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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bring back Reusables at 60 plz


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I agree, thats why I had 4 of my favorite toons as biochem


I had -- or have -- sixteen. Two of them got to 450 two days prior to me realizing, in the Closed Beta, there would be no new reusables.


Even so, my issue is not so much the artifact grade stims that can last up to eight hours or so, and persist through death, but more so the adrenals. :(

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Please, no. Just having biochem on every toon to be able to use those is stupid imo. Now stims and especially adrenals sell for a bit more and you are not almost forced to be biochem. There are quite a few issues atm since 3.0 (and even before that), but this has definitely been an improvement, in my opinion.
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I like being able to craft stims, etc. for people that do not have biochem and them being able to use it. The reuseables were restricted to only biochem so it was essentially not helpful when you wanted to make stims, etc for your guild and/or friends.


This way for me is better since I enjoy crafting and like to give them to my boyfriend, guild and friends who may not have biochem.

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Maybe like before 3.0, with a bit lower stats ! I dont see why there shouldnt be that option for players that dont like crafting ! Give us "any" reason to pick a profession ! (spoken from a not crafting point of view)


The reason to take a crafting skill is because you enjoy crafting. If you do not enjoy crafting then take don't take a crafting skill. The system does allow you to do that, you know:


  • two gathering and one mission
  • two mission and one gathering
  • three gathering
  • three mission


The system does not MAKE you take a crafting skill.

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The reason to take a crafting skill is because you enjoy crafting. If you do not enjoy crafting then take don't take a crafting skill. The system does allow you to do that, you know:


  • two gathering and one mission
  • two mission and one gathering
  • three gathering
  • three mission


The system does not MAKE you take a crafting skill.


Agreed, I like these new stims because now its easier to sell them since anyone can use them

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Why would you want a reusable stim that is worse than non reusable ones?


The current stims last for 8 hours, and you can make 4-5 of them with one artifact crafting material. That is a very low cost for 32-40 hours of in game stim time.


Grenades and adrenals are a different story.

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Why would you want a reusable stim that is worse than non reusable ones?


The current stims last for 8 hours, and you can make 4-5 of them with one artifact crafting material. That is a very low cost for 32-40 hours of in game stim time.


Grenades and adrenals are a different story.



Rly? Because it's reusable :eek::D and mostly free for use. And free healing is helpful too.

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Why would you want a reusable stim that is worse than non reusable ones?


The current stims last for 8 hours, and you can make 4-5 of them with one artifact crafting material. That is a very low cost for 32-40 hours of in game stim time.


Grenades and adrenals are a different story.


Because it's one and done. Sure, it's no big deal, but It's busy work I would prefer not to deal with. There was nothing wrong with the old system.

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There was nothing wrong with the old system.


Except that biochem was the default crafting skill (when in doubt take biochem because of reusables). Too many players were taking biochem because of the reusables. When choice is that lopsided there is something inherently wrong.


BW then had a choice to make:


a) remove the biochem requirement on reusables - might as well just remove biochem consumables from the game entirely because everyone would go for reusables (I would go so far as to say might as well hand out a "grow as you level" stim, adrenal, and medpac when you select your AC).


b) remove reusables - so that biochem is brought back into line with the rest the of crafting skills with regard to desirability.


And in the end, they actually did a hybrid. 8 hour stim is pretty cool.

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Except that biochem was the default crafting skill (when in doubt take biochem because of reusables). Too many players were taking biochem because of the reusables. When choice is that lopsided there is something inherently wrong.


Honestly what was wrong was in having crafting in a game like this at all. It makes no sense from a LORE or game perspective.


Failing that, they still haven't made it worthwhile to have other crew skills. There are too few products even worth the trouble. I didn't switch a single one of my Biochems because of this change. Why bother? I have alts to make augments and I earn my gear, so what do I need any other skill for? At least for soloing and casual grouping I can use the Tier 9 stuff.


BW then had a choice to make:


b) remove reusables - so that biochem is brought back into line with the rest the of crafting skills with regard to desirability.


And in the end, they actually did a hybrid. 8 hour stim is pretty cool.


The 8 hour stim was one of the worst things they could do. Effectively they have created your option of "remove Biochem requirement from re-useables. On my main I have created enough stims to last so long that I wonder what purpose this serves other than waste time.

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Except that biochem was the default crafting skill (when in doubt take biochem because of reusables). Too many players were taking biochem because of the reusables. When choice is that lopsided there is something inherently wrong.


BW then had a choice to make:


a) remove the biochem requirement on reusables - might as well just remove biochem consumables from the game entirely because everyone would go for reusables (I would go so far as to say might as well hand out a "grow as you level" stim, adrenal, and medpac when you select your AC).


b) remove reusables - so that biochem is brought back into line with the rest the of crafting skills with regard to desirability.


And in the end, they actually did a hybrid. 8 hour stim is pretty cool.


Actually, (a) would have been perfectly viable. I don't know about other people, but I usually only bother with stims when I'm doing something hard, like an operation. And when an ops group *required* stims, it was the Blue (nonreusable) ones, because they had better stats. If a resuable had been available, I may have made/bought one to use all of the times I was otherwise not using *any* stims, and that would not have affected how often I made/bought the nonreusables.


The choice that BW made was good because they made the new purple nonreusables have better stats than blues (a factor you didn't mention), not because they last longer (that's just a bonus). A purple with inferior stats and longer duration than a blue would be made/bought *less* than a purple with inferior stats and infinite duration.

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Why would you want a reusable stim that is worse than non reusable ones?


The current stims last for 8 hours, and you can make 4-5 of them with one artifact crafting material. That is a very low cost for 32-40 hours of in game stim time.


Less stacks of crap to herd in inventory and bank..

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  • 1 month later...

oh, god yes! it wasn't so much that they were excessively better as much as it was the convenience of it. you leveled your crafting, put forth the effort to make one for yourself, and bam! doneski!


the quality of life it brought knowing i'd never have to worry about those 3 necessities: medpac, stim, adrenal. also, reusables were perfect for those of us who genuinely loathe crafting, or for players with busy schedules that just wanna jump into the content without worrying about consumables whenever they login.


while the the long-duration stim is a nice step forward for non-biochemists, why can't we have both long-duration stims, and reusable adrenals/medpacs/stims specifically for biochemists? the reusables could even require a hefty amount of materials to craft to compensate for their convenience.

Edited by vaelphor
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I suspect it was the number of people declaring all but bio "useless" and the number of noobs still getting suckered into buying things on GTN they can't use. Super-long duration is more ideal IMO. Suits my ADD better to pop one at the beginning of a session and stop forgetting to reuse it. Also, it was kind of weird to have just one craft with a unique benefit like that even if it was more convenience than balance-breaking.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The old re-usable stims were a noob trap.


Anytime you were doing content where a stim was actually needed, you should have been using a blue due to its superior stats. Thus, you should only have used the reusable on content where a stim wasn't necessary, thus giving you a profession based advantage on trivial content (faster dailies, etc).


This itself isn't a bad thing, however:


People, mainly those who didn't know any better, or were cheap/lazy/didn't care enough - used their reusable in situations when they should have been using blues. Thus they were hurting their entire group by playing sub-optimally. Now this is fixed and the purple is the proper stim to use for the proper level of content.


What we lose out on is a specific type of stim that should have only been used to speed up trivial content where a stim wasn't even needed anyways. Not a massive loss.

Edited by Terro_Fett
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The old re-usable stims were a noob trap.


Anytime you were doing content where a stim was actually needed, you should have been using a blue due to its superior stats. Thus, you should only have used the reusable on content where a stim wasn't necessary, thus giving you a profession based advantage on trivial content (faster dailies, etc).


This itself isn't a bad thing, however:


People, mainly those who didn't know any better, or were cheap/lazy/didn't care enough - used their reusable in situations when they should have been using blues. Thus they were hurting their entire group by playing sub-optimally. Now this is fixed and the purple is the proper stim to use for the proper level of content.


What we lose out on is a specific type of stim that should have only been used to speed up trivial content where a stim wasn't even needed anyways. Not a massive loss.


This especially the last line. From a raiding perspective having a higher stat stim last 8 hours of gameplay is very beneficial for Progression raiders as it means more time of the best stuff. I remember when stuck on difficult content I had to change stims twice or three times. And forget about ranked PvP where any stat advantage is a plus. I'm not sure why anyone needs stims outside of Ops (You don't even need stims for SM) and ranked PvP so this is better for us. Anything that a weaker resusable stim was used for was not necessary and face roll easy. Even soloing the Oricon Heroic stim was not required. If you need a stim for anything outside of these then you have bigger problems that a small stat increase won't small.


TLDR: The new system benefits raiders and pvpers more. Everyone else doesn't need a stim.

Also applies for adrenals as well.

Edited by FerkWork
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