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The Contraband Slot Machine


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Actually. Pretty sure they said, "Not an exploit. Nothing is broken in the code. We'll investigate and the rates may change"


Then they said, "We aren't going to change anything"


So... not a lie. Things changed. Things tend to do that...

this is what they said



Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:


The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.

It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.

If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.

We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!


With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun!


they nerfed everything, they did not just adjust jawa junk..


so they did lie after all. that is a direct quote, you can parse it how you like but that wont change it.

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this is what they said /snip

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun!
they nerfed everything, they did not just adjust jawa junk..


so they did lie after all. that is a direct quote, you can parse it how you like but that wont change it.


"Make changes" - Changes. See that 's' at the end. That means plural. That means more than one. That means more than Jawa Junk. That means you interpreted wrong. They didn't lie. They aren't changing it again or such is their stance for now.


This reminds me of a joke: "There are two types of people in the world. People who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets."


Edit: I'll even concede they could have documented it better. But it wasn't a lie.

Bonus PS Edit: Adapt, move on. Such is life.

Edited by azudelphi
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"Make changes" - Changes. See that 's' at the end. That means plural. That means more than one. That means more than Jawa Junk. That means you interpreted wrong. They didn't lie. They aren't changing it again or such is their stance for now.


This reminds me of a joke: "There are two types of people in the world. People who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets."


Edit: I'll even concede they could have documented it better. But it wasn't a lie.

Bonus PS Edit: Adapt, move on. Such is life.


they said jawa junk and said making changes..multiple changes to jawa junk, nothing else..

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they said jawa junk and said making changes..multiple changes to jawa junk, nothing else..


He said jawa junk in his answer, because the players were asking about the drop rates on those. Not mentioning anything else does not mean that no other changes are going to happen.


Besides that, between muscos post and the actual changes was about one week. Plenty of time to make other decisions. Everything in this game is subject of change. A post from musco is no guarantee that something will never be changed.

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I love how people keep on justifying that we got mucked about by BW. It amuses me, because it is so irrational. It's the one thing that EVERYONE could agree on: What they did sucked big time. For everyone. But no, some people are happy about the nerf. Oh wait, I forgot. The GTN whales are strong in this one. Sorry, my bad.
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I love how people keep on justifying that we got mucked about by BW. It amuses me, because it is so irrational. It's the one thing that EVERYONE could agree on: What they did sucked big time. For everyone. But no, some people are happy about the nerf. Oh wait, I forgot. The GTN whales are strong in this one. Sorry, my bad.


Please name a halfway successful MMO ( or any MMO at all) where endgame crafting consists of clicking an item for 30 minutes per character in the city and after that you are done.

Edited by Neglience
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Please name a halfway successful MMO ( or any MMO at all) where endgame crafting consists of clicking an item for 30 minutes per character in the city and after that you are done.


There could have been made changes so that the cost of clicking that item for 30 minutes was within reasonable limits people were willing to spend but far more costly than obtaining the same results via other methods. EG, it would have been a convenience item that 'charged' for the convenience.


And you can't say it wouldn't have remained a successful game with that as anoption for obtaining crafting materials. There is no real difference between this and running around a planet and picking nodes except that the latter is absolutely free and using the machine was slightly faster but cost more as well.


So, tune the drop rate so cost per item was at a good point so that was equivalent to a multiple of the costs to obtain the mats through gathering missions of comps.

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Please name a halfway successful MMO ( or any MMO at all) where endgame crafting consists of clicking an item for 30 minutes per character in the city and after that you are done.


please name a halfway successful mmo that allows you to set your npcs to play for you and log off while they do it

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please name a halfway successful mmo that allows you to set your npcs to play for you and log off while they do it

You mean like a little game called World of Warcraft does now?



The Dev's should have had the word "including" in their patch notes and maybe even in Eric's second gold post so that people didn't get the distinct impression that the Purple Jawa Junk was the only thing getting its dropped rate reduced. They were not under any obligation to list all the changes in a patch, but it was silly of them not to just include that one simple word in this instance.


That being said, it is also silly how bent out of shape people have gotten over the absence of that one word in the patch note for a trivial Stronghold decoration that is still fulfilling its main purpose: giving players access to rep from long-embargoed packs.

Edited by DarthDymond
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please name a halfway successful mmo that allows you to set your npcs to play for you and log off while they do it

to add to WoW

also - neverwinter. crafting is ALL about sending npc's off to gather and craft for you, heck you dont even need to log into the game itself, you can do it from their webapp. and before you say anything about it not counting. its been around for a few years now, and seeing as april 7 another module and new class is releasing (paladin if you are curious) I'd say it qualifies

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to add to WoW

also - neverwinter. crafting is ALL about sending npc's off to gather and craft for you, heck you dont even need to log into the game itself, you can do it from their webapp. and before you say anything about it not counting. its been around for a few years now, and seeing as april 7 another module and new class is releasing (paladin if you are curious) I'd say it qualifies


then what is your problem with a player IN GAME using a slot machine? if that was some outrage then offline play should offend you even more.

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then what is your problem with a player IN GAME using a slot machine? if that was some outrage then offline play should offend you even more.

I think you are confusing me with someone else.


I liked machine originally. I'm unhappy with degree of nerf and lack of communication.


I merely provided an example in answer to your question. couldn't resist, even though I promised myself to stop posting in this thread.

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210 pages and still no response from the CM or DEV team. Guess that shows where we stand.


it means that they are too stupid to stop pouting and hiding in the corner and do their jobs. they really dont give a damn what anyone thinks. they have a vision of what should be and will ride it down in flames to prove themselves right. and the biofluffers will be right there with them

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I'd be happy if they just fix the CERTS. That shouldn't have been nerfed and we had no heads up nor patch notes stating that was being changed.


Certs in the Machine are lowering the sales of packs which equals less revenue for BW. Why should they do that and why is this good for the game?

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Certs in the Machine are lowering the sales of packs which equals less revenue for BW. Why should they do that and why is this good for the game?


Even if they somehow managed to overlook the possibility of the jawa junk altering the crafting market in a significant way, you can't tell me that they didn't think about the certs beforehand.


I had a boatload of chips in my inventory and didn't even spend them before the nerf as the jawa junk wasn't that important to me, there was however no indication that they would nerf the cert droprate to hell as well.


That said, I can live with the fact that they have to change things that affect the game's success in the long run, but there is no excuse for the poor handling of the whole mess. They didn't even own up to their mistake and at least offer an explanation or much more important, an apology. That's no way to treat customers who might have bought CC for the chance at getting one of the machines IMO.

Edited by Knorlac
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At some point, one must realize that "Working as intended" does not mean "Is written in stone never to be changed while time continues marching onward."


All it means is "This doesn't fit the definition of a 'bug'." In other words, nobody mistyped a value into a spreadsheet or wrote a piece of code incorrectly.


If Honda were to make a car which can only turn right, and people complained, they could respond with "The car is working as intended." because it was designed to only turn right.


If they change the design so that the car can turn left now, the new car is still "Working as intended." even though it is different than the original design.


Realizing that a design is flawed and changing the design does not invalidate the "Working as intended' reply that was first issued.

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