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Romances for force users suck


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Oh yeah, I'm the wrath of the emperor, the most powerful being in the world, and I'm forced to (You know what) With either a traitorious officer or a slave. (Jaesa is atleast a force user)


Oh I'm a dark council member, oh wait, I gotta romance a damned pirate. Really? I'm a pillar of the Sith empire, they will crumble if I die, and I'm forced to (You know what) With a damned pirate. Why can't I have a force user? No way in a million years any Sith would pick a non force user as mate.


Oh well yeah, I'm the slayer of the emperor and the Warlord of the republic, don't worry I have to romance a random doctor. Yeah I see it, It's Jedi and they're more forgiving come on, When I'm looking after a man, I want someone who can protect me, not a horrible doctor with a bad moustache.


Well I'm also the barsenthor and the member of the jedi council, aswell ast he military leader of the republic, I gotta romance a random soldier that is highly unstable and can turn insane and kill everyone. I'm the damned barsen'thor ,just let me remove it from him or kill him I don't care. That said I hate how there are literally no romance able male force users.


You can make an argument that the imperial agent, the leader of the Space Illuminati has to marry an Instect, but it's atleast better than marrying a traitor, a slave or a Pirate.

Give us something better Bioware. Screw you and your bad romances. I'd gladly cut andronikous, Quinn and vette in half If I got the chance.

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Female characters overall got a bad deal in SWTOR. I know Quinn, Corso, and Vector all have their niche fangirls but most people seem to dislike them. Corso doesn't bother me but I've spoken to a lot of women who find him stifling and annoyingly chauvanistic.


Mostly, though, I find the choices for male LIs pretty bland. None of the ones I've experienced so far have been deeply complex or compelling the way, say, Kaliyo can be or Dorne. There's also an inconsistency in how many males can be romanced. The Consular ship, for example, is a sausage fest. Why is Iresso the only character a female can romance beyond a one night stand? Does Zenith have cooties?


Overall the most palatable option I've gone through so far has been Jorgan with the female Trooper. He at least has some personality and gives you some challenges to overcome when winning him over. Plus, his bashfulness with mushy stuff makes him fun. Other than him, though, female characters definitely seem to get the short end of the stick.

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I despise Quinn, as romance option, with every fiber of my being. I would love nothing more than to force choke the piss out of him, and shove him out of the airlock. Especially after you know what happened!


The same goes for Corso!!


The only decent romances, for my toons, were Andronikos, Torian, and Vector. That's it. In my opinion, there were far better options for females like Pierce (for femwarrior), Scourge (if he can fix his issues), Zenith, Theron (for my smuggler) or any of the one nighters the fem smuggler has.


Of course, this could be helped a little if they gave us new companions. Or they expand on the current companions, and make the full romance options. :-D

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I think that romances for a female PC suck, tbh. In an ideal world, I'd love to see:


Consular: Out of party - Attros Finn (going through the entire story) and in-party - Zenith; ability to recruit and romance Stark instead of Nadia Grell


Knight: Scourge. Just make an unapologetic non-canon story about overcoming the 'can't feel' issues. Seriously, the hack of a writer who butchered Revan and Exile owns us that much.


Smuggler: Guss should have been a Nautolan, Willpower based non-Jedi healer. Can't see him threatening a male Smuggler leadership. And Numen Brock should have re-appeared in Chapter 2 and 3.


Trooper: I don't mind Jonas, but I would have loved a couple out of party flirts with the Jedi.




First of all, I think that Inquisitor and Warrior should be able to develop an out of party romance with Marr.


Warrior: Pierce and Femm Res, with Femm Res out of party with his race changed to a PB Sith


Inquisitor: We should be able like Zash to step in and kill Xalek when he tries to cheat, pick the Twi'lek as our apprentice and have a romance that has never materialized for Mical/Disciple. Seriously, I don't see the point of Xalek at all. Ashara is great for a male PC, but Xalek serves no purpose whatsoever.


Imperial Agent: Aristocra out of party with erm... more availability of the flirting options and him coming into the story later on again. No switcher-roo on the Hunter + get the ending the males get. And I will be happy. Or Lokin if he had a slightly younger but mature customization.


Bounty Hunter: I'd love to have an option to romance Gault instead of just Torian.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I also agree that the romances for females seem to be bad.


I only have 2 female characters (Agent and Trooper) but both characters lack romances


I cant get over Victor being a bug (thankfully I could romance Lana) and my trooper felt really lonely (I like to head canon that she has a casual relationship with Jonas)



I could talk more about this but ultimately, its a bit late for that lol. What is done is done. So I just sick back and hope Jonas and Lana will show up more in the story in the future (as the Trooper is my main and the Agent my 3rd played alt)

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I disagree with the OP when it comes to Jedi Knights. You get your wisecracking sidekick AFTER she becomes a full Jedi which makes it less weird. Female Knights get to marry a genius doctor who gives up the cushy well paid jobs to save lives in Warzones.


Male Warriors, Inqusitors and Consulars really shouldn't complain either IMO. Females...sigh.

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Haven't played a lot of female force users, but just looking at the line-up they have to deal with... yeesh. Having Quinn as your only choice has got to hurt.


The only thing males have it bad in is a lack of variety. Dudes get a young female melee apprentice, a young female melee apprentice, a young female melee apprentice, and a young female melee apprentice.


Oh and Vette :-)

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The only thing males have it bad in is a lack of variety. Dudes get a young female melee apprentice, a young female melee apprentice, a young female melee apprentice, and a young female melee apprentice.


It's not quite so much an issue for Sith, but for Jedi in particular the idea of romancing your Padawan/apprentice just seems..weird.


I know it doesn't actually play out that way for either of them, but I just can't shake the whole, "Oh, I can think of one way to make sure you pass your trials...." vibe. :p

Edited by jovianus
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They definitely owe us some new romances, especially considering how much money they are making now via cartel market and strongholds, and also the fact SOR was pretty much the same story for everyone, minus the one individual class quest. It's obvious they went the el cheapo route there. Anyway they should add new female romances, males can already romance any female in their crew. I would suggest this: since the material is already there just let the female character have a same gender romance with already existing companions. Would it really be that difficult? I think not. The biggest disappointment as a female jedi knight was having to romance that insufferable douchebag Doc over the much sexier and more interesting Lord Scourge. Edited by DARTHOSIRUS
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It's not quite so much an issue for Sith, but for Jedi in particular the idea of romancing your Padawan/apprentice just seems..weird.


I know it doesn't actually play out that way for either of them, but I just can't shake the whole, "Oh, I can think of one way to make sure you pass your trials...." vibe. :p


Yeah, depending on how old you imagine your character, some of the romances can feel pretty creepy. I see that with Mako and the BH as well.

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The biggest disappointment as a female jedi knight was having to romance that insufferable douchebag Doc over the much sexier and more interesting Lord Scourge.


You don't have to.


SGR will help things a little, and really, for the story purposes should have been there with the Knight, Inquisitor and Warrior because the female PC now misses a lot of content associated with the plot-important romanceable characters in these stories. It is just annoying.


But, seriously, no Zenith, Scourge, Gault and Pierce? (Sigh)

Edited by DomiSotto
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I think that romances for a female PC suck, tbh. In an ideal world, I'd love to see:


Consular: Out of party - Attros Finn (going through the entire story) and in-party - Zenith; ability to recruit and romance Stark instead of Nadia Grell


Knight: Scourge. Just make an unapologetic non-canon story about overcoming the 'can't feel' issues. Seriously, the hack of a writer who butchered Revan and Exile owns us that much.


Smuggler: Guss should have been a Nautolan, Willpower based non-Jedi healer. Can't see him threatening a male Smuggler leadership. And Numen Brock should have re-appeared in Chapter 2 and 3.


Trooper: I don't mind Jonas, but I would have loved a couple out of party flirts with the Jedi.




First of all, I think that Inquisitor and Warrior should be able to develop an out of party romance with Marr.


Warrior: Pierce and Femm Res, with Femm Res out of party with his race changed to a PB Sith


Inquisitor: We should be able like Zash to step in and kill Xalek when he tries to cheat, pick the Twi'lek as our apprentice and have a romance that has never materialized for Mical/Disciple. Seriously, I don't see the point of Xalek at all. Ashara is great for a male PC, but Xalek serves no purpose whatsoever.


Imperial Agent: Aristocra out of party with erm... more availability of the flirting options and him coming into the story later on again. No switcher-roo on the Hunter + get the ending the males get. And I will be happy. Or Lokin if he had a slightly younger but mature customization.


Bounty Hunter: I'd love to have an option to romance Gault instead of just Torian.

No she isnt, she is good for a Light side but a true Sith would not get with her.


And your right which is why my knight went with Theron and my inquisitor went with Lana and the lest just stayed friends with them.


Also my consular is a true Jedi, he didn't romance anyone.

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One of the essential problems with the Inquisitor’s story is a strong assumption in companion romances that a female will be played as a DS, and a male – as LS. I accepted that assumption, and I loved Ashara’s romance. I am however going to delete my female Inquisitor, as I have absolutely no interest in Andronikus.


Ashara’s romance, LS Inquisitor…. It appeals to me because he is basically a dead man walking. It appeals to me that they are doomed. Inquisitor’s story overall is the most tragic and lonely one of the eight.


It is actually my favorite in party relationship in the game, the whole star-crossed impossibility of it. The fact that they are not the best fit, but just try to see where it is going to take them.


Ashara’s descent from the Sith, as well as his, and how she tries to hold on to her identity.


The romance also (mercifully) doesn’t end in a cheesy impromptu marriage and it has the best animated romantic scene I have seen so far, where Ashara turns away, and the Inquisitor comes over and puts his hands ‘round her.




With the intro to Rishi it gets even sweeter.


Yep, Ruvvoy + Ashara =my favorite ‘Bio-approved’ couple in SWTOR. And, given I also played through Cytherat’s and Theron’s flirts with my Darth, that propensity to be unlucky in love is becoming a part of his character. J

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One of the essential problems with the Inquisitor’s story is a strong assumption in companion romances that a female will be played as a DS, and a male – as LS. I accepted that assumption, and I loved Ashara’s romance. I am however going to delete my female Inquisitor, as I have absolutely no interest in Andronikus.

Ashara’s romance, LS Inquisitor…. It appeals to me because he is basically a dead man walking. It appeals to me that they are doomed. Inquisitor’s story overall is the most tragic and lonely one of the eight.


It is actually my favorite in party relationship in the game, the whole star-crossed impossibility of it. The fact that they are not the best fit, but just try to see where it is going to take them.


Ashara’s descent from the Sith, as well as his, and how she tries to hold on to her identity.


The romance also (mercifully) doesn’t end in a cheesy impromptu marriage and it has the best animated romantic scene I have seen so far, where Ashara turns away, and the Inquisitor comes over and puts his hands ‘round her.




With the intro to Rishi it gets even sweeter.


Yep, Ruvvoy + Ashara =my favorite ‘Bio-approved’ couple in SWTOR. And, given I also played through Cytherat’s and Theron’s flirts with my Darth, that propensity to be unlucky in love is becoming a part of his character. J

neither did i, so my female inquisitor waited and romanced Lana and it was much better.

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To the OP--- how about you change the title to say Romances for females suck. (which i agree that they do, but I don't feel the need to whine about it). Most of the male romances are good. Namely Knight and Smuggler (the only ones i've done so far). Also the inquisitor romance with ashara just doesn't seem to fit with the story and everything.
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To the OP--- how about you change the title to say Romances for females suck. (which i agree that they do, but I don't feel the need to whine about it). Most of the male romances are good. Namely Knight and Smuggler (the only ones i've done so far). Also the inquisitor romance with ashara just doesn't seem to fit with the story and everything.


to be honest while females do have it bad male JC only have Nadia and IMO romancing her feels wrong, she sounds to much like a kid and my JC sounds twice her age, its why mine just stuck to being her teacher.

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to be honest while females do have it bad male JC only have Nadia and IMO romancing her feels wrong, she sounds to much like a kid and my JC sounds twice her age, its why mine just stuck to being her teacher.


yeah that's one of the reasons I ran a female JC, I knew the romance wouldn't be till the end and that it would feel a little weird (i did some research) and I hated the male JC's voice anyway lol

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My Warrior totally did Quinn. As often as she could, even. Seriously, she knew what she was getting into, because she's smart enough to anticipate Baras' silly scheming. That, and there's no way you can tell me Quinn willingly did squat against her. Baras is a schmuck, he tormented my Quinn, forced him, and my Warrior totally stuck a lightsaber in him for the offense.


My Sorcerer had no qualms about taking that pirate to her bed, either. Honestly, everyone goes around calling her a slave and sneering down their long noses at her. She might as well have fun with whomever she wishes, thumb her nose at the lot of them, show them that none of them define her or make her to hang her head for any dang reason. Let alone who she chooses to you-know-what.


My Knight was delighted with her doctor, too. He made her laugh, and everyone needs someone to make them laugh once in a while. Beside that, he was smart and engaging, he was able to keep her from falling down flat on the battlefield, and he looked fairly good in the Republic officer's uniform I bought off the CE vendor in the VIP section.


But yea, my sage was totally a guy. Even I can't find it in me to turn Nadia down in favor of Felix. She's just plain cute as heck. Sorry, Felix, dude.


All that being said, my favorite romance belongs to my bounty hunter. Torian Cadera is yummy as heck. Quinn isn't far behind him, though. I did a playthrough of the smuggler story with a female twi'lek and think the Corso romance is cute as heck, but my canon smuggler totally went after Akaavi in the end. My Agent is a guy, too, but he despises Kaliyo. Temple totally made up for that, though. The Arik romance is okay, if only because he's so adorable when he's jealous.


But honestly. I just try to think outside the box, really. The most difficult set of companions I had to deal with belonged to my agent. I thank Bioware every day, that they offered up Temple and Vector. If only because those are the only two characters on his crew that my Agent really trusts. He'd rather send the rest of them out a nearby airlock, except they're all halfway useful at times.

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to be honest while females do have it bad male JC only have Nadia and IMO romancing her feels wrong, she sounds to much like a kid and my JC sounds twice her age, its why mine just stuck to being her teacher.


I RP my consular as a prodigy. So that he's very, very young, same age as Nadia herself. It kind of helps soothe that bit of angst. That, and I figure he's a goody-two-shoes enough, that he asked for permission before marrying the girl, hehe.

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Oh yeah, I'm the wrath of the emperor, the most powerful being in the world, and I'm forced to (You know what) With either a traitorious officer or a slave. (Jaesa is atleast a force user)


Oh I'm a dark council member, oh wait, I gotta romance a damned pirate. Really? I'm a pillar of the Sith empire, they will crumble if I die, and I'm forced to (You know what) With a damned pirate. Why can't I have a force user? No way in a million years any Sith would pick a non force user as mate.


Oh well yeah, I'm the slayer of the emperor and the Warlord of the republic, don't worry I have to romance a random doctor. Yeah I see it, It's Jedi and they're more forgiving come on, When I'm looking after a man, I want someone who can protect me, not a horrible doctor with a bad moustache.


Well I'm also the barsenthor and the member of the jedi council, aswell ast he military leader of the republic, I gotta romance a random soldier that is highly unstable and can turn insane and kill everyone. I'm the damned barsen'thor ,just let me remove it from him or kill him I don't care. That said I hate how there are literally no romance able male force users.


You can make an argument that the imperial agent, the leader of the Space Illuminati has to marry an Instect, but it's atleast better than marrying a traitor, a slave or a Pirate.

Give us something better Bioware. Screw you and your bad romances. I'd gladly cut andronikous, Quinn and vette in half If I got the chance.


I could be mistaken, but I do not believe you are forced into any relationship in this game.

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I could be mistaken, but I do not believe you are forced into any relationship in this game.


Indeed. I've played each class both male and female and when playing female Inquisitor and Warrior I wasn't interested in romancing Andronikos or Quinn, so I simply didn't. Would have been nicer if there were more interesting choices, but it's not a big deal and it didn't ruin my experience of the story.

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It doesn't ruin the story, no, but when romance is great, it sure makes it that much more enjoyable. Also, I don't think I will have time or desire to play both genders level 1 to level 60, as I initially thought I would, so the choice of romance basically by now determines which gender character I would run with for each of the 8 classes. It simply takes too long, and my interests have shifted from levelling to doing other stuff & I want to wrap the game up within a year or so from now.


I was expecting Quinn to say his hand was forced, but I was surprised by his cool attitude. I did not pick the "Our love went up in flames!" response, because the option sounded so... cheesy on the wheel, so maybe that's where he lays on the angst. But, no, he sounded like his loyalty truly was with Barras and Barras alone till the moment Warrior lets him off the hook. Which is great for his character development. If there is one defining part of his personality is that he wants to serve a Great and Powerful Lord, medieval style. Love Quinn as a character, very consistent, very easy to emphasize with. Just did not dig it as a romance premise.


I am actually thinking that maybe I run a male Consular for my Shadow if I ever finish Knight and BH, since I can't romance Zenith anyway, and make him gray-dark aligned and use Nadia's naivete kindda thing.


Seeing Torian is the only romantic interest I haven;t met, well, maybe I will like him. But, really, next to Gault?

Edited by DomiSotto
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It doesn't ruin the story, no, but when romance is great, it sure makes it that much more enjoyable. Also, I don't think I will have time or desire to play both genders level 1 to level 60, as I initially thought I would, so the choice of romance basically by now determines which gender character I would run with for each of the 8 classes. It simply takes too long, and my interests have shifted from levelling to doing other stuff & I want to wrap the game up within a year or so from now.


I was expecting Quinn to say his hand was forced, but I was surprised by his cool attitude. I did not pick the "Our love went up in flames!" response, because the option sounded so... cheesy on the wheel, so maybe that's where he lays on the angst. But, no, he sounded like his loyalty truly was with Barras and Barras alone till the moment Warrior lets him off the hook. Which is great for his character development. If there is one defining part of his personality is that he wants to serve a Great and Powerful Lord, medieval style. Love Quinn as a character, very consistent, very easy to emphasize with. Just did not dig it as a romance premise.


I am actually thinking that maybe I run a male Consular for my Shadow if I ever finish Knight and BH, since I can't romance Zenith anyway, and make him gray-dark aligned and use Nadia's naivete kindda thing.


Seeing Torian is the only romantic interest I haven;t met, well, maybe I will like him. But, really, next to Gault?

Tbh, Quinn is a traitor and I can't see why anyone would romance him or let him off the hook. It's not that romantic. "Oh, my love. I'm going to murder you now!" - loses and wants to be forgiven/serve on. I think they should've made Quinn killable, and replaced with a random officer if he is killed. I mean... Wrath walks around, killing everything in his way, but accepts treason? Even if he's lightside, why accept treason? Only a weak warrior accepts traitors back into the ranks, and Wrath isn't shown to be a weakling. Quinn should be excecuted once Baras is dead. Then Wrath should've gotten a new officer to replace him.

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Yeah, I've never really understood why Bioware decided that a Sith storyline was the best option to have a companion betrayal story. An LS Sith might spare Quinn's life, but I can't really see them welcoming him back into the fold, unless you're playing a straight up "Oh, I really should have been a Jedi, but my parents moved into the Korriban Academy school district."
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