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Your Ideal Canon Races/Classes/genders/alignment


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Hm I must say I really liked this kind of threads so here is my few thoughts (sorry for bad english :x)


Jedi Knight - Male, Human, kind of Anakin. He's not going straight on Jedi Code as he know something is wrong in it. He's mostly Light Sided but he's reasonable. He just want to make galaxy better place, not republic, not empire, whole galaxy. It's no matter for him if someone live in Empire or Republic. No matter if someone is serving the Empire, maybe he didn't had choice? He would help him if he could.


Consular - Female, Miraluka, shadow. She's working the way from the darkness. She is light minded, if someone will need help, he will get it BUT ALL THE SITH WILL DIE. For her anyone that touched Dark Side is target to shoot down. She's not taking killing as something to like, but as something that must be done if galaxy want to be better place.


Smuggler - Female, Twi'lek, gunslinger. Pew pew pew pew, fly fly fly fly, RAWWRAPRRR. That's the whole story of my smuggler. She is this type of girl that if she is in trouble, she will kick you in the balls, call the wookie help and then shoot you down from her ship as she is "Captain of the galaxy woho!" My Twi'lek is rather young and she got herself out from slavery from stealing ship and then living from the smuggling. She even beat down the record and make the Kessel run in 13 parsec, wonder if someone will ever beat it faster.


Sith Warrior - I'm the most feared guy in the galaxy. Male, Pureblood juggernaut. There is a few things that could stand in his way, but they're all dead right now. He is true sith that live only for rulling everything. Nothing is funnier than spitting in the Dark Council faces and threatening them as they're shaking. That's my kind of Sith.


Sorcerer - Male, Pureblood, lightning. UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAH! Dark sided type of guy that look at little kittens drinking milk from the ground and thinking then "Wonder if this kittens brought that milk, probably not, **** this kittens <Force lightning>" Well he was this kind of guy until he met Ashara. She changed him a bit and now he is more than "MORE POWER MORE POWEEEEEER". He now thinks about the things he can change and doing it.


Bounty Hunter - Proud and honor Mandalorian hunter. He's not mindless killer, he is hunter. He's capturing and delivering bounty alive. So more lightside, yet if someone make him mad as this Alderan foolks then well..a wild ****storm appeared.

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It's interesting to read everyone's head canon for their characters. I like it. :)


My main: Sith Inquisitor- Rattataki female, Sorcerer, Dark II, Romance: Andronikos. Her time as a slave plays a part in the decisions she makes, but she doesn't let it define her. She is well aware of how powerful and has no qualms about using her force powers to get what she wants and takes revenge when the opportunity arises. She respects power and ideals even if they don't coincide with her own. This earns a glare and a threat of lightening if mentioned by any hapless fool. While in the beginning she was more concerned about simply surviving and proving to all the naysayers that their biggest mistake was underestimating her, she eventually realizes that a consequence of her growing power and becoming Sith has unintentionally created another set of chains. These of her own making. Her new freedom has come at a cost and in order to continue to survive she must grow in power and take a hand in the Empire which is the the last thing she wants.


Her relationship with Andronikos is at first a simple game of who can outwit who. From there as the tally board continues to grow she finds herself enjoying conversations with who she at first thought was just a lunk headed pirate, instead finding an intellectual equal and someone who keeps her on her proverbial toes.


I've got half a dozen other class story lines I'm playing through so I'll post the others when I get farther into them.

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Hmmm, for me then.


5 of my characters I play as if they're siblings:

Jedi Knight -- human female, light-side 4. She tends to view the Force as needing balance more than anything, so she avoids complete extremes. In the end, she wasn't totally light-side but mostly.

Bounty Hunter -- cyborg female, neutral mostly, with smattering of light-side. She was deafened in an attack on her when she was a child, very protective by nature of her family and her clan.

Smuggler -- human male, laughs at the most outrageous life can offer him. Very light-side; I'd call him my chaotic-good character. He's my Knight's twin.

Imperial Agent -- human male, very dark-side. My most dark-side character actually; survived horrible child abuse, grew up to eschew anything chaotic or anarchical. He's methodical, manipulative, and dangerously ruthless. He's my assassin.

Sith Warrior -- human female, dark-side. She's ruthless, self-serving and prone to anger. It's not that she's crazily dark-side, more that she relies on rage and anger to foment her Force-strong attacks. She's a skilled leader, blunt and direct in her approach.


My other characters:

Jedi Consular -- Miraluka male, extreme light-side. I see him as over-young, a prodigy figure. His power is immense and incredible, so he's trained extraordinarily early. As a teen, he tends to veer towards the most extreme interpretations of the Jedi code.

Sith Inquisitor -- human male, dark-side. He refuses to EVER be controlled or enslaved again, will ruthelessly and horribly destroy anyone who challenges him for fear of appearing weak and being tossed back into the slave pens.

Trooper -- Human male, neutral but leaning light-side. He's a soldier. Has no real need or desire to be anything else.

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So my turn 3 of my characters are siblings.


SW: Human Mostly light side very powerful warrior raised from childhood to be the ultimate sith warrior who surpassed his trainers at the age of 10. He has one flaw do not point his mistakes to him he will kill you he does not have the maturity to handle that.


BH:Mostly Cyborg:light side raised to be the best non force user in the galaxy he has one flaw he likes money a lot and will put them first against doing a good thing.


SI:Rattaki neutral he likes few things making fun of other sith and dangerous things.

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Knight: Female BT3 Cathar Guardian. Neutral-Light during Acts 1-2 (Has been told they're the greatest Jedi of their generation a few too many times.), full darkside from Act 3 until SoR class mission (No one comes out of that failed raid whole.), lightside after that (Earn that redemption.). Outlander. Romanced Lana.


Warrior: Male BT2 Pureblood Marauder. Lightside all the time (Nobless Obligee, honor of House Adas and all that.). Possibly killed by Valyin and Arcann (MIA). Romanced Vette.


Inquisitor: Male BT1 Zabrak Sorcerer. Neutral (Moral compass is Freedom=Good.). Killed by Valyin (But still has one ghost left, so not quite as permanent as she intended.) Romanced Ashara.


Consular: Male BT2 Miraluka/Tortuga(Either works.) Shadow. Lightside (The REAL greatest Jedi of his generation.). Still on Jedi Council (Very much not happy with Supreme Chancellor). Romanced Nadia.


Trooper: Male BT2 Twi'lek Vanguard (The one with the minigun.). Neutral-Dark ( Whatever is necessary for the mission.). Retired due injury. Romanced Elara.


Agent: Male BT2 Chiss Sniper. Neutral-Dark (See Trooper.). Mid-infiltration of EE. Romanced Rania.


Hunter: Female BT1 Mirilan (Force worshipping race member is force blind. I LOVE IT.) Powertech. Neutral-Light. Retired due to "not my fight". No romance.


Smuggler: Female BT4 Ratataki Gunslinger. Darkside (Like Barbossa, but funnier.). Cut ties with Republic to openly lead pirate fleet.

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All of my characters are female and (mostly) LS. Outside of gameplay purposes, I don't care what specialization they have in their class.


Jedi Knight- Miralukan


Jedi Consular- Mirialen


Republic Trooper- Cathar


Smuggler- Cyborg


Sith Warrior- Pureblood


Sith Inquisitor- Pureblood/Human (I can't decide which one I like better)


Imperial Agent- Chiss


Bounty Hunter- Cyborg

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As an Inquisitor I really like the idea of being Darth Occlus, the neutral, unpredictable, and most likely mad Dark Lord


I mean.. you'd be crazy, paranoid and unpredictable too if


Spoiler higlight:

1) you've underwent a couple of body mutations

2) there's been too many instances of other things trying to steal your body

3) you're in charge of ancient , inevitably mind warping, sith knowledge

4) you're a dark council member in a high pressure environment..

5) one of your combat specializations is literally called "Madness"


spoiler end

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1. SW - Male Sith Pureblood, Dark side. He is example of champion of Dark Side.

2. SI - Male Human, LS. Gender is rather open, so can be female easily. LS due to upbringing, albeit lessened somewhat by Zash betrayal (however Kallig actions keeps SI from going to DS).

3. IA - Female Cyborg, Neutral. Gender also rather open. For IA it is all about taking care jobs and complications. Loyal to Empire, but not necessarily to Sith.

4. BH - Female Zabrak, Neutral. She got jub to do, but at times lets her get sidetracked. Certain companion being prime example, however I still can't explain last one.




1. JK - Non-Human Male, LS. His devotion to LS takes a hit between 2nd and 3rd chapter, but still holds onto it.

2. JC - Mirilauka Female, LS. She is most determined of all PC, nothing can shake her defense of the LS.

3. Trooper - Human male, DS. Gets mission done no matter the cost.

4. Smuggler - Twilek female, Neutral. Personal gains is number one for her, does not shy away from evil deeds while not actually embracing them.


Some of the gender are more open than others, especially SI and IA. Also I am so tired of human Jedi being PC, it reminds me of Henry Ford stating (actually he did not apparently) that cars can be of any color as long as it is black. Considering that Empire supposed to be the speciest it is extra bad.

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These are mine.


Agent - Female Chiss all the way. Started out a little too mouthy for her own good, and ultimately loyal to the Chiss Ascendancy, not the Empire. She works for the Empire only for as long as doing so is in the Chiss Ascendancy's best interests. By the end of the original chapter two, the Sith can burn for all she cares just as long as they don't take the Chiss Ascendancy down with them. Somehow managed to end the original story at Light III, and kept the Black Codex. Married Vector (and the Voss guy) in the vanilla game, romancing Lana in KotFE.


Bounty Hunter - Light-Side Chiss (Female Merc on The Red Eclipse, Male Powertech on Progenitor). Spent most of chapter one wishing for pro-Republic contracts, then got forced into being pro-Imperial until Corellia whether I liked it or not. Male Hunter is the cousin of my Agent, and will marry Mako. Female Hunter married Torian.


Jedi Consular - Light-Side female (Chiss Sage on TRE, Twi'lek Sage on Progenitor, Miraluka Shadow/Visas clone on Progenitor with start-at-60 token). Although the game wouldn't let me, in my head-canon, my Chiss Sage was quite taken with the idea of being Herald of the Scorekeeper and dressed the part, wearing clothes fashioned from the hides of worthy creatures that she and Qyzen killed.


Jedi Knight - Female human (the same one on both servers). Light V but not a perfect dutiful daughter of the Council. In love with Kira and married to her no matter what the game says :p


Sith Inquisitor - I have four across the two servers, but the only one I actually finished the story with so was a female Rattataki Assassin on the Progenitor. Dark V (with Diplomacy to avoid the more ridiculous Dark choices).


Sith Warrior - Male Cyborg (TRE) and female Zabrak (Progenitor), both Juggernauts, leaning slightly Light Side, or "pale grey" as I call them. As I was still neutral when my Zabrak got Jaesa, I let Jaesa go Dark, which became one long, hilarious exercise in "Oh Gods, what have I done?" Married Quinn but cheated on him with Pierce after he betrayed me, and may or may not romance Theron Shan in KotFE.


Smuggler - Female Twi'lek (TRE) and male Mirialan (Progenitor). Both Light-ish, and not so much pro-Republic as anti-Empire. Barely started chapter 2 of the original story, so a lot more to learn about who they will be by the end.


Trooper - Female (Mirialan Vanguard on TRE, Cyborg Commando on Progenitor). Both heading Light, both patriots, but neither are the type to blindly obey unethical or stupid orders. Telling Saresh off for her idiotic suggestion at the end of chapter 3 was great fun :D

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Sith Inquisitor:

Version 1:

I am totally with Bolfotha here. My little Twi'lek is exactly like that. Neutral... and mad... and now she has gotten into her mind to become the most powerful being ever in the galaxy mastering light and dark^^


Version 2:

Male, Sith Pureblood, dark... very very dark. Although starting out as a slave (something must have happened in his past to make him slave), he completely renounced his past and believes to be destined to rule the galaxy fully embracing the dark side.


Sith Warrior:

Human, male, somewhat neutral, somewhat dark. Still working on the campaign :) Not sure yet, how he'll turn out^^


Jedi Knight:

Human, female, light (atm). She will, however, when she starts the FE-campaign become more and more susceptible to darkness and begins to see the the Jedi order as outdated.


Jedi Consular:

Version 1:

Togruta, female, pure light. She is the absolute incarnation of Jedi principles. Also suffers from the same arrogance of superiority. However, she still fell in love with a certain Sith... and now struggles with her attachments...


Version 2:

Human, male, gray. Sees himself as the ideal Jedi. Wants the Jedi order to be inclusive of the light and the dark side. Doesn't care about the destiny of either the republic or the empire. In his ideal universe the Sith and Jedi unite to become one joined all inclusive order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jedi Knight: Human male, Guardian, LS; basically the quintessential Jedi who never strays from the Code and never passes up an opportunity to try to convert Sith or other non-Jedi Force users to the Order. He believes a Jedi's primary duty is to destroy evil in the galaxy.


Jedi Consular: Mirialan female, Shadow, LS with some DS moments; the more liberal Jedi who unlike the Knight, believes the Code exists to serve people, not the other way around and is willing to bend the Jedi laws if her conscience tells her it's for the best, which leads her to commit more DS acts. She believes a Jedi's primary duty is charity.


Trooper: Human male, Vanguard, LS with some DS moments; a Republic patriot through and through who is willing to die for it, and is completely loyal. He obeys any orders given, even if he may think them wrong (hence the DS choices), but at the same time he won't hesitate to call out subordinates or equals who he catches being corrupt or unethical, and he makes sure that he only gives orders that he would like to follow (hence the LS).


Smuggler: Twi'lek female, Scoundrel, Neutral; basically a wise-cracking streetsmart but kinda clueless outlaw whose primary motivator is money and won't pass up any opportunity to get more credits, regardless of the ethics; her only moral standard is she'll never exploit kids or poor people. She's normally a quirky, humorous individual, but when pushed, can become totally cold and ruthless.


Sith Warrior: Sith pureblood male, Marauder, DS with LS choices with companions; a traditional Sith, driven by his passions and his ambitions. He will always do what he can to further the Empire's interests, but will also do whatever it takes to advance his own position, be it taking out fellow Sith or lying to his superiors. But when it comes to his friends, he's loyal to them as long as they reciprocate it, otherwise he doesn't tolerate traitors.


Sith Inquisitor: Human male, Sorcerer, DS; a bitter, angry, selfish man who hates the Empire and will take any opportunity to screw them over, but is loyal to the Sith Order (unless he has to kill a fellow Sith to gain more power), since in his mind the Empire was what enslaved him but the Sith was what broke his chains. He's obsessed with gaining as much power and knowledge as he can because he is determined to never be powerless again in his life.


Imperial Agent: Cyborg female, Operative, LS with some DS tendencies; a patriotic Imperial who always shows due respect to superior officers and to Sith Lords. Despite her profession, she doesn't actually enjoy killing or violence and will always try to find the least bloody path (LS), but if there is no peaceful resolution, she'll still do what she has to do complete the mission (LS).


Bounty Hunter: Zabrak female, Mercenary, DS: simply put, my Hunter is a b*tch. She's a jerk to her clients, an even bigger jerk to her targets, even a jerk to her companions. She is to bounty hunters what Gregory House was to doctors. Her primary MO to targets is to deliver bodies instead of people; the only time she'll spare targets is if bringing them alive pays extra.

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In your ideal world, what races/classes/genders/alignment would the Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Trooper, Smuggler, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent have?


For me:


Jedi Knight -- Mirialan male, Guardian, Light Side with some Anakin-like decisions. Doesn't fully agree that the Jedi Code is 100% correct.

Jedi Consular -- Miraluka female, Shadow, Light Side with a scholar, too humble, and brave attitude. Proper posture and all that. Ideal Jedi Master.

Trooper - Zabrak male, Commando, Light Side, Captain Rex-like personality from TCW series.

Smuggler - Human female, Scoundrel, wavering between Light II and III, confident that luck will carry her through everything, loves to mess with people if it'll be funny to her and her friends, goofball, secretly a sucker for happy endings.


Sith Warrior - Sith Pureblood male, Juggernaut, honorable warrior personality; Dark Side.

Sith Inquisitor - Twi'lek female, Sorcerer, insane, sadistic, and cynical personality; Dark Side.

Bounty Hunter - Human male, Mercenary, sarcastic, effective, clever, and inconsiderate to authority; Neutral, leaning to Dark Side.

Imperial Agent - Chiss female, Operative, intelligent, perfectionist, patriotic, heroine of the citizens of the Empire; Light Side.


I want to see what everyone else thinks what canon player classes should be!


I think that this has been the general consensus other than I like the Knight to be a Human and BH and Smug as Cyborgs.

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I always felt that the non-Legacy species options were arranged in order of likelihood from left to right (although, naturally, since the first species option is human, I'd ignore that).


Jedi Knight: Miraluka

Jedi Consular: Mirialan

Trooper: Zabrak

Smuggler: Twi'lek


Sith Warrior: Sith

Sith Inquisitor: Human (since Kallig doesn't have lekku, and Talos doesn't specify what species he was if you play an alien)

Bounty Hunter: Rattataki

Imperial Agent: Chiss

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  • 4 years later...

Jedi Knight - Twi'lek, female, Jedi Guardian and Light Side.

Jedi Consular - Miraluka, male, Jedi Sage and Light Side.

Smuggler - Cyborg, male, Scoundrel and Light Side.

Trooper - Cathar, female, Commando and Light Side.


Sith Warrior - Sith Pureblood, female, Juggernaut and Dark Side.

Sith Inquisitor - Human, male, Sith Sorcerer and Dark Side.

Imperial Agent - Chiss, female, Operative and Dark Side.

Bounty Hunter - Cyborg, female, Mercenary and Dark Side.


Note: I believe that the alignments of the classes should align with their faction. (Mostly) Light Side options for the Republic and (mostly) Dark Side options for the Empire, that's the most canonical playthrough I'd wager. A Dark Side Jedi Consular or Light Side Sith Warrior comes across as bending lore to me, especially in the situations where the classes find themselves in. An entire council of the 12 most powerful Darths can't feel the Light Side in a LS Warrior or Inquisitor? Doubtful. And if they are aware, I can't possibly believe they'd allow someone like that to exist. Vice versa for Dark Side Jedi Knights/Consulars. Satele Shan would smell the Dark Side in them before they even left their ship.

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Your Ideal Canon Races/Classes/genders/alignment?


I honestly really don't know how to answers this...I understood that in SWTOR era there is a lot of unknowns to be full canon no?


Anyway... Ill answer as a fan of what I have play so far...


My Ideal Canon (in my head):


Race: Chiss (I know, I know it makes no sense and there is very little about this race in this era, BUT THEY ARE SO COOL lol)


Class: Inquisitor (Why not?! Being as skilled as Darth Maul with Lighsaber, a Master of the Dark Side like Palpatine, while being a brilliant strategist like Thrawn and then going full Galen Marek "Starkiller" Force Unleash in battle!)


Gender: Male (Because my Consular is a Female sister of my Jedi Rival...haha just wanted to create a bit of a Romance/Drama in my head canon between the 2)


Alignment: Light Side (Why? Because its unique, and unheard off specially in the era we are in... also I run with a Personal RPG in my head where my Inquisitor and Consular meet up and fall in love [in some distant future] both being accomplish heroes and overpowered force users...to lead to the old republic version [in my head] to the Chosen One Prophesy, if we ever get a Neutral Faction to Start like Zakuul I be making their son/daughter there. (That's why my legacy is called Voidwalker, in honor of the Skywalker original saga haha I know I'm such a geek! :D)


Why this weird contradictory that makes no scene combination? (Spare you the read of my geeky answers if your not interested lol :D)



1) Because (IMO) it would make a heck of a good story because of the rare near to impossible of this combination


2) I'm a fan of Revan, "Legends" Luke, Anakin/Darth Vader, Galen Marek "Starkiller", Palpatin, Thrawn, their mysterious but resourceful Chiss race and their views of the force... Love rare Darth Imperius unique unheard of story in SWTOR universe as a Light Sith who could use the Dark Side without being corrupted by shear mental will and the Light Side of the Force to turn Sith Spirits to the Light.


3) And yeah you guess it: LOVE SITH LIGHTNING since I saw it in Episode VI – Return of the Jedi as a kid with my Dad and reinforce when I played Force Unleash as Galen Marek "Starkiller"! lol :D


4) I Love all Inquisitor path Darth Nox and Occlus but since I needed to pick one... I had to chose the underdog of the 3 and the most unlikely... because I love stories with such complicated unique characters, Imperious being something new (at the time) I never seen or read in Star Wars Universe beyond Legends, games and other content. :p



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I honestly really don't know how to answers this...I understood that in SWTOR era there is a lot of unknowns to be full canon no?


Wookieepedia assumes a canon, for example, so I'd argue it's possible to perceive a "soft" canon, in the sense that it's not set hard in stone but the assumption can be - but doesn't have to be - that it would be the canon playthrough. If you look at KOTOR 1 & 2, then the Light Side playthrough is the canon one. In Mass Effect - another game by Bioware - the Paragon playthrough (Paragon being the equivalent for Light Side in Star Wars) is canon as well.


Based on that, Wookieepedia argues that it assumes a Light Side, Loyalist playthrough with Light Side choices is canon for all Republic classes, while a Dark Side, Loyalist playthrough is canon for all the Imperial classes. Because that would be the most default way of playing the classes, LS Jedi Consular, DS Sith Warrior, LS Jedi Knight, DS Sith Inquisitor and so on.


The Jedi Knight story is also meant to be the continuation of KOTOR 1 & 2. That class also has been featured as the main protagonist in the story trailers during KotFE, KotET and subsequent content. Based on that, one could conclude a LS, Loyalist Jedi Knight is the canon Outlander/Commander.

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Wookieepedia assumes a canon, for example, so I'd argue it's possible to perceive a "soft" canon, in the sense that it's not set hard in stone but the assumption can be - but doesn't have to be - that it would be the canon playthrough. If you look at KOTOR 1 & 2, then the Light Side playthrough is the canon one. In Mass Effect - another game by Bioware - the Paragon playthrough (Paragon being the equivalent for Light Side in Star Wars) is canon as well.


Based on that, Wookieepedia argues that it assumes a Light Side, Loyalist playthrough with Light Side choices is canon for all Republic classes, while a Dark Side, Loyalist playthrough is canon for all the Imperial classes. Because that would be the most default way of playing the classes, LS Jedi Consular, DS Sith Warrior, LS Jedi Knight, DS Sith Inquisitor and so on.


The Jedi Knight story is also meant to be the continuation of KOTOR 1 & 2. That class also has been featured as the main protagonist in the story trailers during KotFE, KotET and subsequent content. Based on that, one could conclude a LS, Loyalist Jedi Knight is the canon Outlander/Commander.




Wookieepedia says at the bottom of each page that there is no canon lightside or dark side choice for any of the class. Besides some of the classes actually feel better on the opposite side. Light Side bounty hunter is better feels a lot better than dark side, especially with the whole speech about Mandalorian honor you give at the end. Then Dark side Smuggler fits better as well. But that's just my opinion. I can see any class being the outlander/commander except for the smuggler.




Anyway LS BH human male, DS Smuggler Human male, DS Chiss female, LS Trooper Cyborg male, LS Consular Female Miraluka, DS Inquisitor Human female, LS warrior Pureblood Sith Male, LS Jedi Knight human male.

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Wookieepedia says at the bottom of each page that there is no canon lightside or dark side choice for any of the class.


Which is why I spoke of "soft canon" not a hard one. Wookieepedia makes the assumption nonetheless, whether there is a disclaimer or not. That creates a soft canon by itself. Besides, it's quite logical that the Imperial classes are meant to be played Dark Side and the Republic ones Light Side. Because the Republic is meant to be the good guys and the Empire the bad.

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Which is why I spoke of "soft canon" not a hard one. Wookieepedia makes the assumption nonetheless, whether there is a disclaimer or not. That creates a soft canon by itself. Besides, it's quite logical that the Imperial classes are meant to be played Dark Side and the Republic ones Light Side. Because the Republic is meant to be the good guys and the Empire the bad.


But that's exactly why it doesn't make sense to say the BH and Smuggler went LS or DS. They aligned with either. They are free agents who are just getting payed by those factions. The fact he Bh storyline has a bunch of stuff about trying to be an honorable person is why I think it makes more sense LS.

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But that's exactly why it doesn't make sense to say the BH and Smuggler went LS or DS. They aligned with either. They are free agents who are just getting payed by those factions. The fact he Bh storyline has a bunch of stuff about trying to be an honorable person is why I think it makes more sense LS.


That's your interpretation of the story. The classes fit certain archetypes we see in Star Wars and if you want to approach it by their most default approach, the alignments make sense. The Sith Warrior is a reflection of Darth Vader, the Jedi Knight of Obi-Wan, the Sith Inquisitor of Palpatine etc. etc. The Bounty Hunter therefore is based on the ruthless archetype, like Aurra Sing, Boba Fett or Cad Bane.


Also, the Imperial Agent isn't paid to do what they do, they're not a mercenary or hired force. They're actually Imperial and the most default manner of playing them would be a loyal servant of the Empire. So, they act according to the values of the Empire as well.


Regardless of what makes sense to you, the default is LS for Republic and DS for Empire. The beauty of the game however is that people can create their own Star Wars story and that's why there is no hard canon. My main Sith Inquisitor for example - while Dark V - has made a few Light Side choices, because those choices benefited the Sith Empire and all my characters are fierce loyalists to their factions. So, there's a certain very soft canon, but it's kept intentionally as soft as possible to give players the room to create their own Star Wars saga.

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The vast gulfs of time in the Star Wars saga between the game and, say, The Phantom Menace mean there is a prodigious amount of "wiggle room" around what is canon.


By way of a fictitious example, imagine a "codex" style entry from a hypothetical game or text set a few thousand years further on from SWTOR:


"The Commander of the Eternal Alliance was an almost mythic figure, whose origins are somewhat disputed. He was widely believed to have been the 'Hero of Tython'; a near-legendary Jedi who liberated Corellia and defeated and dethroned Emperor Vitiate of the Sith in single combat, however some scholars believe that this interpretation is false, and that texts of the period are being misinterpreted to conflate the two defeats of Vitiate; on Dromund Kaas and Zakuul, and mistakenly attribute them to one person. They argue that, given their modus operandi, the Commander was more likely to have been a prominent Mandalorian or displaced pirate, given the loose structure of the Alliance, or possibly even a notable Sith Lord, or the Barsenthor of the Jedi Order; known to have temporarily disappeared about the same time, or even a shadowy operative of the mysterious Imperial Intelligence."


By similar token, within the stories themselves, if playing against "type", then any soft canon data to the contrary can easily be accounted as propaganda Naturally the Jedi Council will record the Hero of Tython as being a paragon of virtue, a devout and upstanding follower of the Jedi code. That Lord Scourge attests that the Hero was strong in the Dark Side is "obviously" just Sith propaganda, and sadly the Council would love to clarify why this noble paragon was refused the rank of Master, but those records were tragically lost in the Sith attack on Tython organised during the Revanite conspiracy.


Regarding how one squares the ascetic, abstentionist, detached ideal of the perfect Jedi which the Hero of Tython was said to embody, with the steamier chapters of the memoirs of Jedi Knight Kira Carsen, not to mention the classified journals of S.I.S. Agent Theron Shan, and of Twi'Lek Matriarch Ranna Tao'ven's account of meeting the Hero of Tython during the latter's training as a Padawan, in which she attests that the future Hero "seemed like he'd be really good with a lightsaber, if you know what I mean", the Jedi Council would like, with the utmost calm and serenity, to invite enquiring minds to shut the hell up.

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Jedi Knight -- Miraluka female, Sentinel, Light Side. Aspires to live up to Jedi Code and ideals.

Jedi Consular -- Miraluka female, Sage, Light Side. Scholarly, humble, socially awkward. Headcanon she's on the spectrum. Proper posture and all that.

Trooper - Cathar female, Commando, Light Side. Gets to use all the snarky lines Commander Shepard didn't get.

Smuggler - Zabrak female, Gunslinger. Light Side. Hard-core adrenaline junkie, speed demon, and daredevil. Loves close scrapes and daring escapes. Loves to have fun, get paid for it, throw credits at the needy then do it all over again. Confident her luck will see her through everything. Irreverent goofball. Secretly a sucker for a happy ending.


Sith Warrior - Human Cyborg female, Marauder. Honorable warrior type. Can't stand Sith posturing. Feels that true power should speak for itself. ("Speak softly and carry a burning lightsaber.") Secretly Light Side.

Sith Inquisitor - Twi'lek female, Assassin. Acts crazy, but secretly meek, humble, and rational. Still remembers being a slave and wants to reform the Empire. Loves gaining knowledge, Sith artifacts, and alliances from grateful people she assisted. Light Side.

Bounty Hunter - Cathar female, Mercenary. Warm, sultry, clever; compassionate to the downtrodden, sarcastic to authority. Neutral, leaning to Light Side.

Imperial Agent - Rattataki female, Sniper. Outwardly calm, intelligent, rational, resourceful. Inwardly a passionate, hotblooded train-wreck hidden by her conditioning. Wants to prove she's the best spy in the galaxy. Loves hamming it up and sleeping around while undercover; Light Side.


"Wait, are all your characters female and Light Side?" you might ask.



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In an as objective way as possible, i think nearly any species works for the Pub characters, except probably Chiss and Purebloods who seem less likely.

BH and IA would prbably work with any species, though i'd probably see the IA as either human/cyborg or Chiss.


For both Sith though, i think only Human/cyborg and Pureblood can work, with a higher probability on Pureblood for the SW and on human/cyborg for the SI.

The SW is clearly stated to be from a well know imperial / sith family so they can very clearly only be human/cyborg or Pureblood. And the people the closest to Vitiate : the Hand and Scourge are all Purebloods, so i'd go with Pureblood as the most logical here.

The SI is clearly supposed to be the same species as Kallig and considering the shape and size of his mask, you can't fit a Twi'lek, Nautolan or Togruta's head in that, that'd probably exclude Zabraks too because of the horns. Then, the SI becomes a member of the Dark Council before Ilum and during Annihilation, which takes place after Ilum, most of the SI's fellow Dark Council members are completely against Karrid becoming one of them because she's an alien, indicating there are no alien on the DC, and there are no aliens on Acina's DC either.

So that leaves only human/cyborg and Pureblood, but Zash refers to Ffon as "the red one", so the SI is most probably human/cyborg.



Now, for my favourite combinations (even when they contradict what i think would be the most logical canonicity) :

- JK = female, human-Echani hybrid (obviously human ingame), Sentinel, so with an Ahsoka-like fighting style, but personnality-wise more of a mix between Obi-Wan's snarkiness and Anakin's impatience and recklessness. She tries to be a "perfect" Jedi, but is a bit too passionate to really be good at it. In a romantic relationship with Theron Shan.

- JC = male, Iridonian Zabrak, Shadow. He's calm and wise , loves reading and learning all kind of things, he is exactly what you'd expect from a Jedi

- Trooper = female, Nautolan, Vanguard. A true patriot, she'll fight for the Republic but will refuse to follow orders if they go against her moral values, which more often than not puts her at odds with her hierarchy. Maried to Aric Jorgan

- Smuggler = female, Twi'lek, Scoundrel. She likes traveling the galaxy and wants a nice, comfortable life. Loved flirting with any male she encountered, but ended up with Koth Vortena.

- Smuggler bis, as i like them both equally = male, Rattataki, Gunslinger. A big teddybear who'll do anything for the people he considers to be his familly, and will kill anyone threatening said familly. Maried to Akaavi Spar


- SW = female, human, Juggernaut. Rather neutral, she's an honorable warrior who wants to protect her people and fights for a cause she could believe in. She's an overal nice person to be around, but don't get in her way, and don't think she's weak or an idiot, that'd be your last mistake. In a relationship with Arcann.

- SI = male, human-Pureblood hybrid, bastard son of a Pureblood Sith lord and one of his human slaves, Sorcerer. He's a cunning survivor who'll do everything, no matter the cost to be free. There are 3 things to never do while dealing with him : think you're more intelligent than him, try to force him do something and try to kill him as it'll usually result in a painful death.

- IA = female, Chiss, Operative. A cold and very professional agent who'll use any asset, including her own charms to accomplish her mission. She'll try as much as possible to keep the collateral damages as low as possible, but the mission comes first. After being brainwashed, she turned her back on the Empire and joined the SIS, but her true loyalty goes to the Ascendancy. Maried to Vector Hyllus.

- BH = female, Mirialan, Mercenary. She became a BH to get revenge on the people who murdered her familly, won the Great Hunt to take revenge on the man who killed her mentor. She has a habbit of adding facial tattoos whenever she kills one of the people who wronged her. She then found a new familly with the Mandalorians, and will follow them wherever they go. Maried to Torian Cadera.

Edited by Goreshaga
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