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Slot Machine: Just rolled 5000 chips


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You know what I hope you get your wish, I hope they do nerf it. Just so that the next time they introduce a good credit sink for you to come out and ruin it again. Your irrational fear of change (even a good change as this one) will further ruin any illusion of economy in this game, and then I will come back to this thread and I will quote this reply and tell you: I told you so!


Make every token cost 10k credits. There, nerfed and credit sink that actually sinks credits achieved.


But oh wait, you just want easy certiicates and purples, don't you?

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Make every token cost 10k credits. There, nerfed and credit sink that actually sinks credits achieved.


But oh wait, you just want easy certiicates and purples, don't you?


Making it cost 10k will make an ineffective credit sink since you want people to use it.


The machine is already a credit sink, the total amount of credits is being reduced.

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Making it cost 10k will make an ineffective credit sink since you want people to use it.


The machine is already a credit sink, the total amount of credits is being reduced.


Sure, because losing a couple hundred credits after many many hours of mindless clicking (when you count in the vendored tokens and the profit got from the extra green and blue junk) is a credit sink that actually means anything in the current economy.



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And it *is* getting nerfed, cling to hope all you want but it's coming. Just wait for all the whine and outrage next week.


We'll have to wait and see if BioWare decide to alter the drop rates of Jawa junk on the Contraband slot machine.


With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly.



Eric didn't state what changes if any were going to be made. Hopefully BioWare will have the foresight to leave the machine as it is currently. The only thing that may be worthwhile is slightly altering the purple grade 11 mats costs (e.g. 2 Jawa Junk for a Midlithe Crystal, 3 Jawa Junk for Autoimmune Regulators, 4 Jawa Junk for Adaptive Circuitry).


Any changes outside those will be detrimental to actually even bothering with the slot machine after reputation is maxed out.


Considering the Cartel packs containing these are being snapped up on the GTN as fast as they appear (on my server at least), any action BioWare take will have to be balanced carefully as not to damage their sales through the Cartel Market of these packs.


Let's be blunt here, advocates for the machine - players who want a more accessible route to crafting / gear. Players against - "GTN whales" who don't want their market damaged and are too lazy to adapt. That in a nutshell is what these threads are all about, players desperate to cling onto their revenue stream.


They're the only ones who could be against opening up the game for other players and making it more accessible overall. They need to look at the much wider picture, not just the very narrow blinkered version they've become used to.

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We'll have to wait and see if BioWare decide to alter the drop rates of Jawa junk on the Contraband slot machine.




Eric didn't state what changes if any were going to be made. Hopefully BioWare will have the foresight to leave the machine as it is currently. The only thing that may be worthwhile is slightly altering the purple grade 11 mats costs (e.g. 2 Jawa Junk for a Midlithe Crystal, 3 Jawa Junk for Autoimmune Regulators, 4 Jawa Junk for Adaptive Circuitry).


Any changes outside those will be detrimental to actually even bothering with the slot machine after reputation is maxed out.


Considering the Cartel packs containing these are being snapped up on the GTN as fast as they appear (on my server at least), any action BioWare take will have to be balanced carefully as not to damage their sales through the Cartel Market of these packs.


Let's be blunt here, advocates for the machine - players who want a more accessible route to crafting / gear. Players against - "GTN whales" who don't want their market damaged and are too lazy to adapt. That in a nutshell is what these threads are all about, players desperate to cling onto their revenue stream.


They're the only ones who could be against opening up the game for other players and making it more accessible overall. They need to look at the much wider picture, not just the very narrow blinkered version they've become used to.


Sure, keep clinging to hope, i'll be laughing looking at this kind of posts in one or two weeks from now.


And changing the Jawas is still a nerf, btw, even if indirect.

Edited by Malderak
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Reduce rep item value to 50% or 0 credits: fine

Remove grade 11 items from Jawa vendors: fine if you increase amount of purples dropping from UWT, slicing, TH and Diplomacy (No Khem, I didn't say "blues". I said "purples")


With those insane prices we have had for few weeks now = I'm not going craft anything. It's just way too expensive.

Edited by Halinalle
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You want a credit sink? Make al crafting missions cost twice as much.


There, I sinked way more credits than your precious slots ever will, without making crafting and gathering skills completely meaningless.


Why should gathering skills be meaningful ? Seriously, why should it be optimal to send your companions out to gather materials ? Other than "that's how it used to be".

Only point against that is "speed", that you shouldn't be generating mats a the current spend. Although this in itself is only a negative factor when you want players to play more often (ie this is something for BW to argue and not for a player).



So seriously what is about sending companions that makes it good for the economy? Is it because prices will be higher ? Nope high prices is not an indication of a good economy, quite the opposite! When the margin on some of the purple mats is over 500% one could argue that the economy of the game is not in a good place and this is a symptoms of a rather inflated economy.



I honestly do not understand where are the facts you are trying to present.

Why and How is this ruining the economy ?

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If we take an augment sells for 60.000 your purple jawa scraps alone would give you around 6.000.000 - the small fee.


lets do some theorie:


In order to get your money for your 5000 chips back you need additional 800k as pointed out earlier. If ones goal is to do that with purple jawa scraps the price of a single augment could drop to under 10k and you would still make profit!


If you craft augs with crew skill missions the minimum price for the missions, if you get a crit on the first slicing mission, is around 11k + the 4 vendor crafting items.



that machine is a joke and will be abused until crafting materials and crafting are worthless.

Edited by Neglience
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Jawa junk,

no need to elaborate here but even a monkey on drugs will make at least 1 mill per purple jawa junk now add the value from blue and green ones as well.


I wonder, how are you making 1 mil per purple junk? Most grade 11 purple materials that are sold on GTN pretty cheap these days (most of them are below 10k per unit on TOFN right now), and each of them cost 1 purple junk

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I wonder, how are you making 1 mil per purple junk? Most grade 11 purple materials that are sold on GTN pretty cheap these days (most of them are below 10k per unit on TOFN right now), and each of them cost 1 purple junk


Shhh! It's 1M per stack. ;)



I'm curious what will happen. Over 3 years, so many things have been predicted to tank the economy and somehow it never really happened. There were minor and major shifts in prices for single items and market segments, but overall we're all still alive. I don't want to go into too much detail, but my average income per crafted item hasn't changed much, while what I craft has changed now and then.


The machine is a credit sink in that the token price makes people (as per example of the OP's experiment) easily spend a couple hundred thousands or millions that are sucked out of circulation. So if everyone does it excessively, simultaneously slacking on actual credit-generating activities like e.g. dailies, we end up with less credits and more mats, which should result in lower prices, which in turn should make it a less attractive activity. In the end, the threshold is how many credits can be generated in a certain amount of time. If 1 hour of dailies results in more credits than 1 hour of slot machine gambling, people will go back to doing dailies.


The rep tokens returning about 60% of the investment is the buffer that modifies the credit sink effect and I think maybe that should be adjusted to about 40%.

Edited by KyaniteD
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why feel the need to say that?

Because the whole slot machine thing is a total non-issue. Why did you feel the need to reply?


If you don't like the slot machine, don't use it. If it bothers you so much that it's even in the game, quit.


just saying "so what" contributes nothing to the discussion.

And your replies to and about my post contribute what, exactly?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Because the whole slot machine thing is a total non-issue. Why did you feel the need to reply?


If you don't like the slot machine, don't use it. If it bothers you so much that it's even in the game, quit.


If it's a total non issue to you, then just ignore threads like these. Simple. Why did you feel the need to post in one and comment about it being such a non issue when you think it's a non issue?

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Ignore threads like these if you think it's a non issue. Simple enough.

And still you are replying to my posts even though you apparently think they are pointless.


Your turn.


I'm giving you helpful advice to help you learn.

No, you're just trolling me.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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