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People are using macros on slot machines..


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Actually, you are obliged to show proof.

When you come out and say something like "people are using macros on the slot machines", then the obligation is on you to show the proof.

Saying that someone showed you that they did it is the equivalent of saying "because that's what my cousin said" in a discussion.

It holds absolutely no weight to your argument.


Actually you're wrong. I know for a fact and I have been given evidence and it has been proven to me that someone is using a macro. I however am not obliged to show you proof. I am simply giving a statement.


Whether or not 100% of people are NOT using it is irrelevant, because you CAN use macros on these slot machines.

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Actually you're wrong. I know for a fact and I have been given evidence and it has been proven to me that someone is using a macro. I however am not obliged to show you proof. I am simply giving a statement.


Whether or not 100% of people are NOT using it is irrelevant, because you CAN use macros on these slot machines.


All you have is hearsay.

You should change the title of the thread to "people might be using macros on slot machines"

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I'm not. I'm asking for proof.


I don't have the proof right now of the person who admitted to me and showed me they were using macros. But asking for proof right now is irrelevant because you fail to understand the root of the topic: People CAN use macros on slot machines.

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All you have is hearsay.

You should change the title of the thread to "people might be using macros on slot machines"


Again, your opinion.


And I'm not changing it to might because i know for a fact at least one person is using macros on a slot machine. :rolleyes:

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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I'm not. I'm asking for proof.


Why? Are you now some forum detective?! You don't need proof...especially if that proof would show you what program someone is using...so stop asking for it. You're harassing him at this point. Let it go and stop asking him to show you a way to cheat.

Edited by TUXs
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Why? Are you now some forum detective?! You don't need proof...especially if that proof would show you what program someone is using...so stop asking for it. Your harassing him at this point. Let it go and stop asking him to show you a way to cheat.


Totally agree. Some people just don't know when to stop. He lost the argument but now he's just getting desperate :rolleyes:

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Why? Are you now some forum detective?! You don't need proof...especially if that proof would show you what program someone is using...so stop asking for it. You're harassing him at this point. Let it go and stop asking him to show you a way to cheat.


If someone is stating that they have proof but won't show it to win a discussion over whether or not someone is doing something, then they should show that proof or stop saying they have proof.


And showing someone using a macro is not showing someon how to use that macro.

Now stop trying to agitate the situation, because that's all you're doing. As usual.

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You don't need to see the proof, nobodies obliged to show you proof. Just because someone doesn't show you proof of something doesn't me that thing doesn't exist.


But the proof here is common sense. There are clicking macros out there, and the slot machines involve a lot of clicking. Put them together and you have someone using a macro on the slot machine. Simple.

Assumptions are not proof. They are not even evidence. But as noted, if someone thinks someone else is breaking the rules, the proper course of action is to report it, not complain about it on the forums.

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Again, your opinion.


And I'm not changing it to might because i know for a fact at least one person is using macros on a slot machine. :rolleyes:


First you claim that people are using macros on the slot machines.


Then people ask you how you could possibly know this for a fact.


You then reply that you know because "When I try to talk to them but get no response, when I click on the machine and win the click a few times, stop for a couple of seconds and see them resume clicking. Ermmm the very fact this person told me they are macroing, showed me a print screen of their inventory before & after doing 72 hours of macroing and seeing they haven't been offline in 3 or 4 days...You're right where is the proof?????"


Which really isn't providing any proof at all other than "because someone said so".


So then people ask for proof again.


Then you claim that someone showed you.


And then people ask you for proof of that.


And you just claim that you don't have to prove anything.


So basically, we should just take your word on it.

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With those profile images next to these posts, I get the mental image of a bunch of heavily armored bounty hunters standing around arguing with each other like school children:


"My dad can beat up your dad!"


"No he can't! My dad's a Sith Lord."


"Is not!"


"Is too!"


"Then you must be Sith too, go ahead and force choke me."


"I could, but I don't want to."


"No it's because you can't do it."


"Sure I can."


"No you can't!"



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If someone is stating that they have proof but won't show it to win a discussion over whether or not someone is doing something, then they should show that proof or stop saying they have proof.


And showing someone using a macro is not showing someon how to use that macro.

Now stop trying to agitate the situation, because that's all you're doing. As usual.


You've completely missed the point of the thread. It's gone straight over your head:rolleyes:


I shall explain things very very simply for you to understand.


1. I have personally seen someone use macro and they proved to me they are using macro, therefore I write "People are using" because I know for a fact myself they are using it. However I don't need to prove anything to you. Because that's not the point of this thread.

2. Even if I didn't see anyone using macro, I can still say people can use macros on slot machines. Which is the point of this thread. That people can use macros on the slot machines and that I think it's an issue.

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I guess my original point was lost...probably my fault since I didn't clarify.


Why is this a concern of yours OP? What is the purpose of pointing out the obvious? Is there some intent to this discussion?


If the intent was to get Bioware to act and stop AFK macroing on this machine, I think that is a good idea. Something should be done about it IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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You've completely missed the point of the thread. It's gone straight over your head:rolleyes:


I shall explain things very very simply for you to understand.


1. I have personally seen someone use macro and they proved to me they are using macro, therefore I write "People are using" because I know for a fact myself they are using it. However I don't need to prove anything to you. Because that's not the point of this thread.

2. Even if I didn't see anyone using macro, I can still say people can use macros on slot machines. Which is the point of this thread. That people can use macros on the slot machines and that I think it's an issue.


Well that's just your opinion.

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First you claim that people are using macros on the slot machines.


Then people ask you how you could possibly know this for a fact.


It is a fact to me because it has been proven to me. It may not be a fact for anyone else because they haven't seen proof.


You then reply that you know because "When I try to talk to them but get no response, when I click on the machine and win the click a few times, stop for a couple of seconds and see them resume clicking. Ermmm the very fact this person told me they are macroing, showed me a print screen of their inventory before & after doing 72 hours of macroing and seeing they haven't been offline in 3 or 4 days...You're right where is the proof?????"


Which is enough proof for me to conclude that they are using a macro


Which really isn't providing any proof at all other than "because someone said so".

which is basically your opinion of what "proof" is.


So then people ask for proof again.


Even though that's not the point of the thread. The point of the thread is to bring awareness to the fact people can use macros on slot machines


Then you claim that someone showed you.




And then people ask you for proof of that.


And I've said I don't currently have the proof to show them


And you just claim that you don't have to prove anything.


Because I literally don't have to prove anything because that's not the point of the thread.


So basically, we should just take your word on it.


You can believe what you want. But it's an absolute fact that people can use macros on slot machines.


Hopefully you understand the thread a little bit more.

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