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Contraband Slotmachine


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Yes! I agree we should keep it so people that spend tons of real life cash on cm packs get tons of the jawa stuff! Because pay RL $$ = FUN!




Actually on my server people give messages in general chat: "Stronghold open to all, slot machine in *insert room name* feel free to use"


Just go to Nar Shaddaa, more then likely one of the strongholds open to all has a slot machine.


You don't have to spend a cent, just know someone who has or Hell ask around, someone will point you to the closest free use slot machine.

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Can someone please answer one question for me... Why is that every time something actually useful appears in this game, it gets a ton of hateposts and removal/nerf petitions in the matter of hours?

Does everything really have to be an endless grind?

Is this supposed to be a Korean-type MMO where people have to farm 24/7?


Or are you people just mad you can't sell Midlithe Crystals and such for 150k per unit anymore?


As someone has already stated it's too good. I have 9 toons, 8 are primarily used to farm mats. I farmed more mats in one hour than I did the entire weekend. There is no reason to run 5-6 mission to finally get that one critical (which btw takes a couple days to run that many missions) when I got 4 mats in 10 mins this morning.


Oh and btw, I maxed rep in contraband in less than an hour. Basically the only thing preventing me from going from champion to hero right now is the fact I hit the weekly cap (which is insane considering the cap amount is huge).


Lastly, cartel certificates were probably one of the main reasons people still purchased packs.......I got 20 yesterday in a couple hours of farming that slot machine.


Look I don't want this nerfed into oblivion but SOMETHING has to be done to protect the integrity of game. Right now this is an easy button to the extreme that removes the need to buy packs and run crafting missions. That is a VERY bad recipe IMO.

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Maybe bioware has noticed not to many cartel certificates are dropping in packs and to help people out they have introduced this method. Maybe rather than fix the drop rates of anything on the slot machine easiest thing to do is up the costs of the grade 11 mats maybe make it 20 jawa junk for 1 purple grade 11. Also with the cartel certificates maybe since it's free pretty much to anyone why not up the cost of the items being offered on the cartel vendors . That's probably less programming less work. So they can focus on other stuff. In all honesty if the drops were in line or the costs were in line with the drops this is actually one of the coolest items out there. It's too bad that we do not have more stronghold decor that is interactive. I would love to see a target dummy for strongholds so we can see how our dps is.


More mini games with prizes here is an idea it's kinda funny that I even thought of it but I will create a new post in cartel market suggestions. What about a claw game were you can win chances at getting vanity pets lol. Bioware can throw in a bunch of old vanity pets change then abit different colours etc. could be fun.


I think having a bunch of mini games in someone's strong hold could be a fun way for a guild to spend part of an evening hanging out doing pvp tournament inbetween fights people are playing mini games could be fun.

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I think there are 2 possibilities here:


1. Bioware didn't realize what they were actually unleashing (very possible given their questionable track record)


2. The actual intent is to make more players independent and not having to rely on the GTN/crafters for much of their stuff. Giving out companion gear so quickly and easily would seem to support this theory.

Edited by ptwonline
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I think there are 2 possibilities here:


1. Bioware didn't realize what they were actually unleashing (very possible given their questionable track record)


2. The actual intent is to make more players independent and not having to rely on the GTN/crafters for much of their stuff. Giving out companion gear so quickly and easily would seem to support this theory.

I still like my theory: that this is all a trap to get those using bots/scripts to concentrate on a single, easily trackable activity in order to start laying down the banhammer. :p

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I still like my theory: that this is all a trap to get those using bots/scripts to concentrate on a single, easily trackable activity in order to start laying down the banhammer. :p


Heh. Personally, I have my doubts about Bioware's competence to do this effectively.


Plus, it would be pretty infuriating for players who did this because they would feel that they had been entrapped. They wouldn't have been running such scripts otherwise because they normally would not engage in such incredidbly boring, repetitive actions.

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As someone has already stated it's too good. I have 9 toons, 8 are primarily used to farm mats. I farmed more mats in one hour than I did the entire weekend. There is no reason to run 5-6 mission to finally get that one critical (which btw takes a couple days to run that many missions) when I got 4 mats in 10 mins this morning.


Oh and btw, I maxed rep in contraband in less than an hour. Basically the only thing preventing me from going from champion to hero right now is the fact I hit the weekly cap (which is insane considering the cap amount is huge).


Lastly, cartel certificates were probably one of the main reasons people still purchased packs.......I got 20 yesterday in a couple hours of farming that slot machine.


Look I don't want this nerfed into oblivion but SOMETHING has to be done to protect the integrity of game. Right now this is an easy button to the extreme that removes the need to buy packs and run crafting missions. That is a VERY bad recipe IMO.




There is no reason to run any missions, since you can just stay on one char and play slots. No point in log in different characters. Friend of mine got 2 stacks of certificates, more then he got in his entire history of buying hypercrates (and he buys 2-3 of each, not 1 pack or something like that), I didn't play yet but knowing the amount of certificates I have from the start of CM one stack is def more then I ever had, and I'll probably get that after 1 day of clicking.


We need to know if this is working as intended, I hope it isn't. At this rate prices of everything will go down (that isn't a bad thing for buyers) but it will kill everything other then slot clicking. I won't even log 90% of my characters anymore lol.

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There is no reason to run any missions, since you can just stay on one char and play slots. No point in log in different characters. Friend of mine got 2 stacks of certificates, more then he got in his entire history of buying hypercrates (and he buys 2-3 of each, not 1 pack or something like that), I didn't play yet but knowing the amount of certificates I have from the start of CM one stack is def more then I ever had, and I'll probably get that after 1 day of clicking.


We need to know if this is working as intended, I hope it isn't. At this rate prices of everything will go down (that isn't a bad thing for buyers) but it will kill everything other then slot clicking. I won't even log 90% of my characters anymore lol.

If they're not already, I do think the slot machine rewards ultimately need to be tuned so that they are giving out Jawa Junk at the same or slightly under the per-credit ratio that Crew Skill missions give out equivalent purple rewards.


But it is worth pointing out that if you are playing the slot machine then that is the only thing you are doing in-game. As long as BW keep an handle on the bots, I doubt too many players are going to be devoting their entire play sessions, or even an hour of play, to just sitting and clicking the machine over... and over... and over... and over...


The nice thing about Crew Skills is that they can be run in addition to actually playing the rest of the game's content and even progress when you're not logged in. As long as the Slot Machines don't actually drop the going market price to below the average cost-per-purple from the Crew Skills (which is why the ratio there should, at most, match), they'll still be run.

Edited by DarthDymond
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