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So, I'd really like to wear pants on my sin...


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Tbh anyone that likes Odd Future shouldn't be playing anything but instead be re-evaluating their life. Also, Not so much as pants but a mix of both, would be cool. Like samurai pants.





Do you not read at all? The assassin is a Melee/Caster Hybrid. It's a Sith who just tends to be more stealthy then head on. The class stems from Sorcery, which fits robes perfectly. Don't make the class out to be more then it is. You want a full on assassin look + feel then play An agent.


This thread has nothing to do with music. Push your tastes on someone who cares and stop trolling.


It's a melee/caster hybrid leaning much further toward MELEE than caster. Sith sorcerers stem from sorcery (how did you miss that?). Don't mistake the class for something it clearly isn't; a caster.


No, the different play-style, story and class mechanics are the primary reasons for playing an agent, not pants (do you realize how ridiculous you sound yet?) Making them exclusive to agents is incredibly arbitrary.


Its easy enough to differentiate between the two with sins/shadows using double bladed sabers anyway. Still waiting..

Edited by golfwang
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This thread has nothing to do with music. Push your tastes on someone who cares and stop trolling.


It's a melee/caster hybrid leaning much further toward MELEE than caster. Sith sorcerers stem from sorcery (how did you miss that?). Don't mistake the class for something it clearly isn't; a caster.


No, the different play-style, story and class mechanics are the primary reasons for playing an agent, not pants (do you realize how ridiculous you sound yet?) Making them exclusive to agents is incredibly arbitrary.


Its easy enough to differentiate between the two with sins/shadows using double bladed sabers anyway. Still waiting..


I never pushed my music taste on anyone lol, but okay. Also it's a fact not a troll. The inquisitor is a caster based account ( based off of Chancellor Palpatine, as stated by developers) and assassin stems from inquisitor, so that's how I got that.


You say the robes don't make you feel like an assassin and they don't fit in your opinion, so I said you want the feel + look of a full blown assassin play an agent, I never stated you should play them because they wear pants lol.


Also i'm not mistaking the assassin for a full blown caster. Like I said, it's a hybrid, so robes fit in more than ...pants lol. It's just the traditional feel of the Sith/Jedi. Let me remind you that this game took place WAY before Darth maul and such, and style changes over time. So that might have been a possible factor for all we know when they developed the looks of these classes.

Edited by Yetiquette
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I never pushed my music taste on anyone lol, but okay. Also it's a fact not a troll. The inquisitor is a caster based account ( based off of Chancellor Palpatine, as stated by developers) and assassin stems from inquisitor, so that's how I got that.


You say the robes don't make you feel like an assassin and they don't fit in your opinion, so I said you want the feel + look of a full blown assassin play an agent, I never stated you should play them because they wear pants lol.


Also i'm not mistaking the assassin for a full blown caster. Like I said, it's a hybrid, so robes fit in more than ...pants lol. It's just the traditional feel of the Sith/Jedi. Let me remind you that this game took place WAY before Darth maul and such, and style changes over time. So that might have been a possible factor for all we know when they developed the looks of these classes.


Can you read? I don't care what your musical tastes are. Its irrelevant.


Well the sin/shadow is based on Darth Maul/Bastilia Shan. Neither wore skirts, and both would've looked utterly silly in them.


Lets be honest, it's incredibly misleading to constantly refer to the class we're talking about as a sith inquisitor. Sith Inquistors don't stealth with double bladed sabers, sith sins/shadows do. The mis-reference is akin to people crying for nerfs to inquisitors when they mean sorcs. This thread is in the assassin sub forum for a reason.


You never said play an agent for pants but you implied it. It'd be pretty absurd to play another class for the assassin look when the class I'm playing is called a sith assassin. Even even more absurd when you look at the two figures the class primarily draws inspiration from.


You do realize that chest equipment=robes. While leg equipment=skirs/pants?


I never said robes don't make me feel like an assassin, I said skirts don't make me feel like an assassin.


There is nothing traditional in sith sins wearing skrits. By all means show me the lore to back this up, because the two parent figures I'm drawing my argument from don't support your claims at all.


Really, so assassins wore skirts for (lets assume) some three thousand years? Absurd, even moreso for a melee stealth class. You've got to admit your last point is a stretch.


The far more reasonable assumption is that it was easier for Bioware to not make separate pant models for sins/shadows and stick them in skirts with their sister class. The aesthetic choice compromises the identity of the class and looks lame.

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Well the sin/shadow is based on Darth Maul/Bastilia Shan. Neither wore skirts, and both would've looked utterly silly in them.

Just curious, where/who stated this? I know it's supposed to be assumed, but is it official? Also from what I've seen Bastilia doesn't even wear pants lol.


Lets be honest, it's incredibly misleading to constantly refer to the class we're talking about as a sith inquisitor. Sith Inquistors don't stealth with double bladed sabers, sith sins/shadows do. The mis-reference is akin to people crying for nerfs to inquisitors when they mean sorcs. This thread is in the assassin sub forum for a reason.


Hmm, I've not made that mis-refrence at all. Our Class is in fact, Inquisitor. Our advanced Class is Assassin.


You never said play an agent for pants but you implied it. It'd be pretty absurd to play another class for the assassin look when the class I'm playing is called a sith assassin.


This I have to agree on lol.


You do realize that chest equipment=robes. While leg equipment=skirs/pants?


Not necessarily, Leg equipment can be referred to as robe, but I see your point.


There is nothing traditional in sith sins wearing skrits. By all means show me the lore to back this up, because the two parent figures I'm drawing my argument from don't support your claims at all.


I said It Might be why, didn't state it was actual lore/fact. I guess the answer to this would refer back to the first question.



The far more reasonable assumption is that it was easier for Bioware to not make separate pant models for sins/shadows and stick them in skirts with their sister class. The aesthetic choice compromises the identity of the class and looks lame.


I think the skirt/Robe bottom is fitting for females. less so for males but I can still see why they did it. Perhaps if they just made it an option to have it as skirt/pants everything would be solved lol.

Edited by Yetiquette
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Tbh anyone that likes Odd Future shouldn't be playing anything but instead be re-evaluating their life. Also, Not so much as pants but a mix of both, would be cool. Like samurai pants.





Do you not read at all? The assassin is a Melee/Caster Hybrid. It's a Sith who just tends to be more stealthy then head on. The class stems from Sorcery, which fits robes perfectly. Don't make the class out to be more then it is. You want a full on assassin look + feel then play An agent.


the assassin should be made by Darth Maul.. That speaks for everything... I dont like when people do not see assassin as separated from mage... It is just wrong that it comes from the same origin as mages... Btw dont you people see that assassin and agent are huge difference? Specially for those ho want to be in Sith order and use Lightsaber? It is not so simple... Anyway I think that assassin is more rough than operative (I play both)... And AI does not look like assassin but like Uniformed member of Empire military force... Sith Assassin is more like Dark Brotherhood from TES for example... There are huge differences between them...

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I never pushed my music taste on anyone lol, but okay. Also it's a fact not a troll. The inquisitor is a caster based account ( based off of Chancellor Palpatine, as stated by developers) and assassin stems from inquisitor, so that's how I got that.


You say the robes don't make you feel like an assassin and they don't fit in your opinion, so I said you want the feel + look of a full blown assassin play an agent, I never stated you should play them because they wear pants lol.


Also i'm not mistaking the assassin for a full blown caster. Like I said, it's a hybrid, so robes fit in more than ...pants lol. It's just the traditional feel of the Sith/Jedi. Let me remind you that this game took place WAY before Darth maul and such, and style changes over time. So that might have been a possible factor for all we know when they developed the looks of these classes.


Palpatine = sorc... Maul = assassin...

We should get to fact that what is in game stated as robe is actually skirt... And this skirts were never used in movies... it is long before movies... But were skirts in KOTOR? And also if you make look by characters from movies than you should stick with movies... You cant say that this sub-class is based on Darth Maul and than only thing referring to Darth Maul is skill Maul and saberstaff... skirts are just nonsense... they should wear real robes at least...

AND agent do not looks like assassin but looks like agent... He is Imperial military unit wearing uniform and stuff... Sith Assassin is real assassin by character... He is bloody killer... but agent just do his duty....

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What I don't get is why the first social gear on dromund Kaas is male only. They have plain black pants that look great on my character and I can even preview them in the item window but I can't actually equip them. It makes no sense to make that gear gender specific. I mean slave bikini I can understand but why would they restrict something like pants? Sucks that you have to grind social points just to get decent looking gear.
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I picked up some lvl 39 moddable pants today off the AH today (Supreme Inquisitor) for a steal....5000 credits


Just gotta gain a couple levels tonight and then I'm good to go.


The supreme set is the best looking SI set in game right now, I like it more than any endgame set I've seen for sins/sorcs. congrats!

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Launch was approaching and they couldn't figure out how to do it before then. Expect to see it in the near future along with everything else that makes sense to have. But right now no.


Anyone who has done code before knows that leaving out something like a " can eff up an entire script.

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Launch was approaching and they couldn't figure out how to do it before then. Expect to see it in the near future along with everything else that makes sense to have. But right now no.


Anyone who has done code before knows that leaving out something like a " can eff up an entire script.


I'd love to believe that. Any official statement somewhere you can direct me to? :D

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it really is the best looking set ingame.. but we do not know where to get it =(


been farming hoth elite's for 2 days, got a couple of blue/purple/orange stuff , but no Supreme Inquisitor =(


The best way for me how to get it was offering 100K for Supreme Inquisitors robe on general on Hoth or Imperial Fleet.. I am sure that somebody will give it to you for this price.. Or at least if they find it they will remember you... For 100k people try to find it for you... I have it now this way.. and It worth those 100k because its beautiful...

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already spamming my /1 and /3 on Hoth and Fleet.. no response till now


got some people to look out for it but i myself will get lvl 50 first and then farm it on hoth champions/elites ... almost sure its a worlddrop , no schematics, no vendors...


goddamn set!

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Just curious, where/who stated this? I know it's supposed to be assumed, but is it official? Also from what I've seen Bastilia doesn't even wear pants lol.




Hmm, I've not made that mis-refrence at all. Our Class is in fact, Inquisitor. Our advanced Class is Assassin.



Sort of official, have a look at the holonet. The jedi shadow and sith assassin both have distinct robes compared to their sage/sorcerer counterclass.


Besides that, assassin type sith looked mostly like how anakin skywalker looked like in the movies(http://www.widedesktopwallpapers.net/movies/images/anakin_skywalker.jpg_). They wear a standard sith outfit and arobe to conceal their posture. Even in the comics assassins have this kind of outfit: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100323164648/starwars/images/c/c7/Sith_Assassin.jpg. Additionally in KotoR there was or were sith assassin who wore nothing like how a sorcerer looks like.

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Why did you even post? You offer nothing to the conversation...


For a reasonable answer to that question read the sig. Although I would caution that your petulant responses will only incur similar posts to mine. Try calming down a little it'll sweeten your disposition.


As for the supreme set It would be interesting to know, I'm more inclined however to let someone else do the farming and pay the big bucks off the galactic exchange.


Either way I'll have to do some digging see if I can locate them. Lightsabers make exceptional excavation tools I hear

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Sort of official, have a look at the holonet. The jedi shadow and sith assassin both have distinct robes compared to their sage/sorcerer counterclass.


Besides that, assassin type sith looked mostly like how anakin skywalker looked like in the movies(http://www.widedesktopwallpapers.net/movies/images/anakin_skywalker.jpg_). They wear a standard sith outfit and arobe to conceal their posture. Even in the comics assassins have this kind of outfit: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100323164648/starwars/images/c/c7/Sith_Assassin.jpg. Additionally in KotoR there was or were sith assassin who wore nothing like how a sorcerer looks like.


Exactly my point.. why do Assassins looks like clowns... They should by made by Darth Maul image as they said and it should look like those images you are posting.. Just make it looks more sport/robe wear... Kind of that Monks robes and stuff... It should be practical for assassin.. I know that in this game you do not look on how that character would feel in that clothes in real life... But it should be close to that... I would like to know how assassin can do all his assassin stuff in that strange, lady gaga, mage robes.... I think he would kill him self in those clothes before he would kill anybody else...

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