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Slot Machine: Just rolled 5000 chips


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First I'll toss this link here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=790586



I was one of the most Anti-Slot machine spokesman on this forums. but in order to really show you how broken this thing is let's see what you get for 5000 chips (and I needed the rep for the vendor so why not).



Don't do this unless you mentally ill like me.


Pics or it ain't happened:

5000 chips > http://i.imgur.com/99wz4TB.jpg

Rewards for 5000 chips > http://i.imgur.com/XKNyDqg.jpg


My Gambling-Fu was victorious after roughly 5 hours of rolling. hence small moment to recite the gambler code:


"The credits are a lie, There are only chips.

Through Chips I get flashy wins,

Through Flashy wins I get Jawa junk,

Through Jawa Junk the materials GTN Market is Broken,

The Slot Machine will make me Rich."


Now the numbers,

to chip in 5000 chips I had to pay 500 per chip which sums up to 2.5 million credits.


The rewards breakdown:

Certificates > This think are above any other... just this week before the machine was released I paid 4.5 mill for nihilus mask and 4.8 mill for Throne mount but with this babies I can get those things for 100 k and more. Also Decorations from certs sells on my server around 50k + per unit so (500 to 50k rate in 1 click ? lolwut).


Rep Items > You'll max your rep very quickly then it's as follows while vendoring them:

Purple - 2500 credits or 5 chips in 1 rep item.

Blue > 1000 credits or 2 chips per rep item.

Green > 500 credits or 1:1 ratio.


so if we look on the picture just purple rep items alone while I vendored them gave me almost 800k back out of my initial 2.5 mill investment. now add the blue\green ones and if I'm correct it's almost full investment back right there.


Jawa junk,

no need to elaborate here but even a monkey on drugs will make at least 1 mill per purple jawa junk now add the value from blue and green ones as well.


My point is I am 1 person who rolled 5000 chips which is insane and not practical but imagine 5000 players on singel server rolling each 1 chip.... imagine crazy gold farmer in SH with 10 slot machines rolling all day long then spamming the chats.


This thing need nerf and quickly.


I recommend:

1. Increase chip price to 3000 credits.

2. increase the time the machine "roll" a win to at least 25 seconds.

3. limit the machines to 1 per SH.

4. Remove jawa scrap\junk drops from the drop table.

5. Make the cert drop ultra rare like 1:1000 rolls or something.


then it will be balanced.

good day.

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First I'll toss this link here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=790586



so if we look on the picture just purple rep items alone while I vendored them gave me almost 800k back out of my initial 2.5 mill investment. now add the blue\green ones and if I'm correct it's almost full investment back right there.


good day.


You know lying is bad ok?

Easy to tell you're just another butthurt augment gouger, having a cry on the forums.

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have you looked in the picture I posted?


No, and theres no need as it proves nothing.

Since they have went live there are numerous posts detailing precisely the amount of credits spent verses credits received back from vendoring.. those along with my own findings have all been very close to one another, yet here you are standing alone saying you almost got your full investment back...

The average seems to be between 55% to 65% return on credits spent.

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Actually, from the rep items, you made 1,605,500 credits, so you fell 894,500 credits short of the initial purchase price of tokens. Just for the sake of accuracy.


But apart from that, yes the machines are horribly broken and have done more harm than any exploit to date (including the cartel collection crystal one)

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Actually, from the rep items, you made 1,605,500 credits, so you fell 894,500 credits short of the initial purchase price of tokens. Just for the sake of accuracy.



Thank you for doing the numbers and 1.6 mill out of 2.5 initial is way too much for return before I sold mats or decos. profit is huge!

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Thank you for doing the numbers and 1.6 mill out of 2.5 initial is way too much for return before I sold mats or decos. profit is huge!


yup, I got a level17 with 27k credits up to 1.8 mill before I got bored with it.


For an idea on how broken this is, I was in the second wave at early access when game first launched, got to 50 before the end of early access and with slicing as a crew skill (pre nerf) I got up to 1.5 mill credits which was considered broken. Now I have done better than this in under 2 hours on a character that has yet to get halfway through Drommund Kaas.

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yup, I got a level17 with 27k credits up to 1.8 mill before I got bored with it.


For an idea on how broken this is, I was in the second wave at early access when game first launched, got to 50 before the end of early access and with slicing as a crew skill (pre nerf) I got up to 1.5 mill credits which was considered broken. Now I have done better than this in under 2 hours on a character that has yet to get halfway through Drommund Kaas.


Here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation


(back then 1.5 million was ALOT more than what 1.5 million is today.)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Thank you for doing the numbers and 1.6 mill out of 2.5 initial is way too much for return before I sold mats or decos. profit is huge!


Profit is only huge as long as nobody else does this since the profit is based on the market.


People are already seeing less and less return from this kind of time spent because of the dropping prices on the market, so give it a day or two and your profit won't be very much in general.


You have to stop thinking in such rigid terms. The market is fluid, it will change and adapt to the influx of new materials for sale.

Very soon it simply won't be worth the time and effort to stand around for 5 hours and roll the machine since the profit from doing so will only be a few hundred thousand credits, which could be earned faster in other ways.


This machine will have three effects:

1: It will stabilize the market so that purple mats are no longer considered luxury items that are out of reach for all but the most profitable crafters.

2: It will provide crafters with a way of obtaining mats faster than crew missions when needed. (I say "when needed" because while running the machine, you can't play the rest of the game, unlike when running crew missions).

3: Cartel Certificate based decorations (like the twi'lek dancers) will become cheaper and available for those who never buy cartel packs.

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in other words. make this machine useless and return to status quo where most people couldn't even afford to craft, or buy crafted stuff.






the no.


I LIKE being able to gear my alts with purple augments. I LIKE not having to log on 6 different alts, to queue crafting only come back an hour later to a bunch of blues I already have too many of. all becasue I'm trying to augment my raiding toon. I LIKE not having to chose between my character's performance and making some extra credits for a few luxuries here and there, becasue with former rarity of purple mats? I pretty much had to, not being a super srs GTN player and all.


the problem is not the machine.


the real problem is that you hate absolutely HATE it that other people might actualy.... gasp not be dependent on your prices anymore, instead of enjoying additional income you can STILL make of this, you would rather take away options from other people.




just no.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Fixed for you.


oh please, it still takes effort to craft. not to mention 42k per augment slot is non negotiable.


it just doesn't take GTN manipulation, of for majority of people days of dailies.


in other words - boo hoo, I may have to actual "gasp" put in effort to make those millions now


there, fixed it foryah!

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They are already balanced or near the sweet spot, you argued with a lot of people over this in many threads and you were proven wrong.


Lower margins are a good thing for the economy when credits are being moved out, adapt or die!


You are not the only crafter in this game!

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Is no one else worried that credit sellers and crafty little players will start using the machines with bots? :confused:


ban the bots.


other then that - since machines are not actualy generating any new credits, but rather fascilitate moving them around while taking some OUT of the economy?


worst thing I can see is crafting mat costs bottoming out, making it even easier for crafters to craft, while gold sellers will get out of the market if selling crafting materials becomes less profitable then vendoring them outright.

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Is no one else worried that credit sellers and crafty little players will start using the machines with bots? :confused:


We have been trying to make the point for a while now, this won't benefit credit sellers, or bring in more credits to the economy.


Once this machine is used by enough people then it no longer possible to gain more credits than you sink in.


Here is the scenario:


As more people use it, more people will have access to mats for themselves and they won't buy any (beyond rare OPs materials), the excess will be sold (or they will attempt to), same goes for CM certificates (Only decorations bought with certificates can be sold and they will drop in price as well).



Since a lot of people are using it, margins on the mats (and certificates) will decrease (each Purple jawa scrap have a cost of ~ 1800 credits when taking into account vendoring the rep items), making it almost impossible to generate credits from it.


A credit seller will not be able to generate a positive credit income from it.



This does two good things to the economy, first it lowers the prices of items and removes credits at the same with will reduce inflation.

Two it will reduce the reliance of people on credit sellers (to a certain degree) since you no longer need to pay a hefty sum of credits to buy mats or crafted items.

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They are already balanced or near the sweet spot, you argued with a lot of people over this in many threads and you were proven wrong.


Nope, he wasn't.


And it *is* getting nerfed, cling to hope all you want but it's coming. Just wait for all the whine and outrage next week.

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Nope, he wasn't.


And it *is* getting nerfed, cling to hope all you want but it's coming. Just wait for all the whine and outrage next week.


You know what I hope you get your wish, I hope they do nerf it. Just so that the next time they introduce a good credit sink for you to come out and ruin it again. Your irrational fear of change (even a good change as this one) will further ruin any illusion of economy in this game, and then I will come back to this thread and I will quote this reply and tell you: I told you so!

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