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regarding punishment for exploit


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What a slap in the face..


Guess exploiting is ok now, just exploit as much as you want, profit as much as you can and move the money around cause all you're gonna get is a stern "no, bad" and nothing else.


Time to quit the game.


Did I get them all?

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What a slap in the face..


Guess exploiting is ok now, just exploit as much as you want, profit as much as you can and move the money around cause all you're gonna get is a stern "no, bad" and nothing else.


Time to quit the game.


Did I get them all?


You forgot one.

Youre sending all your stuff to me before you leave. :D

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You forgot one.

Youre sending all your stuff to me before you leave. :D


Nah, I'll delete it all, make a video about it and spam the forums with links, then a month later cry to BW to restore my stuff and come back whining about the same exact issue.

Edited by Jandi
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One week? LOL BW once again caved in to the kiddies and the lowest denominator,think i am going to say adios i do not wish to play a game that has this low of integrity.
integrity? it's a video game with space wizards and laser swords.
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yeah im not going to compare rl gambling to video games and purple pixels.


Really, you couldn't even be bothered to read 2 sentences? I said NON-money games, as in, no gabling involved.


We both know you'd be thrown out instantly. Furthermore, things have as much value as people believe they have. If purple pixels were REALLY worthless, why is there a massive industry in faming and selling of in-game items for real money?


Your argument is stupid, childish and narrow minded and you know it.

Edited by Jandi
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Really, you couldn't even be bothered to read 2 setnces? I said NON-money games, as in, no gabling involved.


We both know you'd be thrown out instantly. Furthermore, things have as much value as people believe they have. If purple pixels were REALLY worthless, why is there a massive industry in faming and selling of in-game items for real money?


Your argument is stupid, childish and narrow minded and you know it.


your response assumes that you are smarter, more mature, and open minded than him, I havent seen any evidence of that. you are taking your toys and going home...........

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your response assumes that you are smarter, more mature, and open minded than him, I havent seen any evidence of that. you are taking your toys and going home...........


Captain ad-hominem strikes again.


How could you possibly see anything when you only read 1/10 of the posts?

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Captain ad-hominem strikes again.


How could you possibly see anything when you only read 1/10 of the posts?


I didnt call you any names. if you assume those fit though...


after all, wasnt it you that typed "Your argument is stupid, childish and narrow minded and you know it. "?


I do believe it was.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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Aww, passive aggressive coward in addition to not comprehending the difference between critizing an arugment and critizing the person making the argument. How novel.


you are the one that put the discussion in those terms...coward????you dont know me in the least..mr "im gonna hide behind my monitor and go home and stroke my integrity."

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you are the one that put the discussion in those terms...coward????you dont know me in the least..mr "im gonna hide behind my monitor and go home and stroke my integrity."


"you don't know me!!!!!" And "No, u!"



Edited by Jandi
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Really, you couldn't even be bothered to read 2 sentences? I said NON-money games, as in, no gabling involved.


We both know you'd be thrown out instantly. Furthermore, things have as much value as people believe they have. If purple pixels were REALLY worthless, why is there a massive industry in faming and selling of in-game items for real money?


Your argument is stupid, childish and narrow minded and you know it.

yeah "non-money" games don't really matter...for starters its real life with real people that are competing with one another and are impacted by what other players are doing, not looting video game capes.


furthermore these non-money games arent run at non-money hotels that serve non-money food, non-money drinks and non-money entertainment.

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yeah "non-money" games don't really matter...for starters its real life with real people that are competing with one another and are impacted by what other players are doing, not looting video game capes.


furthermore these non-money games arent run at non-money hotels that serve non-money food, non-money drinks and non-money entertainment.


You seem to be one of those weird people who think everyone else is an NPC, and not a real human being just like you in MMO's.


I don't know about you, but when I play GSF or WZ's, I'm competing with real people and when I do OPS, I'm playing with real people and if go around wiping the raid intentionally, many real human beings will get angry.


When you grow up, you'll get it. (nothing to do with age, btw)

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BW is doing what they can you do not want them to kill there own game this was a big mess up by the devs. They were told about the bug in beta they did nothing till it went live with it which was there bad. They can not blame the players base that a bug that was reported more time then you all will ever know. They did nothing till it became ramped I sat and watched in stealth hole guild doing it they can only punish so many. Would you all like a dead game or one that goes on so they cant perma ban any of the players that did this most likely those player that got a week ban had there toons striped of gear they got and schematics they learned along with credit they got removed. That's justice enough they will think twice after that. I for one would like to swtor have a bloody future not be shut down because they lost a lot of there player base. You all want to think this was just a few people doing it there were all the top end guilds that could clear the content doing it. I watch people doing it over and over again all day long while i waited for pvp ques.


BW needs to admit that they brought out a expac to soon before it can be patched. There closed beta testing is what caused this taking 3 weeks off at Christmas and dropping a expac was dumb because had they been at work a patch could of been done before it was bug then those that did it would of all been banned. The BW devs like there jobs they don't want to be out of a job when Swtor get shut down because they banned half the population the pays the bills

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