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regarding punishment for exploit


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Other companies have stated they have taken action, you're right. But not to whom, and certainly not with what exactly save "We banned people for doing X. Don't do that again".


That's fine. It shows Bioware is against exploiters.


I'm sure alot, if not most, people just want a general update.


Edit: Misquoted

Edited by Celwinn
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Other companies have stated they have taken action, you're right. But not to whom, and certainly not with what exactly save "We banned people for doing X. Don't do that again".

Bull! I know for a fact at least 2 other companies are not at all afraid to name names.

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They dont have to release names... according to their privacy policy. But a general statement that action has been taken would be nice with some stats (i.e. x bans, y suspensions). No names... something to show they took it serious. Otherwise... it is game on for exploits... exploit , or be behind.


Honestly... I don't know if I want to financially support a game developer that encourages and condones this type of behavior. Actions speak louder than words, if they do nothing... then they do approve of it... regardless of the ToS, regardless of any empty threats posted in the community forums. (not looking for a debate on the topic, its just my choice.. you are welcome to your own opinions (not directed at you Ajenir)).


And no Pagy, I am not pissed I didn't get the free toys with no work... I have much more self respect than that. But think what you will.


I haven't seen anything from BW stating that they are, or are not taking action (other than Eric's "that exploit" thread... so quitting is premature. (this is not an I quit post). More of a I don't know if I want to support the game post...

y didnt u quit after the nefra exploit?


still sounds to me like sour grapes. if you felt this strongly about exploiting players that dont affect you, i would have assumed the nefra exploit and the inaction around it would have pushed you away.

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Bit late responding to this but...


Back in the day when all we had was Sub based mmorpgs and none of this FTP stuff they'd have done something along these lines to the people that exploited something like this to gear entire guilds way faster than intended.


*fix patch*


Then the reported exploiters probably would've logged in to see that all their ill gotten gear had level one mods in them... or 1week debuff shock collars on their toons.


It isn't a ban but it does punish knowing exploiters. I guess the EULA doesn't allow them to things like that anymore though? :cool:

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That's fine. It shows Bioware is against exploiters.


I'm sure alot, if not most, people just want a general update.


Edit: Misquoted


And how does something like this benefit the game? They patched the exploit so it's time to move on! You people who want to see heads roll and witness a public execution are worse than the exploiters IMO! You should really be ashamed of yourselves.

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To the pitchfork crowd:


BioWare has to tread carefully. The bulk of the people who used the exploit were subscribers. That's BioWare's bread and butter. Pissing them off isn't wise and they know it. Also BioWare never did anything to people who used the valor exploits, hold the ball where the other team can't reach it in Huttball, stacked adrenals in PvP, cheated the **** out of the bolster system time and time again, used ship parts to bolster themselves in PvP, used Revan statues to enable their heroic moments in operations boss fights or farmed Nefra for implants over and over again for weeks and weeks at a time. There are probably some major exploits that I'm forgetting but there were definitely a number of them over the years.


The exploit is BioWare's fault. It was their ****** coding that allowed it to happen. Supposedly it had been reported on the PTS and they didn't do anything about it. Then the masses started using the exploit. Again BioWare took an additional two or three weeks to patch the flaw in the game. People literally discussed the flaw openly on fleet stating "BioWare can't ban us all" encouraging the exploitation of the flaw. We all know where the exploit leak and lockout came from. Only a handful of guilds can clear HM Ravagers at the moment. If anyone should be punished it should be the people who spread it like a Venereal disease.


BioWare, through their inaction in the past has set the precedent that this sort of thing is OK. At this point expectation of punishment is not only unrealistic but it wouldn't even be fair given what people have gotten away with in the past and the precedent set by BioWare themselves.


The only real incentive BioWare has to punish anyone is to make the people who didn't exploit anything happy. That isn't going to happen if your in the minority when we are talking about subscribers. The funny thing is some of the people screaming for punishment were the same ******es who used the above mentioned exploits in the past.

Edited by Spamfritter
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And how does something like this benefit the game? They patched the exploit so it's time to move on! You people who want to see heads roll and witness a public execution are worse than the exploiters IMO! You should really be ashamed of yourselves.


It restores some faith into Bioware and how they police their game.

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Nah, better to leave exploiters in suspense, worrying whether that ban email will ever be sent to them ...


It's funny you say that because that has been what I see.

Most of gamers I talked to who used the exploit fully expect a ban. They know it's a real possibility, which tells me they willing used the exploit and propagated it. Many used it multiple times each week.


Even they know what they did was wrong and against the rules no matter how others might spin the length the bug stayed around or lack of information from BW but took the chance anyway. They are indeed wondering if they will be able to play later on. Sweating bullets? Maybe not but the suspense is killing them cause at the end of the day, even they know it was wrong.

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Pretty sure if they didn't give a duck about exploiting they don't really care about getting banned.

You are incorrect. Some exploiters I know of have a heavy real-money investment in SWTOR and, according to them, it is the only game they play, or want to play. But according to them the risk seemed very low and the payoff pretty good.


And at some point, when most of a player's in-game friends have exploited, that player might think "Well, if my friends get banned I'll wind up quitting SWTOR anyway, so what the heck." Many people play MMOs because of the friends they play with, which is why a large-scale ban can cause the loss of a lot more players than just the banned ones.

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You are incorrect. Some exploiters I know of have a heavy real-money investment in SWTOR and, according to them, it is the only game they play, or want to play. But according to them the risk seemed very low and the payoff pretty good.


And at some point, when most of a player's in-game friends have exploited, that player might think "Well, if my friends get banned I'll wind up quitting SWTOR anyway, so what the heck." Many people play MMOs because of the friends they play with, which is why a large-scale ban can cause the loss of a lot more players than just the banned ones.


If they spent so much real $ on it, they would have just made credits off selling packs or the items that came with them, not resorted to cheating or exploiting

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It restores some faith into Bioware and how they police their game.

You misunderstand the purpose of a ToS. It isn't for your benefit. It isn't for justice and fairness either.

The ToS exists to protect BioWare's financial interests.


If you are going to have any faith in BioWare, it can only be a faith that BioWare will always do what it thinks will be profitable. It's foolish to think otherwise.


And in this case, it may be more profitable to overlook all but the most blatant and public exploiters.

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If they spent so much real $ on it, they would have just made credits off selling packs or the items that came with them, not resorted to cheating or exploiting


Sorry, your speculation is way off. I know subscribers who buy multiple Hypercrates with real cash every time a new one comes out, and who have more credits than I probably ever will, but who still did the exploit. A lot. Because all the credits in the world cannot buy 198 gear.


But don't let the facts get in the way.

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Sorry, your speculation is way off. I know subscribers who buy multiple Hypercrates with real cash every time a new one comes out, and who have more credits than I probably ever will, but who still did the exploit. A lot. Because all the credits in the world cannot buy 198 gear.


But don't let the facts get in the way.


186 Gear was like 2-3m per mod, and about 3-5m per hilt when it first came out, and 192s are what 1-2m each? Not impossible to offored a 70m setup if you really wanted it, I have 70m+ sitting on one toon alone but I choose not to buy mods cause I know they'll just be outdated later in the future.

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Guess the numbers weren't as big as everyone thought.


Shocking... the forum hyper-inflated the suspected numbers. Who would have guessed? :p


I'm dropping a direct quote from Eric's post this morning here.. since some won't be able to let go of the chew toy long enough to look up.


Hey folks,


Let’s talk a bit about the Ravager’s exploit. There are two stages to the process of removing an exploit and handling actions for players who participated. Stage 1 – fix the issue and ensure players can no longer partake in the exploit. That change is out as of today in patch 3.0.2.


Stage 2 – With the exploit removed, we can work towards finalizing our data review and assigning appropriate actions. We have a lot of information! We know who used it, who they invited, how many times they exploited, when they participated, credits gained, and whether they gained a crafting pattern from reverse-engineering. We are still reviewing the data and determining the appropriate action for those who took undue advantage of the exploit. We won’t be taking action today, but we’ll wrap it up in the next week or so.

On the plus side, most players didn't partake in the exploit at all allowing us to focus on the few who did. It may seem silly to thank you for not using an exploit, but we really appreciate you taking the time to raise our awareness of the issue through a variety of channels. It demonstrates your commitment to the game and to keeping the game fun, and fair for everyone. So thank you for not using the exploit.



Edited by Andryah
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186 Gear was like 2-3m per mod, and about 3-5m per hilt when it first came out, and 192s are what 1-2m each? Not impossible to offored a 70m setup if you really wanted it, I have 70m+ sitting on one toon alone but I choose not to buy mods cause I know they'll just be outdated later in the future.

1) I said you cannot buy 198 gear

2) Why do you think 192s are so cheap? Because of all the mats the exploiters brought in to the game, and all the drops they reverse engineered.

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