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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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  • tunewalker


I'm so lost with Valk. ><....We couldn't just have him be the same old Sith Emperor as he was in Ch 3? Or Revan novel?


All this stuff just coming up out of the blue is just...confusing for me. I like the story, but I don't know what the hell is going on anymore with Vitiate/Valk/Whoever..

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I'm so lost with Valk. ><....We couldn't just have him be the same old Sith Emperor as he was in Ch 3? Or Revan novel?


All this stuff just coming up out of the blue is just...confusing for me. I like the story, but I don't know what the hell is going on anymore with Vitiate/Valk/Whoever..


Valk is the same guy. Valkorion = Vitiate.

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I'm so lost with Valk. ><....We couldn't just have him be the same old Sith Emperor as he was in Ch 3? Or Revan novel?


All this stuff just coming up out of the blue is just...confusing for me. I like the story, but I don't know what the hell is going on anymore with Vitiate/Valk/Whoever..


QFT. While I like the story I just think it's weird how the bug bad guy of the game suddenly turns out to have been building a bigger Empire when he could have just continued his old one. For me it seems contradictory to his origins considering all we know of his childhood/past. Though in a way I prefer Valkorion, he reminds me of Father out of FMA:B.

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I know that...what I mean is, he's different than what he was before and has all this power coming from like nowhere, which then questions a few things from before.


No one knew much about him to begin with. Just what he wanted to show. I'm not entirely convinced he's any different from what we've seen. As for his power? We've never seen him at full power. It's been acknowledged the voice the jedi knight faces has been weakened and isn't him at full power. We were told that he was weakened on yavin as well and didn't reach the height of his power until he consumed Ziost. What we're seeing now is Valkorion's full strength but even then we only get a glimpse of that.


QFT. While I like the story I just think it's weird how the bug bad guy of the game suddenly turns out to have been building a bigger Empire when he could have just continued his old one. For me it seems contradictory to his origins considering all we know of his childhood/past. Though in a way I prefer Valkorion, he reminds me of Father out of FMA:B.


That's a good comparison. I still think he wants our body for some unexplained purpose. I know there's people who disagree with me but I'm still convinced he's a body stealing entity.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Not really......


The son... who was there with him when it happened? Oh right The Father.... who is confirmed the most powerful Force Sensitive entity of all time, think maybe he couldnt just transfer out maybe because the father wouldnt let him, I mean Leia stopped Palpatine in DE from doing so why wouldnt the Father be capable of stopping it.


Krayt hmmm doesnt know Essence transfer and the only ability he does know to save himself in that moment is usable by the guy that stabbed him, in reverse if need be so basically cant do it in present company.



We also never compared him to either of those, we compared the circumstance to Exar Kun, who's body was completely obliterated (so the whole "he wouldnt have died" argument is null and void) managed to do the same thing after his soul was out of its body for thousands of years getting weaker. If this feat some how puts Valkorian over Yoda, then why werent we talking about Exar Kun being in the same boat. Exar Kun's feat is just as good if not better since the number of years would weaken his hold on the material plane, and he completely lacks any prior living connection to the people he ends up latching onto unlike Valk who, at the very least, had 1 encounter with the person he latched onto, not to mention you are showing sabers... remember the outlander can be a non force sensitive which was just as possible and they just shoot him in the back... the number of people that survive that is kind of astronomical, also you are pointing to him being stabbed through the chest... and if you really look closely it looks more like he was stabbed through the stomach... again the number of people that survived that is pretty high, not to mention he is still capable of laughing and after he gets hit he seems to be channeling a power to me as he "dies" it could be like what happens to Palpatine when he dies (massive dark side explosion) but the laughing seems to indicate other wise to me. Basically the argument you are using has no ground to actually stand on as the circumstances are wildly different and your interpretation of the cut scene seems flawed from the way you are arguing it.


For those wondering

(if you look where the whole is... there are arguments for it being below the heart and in stomach area which again countless force users have survived, also a person's brain will survive 4 minutes with out oxygen being supplied to it, so for a force user it is theoretically possible for them to survive 4 minutes after being stabbed through the heart, which is more then enough time for Valkorien to do what he did.)
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No one knew much about him to begin with. Just what he wanted to show. I'm not entirely convinced he's any different from what we've seen. As for his power? We've never seen him at full power. It's been acknowledged the voice the jedi knight faces has been weakened and isn't him at full power. We were told that he was weakened on yavin as well and didn't reach the height of his power until he consumed Ziost. What we're seeing now is Valkorion's full strength but even then we only get a glimpse of that.




That's a good comparison. I still think he wants our body for some unexplained purpose. I know there's people who disagree with me but I'm still convinced he's a body stealing entity.


Kind of exactly, which is why I havent really been batting an Eye at this whole thing, this is about as powerful as I presumed he was, which is why I thought he was above Plaguis but still below Yoda and Palpatine.

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No one knew much about him to begin with. Just what he wanted to show. I'm not entirely convinced he's any different from what we've seen. As for his power? We've never seen him at full power. It's been acknowledged the voice the jedi knight faces has been weakened and isn't him at full power. We were told that he was weakened on yavin as well and didn't reach the height of his power until he consumed Ziost. What we're seeing now is Valkorion's full strength but even then we only get a glimpse of that.


He goes from wanting to eat everything to....wanting to help his enemy. I mean sure, I guess he's weakened now and needs the Outlander to kill his son for...whatever reason, even when he's shown superior to him.


Ah yes, this whole weakened concept thing seems to be everywhere with this guy...was he also weakened in the Revan novel too?


It's just becoming so....stupid I guess, there's always 'something' with him and why we never get any full power showings aside from the Revan novel I guess, which that incarnation to me is more believable yet still the most powerful guy out there. In game that incarnation just seems to be lost somewhere.


It's a wonder how if he's just gonna be weakened all the time, yet still have all these ridiculous power showings...how he's gonna die when if ever he's at full power.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Kind of exactly, which is why I havent really been batting an Eye at this whole thing, this is about as powerful as I presumed he was, which is why I thought he was above Plaguis but still below Yoda and Palpatine.


Sidious is most well known for his force lightning. Valkorion's force lightning is superior to Sidious force lightning. Valkorion has better control feats that ROTS Sidious.



Check out his lightning attack. We haven't seen lightning of this magnitude. You and others keep claiming that you have no doubt Yoda can replicate his barrier technique he uses to block Arcann's saber attacks. What evidence is there that Yoda or Sidious can do this? We've never seen them block a lightsaber in this manner. In fact anytime someone attacks them they use a lightsaber of their own. Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. We also see his force lightning take down multiple starships with ease.


Again, we haven't seen this from Sidious either and Arcann outright states that his father's power is weaker than it was before. We have no reason to believe ROTS Sidious is equal to Valkorion as Valkorion is showing more raw power than the former. Sidious best move (his lightning) is inferior.


We have also not seen Sidious produce a force wave capable of destroying enemies, starships, etc while also leaving allies completely unharmed. We haven't seen such a powerful offensive move be so selective.


When added up with all of his other techniques and the other feats he's done in the rest of the game there's no way I can consider ROTS Sidious Valkorion's equal or better. His mind control feats? Superior to Sidious mind control feats where he outright hijacked other jedi's minds forcing them to do his bidding. ROTS Sidious has not done this. He didn't outright control other Jedi. His life drain abilities? Using it on a planetary scale? Sure Sidious was draining an entire planet in small doses. what about his lightning?


Valkorion's lightning attack is massive and so powerful it instantly killed a dark council member while proving impossible for Arcann to deflect with his lightsaber because it's just too much. We see him being completely immune to bodily death where it's just not a big deal to him in the slightest. We see him having incredible control over powerful attacks and being selective on who it hurts and who it doesn't. We see his lightning casually taking down starships with ease in a weakened form.


I am not saying he's as powerful as DE Sidious but to claim he's on the level of Yoda or ROTS Sidious?

Edited by Rhyltran
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Sidious is most well known for his force lightning. Valkorion's force lightning is superior to Sidious force lightning. Valkorion has better control feats that ROTS Sidious.



Check out his lightning attack. We haven't seen lightning of this magnitude. You and others keep claiming that you have no doubt Yoda can replicate his barrier technique he uses to block Arcann's saber attacks. What evidence is there that Yoda or Sidious can do this? We've never seen them block a lightsaber in this manner. In fact anytime someone attacks them they use a lightsaber of their own. Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. We also see his force lightning take down multiple starships with ease.


Again, we haven't seen this from Sidious either and Arcann outright states that his father's power is weaker than it was before. We have no reason to believe ROTS Sidious is equal to Valkorion as Valkorion is showing more raw power than the former. Sidious best move (his lightning) is inferior.


We have also not seen Sidious produce a force wave capable of destroying enemies, starships, etc while also leaving allies completely unharmed. We haven't seen such a powerful offensive move be so selective.


When added up with all of his other techniques and the other feats he's done in the rest of the game there's no way I can consider ROTS Sidious Valkorion's equal or better. His mind control feats? Superior to Sidious mind control feats where he outright hijacked other jedi's minds forcing them to do his bidding. ROTS Sidious has not done this. He didn't outright control other Jedi. His life drain abilities? Using it on a planetary scale? Sure Sidious was draining an entire planet in small doses. what about his lightning?


Valkorion's lightning attack is massive and so powerful it instantly killed a dark council member while proving impossible for Arcann to deflect with his lightsaber because it's just too much. We see him being completely immune to bodily death where it's just not a big deal to him in the slightest. We see him having incredible control over powerful attacks and being selective on who it hurts and who it doesn't. We see his lightning casually taking down starships with ease in a weakened form.


I am not saying he's as powerful as DE Sidious but to claim he's on the level of Yoda or ROTS Sidious?


Different people have different abilities, we havent seen Valkorien jump around nearly as fast as Yoda have we? and Did you see the first episode of The clone wars, Yoda stopped Ventresses sabers just fine, and they werent even aimed at him. If the person isnt strong enough Yoda and Sidious dont need to raise a saber either, that's been shown.


You are getting hyped by some lightning feats that have, in novels, been duplicated quite often, at least from my interpretation of the novels. The strength of lightning is not necisarily the size of the lightning but the affect the lightning has on the individual, like when Luke gets hit with it on RotJ from an elderly Sidious and would have still died without medical treatment from the lightning's continual effect even though Sidious wasnt using it any more. That has not been shown by Valkorien, oh ya his lightning when redirected shuts down and destroys machines... which lightning has always done... no the lightning he is showing HAS NOT been over the RotS "greatest sith lord of all time" claim for sidious, the large arc of lightning is not a show of power in lightning its the show of being able to move it over a large area, so a sign of mastery, but this has never been shown to be out of Sidious's ability should he need to, but he has never needed to. The lightsaber blocking... lets look at who Sidious Fought... Windu, who uses Vaapad which channels the dark siders abilities against them, and Yoda, I guess you can say he fought Maul and Savage, but again..... what happened to Valkorien with 2 saber wielders there at the same time, he blocked Arcann, but was then stabbed in the back, if Sidious is as well studied as we all know he is, he wouldnt go into a fight knowing that could happen, he would tailor himself to not fall prey to the same stupid weaknesses of his predecessors, so taking 2 sabers instead of relying on his force powers is clear there.


Further remember Sidious's talk.... the saber is the weapon of a Jedi to him, the Sith long moved passed the need for it, but still use it to HUMBLE the Jedi.... according to him he has never needed a lightsaber but uses it to play with his opponent, and we see this in his fights in RotS as soon as its clear that he has to take the fight seriously, he doesnt use his saber any more he just resorts to pure force power and no one can even really close in even some one as powerful as Yoda couldnt get in close with a lightsaber, and I have 0 problem arguing Yoda >>>>> arcann.

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Tunewalker I don't think you understand the point, namely that the injuries Valkorion suffered where enough to kill him. So "it shouldn't have killed him" isn't a valid argument towards Valkorion faking his death.


They were enough to kill him, but not before he could use essence transfer... just like Exar Kun did... so are we saying Exar Kun is greater then yoda based on this? if not then you have no grounds to stand on for this one.

Edited by tunewalker
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Tunewalker I don't think you understand the point, namely that the injuries Valkorion suffered where enough to kill him. So "it shouldn't have killed him" isn't a valid argument towards Valkorion faking his death.


This. Some force users have survived it. Some haven't. We have plenty of examples of force users dying from being stabbed in the back or through the chest or even the stomach. (Look at Qui Gon.) While surviving it can be a feat it doesn't mean everyone of "A certain level." will "Definitely survive _" it doesn't matter. Valkorion didn't survive being stabbed.


That being said can we move back to his actual feats and analyze those? Especially his newer ones?

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Different people have different abilities, we havent seen Valkorien jump around nearly as fast as Yoda have we? and Did you see the first episode of The clone wars, Yoda stopped Ventresses sabers just fine, and they werent even aimed at him. If the person isnt strong enough Yoda and Sidious dont need to raise a saber either, that's been shown.


Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. We've seen Valkorion/Vitiate handle someone without a lightsaber. We know he's capable of doing this but when dealing with his son he decided to use a barrier. Yoda/Sidious did not use any such ability. To claim "They could have." is pointless because they didn't and you have no proof that they could. He used a barrier capable of deflecting a lightsaber. This is impressive not only that but he was able to maintain and hold said barrier against a very powerful force user and swordsman namely his own son without struggling to deflect it. We see Arcann was putting a lot of power behind those swings but Valkorion didn't even shrug at deflecting it. Also Arcann > Ventress.


You are getting hyped by some lightning feats that have, in novels, been duplicated quite often, at least from my interpretation of the novels. The strength of lightning is not necisarily the size of the lightning but the affect the lightning has on the individual, like when Luke gets hit with it on RotJ from an elderly Sidious and would have still died without medical treatment from the lightning's continual effect even though Sidious wasnt using it any more. That has not been shown by Valkorien, oh ya his lightning when redirected shuts down and destroys machines... which lightning has always done... no the lightning he is showing HAS NOT been over the RotS "greatest sith lord of all time" claim for sidious, the large arc of lightning is not a show of power in lightning its the show of being able to move it over a large area, so a sign of mastery, but this has never been shown to be out of Sidious's ability should he need to, but he has never needed to. The lightsaber blocking... lets look at who Sidious Fought... Windu, who uses Vaapad which channels the dark siders abilities against them, and Yoda, I guess you can say he fought Maul and Savage, but again..... what happened to Valkorien with 2 saber wielders there at the same time, he blocked Arcann, but was then stabbed in the back, if Sidious is as well studied as we all know he is, he wouldnt go into a fight knowing that could happen, he would tailor himself to not fall prey to the same stupid weaknesses of his predecessors, so taking 2 sabers instead of relying on his force powers is clear there.


Sidious lightning by ROTS was capable of being deflected by a Lightsaber. It required incredible strength in order to hold onto the grip but it was capable of being deflected nonetheless. Arcann tried to block it and was "Ran over" by it's sheer power. Not to mention the lightning was capable of instantly killing one of the strongest members of the dark council (Darth Marr.) who himself has some very impressive accolades. Vaapad had nothing to do with Windu being able to deflect Sidious lightning.


As far as the whole "Two saber wielders" thing? This isn't a "Who is a better fighter" it's who is more powerful. This is about who has more power. Sidious got thrown down a reactor shaft while being distracted torturing luke. Is that really any worse than being stabbed in the back by someone while concentrating on his son and talking to him? Both have been "killed" while displaying some extreme overconfidence. You say "Sidious has never need to..." and I swear if I have to say "Absence of evidence" one more time... :p


Further remember Sidious's talk.... the saber is the weapon of a Jedi to him, the Sith long moved passed the need for it, but still use it to HUMBLE the Jedi.... according to him he has never needed a lightsaber but uses it to play with his opponent, and we see this in his fights in RotS as soon as its clear that he has to take the fight seriously, he doesnt use his saber any more he just resorts to pure force power and no one can even really close in even some one as powerful as Yoda couldnt get in close with a lightsaber, and I have 0 problem arguing Yoda >>>>> arcann.


Sidious still never displayed by ROTS a technique that allows him to deflect a lightsaber with a barrier. In fact he mostly defeated people he had no desire to humble or engage with his force lightning which hasn't been shown to be on Valkorion's level. Let's look at Starkiller who has a very strong force lightning. He could take out AT-ST's with force lightning but it took a bit of shocking. They didn't go down instantly. Any ship that came in contact with Valkorion's lightning went down. In a weakened state.


You also ignore his ability to produce a wave capable of destroying everything in it's path without harming any allies.

Edited by Rhyltran
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the large arc of lightning is not a show of power in lightning its the show of being able to move it over a large area, so a sign of mastery, but this has never been shown to be out of Sidious's ability should he need to, but he has never needed to.


He has?


He Force Lightning a small army of Stormtroopers in an entire room with enough precision to not harm his Royal Guards.



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We also never compared him to either of those, we compared the circumstance to Exar Kun, who's body was completely obliterated (so the whole "he wouldnt have died" argument is null and void) managed to do the same thing after his soul was out of its body for thousands of years getting weaker. If this feat some how puts Valkorian over Yoda, then why werent we talking about Exar Kun being in the same boat.
Exar Kun's feat was one orchestrated by consuming the life force of thousands of Massassi on a focal point of dark side energy using an array of ritual appartus. In such a controlled environment with a wealth of Force energy at his disposal. So its no wonder Kun was able to carefully control the outcome.
Exar Kun's feat is just as good if not better since the number of years would weaken his hold on the material plane, and he completely lacks any prior living connection to the people he ends up latching onto unlike Valk who, at the very least, had 1 encounter with the person he latched onto
He had again, the Force power of thousands of Massassi at his disposal and more importantly was able to anchor his spirit to the Massassi Temple, this is expliclty stated, so no, he did have a connection to the living Force.
not to mention you are showing sabers... remember the outlander can be a non force sensitive which was just as possible and they just shoot him in the back... the number of people that survive that is kind of astronomical
And yet you overlook the fact that a non-Force sensitive would lack a significant connection to the living Force for Valkorion to anchor himself too? Regardless, if the Outlander opts to shoot Valkorion, the bullet is depicted as going right through his body and presumably piercing his heart, so it had the exact same effect.
also you are pointing to him being stabbed through the chest... and if you really look closely it looks more like he was stabbed through the stomach... again the number of people that survived that is pretty high,
I looked closely, and found you're knowledge of human anatomy lacking, here is a diagram:




Note how the stomach is located beneath the chest. Which is exactly where the wound is located. Now notice how the heart is pretty much in the center, again where the wound is located. If BioWare wanted to make it clear that this was a non-lethal wound they would have gone for the abdomen like this for example, or more relevantly


They did not, and there is no logic in them intending it to be ambiguous.

not to mention he is still capable of laughing and after he gets hit he seems to be channeling a power to me as he "dies" it could be like what happens to Palpatine when he dies (massive dark side explosion) but the laughing seems to indicate other wise to me.
It's exactly like what happens when Palpatine dies. Compare:





It's identical aside from the difference in colour. Nor does the idea of him channeling power make sense as the energy is clearly moving outward, or rather leaving his body. Valkorion laughing is most likely simply intended to convey how little a concern his bodily death is to him. You're overcomplicating the scene by attempting to force your personal perspective on it. Valkorion is caught off guard and killed, but he isn't very concerned. Pretty simple.

Basically the argument you are using has no ground to actually stand on as the circumstances are wildly different and your interpretation of the cut scene seems flawed from the way you are arguing it.
Uh-huh. How are the circumstances "widly different"?


>Valkorion is caught off guard and killed.

>He laughs it off and returns in spiritual form with ease.


>Sidious gets caught off guard and killed.

>He screams to his death and spends years wandering the void, only capable of escaping with great effort and with the possible support of various Sith spirits inhabiting the Netherworld.


The contrast is pretty clear for those who are prepared to see it.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. We've seen Valkorion/Vitiate handle someone without a lightsaber. We know he's capable of doing this but when dealing with his son he decided to use a barrier. Yoda/Sidious did not use any such ability. To claim "They could have." is pointless because they didn't and you have no proof that they could. He used a barrier capable of deflecting a lightsaber. This is impressive not only that but he was able to maintain and hold said barrier against a very powerful force user and swordsman namely his own son without struggling to deflect it. We see Arcann was putting a lot of power behind those swings but Valkorion didn't even shrug at deflecting it. Also Arcann > Ventress.




Sidious lightning by ROTS was capable of being deflected by a Lightsaber. It required incredible strength in order to hold onto the grip but it was capable of being deflected nonetheless. Arcann tried to block it and was "Ran over" by it's sheer power. Not to mention the lightning was capable of instantly killing one of the strongest members of the dark council (Darth Marr.) who himself has some very impressive accolades. Vaapad had nothing to do with Windu being able to deflect Sidious lightning.


As far as the whole "Two saber wielders" thing? This isn't a "Who is a better fighter" it's who is more powerful. This is about who has more power. Sidious got thrown down a reactor shaft while being distracted torturing luke. Is that really any worse than being stabbed in the back by someone while concentrating on his son and talking to him? Both have been "killed" while displaying some extreme overconfidence. You say "Sidious has never need to..." and I swear if I have to say "Absence of evidence" one more time... :p




Sidious still never displayed by ROTS a technique that allows him to deflect a lightsaber with a barrier. In fact he mostly defeated people he had no desire to humble or engage with his force lightning which hasn't been shown to be on Valkorion's level. Let's look at Starkiller who has a very strong force lightning. He could take out AT-ST's with force lightning but it took a bit of shocking. They didn't go down instantly. Any ship that came in contact with Valkorion's lightning went down. In a weakened state.


You also ignore his ability to produce a wave capable of destroying everything in it's path without harming any allies.


1. You assume Arcann is greater then Ventress, but he doesnt have enough feats to say this is 100% true (cross era's is a *****).


2. The "ran over" could be caused by the failure to hold onto it, so nothing there that hasnt been seen, no suggestion that Sidious's "most powerful Dark sider of all time" accolade in RotS has been over written by a character that comes before him in the time line... ( Sidious instantly killed Windu... personally I think Windu has the better accolades to Marr... so there is that)


3. Yes it is, and Sidious has more power, the fact that he actually uses a lightsaber is not an automatic weakness was the point.


4. Ya that's why Sidious is laughing in almost all his fights, or is using the fight to get the way he wants... We dont see Sidious fight Jedi left and Right, we almost never see him fight Pre RotS, You dont see him do x scenario for the same reason you didnt see Valkorien do it till recently (a book and several cut scenes dedicated to him and he still doesnt pull it off for years after his creation... and how much feats do we have for RotS Sidious... oh right the 1 movie/ novel, We never got Sidious's full capabilities in RotS, who is to say he wasnt just as strong as he was in DE to begin with), he never had the cause to, why didnt Vitiate do it against the Jedi strike team in Act II of the HoT, becase he didnt need to... so on and so forth, it was ALWAYS in his ability to do so, but he didnt cus he didnt need to, Sidious is noted as the most powerful Dark Sider of all time as of 19 BBY, that is 3000 years after Valkorien held that title.



Valkorian HASNT shown better lightning, if you think that then Galen shows better lightning then Sidious, since the Wide arc has been shown by him before (sure I could dig up some other examples, but that one should suffice)


Valkorian HASNT shown better Control if that's the case Exar Kun pulled the same trick, hell his was probably harder to pull off so I guess that makes Exar Kun> Luke right? No, both of these I feel are the example of people miss interpreting a visual medium, which is no surprise.

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I also concur with Rhyltran, no Valkorion's raw power showings do not necessarily prove his superiority to ROTS/ROTJ Sidious, but they certainly establish parity in that field.


If someone can think of a superior showing Sidious possesses in light of this, by all means show it.

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there you go, its been duplicated... done argument that Valkorien's lightning is better has been debunked thanks wolf.


No it hasn't and I'll get to your post in a minute. In that comic Sidious maneuvered his lightning as to avoid hitting his imperial guards. Valkorion produced a wave that washed over your allies and the enemies. Only the enemies were harmed. So it literally only hurt those that weren't on your side. This is not the same as what Sidious did.

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1. You assume Arcann is greater then Ventress, but he doesnt have enough feats to say this is 100% true (cross era's is a *****).


Right. Because even though she got punked by Dooku's lightning, she can totally handle Valky's 100x more powerful lightning. Gotcha.

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The entire Eternal family is just stupid tbh....throwing out powerful TK feats =/= a good character and Vaylin just comes off as a spoiled little *****...


I mean seriously? Using TK while she was STILL in the womb?...What a crock of bull.


Among other things, the only interesting one out of the whole family is....Arcann...which isn't much as he just comes across as an egotistical maniac.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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