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Fix MIDS PVP bracket. Signed. Dated. Now.


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Every true PVPER knows that mids PVP is broken. 30-54s get demolished by the 55-59s. It's not gears. It's not noob player skills. It's a total power advantage that 55-59s have over the lower lvls.


I have a pal who just came back to the game. Great player, great pvper. Prior to 3.0, he always leveled through warzones, like many of us. This time, he made a jugg. From 10-29, he did fine, had fun always put up great numbers etc.


Then he hit 30. His first match he faced many 55-59s on the other team. He was totally frustrated because he simply could not compete. It was not a lack of skill, the guy is a great player. It's not gears, he is geared fine. It's not a lack of abilities on his hotbars... Prior to 3.0, he leveled through warzones and faced higher lvls then, never having trouble even if they had an advantage due to more abilities!


Supposedly the 55-59s are being bolstered to 60, while the 30-54s are bolstered to 55. I don't know if this is true. What I do know, is there is an apparent, GIGANTIC advantage in killing power, healing power, everything for the 55-59s.


If this is not fixed, we will lose more players. Players coming back for pvp, like my pal will not stick around long when an ENTIRE large bracket of levels (30-59) cannot enjoy PVP because of some terrible power disparity between lower lvls and higher lvls! FIX THIS ****. PLEASE.

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Going on low level alts is pretty frustrating right now. Its also making things much worse. You go from dominating when your on your 55+ to being dead weight when you enter midbies.


The issue its creating is people totally avoid pvp as new players or on their alts meaning less players queueing midbies and making it consist even more of only those 55+.


It also means players are rushing through pve to try and get to 55 as quick as possilbe. They dont learn their class, dont get comms for pvp gear and enter endgame totally unprepared. They then join pugs and expect to be carried in a game without any queue sorting and where premades can avoid having to be stuck with these players.


BW have absolutely no experience in how to handle mmo pvp. In over 10 years of playing mmos just to pvp I have never seen a company be so blind to problems they create that anyone with any experience of how it works would see coming.


Do not encourage rushing through and avoiding lower level pvp then have no way to sort players via experience or at least gear in endgame. Its *********** retarded. You wouldnt allow it in pve as it would break the game, so dont do it in pvp.

Edited by Tellenn
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Going on low level alts is pretty frustrating right now. Its also making things much worse. You go from dominating when your on your 55+ to being dead weight when you enter midbies.


The issue its creating is people totally avoid pvp as new players or on their alts meaning less players queueing midbies and making it consist even more of only those 55+.


It also means players are rushing through pve to try and get to 55 as quick as possilbe. They dont learn their class, dont get comms for pvp gear and enter endgame totally unprepared. They then join pugs and expect to be carried in a game without any queue sorting and where premades can avoid having to be stuck with these players.


BW have absolutely no experience in how to handle mmo pvp. In over 10 years of playing mmos just to pvp I have never seen a company be so blind to problems they create that anyone with any experience of how it works would see coming.


Do not encourage rushing through and avoiding lower level pvp then have no way to sort players via experience or at least gear in endgame. Its *********** retarded. You wouldnt allow it in pve as it would break the game, so dont do it in pvp.


Man, everything you say here is exactly on point. So glad there are other people that realize this is actually a big deal! Mid PVP truly is a gateway period of time that is important for people to properly gear, learn, and yes, enjoy PVP. It should not be a deadzone of levels, when you cannot play PVP and enjoy it.

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Every true pvp'er doesn't give a sh*t about mids.


Are you speaking for all of them? I pretty much only pvp and .....I'd prefer a better experience sub 55 as well. If you only pvp to level then that means you will be in pvp ALOT while leveling. Why should it be such a futile experience for most of it? There is no need...also, speak for yourself, I don't need you chiming for me. ;)

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This is a really temporary problem. Leveling extremely slowly you are in midbies for like 3 weeks. Adjusting bolster, which has proven to be a very difficult task, for what amounts to a blip in your characters progression seems like a waste of dev time and too large a possibility for them to make it worse.
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Every true pvp'er doesn't give a sh*t about mids.


You beat me to it. We just got done with 2 mos of 12x : none of the characters I remotely care about are under 55. Other than new players or people just coming back after a long break, people still stuck pre 55 are not people that can be helped with game mechanics gifts, fixes or changes. And they probably suck at more than just pvp. Maybe there is a bolster problem in mids but i have a list of pvp issues that i would like fixed ahead of that.

Edited by Savej
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Every true pvp'er doesn't give a sh*t about mids.


Im a true pvp'er (never touch pve in any mmo) and I care that players are rushing through and not learning classes properly as it affects the quality of opponents and teammates in endgame. Of course Im not a short sighted moron.

Edited by Tellenn
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Whilst I wouldn't say midbies aren't important I do think the problem is being blown out of proportion. There is an advantage to being 55+. I do better on my 55+ toons, but I still do decent - good on my sub 55 toons. Takes more effort sure. Higher levels like to focus the lvl 30s because it empowers them I guess. I get stomped on my lvl 30s, but I've also stomped some 55+ toons on my lvl 30s. You win some and you lose some. It will always be that way. It's just a little more skewed in mid bracket.
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Not being blown out of proportion at all. This is a serious problem for mid bracket and it is also being taken advantage of by pre-made groups which only compounds the problem even further. I don't even want to level in mids anymore and I almost always level fully in PvP.
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Every true pvp'er doesn't give a sh*t about mids.


I'd say that's probably false. People who only pvp for XP are pretty hardcore pvpers, and I would consider them "true pvpers". If you think only lvl 60 pvp matters, that's fine. I personally would like to pvp in every tier and enjoy the ride all the way to 60, not run into lvl 30 and find it totally broken and cause me to have to actually change doing what I liked best about this game. Which is pvp for XP from low lvls to cap.

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Any community needs a continuous revival and growth. And midbies is an important developmental level where the most gear accumulation takes place, as well as learning the class. Unhealthy midbies means unhealthy PvP. Bypassing Levels 30 to 55 via alternative forms of levelling will make gearing and valor catch up much harder for the 55-59 player, particularly now we don’t even have a Weekly for a L55-59 player.


What’s more, the disadvantages which the L30-54 are facing effect the L55-59 negatively as well. I have never seen slower prompts, and when the game loads, it is a <35s and 55+ mix. And… well… I despise being sour grapes, but let’s just say I saw abandoned capped nodes 3 times since 3.0 dropped (prior to that I have seen it maybe once since I started playing, and that in the lowbies).


In the past, the characters were rapidly picking up the steam from the mid-thirties to mid-forties, and did quite well from there on. Now that entire solid block is just not there, and it makes for a lot of sitting on the Fleet, crafting, shopping and hoping that you’ll lose not too too badly.


I think I just convinced myself to go and level to 60. At least then I'll have a Weekly.

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And midbies is an important developmental level where the most gear accumulation takes place, as well as learning the class. Unhealthy midbies means unhealthy PvP.


Best remark so far - especially since midbie is THE place to learn the class !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The biggest concern is the 55's rocking the old pvp gear sets. Ideally these guys need to be in the same bracket as the level 60's. It makes sense.


This doesn't help, true enough. But, the larger problem from what I can tell is some bolster that is given to the 55-59s that the 30-54s do not get. Anyone that plays a 30-54 toon, then compares it to a 55-59 in mids can tell, and many have talked openly about how noticeable of a difference the power is.


The 55-59s are being bolstered with a significant power advantage. It's not the gears, it's not the added abilities. it is added defense, killing power, healing power, and hps. All of these bonuses along with some of the "twink gears" and their added skill set abilities only exacerbate a PVP problem of imbalance in power.

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This doesn't help, true enough. But, the larger problem from what I can tell is some bolster that is given to the 55-59s that the 30-54s do not get. Anyone that plays a 30-54 toon, then compares it to a 55-59 in mids can tell, and many have talked openly about how noticeable of a difference the power is.


The 55-59s are being bolstered with a significant power advantage. It's not the gears, it's not the added abilities. it is added defense, killing power, healing power, and hps. All of these bonuses along with some of the "twink gears" and their added skill set abilities only exacerbate a PVP problem of imbalance in power.


Have you geared your PvE ship?

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This is a really temporary problem. Leveling extremely slowly you are in midbies for like 3 weeks. Adjusting bolster, which has proven to be a very difficult task, for what amounts to a blip in your characters progression seems like a waste of dev time and too large a possibility for them to make it worse.


Okay, using your line of thinking and your numbers....


4 classes Imp. 4x3 weeks = 12 weeks

4 classes Rep. 4x3 weeks = 12 weeks


12+12 = 24 weeks

24/4 = 6 months of my life in mids.


I think that is an unreasonable amount of time to spend frustrated in a game. I can't believe you or anyone thinks that is acceptable?


Just wow.


I understand that this is going to be a time sink for the devs to fix. But for me (and I bet more than a few others) this is a worthwhile endeavor. Maybe a reassigning of brackets is a faster fix for now? I don't know, but it beats being stomped for 2-3 weeks straight when you are on a sub level 55 character. I am currently not playing a sub 55 but I know how much the bad side of the coin stinks around here. And it ALWAYS lasts way too long before it's fixed. :(

Edited by WickedImage
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