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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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The other 2 seem to be clearly trolls on this whole topic imo, no interest in reaching common ground just more or less solely think these actions were justified regardless.
you continue to conclude that just because someone doesnt agree with your witch burning, that they think that it was justified.


its like yankees vs red sox, democrat vs republican all the time with you. with you or against you. it's friggin exhausting.


and no interest reachin a common ground? why do we need to? I have my opinions, you have yours and neither really matters because it's bioware's game and their decision.

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You seriously failed to see the connection?! YOU claimed they had an impact...yet 192's were already flooding the market and 198's were easy to get as well. Not BiS of course, but a helluva lot better than 186 crap.


Get a clue. Ops are about beating the mechanics, not the gear you're in.


Cool you go to fleet and preach that line then to every PUG that states "must be geared". You tell that raid leader he is wrong and he need to stop putting that in their statement. You say people can be in any gear they want and it's the mechanics that matter. You bring the change! You can make a difference!


Probably not because that's your point of view that others share and others do not.


Add all this to how many people going about comm gear being crap and 180/186 being better and no wonder people cheated? Also how are 198's easy to get? Right now I want to go and get the easy 198's how am I going to do it?


Even if we go to prior the comm change to get 198's ( that may or may not be inferior to older gear in terms of raiding, if that is true then any point in how easy it is to get is moot if it's actually so crap ) you still actually had to do content to get the inferior gear to the easily obtained 198 BiS mod/enhances from the cheat.


Hours and hours of grinding for comms or RNG roll drops in ops vs a few minutes moving forward and clicking ... yeah it's almost the same thing!


Let alone people still have their illegal 198 gear and no one can easily gain the comms again now.


Stop brining up comms and comm gear like it's the same thing, it's not. Otherwise there wouldn't be over 300 pages of talk about this would there?


Furthermore if you didn't cheat and think this is all no big deal and aren't affected by it why on earth are you even participating in this debate? If it's no big deal and we should all carry on then go carry on leave t he discussion to those that do care and do feel aggrieved either by those that cheated or those that did cheat and don't want actions taken against them.

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Do you know the difference between justice and punishment?


Come on man at least make an effort. Expand on your post to show how you do and what your example of it is.


To answer your question though in a similarly lazy manner as you posed it.



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you continue to conclude that just because someone doesnt agree with your witch burning, that they think that it was justified.


its like yankees vs red sox, democrat vs republican all the time with you. with you or against you. it's friggin exhausting.


and no interest reachin a common ground? why do we need to? I have my opinions, you have yours and neither really matters because it's bioware's game and their decision.


You are one of the people who think that people should quit if they had their ill gotten gains removed? How is that not thinking it's justified?


Otherwise you think that it is wrong that anyone did this but they should completely keep the gear? For what reason? Because of BW or bugs or what not ... guess what ... that is you thinking it's justified.

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They did a straw pole on http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor and it showed basically 1/3 of the player base did the exploit. I wouldn't consider that just a 'few'.


Sure will be interesting what Bioware does since they are partially to blame for sloppy programing and allowing this to continue for as long as they did.


Here's the poll



It could be Eric' s definition of "exploiter" is different, which could partially explain the difference in numbers. BW may only be looking at a subset of the total for any actions and not everyone involved

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Curious - if the PVP win sharing thing is so much worse than this exploit then why when I raise in the thread raised by the PVP BW representative ( whatever his title is ) did I not get one comment or reply from anyone about it?


Yet in the same time frame this issue ( which has been fixed and BW have announced will be punished in some form ) has had 5 pages of replies on the 1 issue?


Maybe this PVP win trading really isn't a big of a deal as some people make out after all.


Can't say I didn't try and be fair though. :)

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Curious - if the PVP win sharing thing is so much worse than this exploit then why when I raise in the thread raised by the PVP BW representative ( whatever his title is ) did I not get one comment or reply from anyone about it?


Yet in the same time frame this issue ( which has been fixed and BW have announced will be punished in some form ) has had 5 pages of replies on the 1 issue?


Maybe this PVP win trading really isn't a big of a deal as some people make out after all.


Can't say I didn't try and be fair though. :)


Because you can exploit pvp ranked all you want and have 0 punishment. This is why all the pvpers are complaining that this exploit gets punishment yet we have people win trading all the time and nothing is done kinda pisses us pvper off.


P.S the sad part is it is the big PVE guilds doing win trading funny huh

Edited by Neoforcer
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Because you can exploit pvp ranked all you want and have 0 punishment. This is why all the pvpers are complaining that this exploit gets punishment yet we have people win trading all the time and nothing is done kinda pisses us pvper off.


True but you would think at least some would take the opportunity to speak up? I mean one would assume if you could get 100 pages in a day or two on it then something would happen ... it is after all a bigger exploit than this isn't it?


Maybe it's because the PVP community really is quite minor?


Then so is the "hardcore" raiding community that some thought was all that was effected/exploited this. I would think 300+ pages of debate begs to differ.


Let's not forget that 300+ pages are by the games MINORITY. Everyone knows that we reddit/forum users are always the vocal minority. It gives a rough subset of what the community on a whole may think but by no means a definitive measure of the gaming communities attitude.


Especially in cases like this where it is more likely the people who participate in the outside game communication would have been more likely to exposed to communication about the exploit thus been the more likely to have taken part in it - it can really skew any supposed general trends in opinion put forward.


This issue though has caused a lot more non forum regulars to come forward regardless of their point of view.


Be interesting to know what the overall trend is on individual points of view as in if people are in favour or against punishment and the varying degrees - pity we can't do polls.

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Get a clue. Ops are about beating the mechanics, not just the gear you're in.


Agree, but you have to agree that Gear does give you more wiggle room to beat the mechanics without being perfect, so gear does help.


Still BW take the gear and put this entire thing behind us. :rolleyes:

Edited by mikebevo
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Curious - if the PVP win sharing thing is so much worse than this exploit then why when I raise in the thread raised by the PVP BW representative ( whatever his title is ) did I not get one comment or reply from anyone about it?


Yet in the same time frame this issue ( which has been fixed and BW have announced will be punished in some form ) has had 5 pages of replies on the 1 issue?


Maybe this PVP win trading really isn't a big of a deal as some people make out after all.


Can't say I didn't try and be fair though. :)

These are probably the same people with the pitchforks over here. XD

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You are one of the people who think that people should quit if they had their ill gotten gains removed? How is that not thinking it's justified?
i said *I* would quit if that happened to me. what other people *ought* to do is their business, not mine.

again with the black and white tho.

this is just a game. a game im not overly enjoying since 3.0. if i exploited and if bw suddenly destroyed my armor that i spent millions on as some sort of lazy recompense for exploiting then *I* would quit.

that doesnt mean i think exploiting was justified. it would be cheating. i just dont think its a big deal and doesnt warrant destroying my **** over it. it's overstepping and enough to push me away regardless of whether or not i was guilty.


if my government suddenly announced they were sentencing people to 10 years in jail for speeding, i'd move. that doesnt mean i think speeding is justified, it means i think the punishment is overtly ridiculous.


Otherwise you think that it is wrong that anyone did this but they should completely keep the gear? For what reason? Because of BW or bugs or what not ... guess what ... that is you thinking it's justified.
i really dont care what gear people have. i really dont care if they exploit at all.


it doesnt affect me at all.


furthermore there are pvp exploiters right now that DO affect me. and lets not forget the dozens of other operations bosses that were exploited and players never punished. RavagerGate is ridiculous.

Edited by Pagy
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My point always been you cant take the hard line on a pve exploit and lax on the pvp ones hell it took a 1 and a half years to ban the most famous pvp speed hacker. Even though he was filmed and even posted in the forums he did so. Either treat both the same or not at all.
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Otherwise you think that it is wrong that anyone did this but they should completely keep the gear? For what reason? Because of BW or bugs or what not ... guess what ... that is you thinking it's justified.


Kinda like the win traders/exploiters keeping there pvp gear and not getting punished? If BW want to be fair be fair for all not just pve

Edited by Neoforcer
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See this is why you and a few other of the "pro" exploiter camp are kind of the most poisonous people in the whole discussion. Labelling anyone you feel a with hunter ( great title for me but others may not like it so much ) and somehow trying to act like they are the ones in the wrong.


You now go as far as to imply removing the tainted gear would be somehow unjust? It was illegally gained, if they can easily remove it then they should do just that. Anyone who thinks that is undeserving is quite frankly nothing but a troll and should be pretty much ignored from this point on by everyone.


I was referring to the repeated calls that have been made by more than one person to remove ALL the "tainted" gear, credits, mats, learned schematics, everything -- they don't mean just in the inventories of the actual "exploiters", they mean ALL of it, EVERYWHERE, on EVERY character, no matter how it got there.

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True but you would think at least some would take the opportunity to speak up? I mean one would assume if you could get 100 pages in a day or two on it then something would happen ... it is after all a bigger exploit than this isn't it?


Maybe it's because the PVP community really is quite minor?



Maybe it's because posts related to the PVP topic to which you refer are deleted by BW. In fact one such post had "Eric" in the title (and existed a few days ago) and is now no where to be found. It was deleted within a day or so. I know because I replied to the thread with a solution to the above referred PVP issue that the Devs could use that would make the above said unseemly PVP practice impractical while making little change to ranked PVP. I hope the Devs look at that proposed solution as it was simple and would require 0 work after being implemented by the Devs.


I would post the solution here again, but I don't want to mention the unseemly PVP action, nor draw more attention to it. The only ones who would be able to implement the solution are the Devs and they know how to get it from that post should they be so inclined. Not saying my proposed solution is the best, but it would work.


Just a wild thought: Do you ever wonder if other people (not SWTOR players) have got a bag/box of popcorn related to these threads? I wonder if these recently related threads are part of an office pool somewhere.

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according to grayseven im a serial killer


thanks dude for some of us video games are just for fun and don't have anything to do with how we behave in real life. because it isnt real life.


Ya know what's funny? I had a bet with myself as to which person would go the ignorant route and take that very part out of context.


I won. It's good to know that I have a firm handle on the exploiters in this thread who will say anything to justify themselves.


I'm betting that in real life, you expend more effort at looking like you are doing your job and shifting blame onto your co-workers than you do actually doing your job. I have to work with people like you and it's funny when I and others get promoted past them as the sit idly in the same position for years and wonder why.


If you take my statement in context like anyone with common sense would, then you'd understand that anyone who would cheat in a fake game world will cheat anywhere. Since you don't really kill anyone in a video game, but you can really cheat, this makes sense.


But good luck with your campaign to paint exploiters as the victims. Rebutting your asinine claims breaks up an otherwise boring day.

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I won. It's good to know that I have a firm handle on the exploiters in this thread who will say anything to justify themselves.


It's good to know that people will keep giving us examples of the insane mentality that leads them to believe they know who "exploited" based on who does and does not agree with their opinion on the matter.

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It's good to know that people will keep giving us examples of the insane mentality that leads them to believe they know who "exploited" based on who does and does not agree with their opinion on the matter.


That like saying Obama exploited ravagers with no basis in fact. Some don't agree because we see the hypocrisy on one issue and not on another issue of = value to some players.

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What BW should do is issue and apology to all players and a warning that from now on any use of in game mechanics to exploit in any area pvp or pve will constitute in punishment. Weather it be a ravagers exploit or win trading, speed hacking any thing along those lines. Because right now BW looks like fools for making a post on punishment and allowing the other exploiting to go on with no punishment. Edited by Neoforcer
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It's good to know that people will keep giving us examples of the insane mentality that leads them to believe they know who "exploited" based on who does and does not agree with their opinion on the matter.


If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!

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It's good to know that people will keep giving us examples of the insane mentality that leads them to believe they know who "exploited" based on who does and does not agree with their opinion on the matter.


Really? That's funny. Tell me, if someone shows up on a street corner daily with a loudspeaker and a soapbox and starts saying "If they start arresting people for having carnal knowledge of animals, I'm going to quit my job"...would you suspect that they might have had carnal knowledge of an animal?


This forum thread is the street corner and loudspeaker and soapbox all rolled into one. And people who are trying to deflect blame for exploiting to EA/BW, or who attempt to paint enforcement of the ToS on exploiting as the death knell of the game, or who defends exploiting because "it's just a game"...does it not make sense that in all probability they exploited in this case?

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Really? That's funny. Tell me, if someone shows up on a street corner daily with a loudspeaker and a soapbox and starts saying "If they start arresting people for having carnal knowledge of animals, I'm going to quit my job"...would you suspect that they might have had carnal knowledge of an animal?

Crap, I didn't even think to put bestia lity on my bingo card...

Edited by DarthDymond
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