

3. It is the length of about half a page of a hardcover book. Should anyone take you seriously if you do not have the attention span to read half a page of a book?


Honestly, I dont know why people like this even reply to any topic. Post count maybe? Egotistical? I honestly dont know.


Putting it that way, you seem just as stuck-up as the person you're accusing.

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I love the slot machine


1. I can maximise my reputation with one faction through spending - nothing - but a bit of time.

2. I can now get every single item that can possibly be purchased with cartel certificates. Once again, with no real cost, just a little time.

3. I can get all the crafting materials I need. No need to wait for companions to complete missions, no need to cross my fingers in the hope I'll get the purple materials I need - just need to spend.....a little time.

4. If I cannot be bothered to wait, I can go and buy augments, etc. for newly reduced prices from the literal hundreds of sellers, all of them competing to be the lowest priced seller to undercut the others.

5. Even better, buy the time I've spent nearly 50k on 99 coins for the machine, by the time I've sold back the reputation items I no longer need (see 1) I'm actually only spending around 25k on those 99 coins and all the lovely materials and certificates they give.


When I said love the slot machine, what I actually meant was Bioware, you've given the game something new in the cartel packs, however you've not got it right. Never has a single cartel items caused such a dramatic change to the economy of the game, and not for the better.

You can fix this, and this will be a blip, things will right themselves.

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How do you know that you aren't the vocal minority?


So many people I know have been so disappointed with this game recently that they've become apathetic and indifferent to these changes, and are no longer inclined to speak out against the game's continuous stream of new issues.


All of my friends, guilds on multiple servers have been happy about the situation, mostly happy that the prices of 186 gear dropping to a reasonable level. Something I was also happy about, even though I did sell things for 200k+ until the market came down.


I have only ever seen people happy about this, not many complainers. There are a few on fleet, but you also find all kinds of people on fleet that complain about everything from the game, politics, religion, sex etc. So mostly I ignore them if they dont have at least a good argument. Empty complaints is what I usually ignore. In this case, empty falls under people complaining the market crashing and seeing something completely different. I would say 40-100k is a good price range for 186 gear.

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All of my friends, guilds on multiple servers have been happy about the situation, mostly happy that the prices of 186 gear dropping to a reasonable level. Something I was also happy about, even though I did sell things for 200k+ until the market came down.


I have only ever seen people happy about this, not many complainers. There are a few on fleet, but you also find all kinds of people on fleet that complain about everything from the game, politics, religion, sex etc. So mostly I ignore them if they dont have at least a good argument. Empty complaints is what I usually ignore. In this case, empty falls under people complaining the market crashing and seeing something completely different. I would say 40-100k is a good price range for 186 gear.


It concerns me that your argument is predicated on the excitement for being able to attain everything easily, or for a low price.


Whilst I understand that in its simplest form, it doesn't mitigate the issue that the slot machines trivialise the game's content and the MMO experience.


Put it another way. If the Devs had given everybody 50m before, as a sort of one-time chip, I'm guessing you'd be similarly as happy. But being handed everything means that in the long term the game will suffer considerably, as anything requiring a modicum of effort will seem pointless, and the MMO 'experience' will burn out.


Just look at crew skills. I'd never dream of running any missions across my 12 fully affection maxed alts with slots as they are. What's more, I wouldn't advise anyone to even bother training a crew mission. So essentially, the crafting portion of the game has been gutted, as material gathering is a considerable portion of that.

Edited by TheGreatFrosty
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I'm happy with the slot machine and enjoying the heck out of it while I can. I haven't seen a notice yet, but I'm still expecting a change at some point - probably when there's enough other stuff to make a patch worthwhile. As long as they don't re-enact that fax machine scene from Office Space with nerf bats I'm sure it'll work out fine - some of the suggestions I've seen for "fixing it" are ludicrous bordering on completely asinine. But hey, just my opinion.
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Not that I am disagreeing with your overall positive sentiment about the subject, but just curious to see your data that lets your declare that with such certainty that the positives outnumber the negatives?


You are entitled to you own opinion and no one else unless you can supply the data.

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So, when they change the drop rates, you no longer can have fun with the gaining machines ? you no longer can set up your stronghold like a casino?


Where does your fun come from ? That you can get stuff for free only with clicking 1 mouse button over and over again?


They won't remove them, maybe the change the drop rates and they definitely should do something about the ease to exploit this. But all of this won't effect the fun for you.

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So, when they change the drop rates, you no longer can have fun with the gaining machines ? you no longer can set up your stronghold like a casino?


Where does your fun come from ? That you can get stuff for free only with clicking 1 mouse button over and over again?


They won't remove them, maybe the change the drop rates and they definitely should do something about the ease to exploit this. But all of this won't effect the fun for you.


I never said it would completely ruin my fun of the game. I clearly said I do about 100 coins before I log so I can make a few things. It is perfect the way it is for a player like me, not someone who will sit there hours on end or even use a bot. And something should not be changed based on people who would use it with that intention (bots/clicking for hours)

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I never said it would completely ruin my fun of the game. I clearly said I do about 100 coins before I log so I can make a few things. It is perfect the way it is for a player like me, not someone who will sit there hours on end or even use a bot. And something should not be changed based on people who would use it with that intention (bots/clicking for hours)


So what if they add a new slot that hands out Commendations or gear tokens or valor ranks or credits or whatever else lazy players would like to obtain with little to no effort, that would be ok because you would only use it a little bit?

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So what if they add a new slot that hands out Commendations or gear tokens or valor ranks or credits or whatever else lazy players would like to obtain with little to no effort, that would be ok because you would only use it a little bit?


Honestly, it would be easier for me if you asked, "Do you care what other people are gaining and or losing items/credits in game?" Or even asking if I care at all if what others do/exploit/gain/lose in game. And the answer to both are 'No, I do not care what others do or get in game'. Its their issue.


This whole thing is saying "Make the price of gas $10 a gallon because there is a drunk driver". Or make computers cost $20,000 because people hack. Take away guns because a handful of people commit crimes.


Seriously, I and others can plainly see the push against this machine is for the sole purpose of the pocketbook and nothing else. Those whom made millions before the slot machine are against it. Others whom did not, see it as a good thing that will push the market prices down.


They do not have grade 12 mats available for 192 gear, no artifacts for level 198 gear.


Yes the majority of us who can see this is a good thing can also 100% see those against are a low minority and only oppose it because it will hurt their credit income. This is plain to see since I went through all threads on the topic and wrote down the names of everyone so opposed and the number is under 20. Yes, under 20 people oppose this, but are making a huge stink in hopes their crys will be seen as a majority. And that is the main reason I for one make sure to reply to most of the threads that are FOR the machine. To show support and to keep them near the top of the forums.

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So what if they add a new slot that hands out Commendations or gear tokens or valor ranks or credits or whatever else lazy players would like to obtain with little to no effort, that would be ok because you would only use it a little bit?


Actually, quite a few have tried to do that comparison in the threads about the machine these last few days, and one thing they're missing is that running crew skills is no where near as involved as doing ops or PvP.


To run a crew skill you just clikc your mission and off they go, doing it all on their own while you play the game.


Running Ops and PvP requires an active participation.


It's quite different.

Saying that people who use the slot machine are lazy is erroneous because using the slot machine actually takes more involvement and activity than running crew skill missions.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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You get the Contraband Slot Machine from the new Acolyte’s Shadow Pack. You can also get them off the GTN but they are going anywhere from 2 million to 25 million.


Oh ok

And anyone can use it once you have one?


I havent played since before strong holds.. little behind lol I am guessing they are some sort of fixture for your stronghold.

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You get the Contraband Slot Machine from the new Acolyte’s Shadow Pack. You can also get them off the GTN but they are going anywhere from 2 million to 25 million.


Isnt it funny how supposedly so many dont like the slots and its going to ruin everything....


Yet they have no problem trying to make a gigantic profit selling the same thing they think is ruining the game? lol


If it is ruining everything, logic would dictate do not sell to others, since you think using it is ruining everything! I guess getting a ton of credits trumps keeping the item they think is ruining the game out of the game. :D


After all these threads...I cannot help but think in my head "Chicken Little" lol

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I played around with it. I got some CM certs and maxed my rep.


Yeah the mats will be nice when I need to upgrade, but I make most of my money from just playing the game and not the GTN.


To each their own though.


The slot machine did ruin the mats I would sell, but its whatever I'll just never send my companions on missions again. I don't craft minus stims, so that "kind of" sucks.


In my opinion, they should fix the way the jackpot works. It should be a balanced way to reward players, but not at the cost of hurting the in game economy.


Should be really rare for purple mats and purple rep. The amount a player should spend at the slot machine should be close to or above the cheapest Purple item BEFORE the slot machine. That way players can either decide:


Test my luck at hoping to get those mats for this augment or just buy them at the GTN.


Just an idea before you dogs go mad.

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