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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So, I'd really like to wear pants on my sin...


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Those sound soooo awesome, what happened? :confused:


They removed it and they putted it on 37 lvl... Little bit different skin also.. It is Supreme Inquisitors robe that is only one of that kind... I have it fortunately....

It is this robe:




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I can only hope these are coming back. Running around in clown dresses is starting to hinder my enjoyment of the game.


The look in that video is exactly what we need. May have to wait a while, but I'm pretty sure we'll see the return of the cool assassin appearances.

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Waaa? Don't you think there will be some diff skins as we go on? Besides.. Think of all the Martial Arts movies w/ the A**-kicking monk in a robe.


My two big problems right now:

levels 1-49 pants are very hard to come by.

At level 50, endgame sets have skirts.


I don't have a problem with robes, which are pretty much chest pieces.

Skirts on the other hand are a poor fit for the class and cover leg slots.

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As I am running the new Sith assassin character I consider the nephytes lower robe as the best pants I ever saw for SI... (Experienced Sith Assassin lvl 43 before) Those are so black and nice... It is really shame that those are not moddable... They look the best of all...


Agreed! I don't like how restrictive the modding system feels. And as far as I can tell, you lose the ability to visually customize your character at 50 which is a shame. The idea feels half implemented and we lose an awesome feature at cap instead of gaining one.

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I think the best resolution to the issue would be to have the raid gear work the same as the orange gear. Let us take the mods out and put it into the gear we want to wear and still get the full benefits of the gear.


It would still require raiding for the highest tier gear, (or PvP for PvP gear) because the most powerful mods would be in that gear, and players would still have the choice on how they want to look.

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They just need to add an appearance tab and be done with it. Or at the very least allow us to transfer the stats of an endgame item onto any other item that we can wear. I don't want to be forced into wearing the same set that everyone else is once I hit 50.


People may hate hearing it, but WoW did this right with transmogrification. Pretty much unlimited freedom to customize how your character looks as long as you have a given set. Its a shame no such system exists at 50, though maybe something similar in the future.

Edited by golfwang
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I like the thing that the warriors have with the pants in the front robe in the back.


Like how the chestpiece has the robe attached to the back but you still have pants


Wow. You guys are really taking this out of proportion. All the Op was stating that if you play the SI Assassin Ac you should have the option to look more dark maulish. No one is asking to wear every type of gear in the game. Its simple. Just add one moddable endgame set that has a pair of pants.


For the person who said something about switching to IA just to wear a pair of pants. Go troll some where else please. These are two different styles of stealth gameplay and two completely stories and characters.

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Honestly I completely agree with you. There should be more variations in clothe per class.


Along with no end game PvP clothing set but end game PvP mods for already created outfit.


Took me 50 levels to look perfect on my Scoundrel and now they want me to wear a cape...


Looking at my Sin's endgame choices makes me even more depressed.


If I could just get expertise mods and put together a PvP set together I'd be happy running around in PvP. Cause soon this is going to look like the clone wars.

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I know the devs said that the Sin is based on Maul, but thats the biggest crock ever. Maul is never shown being either sneaky or particularly proficient in the force.


Everyone looks at the double bladed saber and goes "Maul" but the AC that's closest to how Maul is portrayed in the films is the Marauder. He uses nothing but his saber except when he uses the force to throw some debris at a door panel. He is practically the epitome of the Marauder class: quick, extremely capable of melee combat, well trained in the use of "untraditional" saber fighting styles, and rather lacking in Force powers.


In reality, both Inquisitor AC's appear more like Sidious, just at different points in his life. Sorc is obviously what we see in Ep. 6, using nothing but the Force, while Sin is more like how he acted in Ep.3, mixing saber combat and force powers, albeit with a traditional saber instead of the dual blade.


If you look at it this way then the Sins wardrobe makes more sense.


That being said, I do agree with the OP. Some variety between Sin and Sorc gear would be nice, especially at high lvl.

Edited by Dcayd
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I know the devs said that the Sin is based on Maul, but thats the biggest crock ever. Maul is never shown being either sneaky or particularly proficient in the force.


Everyone looks at the double bladed saber and goes "Maul" but the AC that's closest to how Maul is portrayed in the films is the Marauder. He uses nothing but his saber except when he uses the force to throw some debris at a door panel. He is practically the epitome of the Marauder class: quick, extremely capable of melee combat, well trained in the use of "untraditional" saber fighting styles, and rather lacking in Force powers.


In reality, both Inquisitor AC's appear more like Sidious, just at different points in his life. Sorc is obviously what we see in Ep. 6, using nothing but the Force, while Sin is more like how he acted in Ep.3, mixing saber combat and force powers, albeit with a traditional saber instead of the dual blade.


If you look at it this way then the Sins wardrobe makes more sense.


That being said, I do agree with the OP. Some variety between Sin and Sorc gear would be nice, especially at high lvl.



And Sidius did sneaking? No...

I am not sure about sneaking at all... But Maul is assassin because of doing assassinations not because of sneaking.... He has many assassin tasks... Assassin = doing assassinations.. you dont need to be sneaky always.... In that way Sidius was always the sorc type... and he wasnt the one to do the dirty work... Assassins are killers.. Those who do the dirty job... That is what Maul did... I dont know if you can really compare characters from movies to characters from game this way... There are many skills in the game just made for game but not in movies no one uses it... You must compare what was the job of those people... And Maul was assassin.. Not because of skills that are used in game but because of his work...

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Well Inquisitors don't wear pants because it would ruin their image. Inquisitors tend to wear large robes as a symbol of authority they have over other people in the Empire, even in real life I want to wear them. If you dislike the Sith Inquisitor's fashion then maybe this isn't the class for you. If you want a stealth class that wears pants then play an Imperial Agent.
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I would say that the best 'look customization' is in AoC(Age of Conan, for those who might wonder). :// Like someone already said, a seperated tab, just for how you want your character to look like. And MAYBE the possibility to put on medium and heavy gear for the outlook tab, but not getting the stats or anything. :p


From my point of view, that would be the best option/solution for look customization problem. Also it would save more time, than just start modeling and texturing new gear for players to wear, start animating and fitting and all nice things there is to get them done and then start a new patch making and 8h maintenance just for this reason or adding more things in the same time. (OUT OF TOPIC: I know how hard and annoying that is, going to be in the business soon. In School trying to learn to be an game developer / modeler / animator or what ever it was...too long name in my language to start translating. ;) )


But for the OP, I agree that there should be the option for pants through 1 - 50lvl. for sin's and shadow's. :/

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