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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This exploit is a slap in the face™


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Also, it seems like everyone who exploited the thing they fixed is making threads trying to justify their behavior by saying it's BioWare's fault for not fixing the bug to keep them from exploiting it in advance of a swing from the banhammer.


So pretty much anyone who makes a post saying it was BW's fault or that the new slot machine (which by all indications *IS* working as intended) is an exploit were the ones who knowingly exploited and now fear for their accounts.

Edited by Rankyn
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You are my hero™


Also, it seems like everyone who exploited the thing they fixed is making threads trying to justify their behavior by saying it's BioWare's fault for not fixing the bug to keep them from exploiting it in advance of a swing from the banhammer.


So pretty much anyone who makes a post saying it was BW's fault or that the new slot machine (which by all indications *IS* working as intended) is an exploit were the ones who knowingly exploited and now fear for their accounts.


And you know this because you are one of the exploiters, right?

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You are my hero™So pretty much anyone who makes a post saying it was BW's fault or that the new slot machine (which by all indications *IS* working as intended) is an exploit were the ones who knowingly exploited and now fear for their accounts.


so anyone who dares to lay some if the blame on BW is an exploiter in fear of getting banned? Gotcha. You have some special insight...almost like a 5th sense

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so anyone who dares to lay some if the blame on BW is an exploiter in fear of getting banned? Gotcha. You have some special insight...almost like a 5th sense


Yah. People who did it KNEW IT WAS WRONG..and there are WARNINGS about exploiting and whatnot in any game....those exploiters KNEW they were breaking game rules....Whether it's BioWares fault it was broken and/or took so long to fix is irrelevant.

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It's just how guilty people react.


Hell, I don't even know what this Ravager thing is.

I assume it's some sort of OP that came as part of SoR.


It how guilty people react by accusing others of exploiting see the shoe is on the other foot. It ok we know you exploited it.

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It how guilty people react by accusing others of exploiting see the shoe is on the other foot. It ok we know you exploited it.
Well then I suppose we'll just have to wait and see which one of can still post on the forums after the banhammer swings then.
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As was said, a lot of the "exploiters!" posts are making fun of these sorts of accusations being thrown around with this person accusing that person of being an exploiter because they aren't on exactly the same wavelength on some aspect of this whole silly avalanche of nonsense.
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Where am I denying it? Because I'm not having any lag personally nor are my guildies. I never said no one else is experiencing lag anymore, did I?

In this very thread:

the Lag issue has been mostly dealt with.

The lag has improved for some, but it's absolutely still there...worse in some areas and extreme in some instances.

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Yah. People who did it KNEW IT WAS WRONG..and there are WARNINGS about exploiting and whatnot in any game....those exploiters KNEW they were breaking game rules....Whether it's BioWares fault it was broken and/or took so long to fix is irrelevant.


Wasn't really my point. Rankyn made a pretty broad assumption that most people who blamed BW were exploiters in fear of a ban. I was poking fun about tat part, not beating the dead horse over who is to blame

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Wasn't really my point. Rankyn made a pretty broad assumption that most people who blamed BW were exploiters in fear of a ban. I was poking fun about tat part, not beating the dead horse over who is to blame


And in one of those moments of lovely irony, you were in turn responded to as if you were "defending the cheaters".

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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