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Commando healing and alacrity - what's your approach?


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Hi there I'm fairly new to commando healing, was healing mainly with a sage in 2.x - but with 3.0 I found a lot of new love for my less played commando.


With that being said, I wonder what value we get out of alacrity on a commando? So far I have been completely neglecting it, taking mostly power/surge with a bit of crit mixed in. I have no problems healing with this, and the reason I was neglecting alacrity was because we use quite a few instant heals.


But then I was looking at the huge surge buff we get and was wondering if gearing into surge was worth it at all. So what's the communities stance on it? Surge or alacrity?

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As a commando or mercenary both alacrity and crit are extremely useful. As you mention commandoes have two talents/skills that directly increases surge / crit multiplier and therefore you should not be neglecting critical. Surge will have a high DR when you get above 400 rating, therefore you should start using alacrity instead.


I personally go for 50/50 split between surge and alacrity (probably more 40/60 when I get highest tier gear) and run with about 300-400 critical rating :)


Hope that helps

- NeNiMel

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As you say, BW has given us a nice trade off for taking away the alacrity in our tree with Advanced Targeting.


Thanks to progressive scan alacrity is quite important for your HPS. Since it's a nice long 3s cast, alacrity takes a nice chunk off of it. Not to mention lowering to CD on abilities included power surge(instant cast) increases your burst potential.


For PVE I'm running around 10% and for PVP 7%.

Edited by TezMoney
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I've tried both 6/4 alacrity/surge and 7/3 alacrity surge and I find myself preferring 6/4 for HM Ops. That's 6 pieces of alacrity and 4 pieces of surge (earpiece/implants/enhancements). I'm running with 2 pieces of crit because I'm using reflex augments at the moment. Edited by mywang
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I got most on power (2076) and alacrity (804) with all aguments on power.

Kolto-Bomb has so a 5,5 sec CD and after the last tick, I can reactivate it.


I got 6 piece set-bonus (the 4 set-bonus is still buggy).

So I have a regular 5-6k hps and I'm fine with that :cool:

Edited by Amun-Re
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