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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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No, I consider you a witch-hunter because you keep implying that anyone opposed to your viewpoint must be one of the "cheaters".


Also, stop blaming others for your inability to avoid association fallacies and affirming the consequent.


a lot of them I've actually started because they've admitted to it themselves without probably realising they've done it in their post wording ( especially those that have posted many times as I have ).


If you read through many of the posts it happens more than one might think.


Still if I've insinuated someone is a cheater who is not then by all means, have my apology ( unless of course you actually are then ... sucks to be you ).


I even like your title so much for me I've decided to add it to my signature.


If you did cheat though you could add Cheater to yours and we could both be ironic! If not, then nevermind. ;)

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LMAO. You do understand that unless you are an attorney in the state of California, you have no standing as to any impact to other players, right?

That's entirely wrong.


First, lawyers serving as counsel in a case never have "standing," they just must be admitted to practice before the court the case is in (possibly pro hah vice).


Plaintiffs have standing. Plaintiffs do not have to be attorneys and rarely are. And a resident of another state or even another country can have standing to bring suit in California state or federal courts.


How can anyone believe all this legal analysis you are posting when you have demonstrated that you do not understand the meanings of fundamental legal terms every law school 1L has pounded into them? Please stop.

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a lot of them I've actually started because they've admitted to it themselves without probably realising they've done it in their post wording ( especially those that have posted many times as I have ).


If you read through many of the posts it happens more than one might think.


Still if I've insinuated someone is a cheater who is not then by all means, have my apology ( unless of course you actually are then ... sucks to be you ).


I even like your title so much for me I've decided to add it to my signature.


If you did cheat though you could add Cheater to yours and we could both be ironic! If not, then nevermind. ;)


I'm in no way defending the actions exploiters, so don't try that crap with me.


That said.. you really do need to back off on the hate rhetoric some, IMO.


You are inflaming the discussions with your methods. Is that your intention? if so.. I'll just put you on permanent /ignore and encourage other to consider similar action.


By all means discuss the exploit and possible consequences, etc, etc, etc. But stop with the witch hunt IMO.

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why is this even a debate...people have contested their cc payments before. the cc company always wins. the cc company applies the credit to the account, and bw bans the account.


but hilarious again, andryah the cc expert too. expert on bw admin tools and cc contention policy lmao


Lol hypocrit much?


On one hand you criticise Andryah for her posts on CC policy as you put it and directly above you you seem to state as face exactly what happens by the CC company. This makes you the expert then?

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That's entirely wrong.


First, lawyers serving as counsel in a case never have "standing," they just must be admitted to practice before the court the case is in (possibly pro hah vice).


Plaintiffs have standing. Plaintiffs do not have to be attorneys and rarely are. And a resident of another state or even another country can have standing to bring suit in California state or federal courts.


How can anyone believe all this legal analysis you are posting when you have demonstrated that you do not understand the meanings of fundamental legal terms every law school 1L has pounded into them? Please stop.


Standing to enter a petition in the court on behalf of petitioners (who are probably all out of state). ;) DERP!


If you are even remotely serious here.. then you know as well as I do that the person I have been discussing with is absent clue here. He flails about with "I'll do this" or "I'll do that" and "I have a rich lawyer friend who will go pro-bono on this" as his response to anyone who wants to have reasonable discussion with him.


The fact that you are defending his contentions is not a good sign for you, IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Lol hypocrit much?


On one hand you criticise Andryah for her posts on CC policy as you put it and directly above you you seem to state as face exactly what happens by the CC company. This makes you the expert then?

no it makes me someone that has a friend that did this...lol


angst much?

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That's entirely wrong.


First, lawyers serving as counsel in a case never have "standing," they just must be admitted to practice before the court the case is in (possibly pro hah vice).


Plaintiffs have standing. Plaintiffs do not have to be attorneys and rarely are. And a resident of another state or even another country can have standing to bring suit in California state or federal courts.


How can anyone believe all this legal analysis you are posting when you have demonstrated that you do not understand the meanings of fundamental legal terms every law school 1L has pounded into them? Please stop.


Does pro hah vice require a judge's approval? I have known some lawyers from other state's bar assisting in business law, but there was much that they couldn't do and quite a few conversations we had in the office that they could not sit in on.


Seemed odd to me.

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I've never run Ravagers. I am therefore not an exploiter. That said, It's bad enough that EA cannot be bothered to properly test their software before release, or fix a problem in a timely fashion. To punish people for taking advantage of EA's screw-ups is completely idiotic. Screw us over once? your bad, Screw us over twice, and I hope people unsub in droves. EOL
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why is this even a debate...people have contested their cc payments before. the cc company always wins. the cc company applies the credit to the account, and bw bans the account.


but hilarious again, andryah the cc expert too. expert on bw admin tools and cc contention policy lmao


Ah yes.. resort to personal attacks when you fail in the discussion. :rolleyes: But by all means, feel free to take your frustrations out on others in the forum.


Seriously.. stop taking all this so serious. EVERY player post in this thread is .. wait for it ----> OPINION. Some opinion is beyond debate, some is debatable, some is presented as fact even though it remains opinion (debatable or otherwise)


BIOWARE DECIDES... none of us do. ;) None the less.. some of the more hyperbolic and crazy claims and accusations in this thread deserve the pushback they are receiving.

Edited by Andryah
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Standing to enter a petition in the court on behalf of petitioners. ;) DERP!

Still wrong. Please, stop, you do not know as much about law as you think you do.

I've said about as much on these matters as I dare, so I am going to end by repeating my previous warning:


Much of the legal analysis and advice being offered in these forums is dangerously wrong.

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Still wrong. Please, stop, you do not know as much about law as you think you do.

I've said about as much on these matters as I dare, so I am going to end by repeating my previous warning:


Much of the legal analysis and advice being offered in these forums is dangerously wrong.


Then you should definitely step back from the discussions. ;)


I have not seen any actual legal advice given by anyone.. only a lawyer can actually do that. I think we had one person allege to be a lawyer, but then referenced their paralegal education .. so whatever.


Neither of us are lawyers... right? But that does not invalidate informed opinion, regardless if the "proper" terms are used in discussion or not. IF we used strictly legal terms in legal framework here... nobody would understand a word of it.


Fact: nobody is going to sue anybody over this. It's all forum drama for dramatic effect. If it gets entertained in the discussions... so be it. You have no right to attempt to censor anyone.

Edited by Andryah
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I've never run Ravagers. I am therefore not an exploiter. That said, It's bad enough that EA cannot be bothered to properly test their software before release, or fix a problem in a timely fashion. To punish people for taking advantage of EA's screw-ups is completely idiotic. Screw us over once? your bad, Screw us over twice, and I hope people unsub in droves. EOL


Whether you think it's idiotic or not is irrelevant. All players accepted the Terms of Service (and thereby the Rules of Conduct) when they created their account and started playing this game. The Rules of Conduct clearly states that you are not allowed to exploit bugs:


To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior: Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.


Therefore, if you exploit and you get punished for it, it's completely your own fault. If players want to unsub because they can't play according to the RoC then that is probably for the best.

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Does pro hac vice require a judge's approval?

It varies by state, but I think you need at least that. In some states the unadmitted* attorney may need to have an attorney admitted to that state's bar working with them on the case.


* In the U.S. whether you can practice law in a state is never determined by whether you reside there. Lots of attorneys are admitted to practice in more than one state, and some states have reciprocity with some others, so that a lawyer admitted to the bar in the one state can easily gain admission to the bar of the other state.

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Ah yes.. resort to personal attacks when you fail in the discussion. :rolleyes: But by all means, feel free to take your frustrations out on others in the forum.


Seriously.. stop taking all this so serious. EVERY player post in this thread is .. wait for it ----> OPINION. Some opinion is beyond debate, some is debatable, some is presented as fact even though it remains opinion (debatable or otherwise)


BIOWARE DECIDES... none of us do. ;) None the less.. some of the more hyperbolic and crazy claims and accusations in this thread deserve the pushback they are receiving.


Yet you continue to spend a lot of time here trying to police the forums. You clearly get satisfaction by letting others know that you know more than them. I'm not trying to insult you, but what are you gaining out of all of this? Are you getting paid to police the forums? I'm asking with all due respect.

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I'm in no way defending the actions exploiters, so don't try that crap with me.


That said.. you really do need to back off on the hate rhetoric some, IMO.


You are inflaming the discussions with your methods. Is that your intention? if so.. I'll just put you on permanent /ignore and encourage other to consider similar action.


By all means discuss the exploit and possible consequences, etc, etc, etc. But stop with the witch hunt IMO.


Well not that my post was directed at you ( my apology may have needed to be but no doubt you want to bypass that and solely focus on what you deem to be the more "harsh" stuff ) unless I misquoted you which I don't believe I have?


So being that you aren't , as you say, defending cheaters exactly why did you decide to pick my post as your soapbox to get on when I've done nothing recently to insinuate you have done so recently?


Generally those that I do choose to go after are the ones that try to justify their actions or the actions of others as being somehow just, warranted, completely unharmful or even as "Bioware's fault". If people don't want other to come down on them they should stop talking such utter nonsense.


As for ME inflaming discussions on this topic over the past few days ... perhaps review your own posts because that's a bit of a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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It varies by state, but I think you need at least that. In some states the unadmitted* attorney may need to have an attorney admitted to that state's bar working with them on the case.


* In the U.S. whether you can practice law in a state is never determined by whether you reside there. Lots of attorneys are admitted to practice in more than one state, and some states have reciprocity with some others, so that a lawyer admitted to the bar in the one state can easily gain admission to the bar of the other state.


I see. Yea, we were forming up a contract, a special one with a company that contracted us for a particular job working on a game feature and since it would be long term the lawyers needed to be present to assist with the wording.


This one lawyer was from another state...it was just odd to me that he couldn't work on or read certain things, and had to leave the room at certain points of the discussion....like it was the CIA and he was not "read in" or something lol.


I lost out on getting to work on it :(

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yet you continue to spend a lot of time here trying to police the forums. You clearly get satisfaction by letting others know that you know more than them. I'm not trying to insult you, but what are you gaining out of all of this? Are you getting paid to police the forums? I'm asking with all due respect.


I am opining.. along with every other person tossing opinions into the discussion. As are you. Why do you want to run a double standard here?


Don't like it.. too bad. Put me on /ignore then.

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