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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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considering the number of people STILL not getting loot it all balances out. maybe biowart should get someone that knows how to program this


If they did that they would not get the complaints the so much like and the would make more money it is more important to release buggy code and punish people for buggy code.

Edited by Neoforcer
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The broken mechanic was that Coratanni would reset and the fight wouldn't move to phase 2.


The exploit was the ability to loot the chest after the Coratanni/Ruugar fight, therefore the exploit wasn't a way to get past a broken mechanic, it was to flat out loot the boss without having to do a fight at all. People some of the people who did it, couldn't even get past the first boss in Ravagers so it's not like they would have even had a shot at finishing the last boss to get the loot. Yet they were able to loot it using the exploit.


Yep - and it's still the fault of the devs for not doing something sooner. anyone who took advantage (imo) didn't use a game exploit to beat a boss - they used a BROKEN SECTION OF GAME to get free loot. Two totally and completely different things to argue over.


And that tiny bit of gear isn't saving anyone's butt. As a matter of fact, I have seen people get turned away from OP runs for only having the Cortanni cheev, which pretty much proved you took advantage.


So - players who did have already been "punished" by other players.. Why does Bioware need to get involved any further, other than to stop putting out broken stuff that people can take advantage of.


Bioware screwed the pooch - the only punishment should be on them for being idiots.

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im nice


tho apparently not to witch hunters like grayseven, menace and ladyvix, apparently to them in a scum of the earth evil person for defending immoral cheaters.


Just curious, why do you choose to drag me back into this thread? My last post was almost 10 days/80 pages ago. Maybe people dislike you because of your abrasive personality rather than your position on the topic discussed.

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Just curious, why do you choose to drag me back into this thread? My last post was almost 10 days/80 pages ago. Maybe people dislike you because of your abrasive personality rather than your position on the topic discussed.



Na we like him because at least he been sensible most people are.

Edited by Neoforcer
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No, they are not or did not. I am afraid your glee in the misery of others will have to come from somewhere else.

But then, many exploiters I know won't care anyway. They've had enough of BioWares failures.


I myself just subscribed to FFXIV, as did my wife and the friend of ours who introduced us to SWTOR.

We are quite enjoying it, it's a high-quality product. Look beautiful, runs smooth.


And Square Enix recently publicly announced a permanent ban of over 5000 players for exploiting.

BioWare won't do that. So, maybe you should try FFXIV?


I would not touch FFXIV even if I got a free subscription. I am happy where I am.


Time will tell what happens

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Just curious, why do you choose to drag me back into this thread? My last post was almost 10 days/80 pages ago.

Perhaps because you write with a fair amount of skill?


I'm always pleased when people post about me instead of them issue, it shows I'm important to them. :)

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Ah, I see, haters gotta hate. That explains why are so keen on other people being punished, even though they did you personally no harm.


To be fair, when a game is released so bad they literally have to go back and completely redesign it, it tends to make some ill will in the community.

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To be fair, when a game is released so bad they literally have to go back and completely redesign it, it tends to make some ill will in the community.


At least they went back and redesigned it. What does BioWare do with terrible content they release for SWTOR? Not care, that's what.

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A customer scorned. It seemed like just yesterday some of these people worshiping the ground they walked on. Now they want on to piss on their grave.


Not that some of it isn't justified. Just interesting turnaround to me.

Edited by Nickious
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you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.


and how did you survive it?


because the gear other people have has no impact on you. it didnt have an impact then. it doesnt now.


My God, can't we just summarize the ENTIRE thread with this man's post?

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See Bioware has it wrong people don't think they can get away with the exploit at all. People think Bioware is dumb for creating a bug ridden expac while making a big issue out of the exploit and now the damage is done. There better off working on said bug apologize for them making a expac full of bugs in the first place move on. Like i said once i will say it again Eric this is the number 1 issue facing Swtor right? It such and issue you all had to waste a DEV meeting on it rather then having devs work on bugs. That's the backlash your facing.... Edited by Neoforcer
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Well, here is a thought.. Just drop it. we all purchased a incomplete pile of trash with the release of revenger's for 19.99. for 2 weeks we dealt with incomplete quest, bugged and laggy mission areas, and glitches in story arch's. If it was that big of a deal you should have fixed it day one and not let it roll on through the holidays. This is just a little compensation for selling us a incomplete expansion pack and calling it good!
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Well, here is a thought.. Just drop it. we all purchased a incomplete pile of trash with the release of revenger's for 19.99. for 2 weeks we dealt with incomplete quest, bugged and laggy mission areas, and glitches in story arch's. If it was that big of a deal you should have fixed it day one and not let it roll on through the holidays. This is just a little compensation for selling us a incomplete expansion pack and calling it good!


I DIDN'T! I r so smrt!

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I love how people just keep posting and posting and posting in this thread. With all the attention Bioware has given this issue, everyone knows people are going to be punished. Irritable, anxious exploiters will argue with anyone in this thread who's punishment suggestions mirror the exploiters' own foreboding.


It's fear.



I appreciate Bioware keeping the exploiters in a state of panicked uncertainty for a few weeks. A little mental anguish is fun to observe in the trash of the internet.

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On that front, I was out of the hospital 3 days after a heart attack and 6 bypasses, so dont judge based on time. I know ladyvix and I have not seen "eye to eye" even a little bit, but just have to say that.


and hospital wireless sucks...tried playing COH from cardiac care...couldnt raid at all.


The last hospital I went to was sweet... Didn't get on any game while I was there, but they had a big nice flat screen tv on the wall with a keyboard and internet access... I could order whatever I wanted off their menu , whenever I wanted as long as the kitchen was opened.. Damn, I actually was dumb enough to leave that hospital against the doctors advice.... Just couldn't take the withdrawals from the "pain medication" anymore that they were not giving me in the hospital, but I could easily take at home. Oh yea, and there was this huge list of movies I could watch.. Got to watch the second hobbit installation and captain phillips... Really kicking myself in the butt for not taking full advantage of that hospital stay, but if anyone knows how "Pain medicine" withdrawal goes, you would understand why I left.


Instead of using the actual name of the "pain medicine" I substitute it , because I don't want an infraction or my post to get deleted.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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