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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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So you guys suggest to leave exploiters unpunished? And when newexploits show up then what? I guess everyone from now on should exploit the crap out of every bug, or they will end up being suckers who didn't jump at a chance and got left behind others? Do you really want to play a game where everyone needs to cheat every chance they have or be left behind feeling like a loser?


we are playing a permanently bugged game. fix the damn thing and I will start worrying if a bug is good for me or bad for me. an exploit is just a bug that benefits players. quality assurance has been non existent lately. FIX THAT. I have canceled renewal on both of my accounts. if biowart cant get their house in order they dont deserve to run a game with the star wars name

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It wouldn't be fair. Exploiters would still have their gear and credits while normal players would remain suckers :) It's easy to ask for blank slate while being ahead of others I guess.


Bioware has painted themselves into a corner on this . no it isnt fair. it isnt fair that I go into a pvp match and all these guys have 3 years of pvp experience and gear and I am just starting. It isnt fair that those other guys have 30 gazzillion credits and I have 9543...make it fair for me!!!. if bioware tries to make it fair for you, they will lose more accounts. (even more that the slot machine lost them)


get over it, life isnt fair


besides, you have the squeeky clean feeling for not having exploited. you get to sing "like a virgin " with a straight face

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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It wouldn't be fair. Exploiters would still have their gear and credits while normal players would remain suckers :) It's easy to ask for blank slate while being ahead of others I guess.


Life isn't fair?


We're not going to see gear being removed due to just how much gear went out. There are players who are fully 198 geared now through this. Do we remove all their gear and leave them with nothing?


Except most of those players would likely quit if faced with naked toons. And we all know that. Some people are okay with that, but those people are short-sighted and want to see punishment being dished out even if it means killing the game to do so.

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Life isn't fair?


We're not going to see gear being removed due to just how much gear went out. There are players who are fully 198 geared now through this. Do we remove all their gear and leave them with nothing?


Except most of those players would likely quit if faced with naked toons. And we all know that. Some people are okay with that, but those people are short-sighted and want to see punishment being dished out even if it means killing the game to do so.



And it's not like this is extrapolation -- multiple posters here literally and openly said that it would be better for the game to implode than to let even one person who used the exploit "get away with it".

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Exploited gear/credits/recipes removal from people who acually exploited is something that needs to happen. (am not talking about people who bought stuff from exploiters via gtn, they had no way to know how it was acquired, are not guilty and should not be punished in any way)


On the plus side, most players didn't partake in the exploit at all allowing us to focus on the few who did.



According to bioware only few took part in exploit, so if FEW cheaters quit over finding their toons naked i don't think it will be to bad for the game.


Unless Musco lied like he did with the slot machine post, and it was actually hordes of players cheating, then the game will die :p

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And it's not like this is extrapolation -- multiple posters here literally and openly said that it would be better for the game to implode than to let even one person who used the exploit "get away with it".


Yeah I'd rather have a stable playerbase than have it implode like that over some exploit.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Exploited gear/credits/recipes removal from people who acually exploited is something that needs to happen. (am not talking about people who bought stuff from exploiters via gtn, they had no way to know how it was acquired, are not guilty and should not be punished in any way)


They have arrived in port and seem to be locating the ones you are looking for The Exploit Hunter is coming for you

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Exploited gear/credits/recipes removal from people who acually exploited is something that needs to happen. (am not talking about people who bought stuff from exploiters via gtn, they had no way to know how it was acquired, are not guilty and should not be punished in any way)




According to bioware only few took part in exploit, so if FEW cheaters quit over finding their toons naked i don't think it will be to bad for the game.


Unless Musco lied like he did with the slot machine post, and it was actually hordes of players cheating, then the game will die :p


Yeah, except he also said that so many people exploited this that they changed their long-standing tradition/custom/policy of not discussing exploits.


So, either a lot of people did it like he infers here....or not a lot of people did it like he said up there.


Interestingly contrasting statements.

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You have your causality backwards, not that this is at all surprising.


The calls for grossly disproportionate punishments, the insinuations and accusations directed at anyone who so much as dared call for calm, the statements that it would be better to see SWTOR "go down in flames" than allow a single "cheater" to escape, the statements that it would be better to punish the innocent than to let a single "cheater" escape -- in other words, the behavior that's comparable to the behavior during ugly periods of real-life history -- were around long before Eric's ill-conceived post on the matter, almost from the moment that the "exploit" was discovered.


Sadly, many of those threads that were posted between SoR launch and Eric's post were deleted because people were "discussing exploits". Some of the factual history still exists, if you can be bothered to go look instead of jumping right back on the "it's all the fault of people who aren't in favor of mass bannings" train.


I've been reading these threads from the beginning, and I can say easily and in truth that the exploiters started blaming everyone but themselves right out of the gate and when people started calling them on it the cries of "witch hunt" started coming.


The moment Eric's post touched on the subject, the exploiters started blaming EA/BW for not fixing the exploit fast enough. They were and are saying anything to deflect blame for their actions on anyone but themselves.


Had the exploiters not come to the forums in force the moment Eric posted about the exploit, this conversation would have died quickly.


Regardless, if bans don't happen it will be tacit approval by EA/BW to exploit. That would hurt this game more than losing a few cheaters because they can't take responsibility for their actions. If people who cheated can't suck it up and take their temporary ban punishment, it's their problem.


You can rant about the exploit not being patched, you can claim falsely that exploiters haven't been punished before when they have been, but none of that absolves an individual player of their taking advantage of an exploit. If you did it, it is your fault and your fault alone for violating the rules of the game that you had to agree to in order to play.

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I've been reading these threads from the beginning, and I can say easily and in truth that the exploiters started blaming everyone but themselves right out of the gate and when people started calling them on it the cries of "witch hunt" started coming.


The moment Eric's post touched on the subject, the exploiters started blaming EA/BW for not fixing the exploit fast enough. They were and are saying anything to deflect blame for their actions on anyone but themselves.


Had the exploiters not come to the forums in force the moment Eric posted about the exploit, this conversation would have died quickly.


Regardless, if bans don't happen it will be tacit approval by EA/BW to exploit. That would hurt this game more than losing a few cheaters because they can't take responsibility for their actions. If people who cheated can't suck it up and take their temporary ban punishment, it's their problem.


You can rant about the exploit not being patched, you can claim falsely that exploiters haven't been punished before when they have been, but none of that absolves an individual player of their taking advantage of an exploit. If you did it, it is your fault and your fault alone for violating the rules of the game that you had to agree to in order to play.


all of that is irrelevant when you consider that, if punished severely, people 'will' find another game to play rather than put up with it.

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I've been reading these threads from the beginning, and I can say easily and in truth that the exploiters started blaming everyone but themselves right out of the gate and when people started calling them on it the cries of "witch hunt" started coming.


The moment Eric's post touched on the subject, the exploiters started blaming EA/BW for not fixing the exploit fast enough. They were and are saying anything to deflect blame for their actions on anyone but themselves.


Had the exploiters not come to the forums in force the moment Eric posted about the exploit, this conversation would have died quickly.


blah blah blah blah blah


Ah, I see, so you're just going to purposefully and brazenly ignore the flood of threads and posts about the exploit that came and went before Eric's post, just pretend that three weeks or so didn't happen, and pretend that the "kill them all, god will know his own" insanity didn't start up immediately, in order to keep spouting your own backwards, self-serving, self-righteous BS narrative.



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It wouldn't be fair. Exploiters would still have their gear and credits while normal players would remain suckers :) It's easy to ask for blank slate while being ahead of others I guess.
you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.
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Ah, I see, so you're just going to purposefully and brazenly ignore the flood of threads and posts about the exploit that came and went before Eric's post, just pretend that three weeks or so didn't happen, and pretend that the "kill them all, god will know his own" insanity didn't start up immediately, in order to keep spouting your own backwards, self-serving, self-righteous BS narrative.




I'm going to purposefully and brazenly ignore your lies about the subject. The only BS is what is being spouted by exploiters and their defenders in order to avoid the punishments they deserve.


As to Infernixx...you'll lose people if nothing is done as well, and those non-exploiters are much better people...the kind you'd rather have in a game instead of cheaters who will be given carte blanche to continue their cheating ways if nothing is done.

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Exploited gear/credits/recipes removal from people who acually exploited is something that needs to happen. (am not talking about people who bought stuff from exploiters via gtn, they had no way to know how it was acquired, are not guilty and should not be punished in any way)




According to bioware only few took part in exploit, so if FEW cheaters quit over finding their toons naked i don't think it will be to bad for the game.


Unless Musco lied like he did with the slot machine post, and it was actually hordes of players cheating, then the game will die :p

few is a relative term.


if bioware wants to consider "anyone that logged into the game over the last 6 months" then yes, the thousands of people that did this exploit are a "few players"

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Regardless, if bans don't happen it will be tacit approval by EA/BW to exploit. That would hurt this game more than losing a few cheaters because they can't take responsibility for their actions.
you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.
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I'm going to purposefully and brazenly ignore your lies about the subject. The only BS is what is being spouted by exploiters and their defenders in order to avoid the punishments they deserve.


As to Infernixx...you'll lose people if nothing is done as well, and those non-exploiters are much better people...the kind you'd rather have in a game instead of cheaters who will be given carte blanche to continue their cheating ways if nothing is done.


No. No one's going to quit this game if 'other' people aren't punished to their satisfaction. That's complete and utter nonsense and we all know it.

Edited by Infernixx
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As to Infernixx...you'll lose people if nothing is done as well, and those non-exploiters are much better people...
better people? rofl its a video game!!!


the kind you'd rather have in a game instead of cheaters who will be given carte blanche to continue their cheating ways if nothing is done.


you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.

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No. No one's going to quit this game if 'other' people aren't punished to their satisfaction. That's complete and utter nonsense and we all know it.


You think?


I happen to know quite a few people, myself being one of them, that are getting tired. Tired of watching hacks in WZ's continue, tired of bugs not getting fixed, tired of a company that promises communication and then doesn't and tired of playing a game where exploiting is given the go ahead through inaction.


We all have other options. If EA/BW doesn't straighten out its house, it'll be time to go.

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You think?


I happen to know quite a few people, myself being one of them, that are getting tired. Tired of watching hacks in WZ's continue, tired of bugs not getting fixed, tired of a company that promises communication and then doesn't and tired of playing a game where exploiting is given the go ahead through inaction.


We all have other options. If EA/BW doesn't straighten out its house, it'll be time to go.


Yeah yeah yeah, I'm totally sure that they're ready to quit the game because of non-punishment of people who aren't them. I'm sure that they're okay with the bugs and glitches and the overall bad state of the game, but rather than focus on FIXING THAT, they're more concerned with people getting punished properly.


I'm totally convinced you're not just making stuff up now.

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better people? rofl its a video game!!!




you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.


When you keep repeating yourself over and over, it lets everyone know you really have nothing to say. We aren't talking about anything else, we are talking about this exploit and the fact that if nothing is done it will have a more adverse effect on the game than if something is done.


Come back when you have something to actually contribute to the conversation.

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Yeah yeah yeah, I'm totally sure that they're ready to quit the game because of non-punishment of people who aren't them. I'm sure that they're okay with the bugs and glitches and the overall bad state of the game, but rather than focus on FIXING THAT, they're more concerned with people getting punished properly.


I'm totally convinced you're not just making stuff up now.


So you didn't read the whole thing. This exploit is just icing on the cake. We aren't okay with the bugs and glitches and the fact that the game as it stands right now sucks on ice. But they can concentrate on fixing that and still clean up their game and enforce their rules.


Neglect in general has turned this game into a cess pit. The only time I log in any more is to do things with guildmates. There is no other reason to play at this time.

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When you keep repeating yourself over and over, it lets everyone know you really have nothing to say. We aren't talking about anything else, we are talking about this exploit and the fact that if nothing is done it will have a more adverse effect on the game than if something is done.


Come back when you have something to actually contribute to the conversation.


you can't prove that at all, remember a very small part of the player base only use the forums and the soul reason is because of threads like this. If someone exploited they have the chance of action against the account and if you didn't then it's the end of it.


Just remember all the effort that the complainers for action done on this thread why not do it on something that actually needs to be fixed even the cry baby people going on about the slot machine being an exploit it never was but look at what happened bioware ended up screwing over the players because of a few that scream EXPLOIT so lets put the same effort into game breaking bugs and current issues that are still here since beta.

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