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Why on gods green earth does merc (a ranged class) have a melee root? As if its even worst that the root is for 2s if you have dots. I mean... Really lmao... But ya I just decided I wanted to make a thread about this. I always wondered but never asked.


Because it's ment to be an anti-melee defense (still could be range though so *shrug*). And no, DoTs don't break the root. Only direct damage does, DoTs aren't direct.

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Why on gods green earth does merc (a ranged class) have a melee root? As if its even worst that the root is for 2s if you have dots. I mean... Really lmao... But ya I just decided I wanted to make a thread about this. I always wondered but never asked.


Originally it was a knock back+root but then BW changed it to just a knock back but there were a number of threads asking for the root to be re-added to the ability. So BW instead of changing it back to a KB+root, they ignored what was actually being asked for and just made it a melee root.

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Originally it was a knock back+root but then BW changed it to just a knock back but there were a number of threads asking for the root to be re-added to the ability. So BW instead of changing it back to a KB+root, they ignored what was actually being asked for and just made it a melee root.


Ya I remember that. Rocket punch was the best finisher.

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Why on gods green earth does merc (a ranged class) have a melee root? As if its even worst that the root is for 2s if you have dots. I mean... Really lmao... But ya I just decided I wanted to make a thread about this. I always wondered but never asked.


The real problem is that Sorc have a 30m root with a 9 sec CD. And they don't even have to dedicate a GCD to root, since their rooting ability is also their DoT enhancer and DoT spreader. Did I mention it also heals the Sorc? LOL. The Merc root is fine, but melee need some relief from being constantly rooted when they aren't even near an enemy.


usually when a ranged class gets a melee root then it's because it's meant for anti melee defense. with range you could easily use it for offense what would be overpowered.


You mean like the Sorc root I just mentioned?

Edited by Macroeconomics
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Originally it was a short knockback punt very handy for interrupting a master strike or any other cast. Very devious for catwalks too as you could punt someone in particular off without punting everyone off. While running past them.


However these were the days of Electro Dart being 30m range.


In response to "too many stuns" many stuns were cut from 30m to 10m range so they wouldn't be used so easily by ranged classes.


The intention was that by making stuns harder to use they would be used defensively or tactically rather than spamming them at maximum range. As a consequence when melee finally got to the ranged they wouldn't be whitebarred already which was a related QQ of "unstoppable melee".


So stuns were weakened for ranged to reduce over-resolving melee, reduce spamming of stuns and a related casualty of this anti-resolve drive was to remove the knockback of Rocket Punch.

A side effect of this was to weaken merc vs slingers, previously you could stun a slinger at 30m before he could tank up in entrench and the many bonuses from that+cover and thereby do some serious damage before they broke free. Now a slinger would have to be a moron to not see you coming to 10m range (well inside his 35m range) to try that so just before you get there, entrench is put up and they have maximum defences ready.


The theory was, knockbacks build resolve, lets remove the knockback and add a root instead.



It is not without merit, a root has tactical uses.


These uses are exceedingly few when it has a melee range, it breaks on damage and melee have enough ranged damage to carry on from 4m to however far you can get before it falls off.


To get benefit from it you need geography to hide behind after rooting, jump off or knock them off while rooted.


It's the sick joke of our overpowered nature if we have a pillar handy that was once mentioned, we might "heal to full" behind it (not now all our heals are on cooldowns) and its also how our root works, the map has to be accommodating because on open ground that 4m range on the root is incredibly bad.

Edited by Gyronamics
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To get benefit from it you need geography to hide behind after rooting, jump off or knock them off while rooted.


I'll share a secret with you. The best way to use Rocket Punch's root in open terrain is not to turn and run away from an enemy after you use it. That invariably leaves you in range for a Force Choke or Force Push or other attack that negates the tactical advantage you get from the root. Instead I use Rocket Punch at close range when I am moving TOWARDS the enemy melee. Then I go through him. Given the vagaries of server lag, his client will not detect that I am behind him until I am already 5m or so on the other side. Then he must manually rotate to face me. I am usually 10m away by this point. After the Rocket Punch I can use a simple Rapid Shot (or Rail Shot) and then follow it up with Explosive Dart. He will be rooted for the full 4sec, and I will be a good 20m away when the root ends. This is harder to do with IO of course (due to the DoTs), but works fine on Arsenal.


Other key uses for Rocket Punch's root - use on bridges/heights/near acid/fire before you Jet Boost so you can be certain your enemy gets pushed in the right direction. Otherwise that aforementioned server lag can cause the push to go awry. Rocket Punch's root is also great when you outnumber an enemy stealther who might try to escape. In those cases get in close and root him. Exception would be if your teammate is a melee, then you might not want to get everyone close in to the enemy and have everyone vulnerable to an AoE mezz.


I use Rocket Punch a lot.

Edited by Macroeconomics
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usually when a ranged class gets a melee root then it's because it's meant for anti melee defense. with range you could easily use it for offense what would be overpowered.


Anti melee? In a game were a melee class has 2 roots??? Leap + ravage ring a bell? Also were you walk slow as hell. HO helps but other then that getting spam rooted by melee and having melee root is just retarded.

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