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So is the 16m ops dropping only 1 token problem only on sm?

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So one problem with 16-man storymode ToS and Ravagers is that 16m loot is the same as 8m, basically just 1 token item from each boss, meaning you have twice as many people to roll same number of items.


So is there information somewhere if that is only on storymode?


And on hardmode 16m drops twice as many items as it should?

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Yes this issue is story mode only HM is dropping 2 tokens per boss its because bioware did not put a unique id on 8 man and 16 man bosses for sm so whichever boss you kill you get the 8 man loot container on many of the bosses.


This is also making it hard for parsec / star parse to tell the different between 8 man and 16 man versions of the fight


However in the giant disaster that 3.0 operations have been so far I am really not surprised

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What are 16 mans? I thought there were only 8 man raids.


A vastly higher level of stress on your hardware AND the game engine.


16m fights are often not played exactly the same as 8m fights and numbers are often scaled in interesting ways.


Double the hp? Maybe more maybe less.

Double the damage per hit? Double the number of hits? Pick one at random and expect hilarious spikes when a particularly large hit in 8m ends up doubled in 16m

Exceptionally unusual tactics? It's a big team, a lot of unusual things can be done with enough players. (legendary NGE Bestia NiM tactic of kiting the adds all fight only possible in 16m with specific composition)

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