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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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the SWGEmu ...

I think there is plenty of room for both.

But are they both licensed?


If SWGEmu starts making a noticable dent in SWTOR revenue, BioWare is likely to ask Disney to shut it down.

And Disney, ever conscious of its need to actively protect its Star Wares brand, probably would.

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Guessing that he/she has reached the point where dealing with the system quietly isn't working, so might as well make a scene in front of as many players as possible and hope that the embarrassment and shock value will be enough to get those in the system to take the problem seriously and fix it.


It's a good strategy.


it is, but then BioWare will just give a forum ban to whoever does it. Its against the TOS...I got in trouble for it once.

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But are they both licensed?


If SWGEmu starts making a noticable dent in SWTOR revenue, BioWare is likely to ask Disney to shut it down.

And Disney, ever conscious of its need to actively protect its Star Wares brand, probably would.


Sorry, i dont see that happening. I find it incredibly farfetched that any emu will shut this game down. A game that old will only attract the people that have been loyal to it for many years.......it wont attract everybody.

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Swtor been bleeding subs for a while it is why there thinking of more server mergers. I don't think bw need to promote more unsubbing they do a great job already


Oh and with galaxies emu getting close to 1.0 i would think they would be concerned

SWG? link? :D

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To paraphrase Guardians of the Galaxy:

Guard 1: He says it's called "RaiderGate."

Guard 2: Who calls it that?

Guard 1: Mainly himself.


You didn't need to be a raider or even know a raider to do the exploit, you only needed to have the SoR expansion, have a subscription or ops pass, and know someone with the lockout.


you misquoted me, I said S Hit storm.

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But are they both licensed?


If SWGEmu starts making a noticable dent in SWTOR revenue, BioWare is likely to ask Disney to shut it down.

And Disney, ever conscious of its need to actively protect its Star Wares brand, probably would.


No, SWGEmu is not licenced, but Sony allows its existence. You have to own a legitimate copy of the original game to use it.


Your second contention is certainly possible. But I expect it would not make that much of an impact, though it does have more players than you might think.


Like I said before, one does not preclude or replace the other. They both offer unique experiences that each cannot match.

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RaiderGate just rolls of the tongue, say it with me now... RaiderGate. ExxxxxPloitGate too many syllables.

Imagine a TV news anchor picture-in-picture (Pearl in the inner picture).


Caption: "RaiderGate"

Tagline: "Have YOU been Ravaged?"

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RaiderGate just rolls of the tongue, say it with me now... RaiderGate. ExxxxxPloitGate too many syllables.

Yeee-ah. Need I point out that Raider and Exploit have the same number of syllables?


Try "RaidGate," "LootGate," "TOSgate," or "BugGate" if you want something shorter.

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Your second contention is certainly possible. But I expect it would not make that much of an impact, though it does have more players than you might think.

First, let's be honest... if SWGEmu is to get ANY degree of traction outside of the original player base there's going to have to be blatant piracy of Sony/Lucasfilm/Disney IP (i.e. the original game). It doesn't matter if they discontinued it, its still piracy and something Disney would have to come down on like a ton of bricks because of the sheer value of the Star Wars IP.


IP Law requires Disney to enforce its trademarks and copyrights or lose the protection offered by IP law. Selective enforcement is one of the easiest ways to lose your claims to protected IP which would allow anyone to make Star Wars related items without having to pay them a dime. Unless the operation is so small as to be beneath their notice (ex. they can't be expected to hunt down every last Star Wars fanfic and art project in the dark crevices of the internet) or falls under fair use laws (i.e. they are reproducing only a small portion of the material for certain ends such as news stories, reviews or various derivative works) then they HAVE to come down on it with cease and desist or other more serious action. They are not going to risk losing a multi-billion dollar investment because some gamers want to play a discontinued Star Wars video game.


They can CLAIM reverse engineering and having no control over who accesses their server-side client, but that doesn't actually matter. What matters is... 'at $400 an hour for legal representation, how long can you afford to fight Disney's army of lawyers who can afford to drag the proceedings out for years just to make an example of you?'


IP law is SERIOUS BUSINESS for those involved in it. You tread on it at your own peril.

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I never got the chance to play SWG, but I liked a lot of the stuff I've seen and heard about it. I think it does a much better job at making you feel that you're really living in the SW galaxy.


If I understand correctly, you need a CD-Key to play the EMU? Any idea how I could obtain one for a reasonable price?


reasonable price?? maybe depending if you can catch one cheap but check out ebay. if you have a half price books close to you you can check them out but i doubt they would still have them... its kinda old now but you may get lucky.

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